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  Shogun said:
For the Rain Dance Swamper: I recommend Hydro Pump a bit more, and the reason is because it may be able to 1HKO some Rotoms, Forretress and Skarmorys, and seeing that you'd be using many other things with Surf or other water moves, you'd be better off with the risk due to the turn limits of Rain Dance. Also you could add a bit of speed to Swampert to be fatser then Machamp and Blissey (32 btw)

Anyways this is a really nice set!

(Sorry, I somehow messed up and the set was way before my post)

Yeah, I kept Hydro Pump after all. Regardless of Rain Dance, given the set, Swampert needs the extra bit of power. Outrunning Blissey isn't a bad idea, so I'll consider the extra speed. =)

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  • 1 month later...


Sub-Liechi Sweeper

Parasect (M) @ Liechi Berry

Ability: Dry Skin

EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spd

Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- X-Scissor/ Bug Bite

- Substitute

- Agility

- Brick Break/ Aerial Ace


Most viable in UU really. And even then it doesn't stand a great chance.

Sub down till Liechi is activated, grabbing an agility on the way. Putting Parasect at a grand total of 433 Atk and 348 Speed. Best on teams that can lay multiple entry hazards and don't mind having parasect dragging them down. Best bet is to come in on a slowbro's Surf and hope for the best :D.

Can work on rain dance teams with the dry skin ability allowing it to make more subs if need be. It's two points shy of outrunning positive base 100's so Twave support may be necessary too :D.

X scissor is primary stab, depending on who you want to hit, fliers or steals, Brick break or aerial ace are secondary options.

Similarly swords dance salac can work too, sacrificing speed for power.



Rain and Wish Support


Jirachi@ Damp Rock/ Leftovers

Ability: Serene Grace

Nature: Calm(+SpD, -Atk)

-Rain Dance


-Water Pulse/ U-Turn


Hopefully you can get the 60% paralyze with Thunder, then hope for confusion(Water Pulse) or U-Turn out to a Poke benifitted by the Rain, or Wish.

Posted (edited)
  BuffJoe said:

Rain and Wish Support


Jirachi@ Damp Rock/ Leftovers

Ability: Serene Grace

Nature: Calm(+SpD, -Atk)

-Rain Dance


-Water Pulse/ U-Turn


Hopefully you can get the 60% paralyze with Thunder, then hope for confusion(Water Pulse) or U-Turn out to a Poke benifitted by the Rain, or Wish.

I like it :D

Fancy posting the EVs though?

(and pssst you don't need to use tags to get the sprites, you can type in [sprite]POKEDEXNUMBER[/*sprite] without the *. Or [hgsssprite]POKEDEXNUMBER[/*hgsssprite]. For shiny ones, just do [*shinysprite]POKEDEXNUMBER[*/shinysprite]. You can also do icons and overworld sprites with icon instead of sprite and OVRSPRITE)

Edited by Gin
  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I was comparing my Shiny Blastoise moves with another pokemon and I came up with this set.


Little Bro (M) @ Leftovers

Nature: Gentle (+SpD -Def)

Ability: Torrent

Ev: 252 Hp/252 SpD/4 SpA

Iv: All 31

- Skull Bash

- Dig

- Iron Defense

- Substitute

Comment: First, use Substitute which will give you 90 Hp Substitute followed by Iron Defense 3 to 4 times to max out your Defense. Skull Bash is used for Neutral Damage and Dig is for coverage and hits Electric types hard.

Dig is very useful instead of Earthquake because it gives you more coverage, but if you perver power over coverage, then use Earthquake.

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
Well, I was comparing my Shiny Blastoise moves with another pokemon and I came up with this set.


Little Bro (M) @ Leftovers

Nature: Gentle (+SpD -Def)

Ability: Torrent

Ev: 252 Hp/252 SpD/4 SpA

Iv: All 31

- Skull Bash

- Dig

- Iron Defense

- Substitute

Comment: First, use Substitute which will give you 90 Hp Substitute followed by Iron Defense 3 to 4 times to max out your Defense. Skull Bash is used for Neutral Damage and Dig is for coverage and hits Electric types hard.

