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Uh forgot to mention the slowbro is for the UU tire and suicune is for the OU so....


Hope that works? Possibly fail?

Well for the nature its bold because once you are out you cannot increase your defense anymore you can only increase special defense so the 252 defense EVs and bold nature is there because once you start calm minding physical attackers will be tempted to come in due to your defense not being boosted.

Here is the muk I use-

Muk@Black Sludge


Sticky hold

EVS 252HP/80DEF/176spD


Poison Jab


Sleep talk

Does exceptionally well on anything not steel, if that sprite thing I tried doesnt work can someone give me some help its kinda confuses haha....

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  ORLYOWL said:
if that sprite thing I tried doesnt work can someone give me some help its kinda confuses haha....

Not really got time to take a look at the set properly but the sprite thing would be [*sprite]pokedex number[/sprite] - for instance [*sprite]048[/sprite] without the * = [sprite]048[/sprite]



Nature: Adamant

Ev's: 252 of all stats

Moves: draco meteor/dragon pulse/ ice beam/sky attack

Hold item:leftovers

Description:he is shiny no pokerus (used to have) and is awesome the best no one can beat it


This is the lead Kangaskhan I made myself



Jolly Nature

Fake out

Brick break


Focus punch

Fake out, substitutes when they set up stealth rock/reflect or light screen. Focus punch if they set up rocks or try something else no risk in them sending in a ghost pokemon due to scrappy, brick break if they set up reflect or light screen and when the sub is broken or the other pokemon dies switch out and be a revenge killer/wall breaker late game.


Made this new set and it is insanely deadly







Belly drum

Mach punch

Faint attack

The idea is to switch into something you can force out and then get a substitute up, then you belly drum which will leave you at around 20% health and will activate the salac berry. Mach punch is the primary move and is deadly and unexpected despite the 40 base power mine killed a 252hpEV probopass with some invesments in SpD and also D, even though it is super effective probopass has some monsterour defense. Once the oponnent sees yu will be mach punching they will send in a ghost pokemon and faint attack can kill and outrun them due to salac berry.

Watch out for sucker punch and if you feel one coming you can switch out or maybe sub if you have the HP EVS that will let you make another sub after one sub+belly drum.

Trust me on paper this thing is deadly and in game it is even more deadly, very unexpected with mach punch and faint attack is never expected.

Here isthe math with the EVS his normal attack stat is 289, not that great at all but after a belly drum it increases to 867! Plus mach punch power or faint attack your looking at 900 damage.

His regular speed is 291 with EVS/nature but after the salac berry boost it goes to 436 enough to outspeed a lot with faint attack.

Well let me know what you think of this set I think it is the best one I have ever made lol


"on paper" it's deadly, but in practice I don't see how it could be useful. Belly Drum sets are basically a thing of the past with entry hazards and weather being everywhere. It doesn't even get the good base 100 speed Charizard has, and relies on one weak priority attack and one weak 100% accurate attack.


Fire punch over Faint attack would be a better choice IMO. Not every team carries a ghost type, so you're losing a lot of neutral coverage etc. Similarly, Fire punch packs stab, which with more base as is, will nail a lot of neutral pokemon for a fair bit more damage.

I ran this set too on my old Double Drum team, however I used magmar, as it has higher speed and equal attack. So as a thought maybe switch this set to magmar.

  randomspot555 said:
"on paper" it's deadly, but in practice I don't see how it could be useful. Belly Drum sets are basically a thing of the past with entry hazards and weather being everywhere. It doesn't even get the good base 100 speed Charizard has, and relies on one weak priority attack and one weak 100% accurate attack.

I have a spinner on my team for stealth rock, a weak priority attack is fine when you have 900 attack.

This set is about the unpredictability, no one expects a sub belly drum magmortar and will send in a water pokemon or a special wall


Definitely Magmar over Magmortar, no question about it. Also, Faint Attack is a complete waste taking to consideration Fire Punch can easily deal with Ghosts, plus it gives you more coverage.

randomspot has a point in that BD sets aren't as they were before, but they still have their use...and are fun, too. Just use Magmar instead of Magmortar, as it has more speed, as Tbird pointed out.

My two cents.

  randomspot555 said:
"on paper" it's deadly, but in practice I don't see how it could be useful. Belly Drum sets are basically a thing of the past with entry hazards and weather being everywhere. It doesn't even get the good base 100 speed Charizard has, and relies on one weak priority attack and one weak 100% accurate attack.

