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She sure is packing Psychic heat, and by that I mean all her attacks are Psychic-type.

Anyways, I have to get up-to-date with the current metagame, but Gardevior sure has an impressive movepool, and I believe she can pull the support roll rather well.

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At first I was going to say "Why not Adamant?", but then I saw it's holding a Choice Scarf while having Swords Dance...

I'm not missing anything, am I?

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You're being really risky, and not for any good reason.

Sky Uppercut is low power and not great accuracy. Replace it with Superpower. It's a Scarfed Pokemon, so the -atk, -def drop won't matter since you'll be switching out a lot anyway. Another option is Low Kick, but that's usually for Pokemon who don't have any other choice.

Flare Blitz or Fire Punch, probably Punch would be better.

Your last two slots have a few to choose from, but why consider Brave Bird when you have Earthquake. Rock+Ground type move nets you pretty good coverage, and fighting and fire hit everything else.

Superpower/Fire Punch/Earthquake/Stone Edge would be my set.


Yes I was thinking on between Lonely and Jolly Nature for my Blaziken, but then I was thinking about my Flygon which has Choice Scarf w/ a Lonely Nature and is a Revenge Killer and started to think that Blaziken can work in the same manner as my Flygon.

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:


Blaziken @ Choice Scarf

Ability: Blaze

Nature: Lonely

252 Atk/252 Spe/4 SpD

- Sky Uppercut

- Blaze Kick

- Brave Bird

- Swords Dance

First thing, never run boost move + choice item, as they completely cancel each other out (as choice items lock you into the one move).

However if it was a life orb over the choice scarf, I would recommend running a hasty/naive/jolly nature for that extra speed that blaziken needs, and running him as a late game cleaner upper, after a lot of pokemon are on their last legs, and with a lot of paralysis support. You could also slap on agility over swords dance for better effect as the late game cleaner-upper if you lack paralysis support. In which case some burn support and other general statuses could help.

If you go the choice scarf route you could stick to the lonely nature, or even run a naughty nature (+SpAtk - def I believe) and then put over heat over swords dance, this way you can use blaziken as revenge killer, or wall breaker, or both - it has the moves to fill either role. For the wall breaker role hidden power ice would be good over brave bird for gliscor, you might want to take 64 speed EV's and throw them into SpAtk for that little bit more power. Just be careful of gliscor holding yache berry as an EQ from Gliscor will OHKO I believe. Erm .. that's about it, haha.

Posted (edited)
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Gotta love Life Orb. I'd go with a Naïve nature myself, with a spread of 252 in Attack, 200 in Speed, and 58 in Special Attack, and I'd run it with Agility, Sky Uppercut (or maybe Brick Break?), Stone Edge, and Overheat.

Anyways, speaking of Naïve natures, I made some changes to the Swampert I posted earlier:

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[sPRITE]260[/sPRITE] @ Damp Rock or Leftovers

Ability: Torrent

Nature: Naïve

EV Spread: 232 Atk / 220 Spd / Sp. Def 52 / HP 6


- Rain Dance

- Superpower

- Earthquake

- Hydro Pump

It's basically a Tyranitar counter. Swampert's typing makes it a perfect choice to set up Rain Dance, and it also has respectable stats. I like how it turned out, but I'm sure there's still room for improvement...

Edited by Feralligates

I like surf over hydro pump, or even ice beam. Hydro pump just isn't reliable enough. Surf Plus STAB + rain is going to be hurting enough anyway, and if you can activate torrent, then surf will be deadly, It may require some EV shifting over to special attack I'm not sure. But the main things you'll be killing with this is Ttar, heatran and lucario, and as far as I'm aware non of those require quite as much EV's in atk as you have at the moment. I also actually prefer brave over niave as you need all the atk and def as you can get, while speed isn't of paramount due to swampert's low base as it is. Other than that it's a cool surprise set that could take people out of their element. It will draw in TTar, Abomosnow and hippowdon too (as they will want to keep their own weathers up to get rid of rain) so it's a cool wall slayer of sorts too :P.


I went with a speed nature in order to outrun Tyranitar and OHKO it with Superpower, so long it's played as lead, of course--in fact I could even outrun Hippowdon and Abomasnow. But I agree that those Speed EVs could be invested on another stat, possibly spreading them accordingly between attack and special attack.

As for Surf, it certainly is another option, mostly if Hydro Pump's accuracy isn't trusted, plus it's even better in 2vs2. I haven't had problems with Hydro Pump myself, so I usually choose it over Surf whenever I use PKMN like Swampert. Ice Beam sounds nice, but I could always switch in to something else with that move. =)


Ah I see. Well if the speed is doing it for you then by all means keep it that way :D. I'm just thinking I haven't seen that many Ttars in lead position... Over run by scarftars at that moment :/ ... in which case the speed is wasted.

Hydro Pump vs Surf is the age old power vs reliability shabang. I'm a reliabilty guy personally :L.

I was thinking about ice beam again, btw, and I actually think it would be more of a hindrance on this set, and I think the current set is very Workable, just maybe a tweak in the nature and EV's, like I said.


No, I haven't used this set yet, I'm just building one and possibly use it someday. The first one that I posted I did use, and can attest of how well it worked for me. I pretty much came up with this set thinking on lead Ttars, and possibly DDancers or even Mixed ones, however, I did imagine that Scarftars were the order of the day, which beats the motif behind the set.

