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Black and White starters


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i ussually went on design and name. I chose Chamander, Cyndaquil, Treecko, and Turtwig but i don't know wwho ima choose cause Snivy would be an awesome starter if he ended up being a flying type and Tepig would have been better off NOT BEING A FIRE FIGHTING TYPE FOR THE THIRD TIME! :mad: so i might go with Oshawott but i'm still unsure

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Meh, I like Snivy's final form. Looks very French and proud, exactly how a Frenchman should be.

In game, I don't see it working too well actually, mainly because it is limited to Grass moves offensively, but I've decided, if I get this game (I'm still doubting it since I don't like most of these new things) I will pick Snivy. I still like the water one, but still, I want a challenge.

Also I don't see how Daikenki has swords in its legs at all! Can someone please explain that to me?

And I find it ironic that we all bashed the water starter and all of a sudden we like it because of its final form and turns out to be the best of the three Isshu (Unova, whatever) starters. Now almost everyone and their brother selects Oshawott. Turns out Gamefreak would troll after all.

Notes I took after I found out their movelist:

Grass Starter



Vine Whip





Vine Whip





Vine Whip

Grass Mixer




Leech Seed

Grass Mixer


Mega Drain


Leech Seed

Grass Mixer


Leaf Blade


Leech Seed

Grass Mixer


Leaf Blade

Coil Around

Leech Seed

Grass Mixer


Leaf Blade

Coil Around

Leech Seed

Giga Drain

Not learned: Slam, Wring Out, Gastro Acid, Leaf Storm

Take into consideration:

TM27 Return

TM40 Aerial Ace

TM53 Energy Ball

TM82 Dragon Tail

TM86 Grass Knot

Fire Starter


Tail Whip


Odor Sleuth



Defense Curl


Odor Sleuth



Defense Curl


Nitro Charge


Arm Thrust

Defense Curl


Nitro Charge


Arm Thrust

Defense Curl

Ember/Rollout (?)

Nitro Charge


Arm Thrust

Take Down

Ember/Rollout (?)

Nitro Charge


Arm Thrust

Take Down

Heat Stamp

Nitro Charge


Arm Thrust


Heat Stamp

Nitro Charge


Arm Thrust


Heat Stamp



Arm Thrust

Assurance/Head Smash

Heat Stamp



Arm Thrust

Assurance/Head Smash

Heat Stamp/Flare Blitz


Moves not learned: Smog, Roar

Take into consideration:

Heart Scale (or whatever is the new mechanics) for HAMMER ARM to replace Arm Thrust

TM08 Bulk Up

TM23 Knock Down

TM26 Earthquake

TM27 Return

TM31 Brick Break

TM38 Fire Blast

TM55 Boiling Water

TM71 Stone Edge

TM78 Smooth Over

TM80 Rock Slide

TM83 Cheer Up

TM84 Poison Jab

TM86 Grass Knot

TM93 Wild Bolt

Water Starter


Tail Whip

Water Gun

Water Sport



Focus Energy

Water Gun

water Sport



Focus Energy

Water Gun

Shell Blade



Fury Cutter

Water Gun

Shell Blade



Fury Cutter

Water Pulse

Shell Blade



Fury Cutter

Water Pulse

Shell Blade



Aqua Jet

Water Pulse/Surf (When do I get Surf?)

Shell Blade



Aqua Jet


Shell Blade



Aqua Jet


Shell Blade/Waterfall


Swords Dance

Aqua Jet




Swords Dance

Aqua Jet/Ice Beam

Surf/Hydro Pump (?)


Moves not learned: Encore, Aqua Tail

Take into consideration:

Heart Scale or whatever for MEGAHORN

TM13 Ice Beam

TM27 Return

TM28 Dig

TM40 Aerial Ace

TM55 Boiling Water

TM81 X-Scissor

TM82 Dragon Tail

TM86 Grass Knot

HM03 Surf (definitely)

HM05 Waterfall

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I love your Frenchmen analogy. lol As for the sword-legs comments... lolwut? It's based off a Samarai because of his shells; it's suppose to look like armor. I have no idea why you would even think he has sword-legs. Also, I still make oil spill references to Oshawott all the time. I may like his final, but he still is that funny-looking otter-thing.

