Well, if you could notice frame drops, then perhaps your computer can't handle it?
What I meant by frame skipping, if I could recall the conversation properly, is something like vblank interrupting the frames. Vblank normally occurs for fishing (if I'm not mistaken), however emulators might insert a vblank when it's not supposed to.
The most obvious one would be stationaries: AFAIK they should only be Method 1, and a wrong vblank would make them other methods, thus illegal.
And no, the mon won't always come with a legal PID spread. It depends on what mon you encounter and how.
An example from someone who knows better:
(Context, the response was to someone asking about Pokemon Boxes' emulator. But the whole vblank business applies here)
Anyhow, if you don't wanna deal with it, just play on real hardware. :3