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About Mobius

  • Birthday 02/16/1990
  1. Well, are you talking about the first one we ran into in D/P/Pt/HG/SS, or the first one that we encountered ever? If we're talking strictly 4th Gen, the first shiny that I found was a Graveler in Stark Mountain a couple days ago. Thankfully I was able to catch it without it blowing up in my face. The first shiny that I ever encountered period was a Haunter in Crystal Version. Unfortunately, none of my Pokemon back then knew how to attack without overkilling something. The only other shiny that I encountered was an Oddish in my Ruby version, which got transferred to Pearl, and then Pearl broke.
  2. I'm still trying to get a solid team together for the metagame, but my in-game party is currently like this: Current Party: Diamond Version Miyamoto Male Scyther, Level 53 Moveset: X-Scissor/Aerial Ace/Night Slash/Brick Break Item: Usually Razor Claw Note: My first Pokemon to be fully EV trained (Speed & Attack) Sanryuki Male Gyarados, Level 63 Moveset: Waterfall/Dragon Dance/Flamethrower/Earthquake Item: Quick Powder Rasengan Male Lucario, Level 65 Moveset: Aura Sphere/Psychic/Dark Pulse/Dragon Pulse Item: Leftovers Note: I accidently trained it for Attack instead of Special Attack, so I'm trying to raise another one Kazeshini Male Crobat, Level 60 Moveset: Giga Drain/Haze/Air Slash/Fly Item: Big Root Empoleon, Level 57 Moveset: Surf/Defog/Flash Cannon/Grass Knot Item: Splash Plate Note: Definatly going to replace him for another for the metagame Timare Female Garchomp, Level 57 Moveset: Dragon Claw/Flamethrower/Rock Climb/Strength Item: Draco Plate Note: Did NOT come out how I intended her to, breeding her like Rasengan Well, that's about it. I'm probably going to exchange Timare and Empoleon for other Pokemon (Empoleon because I don't really care for it, and Timare because I just found out that Garchomp became Uber class). This was still nothing compared to my Pearl team though... Pearl Team (no longer in this world) Angelfiend Female Zangoose, Level 100 Moveset: Return, Swords Dance, Ice Beam, X-Scissor Item: Silk Scarf Charizard, Level 95 Moveset: Fly, Heat Wave, Shadow Claw, Roost Item: Charcoal Groudon, Level 86 Moveset: Solarbeam, Earthquake, Flamethrower, Dragon Claw Item: Leftovers Dialga, Level 82 Moveset: Roar of Time, Flash Cannon, Ice Beam, Dragon Pulse Item: Adamant Orb Venusaur, Level 75 Moveset: Sunny Day, Earthquake, Solarbeam, Giga Drain Item: Miracle Seed Lucario, Level 75 Moveset: Aura Sphere, Extremespeed, Drain Punch, Swords Dance Item: Fist Plate Well, that's it, the party I have now and the one I did have before I left a couple years ago (thanks to losing Pearl). Anyway, advice would be appreciated. P.S. How do you get those pictures of each Pokemon into the messages?
  3. Mobius

    I'm Back!

    Nah, sorry. I might have seen something like Knightwing, but then again, I'm horrible when it comes to names. Anyway, thanks a lot.
  4. Nah, it was probably a rejected Gurren Lagann mecha design. ---------- Post added at 07:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:06 PM ---------- Ah, true, true. Them suicide bombers are annoying! However, that's one of the reasons that I make sure that my party Pokemon are fully Speed EV train. I have spent 10 hours straight on Route 201 going on a Starly killing spree just so I knew that my Pokemon will outrun anything. After that, they either spec in Attack or Special Attack, and ALL of my Pokemon know at least one move that is effective versus one or more of the common suicide bomber types (Rock, Steel, Electric). Thank you God for Earthquake and Waterfall. ---------- Post added at 07:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:12 PM ---------- As with my favorites, I can't choose the one I hate the most, mainly because I have too many. Now, my five least favorite, I think I can manage, so here goes! 5th place goes to Wobbuffet, because of his insane amount of HP, Shadow Tag, and the two things that this weird innuendo is famous for: Counter and Mirror Coat. I wouldn't loathe it so much if it weren't for the fact that every time I use it, I get a sound beating. 4th is Golbat, because everyone that I face that uses it or its evolution uses it for confusing/poisoning or what not. The one reason why I don't hate Crobat though, is because I use it, and it's not meant to poison you. Can we say Giga Drain+Big Root, anyone? Landing in 3rd is another Pokemon I thoroughly despise, yet I love it's evolution: Magikarp. Insanely hard to level up (especially at the start of the game and/or EV training it), impossible to level on its own until Lv.15 or so (where it learns Tackle of all things), and its stats are nothing but horrendous. However, it's spared from being on my blacklist because of Gyarados. Once it's at Level 20 (which is rather low considering its massive Attack and the levels required for other Pokemon to reach their final evolutions), I start having vengeance. Sweet, charred, crushed, or drenched vengeance (depending on which move I choose). Oddly enough, the silver on this list is taken by the the star of HeartGold; Ho-oh. I loved the idea of a phoenix Pokemon (especially since Moltres did a horrible job of looking cool), love its moveset...absolutely hate its looks. Honestly, it looks like they crossed a peacock, a turkey, and a rooster, and gave it those crappy bandit "masks" that go around the eyes. And they made this abomination a legendary! What gives? Its stats and moveset (as far as I know, it's the only Pokemon that can learn Sacred Fire) save it from the disgrace of the one (technically two) Pokemon that I arguably hate above all else... Bidoof and Bibarel. They look like the result of a intern that drank a bit more than he could handle, and were only allowed to be official Pokemon because everyone else was also a bit tipsy. They're the Sinnoh version of Rattata/Raticate, Sentret/Furret, and Zigzagoon/Linoone. Except that they look more than my brother's fro than anything else. To make it worse, they made Bibarel (who's supposed to be better than Bidoof) a Normal/Water type! Why? Okay, lets take the generic low-level type Normal of Sinnoh, and make it weak against Grass and Electricity as well as Fighting! Great idea, guys. Okay, that was five. I'm going to get off now before I start dishing out complaints against everyone. Have fun!
  5. Mobius

    I'm Back!

    Wow, things have changed around here, haven't they? Did something happen to the other site? Anyway, I was a member of the forums a couple years back, before my Pearl version broke. It's been so long that I forget my username on there, but I'm sure it was either Mobius or Mobiusdiablo (since they've been the only two I names I use since the dawn of time). Ah, who am I kidding? Why should I expect anyone to remember me from way back then when they have their own affairs to deal with? I would have rejoined sooner, but after having to replace Pearl (let alone the rest of my games!) and training my Pokemon right (EV-style), I've finally gotten my Diamond party up to a "respectable" level (55-65; Pearl was the only version that got past that point without me restarting it since I transferred my Pokemon from Ruby, Sapphire, and FireRed to them). That said, I have a new laptop and way too much free time, so I expect (hope) that I'll be on here longer than I was before. 'Bye!
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