Btw, never doubt the power of Troll Freak. ~STBE

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Yeah well, it reminded me too much of Rose of Versailles. I can't tell if Smuglord is more masculine or feminine... looks somewhat androgynous to me. I don't know.

As for Daikenki... according to Pokemon White's Pokedex data...

まえあしの よろいの いちぶが おおきな つるぎに なっている。

"Part of the armor on its forefeet is a sword".

What in the world is that supposed to mean? Whatever, I still cannot see it.

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Derp. What is gender? </sarcasm>

I was really talking about a predominant sex lean, such as Gardevoir looking feminine, even if male versions existed (why Gamefreak?) Same for Alakazam, Machamp, Roobushin, etc. I suppose I will Soft Reset for Smuglord to be female, it just reminds me of the serpentine portrayal of Lilith now as well o_o

And well, everything in Gen V is too odd to talk about. I don't even want to know anymore. Trollfreak is a troll. But Daikenki just has to be one of the most versatile things I've seen. It can go physical and special and has decent defenses.

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Yes, I know. What I was saying is that the gender symbol is there to troll purposely. Male Gardevoirs are traps. I feel sort of sorry for Wally. If he would have waited 5 years, he could have had a Gallade. :P Btw, I never compared Smuglord to Lilith before. Sort of makes sense aside from the fact Lilith is usually attributed to fire. Sea Lion Samarai by far is the best of the final evolutions, as you stated. lol

<--- Btw, Gen V may be odd, but I still like my Sazzy. Cerberus Dragon, ftw. And she's a nice mixed Wallbreaker, too. ;) ~STBE

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Just when I thought the trolling was over... and Gamefreak continues to troll us with stuff like male Gothivoir (I'm making fan names here until their localized names appear, and yes they exist!).

Smuglord is too interesting for me to give up and I love my snobby French (wo)men.

So we have a French (Smuglord = Louis XIV), a Chinese (Zhu Ba Jie piggy) and a Japanese (Daikenki).

Sazandora is a lot like the Slavic Dragon, you know... the scary ones that look like this? In fact the resemblance is there. Yeah, I like Sazandora, even though I don't like evil things. No idea why, although its stats appear underwhelming, I knew they would go the special route in this generation. Like I said, this generation is... messed up.

I believe we are all getting off topic here. Back to starters ONLY.

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Tepig... that name is incredibly tepid (pun intended). It needs moar bacon.

To be honest, while I do like it complementing Sonogong's incarnation in the form of Infernape as being his companion and rival Juh Palgye, this guy's a bit... different than what I expected. I don't know exactly how to play him because his typing doesn't scream out "defensive", and yet his stats are aligned that way. Also, he of all Fire Pokemon learn Boiling Water, which is incredibly odd. I don't know what to make of him.

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He has the defensive stats. Well actually, semi-huge HP, but he isn't Hariyama. His defenses, like Hariyama's, are low. He does learn Heat Stamp, which means the lighter the target, the more damage it does (this piggy is heavy). He is leaning towards defensive, but his offensive stats are quite huge on both sides, mostly on the physical side. The problem with going defensive is his typing, as Water and Ground are his common weaknesses and even obscure Flying moves and not so obscure anymore Psychic will take a toll on the baconator. At least Swampert had very little weaknesses (just one, albeit Achilles's Heel and rather easily predicted). I guess we can try capitalizing his resistances to er... Grass, Bug (4x), Steel, Ice, Fire and Dark moves. Okay, not too bad... I guess non EQing/Aqua Tailing Tyranitars have to beware.

