This is a legit Norway Mew for GEN 1 Pokemon games, distributed by Club Nintendo.
TID: 10595
The Club Nintendo Mew distribution ran in Norway from October 15th 2000, to November 20th 2000 and required you to be a Club Nintendo member to receive a Mew.
Club Nintendo members could post their game cartridge to Club Nintendo, Nedre Rommen 5, 0988 OSLO. Once the cartridge was received by Nintendo a Mew would be distributed to it, before the game cartridge was posted back.
This Mew was obtained by Digiex Member Golden Toilette back when he was 9 years old. So do send a big thanks his way for preserving this Mew 19 years later.
Magazine Scans and Translation:
Download: Club Nintendo Norway
Included is the original save, the extracted Level 100 Norway Mew and also the Mew reverted to Level 5.
All credit to Golden Toilette for this release, he sent everything my way on Digiex so I could write up and share it for everyone to enjoy.