Really bad I think :/

Mismagius will quite happily set up on this and destroy you faster than you can tuck your head in preparation of the soon to ensue Tbolt. Gengar will do pretty much the same. Rotom will trick a scarf on you and watch you struggle, while things like dragonite and gyarados can happily Ddance in your face. D nite more so if it's packing Draco meteor.

And the thing is, as most blastoise pack rapid spin, spin blockers such as the aforementioned will switch in and completely wall you.

Also, with the given EVs and nature you're not accomplishing much. Something like brave would be better suited. 4 Evs in special attack when your not running any special attack also seems a bit weird :/.

Really, these two turn moves are so easy to predict that you very rarely see them used. Earthquake and aqua jet could work quite well, for instance.

Blastoise didn't get special treatment in his offences so really you would want to be running Max Hp and alot of attack power to even hit anything for a considerable amount of damage.

Dig is very useful instead of Earthquake because it gives you more coverage, but if you perver power over coverage, then use Earthquake.

Dig and Earthquake both provide the same coverage... Just earthquake is stronger and doesn't need to waste a turn :S.

ALSO... with seismic toss running writhe, 90HP subs aren't much really :/.

Posted (edited)


Snorlax @ Leftovers

Ability: Thick Fat

Nature: Careful

168 Hp/120 Def/220 SpD

- Rest

- Belly Drum

- Body Slam/Crunch

- Stockpile

Comment: This moveset is quite unique itself and can be used for both offense and defense. When using this moveset, you normally want to use Stockpile first to raise your Defense and Sp. Def as much as you can. You would Rest if your Hp is low, this will remove your Poison, Burn or Paralyz and last for 2 turns. You can either keep on using Stockpile if you can or use Belly Drum if you can't use Stockpile anymore. After you use Belly Drum, you always want to use Rest afterwords. Once you wake up, your Attack, Defense and Sp. Def would be maximized and would become both more powerful and tougher than Blissey in terms of being a Wall. You can then use Body Slam to hit many Pokemon very hard or use Crunch to hit Ghost Type Pokemon very hard.

Edited by Riolu Aura Sphere Now
Posted (edited)

Yep I like this a lot :D.

However, you are going to need things that can stop the like of Jirachi and Machamp. Jirachi won't care a whole lot that you're at +6 attack, it will simply flinch you into an early grave. Similarly, Machamp will dynamic punch you into confusion. Dynamic punch a lone won't be a problem, however the confusion will be. W/ BD and SP, you're basically at +3 when you hurt yourself with confusion, and that is going to hurt a fair bit, so watch out for stuff like that. The way to remedy this would be to pack a rotom/gengar and heatran on the team with snorlax.

Another option is outrage for more neutral coverage (really, this set will never be hitting steels), however, the confusion again won't be pretty. If you got for body slam, I would recommend running Someone that can lure in Will o wisp, such as gyarados or tyranitar, and a Heracross. Allow scarfcross to take the burn to activate guts, and night slash away at gengar and rotom at + 1 atk and +1 speed. It's probably too much set up.

Similarly MAKE SURE SUICUNE/ SWAMPERT/ SKARMORY ARE GONE. It's all well and good getting to + 3 in both defenses and + 6 in attack, but as soon as you rest, they will roar/wind you out.

Edited by wraith89
Spelling errors fixed :L

Thank you a lot for the awesome rate. I didn't like any of the chosen moveset(s) for Snorlax at Smogon, so I decided to change it up a bit.

One of my friends had shown me a battle video he recorded on his Vs. Recorder and he defeated 4/5 of his pokemon with Body Slam and he survived Infernape's Life Orb Close Comber with Stealth Rock up and finished him off with one Body Slam from Snorlax.

  • 1 month later...

HEY! this scizor is not creative, dude. My scizor is almost identical. It has the same ev's and almost the same moves.


