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Possible Nintendo Space World '97 Mew


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Hi everyone.

A while back I bought a lot of japanese pokemon carts from japan. I dumped all the saves that were still there and have just had the time to go through them. On a copy of Pokemon blue I found a mew with the trainer: ルイージ and TID: 39156. I believe this may be a Nintendo Space World '97 Mew?

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It's possible, you should check the IVs of Mew, if the saves are on your PC, load the save file on PkHex and check if the IVs are:

HP 5
Atk 10
Def 1
Special 5
Speed 12

On the previous ヨッシー Mew we had from Space World '97 those were the IVs, most current known Mew distributions has those.

Edited by TotalTS
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10 hours ago, Yakama said:

I can confirm that they are indeed the IVs. Its at level 43 so not untouched. Its also got the nickname ミュウ. Moves are Psychic, Metronome, Ice Beam & Thunderbolt

Yeah, seems legal to me.

Would you be interested in sharing the save file for preservation?

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Ok so I think I have found another one. It’s a different trainer but the same one as mentioned above by @TotalTS being ヨッシー

same IVs and it’s level 100. I will upload save file but just to show I’m not making this up any scrutiny of these save files is welcome and here is a pic to show I’ve gone through an aweful lot of cartridges to find these two143896C2-4227-4D45-95E8-CD1110765288.jpeg.c735e647eefc31d70854e885e899c6ab.jpeg

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