Oh goodness gracious the F word O_O

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TROLL MOAR Actually, maybe that defensive part can come in handy... using the new move Nitro Charge. Even if Nitro Charge takes one slot, with 65 speed (that's already over Empoleon's for goodness sake X_X) you can outpace stuff like Scarftar when at + speed nature and start hurting things. Cheer Up is also an interesting prospect. I won't say this piggy is completely lost, but stuff like non-STAB'd EQ won't OHKO it if invested properly. However, unlike Hariyama, who has over 9000 HP and resists Fire and Ice owing to its ability, you will need both HP and Defenses investment to even think about surviving things. Oh well. And don't forget Boiling Water or Grass Knot can keep bulky grounds on their toes and have to think twice before switching in. It does have its merits, but Blaziken and Infernape do the job better unfortunately, as speed is more important in these metagames. Good grief, did they have to add another Fire/Fighting? What next? Another one?

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u mad True, I forgot about Grass Knot. And is he really faster than Empoleon? The moar you know, I guess. Empoleon could Aqua Jet him, though. :P

Btw, no comments on the middle evolutions. I personally think they're lacking (one could argue all the middle evolutions of Starters are lacking, save for Grovyle). Other's thoughts? ~STBE

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NO U Mhh, Empoleon got trolled. His speed is the same as Swampert's. I still don't know where that logic comes from. Mind you, you're not switching into an Agility Empoleon who will just SubPetaya it and proceed to wreak havoc with Surf or Hydro Pump. The pig has an unpredictability factor, but it can be argued so many things are like that. Other than that, I still don't know how it could be used practically over the other two fighters. However, I will keep experimenting. It should work well in game.

Daikenki is amazing in game... but competitively, either he was made to troll on Empoleon sans Steel typing, or is he just another water we can trash? Well, not completely. Like his other sea lions/seal/walrus cousins, he has access to Encore, which is quite annoying at the right times. However, Encore got nerfed to 3 turns, which is just sodomy blasted on Pokemon. Daikenki can go either physical or special. Though his movepool is limited, he has enough to play around. Sometimes, I feel like he has a 4 moveslot syndrome, even if he is quite limited. Like, I wish I could fit Ice Beam and Waterfall and Megahorn and Aqua Jet all in one set with Swords Dance, but it isn't happening. But I guess he's there to be a team player. His defenses are decent, his offenses are very useful, and he's quite good competitively, but I see more use in things like Gyarados unfortunately. I like Daikenki, but that 70 speed, though not too bad, is not too good in this metagame with things hitting insane speeds. But perhaps there's a way for him... I'll find out.

Competitively, Smuglord is a beast. And her (I'll dub it feminine now, I've decided she's Lilith... or maybe Marie Antoinette, but I don't consider the latter evil) Dream World ability Perversity (or Antagonist) is a rather scary ability. It reverses stat gains/losses. For example, Leaf Storm will raise her SpA two stages instead of lowering it! Yes, that means you cannot Calm Mind and Sword Dance anymore for your own benefit, but watch your opponent stare in horror as Icy Wind raises her speed instead of lowering it... or Shadow Ball having a chance of raising her special defense. Fun stuff can happen. Aside from Antagonist Smuglord, she can be quite the evil Subseeder with access to moves like Taunt and Torment and Glare in her deceptive arsenal. Snake Coil serves to raise her accuracy. She has tons of toys to play around with... because at face value, her stats don't say much. I was quite shocked too when I learned about her stats... defensive grass but still slower than Sceptile. SHAMEFUL! But with a slightly different movepool and serpentine properties, she can play quite differently from her cousin Sceptile and I've become quite fond of her. She's not THAT great but still has the potential to wreak havoc.

While I tested these two... I still can't find a way to use Baconator. I'm still trying to figure out however.

I actually like Wartortle. Actually, I like the middle evos of Kanto and Johto... and even Hoenn. Yes Grovyle is epic. I guess it started to get lackier later. I don't know. I wanted to agree with that statement about the middle evos. They tend to feel so middling. Incomplete yet not a baby... like stuck on a fence and not jumping over it.

