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Pokemon Perfect Heart & Perfect Soul


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2nd Update:

What is potentially the final release is out!

After damn near 2 years it may be done. I kinda cheated on dialga/palkia/giratina & latios/latias. the lati's can be found in Mt Silver (pretty rare) and the other 3 can be found in the ruins of alph. All are found at different times of day.

I added Jirachi in in the possibility he may have been missed, if anyone has caught a Jirachi previously please let me know where.

The Celebi time travel event now activates with a normally caught Celebi. Same applies to Spiky-eared pichu with a normal pichu.

If anyone finds any faults or bugs please let me know here and I will promptly check and, if possible, correct them.

Enjoy all 493 in 1 game!

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1 bug was found. Apparently we had an issue where the game froze if you went to walk into the door that would normally initiate the Arceus event. This was some left over code from a test I was doing (that failed) and I mistakenly forgot to restore the original coding.

This has been corrected and if you downloaded prior to this post please re-download, files have been fixed and uploaded properly. Sorry for any inconvenience guys! Enjoy!

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Hey Roland, thanks for your work.

I tried to patch with the xdelta gui but nothing happened, do you know why?

Xdelta and the GUI must be in the same folder (the GUI does not work without the program)

You click select Patch and select the patch (P*CE.xdelta)

You click select Rom and select the nds file for which ever patch you are using (rom must be completely clean! No AP patch or anything!)

The program will create an nds file that is the name of your original file with "_patched" at the end (e.i.: gold.nds is the original/gold_patched.nds is the output)

This is how it is done in Windows. I cannot help with other OSs.

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I've used xdelta before so the problem was something else. I tried it on my pc and it worked fine though, weird as the pc and laptop are both w7.

Anyway, thanks for the final update, I was waiting for it.

Well thank you for waiting, sorry I went on Hiatus for about 2 years but life and all that jazz. I am still playing through to make sure no bugs are left, if you come across anything please report it here and I will fix it promptly.

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Apparently Chikorita was impossible to catch due to an oversight by me and Mushen, this as been fixed a long with a few potential encounter bugs. New patch has been uploaded to reflect these changes. Enjoy guys!


One question, how come you didn't alter the Professor's speech to say something about the hack?

I mulled that idea around a few times but it just didn't feel right. I wanted it to be as immersive as possible and not break the flow or gameplay style. I still few a little awkward about some of the locations of some of my rares, as I fear breaking the flow, but that couldn't really be helped...

I did want to change the pokemon that comes out of the ball but as far as I could tell we have no way to do that with these games...

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I agree that it is better to have to search a little more and I don't know the percentages so I think that they should be rare, but with the odds more towards the normal pokes rather than the legendary ones, if you get me.

There isn't really a reliable way to distinguish between those distinctions though because of the way the encounters are set up...

you see my choices are 1% 4% 5% 10% or 20% personally I feel 4/5% might be just a little too high being a roughly 1 in 20 rate, it's easy to keep running away till you find what you want...

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I did not make a normal version for this one. I really only added the CE for my own sake, but yea it is the equivalent of my platinum challenger's edition. The trainers get harder as you progress so that the game maintains a challenge through out, rather than after awhile no trainer can beat your all-star team. (if memory serves me correctly trainer Red has a level 99 Pikachu in there somewhere)

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Pretty good so far, just beat Falkner. I may have missed it in this thread, but is there a change list anywhere, that detials, for example, wild pokemon locations and encounter rates?

Change list? Technically no. Most of the info for changes is listed in the first post. (least the important stuff anyway)

As for a location list, I am attempting to contact the person who made the one for Pokemon Platinum to see if they'd be interested in doing this one. I have not heard a response as of yet.

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So far i'm doing pretty good Chikorita is level 10 and just got my Poke'balls so now heading back toward Cherrygrove seeing what others I can ran into Glameow earlier but didn't have Poke'ball yet :( oh well anyway PPSCE Battle Series Ep 2: I am Birdman coming this weekend

I'm glad to see you started with Chiki. I personally always use the plant type (no matter what). I gotta tell ya, if you don't raise at least one other (such as pidgey) the next 2 gyms might hurt a bit. Falkner is managable for the most part but the 2nd gym I was forced to raise a pidgey a few levels.

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