I have a pikachu i would like to share:

*Only for NU battling as it wouldn't be useful anywhere else*

Pikachu @ light ball



Nature: Mild (A +, D -)

- Volt Tackle

- Grass Knot/ Brick Break

-Signal Beam

-Thunder/ Thunderbolt/ Charge Beam

I'm new here and i havn't figured out how to view my posts yet so sorry if i don't reply to people.

Okay, I did not put much work into the ev's for this pikachu but i highly recommend maxing out speed because this pikachu is meant to be solely a mixed offensive pokemon so it's going to be easily killed if your opponent gets the chance to attack it. Even with max speed it still won't outspeed Electrode in NU.

I guess you could split the remaining ev's between attack and special attack since they will be doubled by the effect of 'light ball'. The moveset i think is really good, the purpose of it is to cover a lot of types. This pikachu is super effective against everything but fire, bug, poison, and some others i think but regardeless, with light ball it remains a force to be reckoned with. Grass Knot is good but it has nothing to do with attack, it is based on the opponents weight so i recommend brick break instead so you will be able to utilize pikachu's light ball boost. Thunder will do massive damage although it has low accuracy, thuderbolt will have better accuracy but won't OHKO soem pokemon like Articuno in NU, Charge Beam is least recommended as it's just there to raise special attack but since you already have volt tackle i guess you can use it.

well there ya go, my pikachu. You can use it if you want, i don't mind but if you have better ev's or a better nature then please tell me.


Personally I would run a Niave nature and focus more on the special attack as you're running 3 special attack moves and 1 physical, (I might even go as far as to make it a sub+3 with Sub/Grass knot/Hidden Power Ice(/Focus Punch)/Thunder bolt. With focus punch I'd say something like 60 - 80 Atk EVs, 252 speed and the rest in special attack; same goes for volt tackle too. But yeh, Niave nature first and for most.

Oh, and unless you're in the rain, don't run Thunder.

Mind you, what I suggest is merely the standard, and in this case I reckon it would work better than your unique set.

  • 2 months later...

Reuniclus@Life Orb

Magic Guard

+Spa,-Spe (Can't remember actualy nature)

Evs: 252 Hp, 252 Spa

~Psychic/Psycho Shock

~Shadow Ball/Focus Blast/Energy Ball

~Pick from Un-Used Move in Slot-2

~Trick Room

This thing is a monster. In fact, a variation of this is a Top Contender for Ubers. That's right, Uber. Why? Because it's soo retardedly slow, that once you have Trick Room up, you have 4 turns to OHKO nearly anything in your way. Literally, Sweeps are Common place with this Pokemon, and it ruins nearly every common metagame strategy out there. From Doryuzuu, to Speed Boostiken. Even the mighty Ditto trembles as its own Scarf is turned against it. In addition to be a One-Man war machine, it has Epic team support in the hands of Shuburago. Not only is Shuburago SLOWER than Reuniclus, but it's got MORE Attack to boot. It typically only has 2-3 turns, but that's all it needs. (Oh, and it's Physical Bulk is good enough to survive a Fire Fang/Fire Punch, despite 4x weakness) Couple These two Pokemon with Hail or Sandstorm, and you have residual Damage to take care of what they missed.

  • 2 months later...

Chesto-Rest Metagross

Metagross @ Chesto Berry

Trait: Clear Body

Spread one: EVs: 48 HP / 252 Def / 208 Spd (w/ Jolly)

Spread two: EVs: 164 HP / 252 Def / 92 Spd (w/ Adamant)

- Rest

- Agility

- Meteor Mash

- Ice Punch / Thunder Punch / Earthquake / Zen Headbutt

This set it meant for late game, as it's not got great coverage and can only really be used once. Plus, it's always easier to set up late game. The idea is switch in on a blissey/Chansey/Bulky water type that's quite weakened and set up in their face as they try to burn you. The beautiful thing about setting up on a pokemon that can burn you, is that your meteor mash won't instantly Kill them, however you will get a free sneaky boost to the atk stat. Once you're low on health (though hopefully still outspeeding) you hit rest. The best case scenario is that you have a Metagross with +1/2 Atk and +2 speed.