Between Surf and Hydro Pump it's always a struggle; personally I prefer Surf, as I favor reliability over power, much like you, but depending on the PKMN and its stats, the added power that offers Hydro Pump is most welcomed. I certainly will never use Hydro Cannon, although admittedly I've been tempted to, as I'm sure many have. I know better, of course.

Anyway, here's a revised set:

[sPRITE]260[/sPRITE] @ Damp Rock or Leftovers

Ability: Torrent

Nature: Brave

EV Spread: 204 Atk / 216 Sp. Atk / 88 Def


- Rain Dance

- Superpower

- Earthquake

- Surf

Damp Rock is the item of choice, but the HP recovery from Leftovers is always welcomed. And I followed your advice and added Surf, mostly because 1) coupled with Rain Dance it will still hit hard, and 2) it has more PP, and we can't forget about the accuracy. =P


I used to run this Double Dual back in Platinum, but have not used it in HG/SS yet.


Sceptile @ Life Orb

Ability: Overgrow

Nature: Timid

252 SpA/252 Spe/6 Hp

- Energy Ball

- Sunny Day

- Focus Blast

- Hidden Power Water


Typhlosion @ Leftovers

Ability: Blaze

Nature: Timid

252 SpA/252 Spe/6 Hp

- Eruption

- Flamethrower

- SolarBeam

- Hidden Power Rock

This Double Dual was my most strongest and dangerous combination that I made. I might use this Double Dual for my HG/SS.


It's a small world after all; I've actually used those two in the Battle Tower. Pretty sick combo. I run HP Ice with Sceptile, though.

Two of my favorite starters right there.


Yes it is lol. I have HP Water because it is super effective or neutral effective against Glyscor and covers Typhlosion weaknesses which are Ground and Rock and covers Sceptile weakness to Fire. I have Energy Ball to cover Typhlosion other weakness which is Water. I have Focus Blast to hit Bulky Pokémon like Ttar, the Regis, ect. I have Sunny Day which I have for Typhlosion so he can use SolarBeam at will and which is the first move I will use.

Sceptile and Typhlosion are my most favorite starters too xD.


Hm... I don't see why you'd add Choice Scarf and Sword Dance. To be honest the set really doesn't look too good. Flare Blitz, Stone Edge/Thunder Punch, Superpower, and Earthquake is what I'd recommend.




Ability-Own tempo

EVS- 252HP/252DEF/4spD



Calm Mind


Sleep talk

Physical wall and then with around 2 calm minds a special wall and physical wall. When statused or low damage, rest and hope you can start surfing or get more calm minds up, this thing can take massive hits with a really nice defense and is able to full restore hp and status with a rest and then sleep talk. Sleep talk and rest make psychic or another move unable but after a couple calm minds you can expect 2HKO on grass pokemon as they arent that bulky, anyone like this set I use it.

How do y ou guys put pictures of pokemon in your post thats frickin awesome, if you tell me I will tell you my custom muk set.


I'm truly not a fan of SleepTalking, so I'll let someone else comment on it.

As for the sprites...


Add the number of the PKMN between the brackets.


  ORLYOWL said:


Ability-Own tempo

EVS- 252HP/252DEF/4spD



Calm Mind


Sleep talk

Unless this is for Wi-Fi, I don't see what makes this different from Suicune, who does Sleep Talk better due to Pressure.

I'd never use these only one attack sets anyway. Makes it easy to counter.


I am a big fan of the Sleep Talk combo and if you know how to do correctly, it can be a life savor. Trust me, I always this combo on my Typhlosion which I always use him as a last resort.

Slowbro is a good choice with the Sleep Talk combo, but you should change your Nature and Ev a bit.

Slowbro @ Leftovers

Ability: Own Tempo

Nature: Calm

252 SpD/252 Hp/4 Def

- Surf

- Calm Mind

- Rest

- Sleep Talk

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
I am a big fan of the Sleep Talk combo and if you know how to do correctly, it can be a life savor. Trust me, I always this combo on my Typhlosion which I always use him as a last resort.

Slowbro is a good choice with the Sleep Talk combo, but you should change your Nature and Ev a bit.

Slowbro @ Leftovers

Ability: Own Tempo

Nature: Calm

252 SpD/252 Hp/4 Def

- Surf

- Calm Mind

- Rest

- Sleep Talk

The EV and nature posted originally are great(ish) for the set as the calm mind boosts the special defence, so you want to pack as much physical defense as possible so you're not left vulnerable.

However, I'm with Randomspot, suicune DOES do it better. But at the same time, with the unexpectedness of this set, it could pull it off quite nicely.


I used to run this set for my Kyogre back in D/P.


Kyogre @ Leftovers

Ability: Drizzle

Nature: Timid

252 Spe/252 SpA/4 Hp

- Thunder

- Surf

- Water Spout

- Calm Mind

Water Spout is my first base move with Max Hp. Surf + Drizzle is my stab combo which great. I use Thunder to take advantege of Kyogre's Ability in which will allow Thunder to never miss. Calm Mind is great to have since it will boost my Kyogre's Sp. Atk & Sp. Def which will be deadly to my foe.

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