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I have put up a temporary link for everyone to use.

I urge EVERYONE to please audit the archive and see if there is anything missing. If you find something missing, you may PM me with a link, post with a link, or email me with a link.

Thank you to EVERYONE at PP.org for keeping this thread alive, and contributing your events!


I updated the file. Organized a few of them (moving Korean back into the main events folder).

Some events such as Shaymin, Jirachi, etc. were organized by what they unlock or their promotion.

Added in the Ranger 3 events that were missing. Still missing some Deoxys (these can probably be extracted from the NDS ROM itself).

Added in all Jirachi's

Added Ash's Pikachu

Added all missing Japanese events

Added in WCS Crobat

Renamed other WCS accordingly

Added NZ Manaphy

Added remaining VGC regional silver eevees

Added remaining Pokewalker courses

Added remaining 10th anniv mew

  Sabresite said:
I updated the file. Organized a few of them (moving Korean back into the main events folder).

Some events such as Shaymin, Jirachi, etc. were organized by what they unlock or their promotion.

Added in the Ranger 3 events that were missing. Still missing some Deoxys (these can probably be extracted from the NDS ROM itself).

Added in all Jirachi's

Added Ash's Pikachu

Added all missing Japanese events

Added in WCS Crobat

Renamed other WCS accordingly

Added NZ Manaphy

Added remaining VGC regional silver eevees

Added remaining Pokewalker courses

Added remaining 10th anniv mew

The Pokemon ranger deoxys events are here

Defense: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?5164-Event-Contribution-Collection&p=101707&highlight=deoxys#post101707

Speed & Normal: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?5164-Event-Contribution-Collection/page58&highlight=deoxys

Attack: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?5164-Event-Contribution-Collection&p=101613&highlight=deoxys+attack#post101613


Hello, since I made 1 day I download entei wondercard shiny (Spain) and I do share if one is interested in.

the wondercard is legitimate.

I download of pokemon diamond.

And I will soon download suicune wondercard.

Hola, pues yo hace 1 dia me bajé la wondercard de entei shiny (Spain) y la comparto por si alguno le interesa.

Osea que la wondercard es legitima.

La saqué del pokemon diamante.

Y pronto sacaré la de suicune.

Entei Peli 18.02.2011 Legitimo.pgt

Entei Peli 18.02.2011 Legitimo.pcd

Entei Peli 18.02.2011 Legitimo.pgtFetching info...

Entei Peli 18.02.2011 Legitimo.pcdFetching info...

  kadmoth said:

Name 앤테이 (Entei)

Ot name is 크라운시티(crowncity).

Raikou Korean card, but if you think a bit you can generate the pgt simply keeping the pokemon in the pcd and then give to load in pgt, put you (enable gift and gift type:pokemon) and they already have the pgt to receive raikou Korean.

Es la tarjeta de raikou koreano, pero si piensan un poco pueden generar el pgt simplemente guardando el pokemon que sale en la pcd y luego le dan a load en pgt, le ponen (enable gift y gift type:pokemon) y ya tienen la pgt para recibir al raikou koreano.


Here is the french Suicune from CWF Nintendo :

The files .pcd, .pgt and .pkm are in the zip file !

Extracted with PMGE 1.43 and tested with Pokesav ! Enjoy :creep:


245.pngShiny Suicune (Wi-Fi, FRANCE)

Wonder Card ID: 61

Date: 21th Feb 2011

Distribution: (D/P/Pt/HG/SS)

Trainer: HVR2011 -> 0T ID 2211, OT SID 33614

Item: Rowap Berry

The zipfile here :




Suicune_HVR2011_French.zipFetching info...



Italian INV2011 Suicune

WonderCard ID: 61

Card Title:

Il leggendario trio di Johto!

Card Comment:

Trasferisci SUICUNE cromatico su

Pokémon Versione Nera o Pokémon

Versione Bianca e preparati a una

sorpresa! Salva il gioco dopo aver

ritirato SUICUNE al Pokémon-Market.

Icon: Pokémon #245

Distribution Value: 801D (D/P/Pt/HG/SS)

Date Card Received: 2011/02/21

INV2011 Suicune ITA.zip

INV2011 Suicune ITA.zipFetching info...


We still need the German suicune. Can anyone get the korean version of this event?

Also apparently there is a problem with with the UK Arceus. Anyone have one to replace it?

And the SMR2010 Jirachi with ID 06260, we are missing that as well.

Thanks to safrizal for noticing.

Posted (edited)

Hm possible mistake ...

That's was in my file. Don't verify if it was correct sorry. x_x

Edit: I confirm, it's the same. But from two different people.

Sorry for trouble. I'd be more careful next time ...

Edit2: German Suicune.

German WIN2011 Suicune

ID: 02211 SID: 58555

WonderCard ID: 61

Card Title:

Das Legendäre Trio von Johto!

Card Comment:

Übertrage das Schillernde SUICUNE auf

Pokémon Schwarze Edition oder Pokémon

Weiße Edition für eine Begegnung der

besonderen Art! Hole SUICUNE aus dem

PKMN-Supermarkt ab und speichere!

Icon: Pokémon #245

Distribution Value: 801D (D/P/Pt/HG/SS)

Date Card Received: 2011/02/21

Pic, pgt, pcd in .rar

German Suicune.rar

German Suicune.rarFetching info...

Edited by Djidane
Edit: Confirm Arceus; Edit2: Add event german suicune

Hey Guys,

Just a few events you seem to have missed all obtained by me in person.

UK Celebi from the current UK Tour.

French Celebi from the random downloads at Game and other gamey shops (I've not been able to find anything on any websites confirming this, but it is a local wireless download at the stores and the dates range from Feb 1st to March 3rd, can anyone in France get a scan of the poster?).

I also have a pkm file of the Arceus from the UK tour (mine in particular is from Belfast in Northern Ireland part of the tour), I deleted the Wondercard ages ago, sorry. Is it possible to recall pgt and pcd files from a save file?

UK Celebi.pcd

UK Celebi.pgt

UK Celebi.pkm

French Celebi.pcd

French Celebi.pgt

French Celebi.pkm

Arceus Belfast Timid.pkm

UK Celebi.pcdFetching info...

UK Celebi.pgtFetching info...

UK Celebi.pkmFetching info...

French Celebi.pcdFetching info...

French Celebi.pgtFetching info...

French Celebi.pkmFetching info...

Arceus Belfast Timid.pkmFetching info...

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