The EVs / nature are dependant on preference really. Spread one will outpace Scarf chomp after an agility, whilst the second spread has a bit more bulk and is oupacing the unboosted metagame. The added bulk means it can better take a priority attack like mach punch or Aquajet.

The last move is dependant on your team. If your team can already get rid of gliscor / Scarf chomp etc then you won't need ice punch. If your team can quickly destroy gyarados / tentacruel / Jellicent then you won't need Tpunch. If skarmory doesn't scary you you may as well run EQ, and Zen headbutt has ok Neutral coverage with steel, but you won't be hitting much with SE effect; however the flinch chance is nice with the added speed. Ferrothorn will always wall this set so make sure you can get rid of that as quickly as possible.

Good partners for this set are Scarftran and mixmence as they can take out most walls. Gliscor is also a really good pokemon to use with metagross as it resists things that metagross hates and can break stall for metagross, whilst Metagross can switch in on ice attacks aimed at gliscor.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well it may not be the best but I run a mixed Pikachu.

Pikachu @ Light Ball

Ability: Static (Ligthingrod once it is out)

Ev Spread: 78 ATK/181 SP.ATK/252 Speed (Hasty/ +Speed-Def)

- Thunderbolt (Stab, no recoil)

- Substitute (In case of a switch or the opponet trying to set up)

- Focus Punch

- Hidden Power Ice

Hitting: Steel, Rock, Ice, Water, Grass, Flying, Bug(Ice?), Dark for at least 2x.

Has a good coverage, his speed makes sure he wont be getting outspeed much and if behind a subs it can take priorities very well. I didn't run Grass Knot cuz I think is overrated not every pokemon weak to grass is heavy and really 20 BS power isnt great when dealing with waters.

Also I opted to a mixed set because Light Ball gives a 50% boost to both ATK/SP.ATK giving Pikachu with the giving spreeds ( 247 Atk which is enought to decimated with F.Punch any steel thinking it can wall Pikachu all night all day long, and 271 Sp.Atk)

For short understimated da mouse and you are going to pay for it and hard.

I think that this pikachu with some support can become deadly, Ninjask speed boost/Swords dance and another 'mon batton passing Nasty plot to Pikachu pft... =D boost his stats to sky high.


It's not a bad set, and it's also not far off of the standard, too, IIRC. The main problem is switching him in. You can't really switch him into any direct walls, and it's too easily revenged. So there's not really much I can say; other than pikachu will stay UU or NU for quite a while :/


Magnezone: Rate my set

Pokemon: Magnezone

Name: Wave Emitter

Ability: Magnet Pull/ Sturdy

Item: Balloon / Leftovers

Nature: Modest / Timid

EVs: 172 HP / 252 SpA / 80 Spe


Substitute / Recycle


Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Ice

Thunder Wave

I was just wondering if this was a viable set. The EV investment allows it to outspeed +ve base 110 speed pokemon after they are paralysed by Thunder Wave. This would most likely function as a revenge kill option where you are forcing a switch which you cripple with T-Wave.

The usefullness doesn't stop there. Given the base of the original steel trapper set it can very easily function as this once again, easily trapping Forretress, Scizor, Skarmory and other common steel types.

Coming in on a hit is unfavourable given the primary item of the balloon but it can still work effectively against Pokemon that aren't often in an aggressive position on the battlefield.

Recycle is there as an alternative to Sub to allow for a perpetual immunity to ground type attacks, although Magnezone has other issues to deal with where a substitute would be more appropriate.

Sturdy is there as an option over Magnet Pull if you don't need to trap certain Pokemon, as Sturdy can help you survive an EQ even after the Balloon breaks but also surviving super effective Fire and Fighting moves that will be flying at you due to your temporary immunity to ground.

With that being said, this Magnezone set is quite an effective status spreader, using it sparingly to allow for paralysis to spread to key Pokemon of the opponents team. At this point using Magnezone as an all out Special Attacker can be very doable.

I'd really like to hear your opinions on this set, I think it has some use yet.

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