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Thanks for the great ideas Guardna!

I am currently attempting to grind away on Route 48 to up some levels of my Pokemon before I go to the Olivine Gym.

Current team:

Dragonair - lvl 31

Lapras - lvl 30

Growlithe - lvl 30

Pidgeotto- lvl 30

Weepinbell- lvl 33

Hopefully attempt to head to the gym with everyone at lvl 33-35!

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Posted (edited)

Yeah, to be completely honest, I got very lazy, and figured I would just start grinding the team a bit more closer to the Elite 4.

I am about to take on Pryce, here's the team now:

Dragonair - lvl 33

Lapras - lvl 33

Pidgeotto - lvl 33

Weepinbell - lvl 34

Growlithe - lvl 34

EDIT: Beat Pryce. My team is missing a few things. Does anyone have a suggestion for a strong Fighting-type move that one of my Pokemon could use? I find that I am just hacking away at Normal-type Pokemon when I could just be Super-Effective'ing them?

EDIT2: Didn't have much to do tonight, so I kept on my journey. I didn't grind train very much, I just decided to get the final badge and grind-train on Victory Road. I have all 8 badges now, and my roster is like this:

Growlithe - lvl 37

Pidgeot - lvl 37

Weepinbell - lvl 38

Lapras - lvl 39

Dragonair - lvl 39

Edited by CamoCharge

16 badges done. Left Red. Here is my team:

Gengar Lv 62

Alakazam Lv 61

Typhlosion Lv 60

Ampharos Lv 59

Pidgeot Lv 49

Gyarados Lv 59


I think at the same time I need some super effective moves to take down the Pikachu and Snorlax as well. Perhaps I should trade some of my good fighting Pokemon from Platinum to counter that Snorlax. Thanks!

  mewmart said:
I think at the same time I need some super effective moves to take down the Pikachu and Snorlax as well. Perhaps I should trade some of my good fighting Pokemon from Platinum to counter that Snorlax. Thanks!

Super effective moves won't really be necessary on Pikachu. It'll get OHKOd by almost anything, if not 2HKOd.


This'll take a while but a way you could solve all of your problems would be to get the Riolu off of Riley (I think it's him) in platinum, trade it over to HG/SS, Slap the EXP share on it and go through the pokemon league like 8million times and give it close combat and earthquake (if it doesnt get earthquake .. I'm not sure, then throw on bone rush, it's in game so who cares right .. plus it's a cool move) and then that is the snorlax and pikachu both solved. Similarly you could get the Tyrogue from that guy in the mountain (oh yes I'm feeling descriptive today) evolve it into any hitmon you want - again close combat + earthquake job done :D :D


You really don't need to trade. You can still beat him with in-game Pokemon. Tyranitar will be helpful though, for not only can it beat Pikachu, Snorlax and Charizard and possibly Lapras, but the Hail changes to a Sandstorm.


Might give it a try there, meanwhile just trying to complete some of the side quests. By the way, for the trainer card to gain one star from The Pokeathlon, we simply need to get 1st for all 5 courses regardless of score right?


Last night I cured my main team of Pokerus (Played until Midnight, about half an hour) and then headed my way to Goldenrod to do the Team Rocket Radio Tower Mission. Boy, I've never seen the rival be such a ditz before! xD

  FreeSpirit said:
I have 49 game hours yet I'm still at the part where I have to catch Lugia. With that much game time, I would have beaten the game already but I didn't.

I don't want to catch Lugia yet and for some reason I like concentrating on the optional challenges first specifically the Pokeathlon. I love it to bits.

In the Pokeathlon, I have 31 trophies collected with a title of "A Veteran Pokeathlete". Just 130 points away from getting myself the last Friendship Trophy. Got all the collective stuff (shoes, jersey, and the flag) in the Trust room. My best attempt was in the Skill Course with 588 Points; and I was using a team of Eevees for that course.

I'll be still working on the Pokealthete first before taking on the world (elite four and etc.) lol

Can I just ask if by getting 1st in all 5 courses once is enough to have one more star on the Trainer Card?

  mewmart said:
Can I just ask if by getting 1st in all 5 courses once is enough to have one more star on the Trainer Card?

I don't remember when I got a star on my trainer card. I think it's from beating the high score for each of the 10 events.

Posted (edited)

Pre-order both HeartGold and SoulSilver one month before release date and picked them up the morning of release (gave SoulSivler to my friend). Pretty much finished with the game, with the exception of completing the Pokedex. Now, I'm rebattling all Gym Leaders except Blue. My Feraligatr is on Lv.93 while at the same time exp.sharing my other starters Charmander (done), Bulbasaur (done), & Mudkip. Did the Arceus event, the Jirachi event, & the Shiny Pichu event. Transferred all legendaries inaccesible in HeartGold except of Groudon and Celebi. Since I have Diamond & Platinum, I can complete HeartGold Pokedex in no time since both Diamond & Platinum Pokedex are 7/8 finished.

EDIT: Acquired Blue's phone number, took between five to six days to get it. Feraligatr is now on Lv.100. Currently at Battle Frontier. Already beat Battle Arcade once...

Edited by Major Logan
  • 2 weeks later...

I just caught Ho-oh on my brother's HeartGold. That thing was really difficult to catch.

Note: For the rest of you try getting a Flash Fire Houndour since Ho-oh cannot touch you in ANY way, shape or form with one.

This was my third attempt catching it. First I used a Pokeball for fun, then 2 Ultras, then the last one being Dusk Ball... and finally caught it. Since Feraligatr's Surf didn't do so much in this one and that Ho-oh was actually faster, I knew its stats would be promising...


Jolly Nature (- SpA + Spe)

level 45

[Actual Stat: Calculated IVs]

163 28-30 HP

131 20-22 ATK

90 9-11 DEF

95 5-6 SpA

155 26-27 SpD

108 29-31 Spe

How is that? Pretty good? I'm pretty much satisfied I think I'm keeping this one.


I caught mine yesterday. I really didn't bother with it so i caught it with Master ball. Turned out to be with adamant nature so i kept it.

Overall goal: Bring my armada from Platinum and gather as much pokewalker pkmn to help with legal.exe .

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

This is the closest i've ever been to actually completing a game :S

I've had pretty much all of them but always seemed to get bored when i was younger. Still feel like a relative new-comer though >.<

Played just over 100 hours (I bother too much with all the mini games) and have all 16 badges and on my way to Mt. Silver. I have Mewtwo, Ho-oh and Lugia so i'm feeling pretty chuffed.

(just a shame i've got no patience to go after Latias, Entei and Raikou)

Edited by Vulpixie

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