There isn't a HUGE amount of weather in magmortar's natural environment, and if anything stealth rocks can help/be neither here nor there on this set (So long as it is EV'd right) as once the subs broke it will only be taking one hits worth of damage anyhow.

Though keep this right out of OU lol.

  Tbird said:
There isn't a HUGE amount of weather in magmortar's natural environment, and if anything stealth rocks can help/be neither here nor there on this set (So long as it is EV'd right) as once the subs broke it will only be taking one hits worth of damage anyhow.

Though keep this right out of OU lol.

This is NU and even though magmar has more speed it raises suspicion because you can have magmortar in NU and they might think why not, fire punch is a good replacement possibly but can it kill the ghosts in NU and faint attack was also for uh psychics


It will easily deal with Psychics; remember that most have terrible physical defenses. Plus, Fire Punch is far more reliable than Faint Attack, and like I said, gives you more coverage.

EDIT: Besides, as you yourself said: "you have 900 attack", which is more than enough to fear a Fire Punch.

  ORLYOWL said:
This is NU and even though magmar has more speed it raises suspicion because you can have magmortar in NU and they might think why not, fire punch is a good replacement possibly but can it kill the ghosts in NU and faint attack was also for uh psychics

One of the biggest walls in NU is Regice. Hitting that thing for super effect is more important, as the psychics of UU will be killed by anything attached to a + 6 (Mr mime has 40 def ...).

Similarly bastiodon and probobopass, glaceon and exeggutor take an unholy amount from fire punch, the two biggest sweepers and physical walls in NU. And, you'd outspeed espeon and whipe it out with fire punch due to its base 60 def.

Using magmar would freak everyone out too :P. They'd be thinking "pshhh look at this noooob using magmar ... oh wait he just swept my enitre team :o:O" ... or something like that xD.

And that's about it. Haha


Good call on the fire punch, first game magmortar killed 3, second game magmortar killed 3.

The kid then after the game calls me a noob with a stupid moveset because i subbed, belly drum and then killed half his team.

Fire punch will be a nice edition for a strong move with belly drum and stab and will help with all those threats you listed, thank you.

So make it a magmar and a fire punch gotcha, anyone else appreciate/want to use this set I pokesav/gts exploit and can give you one?

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
Can anyone rate my Espeon please? I just came up with the chosen Move Set.


Espeon @ Leftovers

Ability: Synchronize

Nature: Timid

252 SpA/252 Spe/4 SpD

- Substitute

- Psychic

- Baton Pass

- Calm Mind

It's the exact same set as espyjump from smogon. This is for you're own sets remember mate.


I didn't know that, sorry about that. I never checked Smogon at all for my Espeon, I just thought it up in my head. Should I delete it or something?

Edit: I edited my Espeon Post and I am sorry about that. I didn't know that the Move Set was from Smogon lol.

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:

Can anyone rate my Espeon please? I just came up with the chosen Move Set.


Espeon @ Choice Specs

Ability: Synchronize

Nature: Timid

252 SpA/252 Spe/4 Hp

- Trick

- Psychic

- Heal Bell

- Baton Pass

I don't see the point in it to be honest :/. It doesn't have the bulk to pull off a heal bell set, it's not passing anything, and the only boosted attack is psychic, which by its self doesn't provide good enough coverage to be usable. ( I know, I know I run a Gardevoir that only uses psychic). Once you've tricked choice specs, it doesn't do a whole lot.

Posted (edited)

Before I thought up that Move Set, I had thought up of this Move Set.


Espeon @ Leftovers

Ability: Synchronize

Nature: Timid

252 SpA/252 Spe/4 Hp

- Psychic

- Shadow Ball

- Baton Pass

- Calm Mind

Edited by Riolu Aura Sphere Now

espeon really isnt the greatest baton passer, terrible HP and terrible DEF for a baton passer.

Any dark pokemon can sit in your face and set up, if you look lots of dark pokemon are in the NU and can swords dance/agility and destroy you.


For the Rain Dance Swamper: I recommend Hydro Pump a bit more, and the reason is because it may be able to 1HKO some Rotoms, Forretress and Skarmorys, and seeing that you'd be using many other things with Surf or other water moves, you'd be better off with the risk due to the turn limits of Rain Dance. Also you could add a bit of speed to Swampert to be fatser then Machamp and Blissey (32 btw)

Anyways this is a really nice set!

(Sorry, I somehow messed up and the set was way before my post)


I don't see the reason for adding Shadow Ball, seeing that most things take a lot from Psychic and it could use the coverage from Hidden Power-Fighting or Ground(for max speed) Also this set isn't excatly unique :/

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