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Posted (edited)
  pennypenny123 said:
I never give my good pokemon HMs. Unless their good ones like fly, strength, rock climb, surf, or waterfall. Even still, I don't do it unless I need to. Their annoying because you can't just delete it, you need to go to that one guy's house and get it deleted. Which makes it more annoying in the begging when you haven't reached his house yet.

You need HM to pass through the game unfortunately. And the only good HMs are Surf and Waterfall. Fly and Defog are unnecessary though.

Edited by wraith89
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I'm sorry wraith89 but I see the power of bibarel in competitive battling but he just is to hard to train in game making him weak. Plus with those buck teeth he looks stupid. Graveler just looks weird to me. I think fly, waterfall and surf are the best HMs and I taught both waterfall and surf to my starter in platinum because those are good HMs. I also realize that if you want an HM slave you should train it so you're not carrying around a crappy pokemon in your party the whole game. That's what I'm doing with my, ugh, buneary in pearl.

Posted (edited)


I know how people hate HM moves and all. I kinda do too... but it's pretty much necessary for a RPG game.

Bibarel IS hard to train... but if you want good HM users, you don't even need to have a Bibarel. You can spread around the HMs with the team evenly. Fly, and Defog are pretty much unnecessary, although Defog will help a lot. If you want, you can have Rock Smash and Strength on a Machoke or a Graveler or something, Waterfall on Azumarill or Gyarados or Floatzel (trust me, Azumarill is NO pushover), and Surf on Empoleon or some other Water poke with a decent SpA. But there's no reason to call something cruddy.

Edited by wraith89

Well, if you guys can refer to the original post, i have distributed those HM's in each party fighting pokemon, because since Pearl was my first pokemon version, i do not have any idea that i could change my party in fighting the E4, :)

But now, in PLatinum, i'm using:

- Bibarel

- Tropius

+ Kricketune (lvl 100) (not HM, but impt moves for catching pokemon, "false swipe, sing")

"thanks to wraith for giving me this idea :) )


Another Utility Pokemon I carry are Kadabras. One is Adamant nature, one is Timid nature. I need to find a Modest and a Jolly... and it is because they have the ability Synchronize, which increases my chance of finding a Pokemon of the same nature if I put them as lead.

  wraith89 said:
I need to find a Modest and a Jolly...

I can get you modest/jolly espeon/umbreons, or even abras/kadabras, if you'd like. I've been working on a similar project for quite some time, and it's almost completed on my diamond. :D

As for my HM slaves:

Bibarel, Staravia (caught another one in-game), and gastrodon.


-Rock Smash



-rock climb







Gastrodon was actually usable in-game, and I could have used a staraptor as well, but I really wanted to have aerial ace, fly, and brave bird all available on my staraptor (yes, I'm weird like that, but different strengths are for different opponents. Brave bird eats anything that moves, fly is just a little stronger than aerial ace, and aerial ace has good PP with no chance to let them setup or recoil damage. Oh, and it never misses).


Wing Attack has 35 PP and has the same power as Aerial Ace! O_O

But Aerial Ace never misses :o

And that's pretty cool. I'd really love those pokes if you can spare one :D

I'm starting to use Tropius VERY often it's becoming a part of my team. :)


Well I do see how you can spread them out and I do that too and some not even HMs...like this

Bibarel (hehe)


Surf (although unneeded)

Waterfall (although unneeded)



Rock smash

rock climb


(forgot last one)

Loppuny (in pearl)

Rock smash


Sneasel (soon to be weavile and nicknamed falseswipe)

False swipe

I need to try out that kricketune thing. I also have a staraptor with fly and defog. It was the FIRST pokemon I ever caught and I'm going to train it well. I cant believe I'm using it as a slave. Also my level 94 empoleon knows waterfall and surf. :) Ever thought about lapras? I mean it can know surf (not sure on waterfall but probably) plus it has some pretty decent moves. I think it would be a good idea since once you get one (if you dont want to slave that one) you can breed to get another one. I think lapras's are pretty hard to find.

  pokemonfan said:
.....I need to try out that kricketune thing. I also have a staraptor with fly and defog. It was the FIRST pokemon I ever caught and I'm going to train it well. I cant believe I'm using it as a slave. Also my level 94 empoleon knows waterfall and surf. :) Ever thought about lapras? I mean it can know surf (not sure on waterfall but probably) plus it has some pretty decent moves. I think it would be a good idea since once you get one (if you dont want to slave that one) you can breed to get another one. I think lapras's are pretty hard to find.

Yup! Lapras can learn both waterfall & surf, in fact, he is now one of my favorites and the current lead in my in-game team @Lvl 72 :creep:

and true, he's very hard to find, it took me two days before i encounter one! at first, i was thinking of making him an HM slave (bibarel's replacement), but no! i realized he's better than an HM slave. (i gave him Outrage,Thunderbolt,Aqua Tail,Ice Beam holding a Choice Scarf)


Exactly...Lapras would make a great HM slave because it has some decency to it. (looks at beaver with disgust) Its hard to go through the game carrying around a crappy pokemon. Although its harder to teach HMs to good pokemon sometimes its necessary.


The beaver is SO not cruddy! Why does everyone underestimate it? Seriously... that beaver is dangerous and I'm willing to prove it to you guys.

Lapras is a monster! Why make her an HM slave when she has access to so many good moves?


Smeargle. :)

That's all that I need. It was hilarious the first time I flew on my Smeargle, and their cries are funny as well since they say it every time they use an HM move.


Lapras is too good for an HM Slave...Bibarael is an ideal HM Slave, and for me it can oddly pull off a win with is HM moves.


My Lapras is now at Level 89 and as Wraith said, this one is a monster! I spared him from being an HM slave, he is now one of my top favorites, i love his water absorb ability and in-game-Gyarados is no match to his thunder bolt :)

So far, I am still sticking to my previous HM slaves: Bibarel & Tropius

And since i've got two(2) "hacked" Mews from GTS recently, i might just use those Mews as my HM slaves! LOLZ!

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