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It can, but Feraligatr can do the SD Aqua Jet thing better due to its slightly stronger attack power and more physical moves to run with. And Azumarills with Choice Band don't need to set up to even hurt with Aqua Jet on non Water Absorbing Poliwags. I did like 52% damage to a Zapdos with + 2 Aqua Jet... in Rain with Daikenki. Sigh... but Daikenki running mixed attacks seems to do well. Cheer Up + Hydro Pump + some other moves (maybe Aqua Jet) is intense. Well whatever it is, Daikenki certainly trolled on poor Empoleon when it came to physical attacking. I have a feeling Empoleon's design was troll. They make a Napoleon-esque Penguin... and give it a physical movepool when its attack power is a paltry 84 and its Special Attack is 111? Trollfreak on the loose! In fact, Battle Tower offered a physical Empoleon. Even Jasmine's Empoleon had some physical moves IIRC. It's as if the game designers think Empoleon should be physical. By that logic, Daikenki certainly trolled there. However, Empoleon continues to serve me as a defensive penguin thanks to its resistances (you cannot ignore those key resists).

Rain continues to fall!

Riolu Aura Sphere No sent out Flygon!

Start of turn 13

Wraith89 called Josun back!

Wraith89 sent out Soonshin! (Empoleon)

Pointed stones dug into Soonshin!

The foe's Flygon used Outrage!

It's not very effective...

A critical hit!

Soonshin lost 168 HP! (45% of its health)

Rain continues to fall!

Soonshin restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 14

The foe's Flygon used Outrage!

It's not very effective...

A critical hit!

Soonshin lost 168 HP! (45% of its health)

Soonshin used Ice Beam!

It's super effective!

A critical hit!

The foe's Flygon lost 100% of its health!

The foe's Flygon fainted!

Rain continues to fall!

Soonshin restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Wraith89: What's with the critical hits?


Okay, this isn't about Empoleon I guess, but trying to differentiate all of the starters, and Daikenki certainly looks promising.

Antagonist Smuglord is a killer. It can be stopped, but if it gets that + 6, you're as good as gone without decent steel types, herbivores that can take its secondary attack (simulators use Hidden Powers like Fire/Ice/Rock) or phazers of some kind. Mind you, Pressure Pokemon can immediately eat up Leaf Storm's paltry 5 PP (8 on max) so keep that in mind.

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Feraligatr never crossed my mind. As for the Empoleon VS Flygon, it's not that much of a surprise considering he only has base 100 Attack. And Villain Smuglord could really have trolled if Game Freak gave him Close Combat. Yes, that makes no sense whatsoever, but +6 Defense and Sp. Defense? WALLED. Then after that he could Leaf Storm up and get a +6 Sp. Attack and effectively be unstoppable. This is, of course, just a example of how that new ability could raep even moar. ~STBE

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Actually, that took max HP and considerable defense EVs to even accomplish that. In fact, I have no SpA EVs in this one. Empoleon may be Steel typing, but it takes like 72% from an Outrage from Salamence LO + 1. It is no Skarmory.

Close Combat on Smuglord? Broken! But Leaf Storm, despite its 90% accuracy, is enough to make people shudder.

Although, I wish Heracross got the trait so Close Combat can allow it to wall anything, but Antagonist does not fit him. The ones who got Antagonist are Smuglord, Spinda, and Shuckle. TROLL MOAR Gamefreak, TROLL MOAR.

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  • 4 weeks later...

(SHUCKLE FTW xD) Hmmm... Now that i actually have information and not just looks to go on, i'm going to have a tough time choosing. Though it'll probably be Oshawott, since all my friends will undoubtedly choose snivy.. :/

Also I don't see how Daikenki has swords in its legs at all! Can someone please explain that to me?



Apparently, the spiked part of it's forearm shell armor is the swords hilt, the rest serving as a sheath.


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