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When do you plan to release the PkHex update, especially with the best in terms of the White / Black Tree Nexus and especially the Mystery Gift Converter in quantity.
According to Github, they say that they do not want to use updates from them here, then?


¿Cuando piensa salir la actualización de PkHex?, sobre todo con las mejores en cuanto al Nexo Árbol en Blanco y Negro y sobre todo el convertidor de Regalos Misterios en cantidad.
Según en Github, dicen que aquí no quieren usar las actualizaciones de ellos, ¿entonces?

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@camus0314 no need to post twice man, I merged your threads and posts.

PKHeX is created and updated by human hands. It takes time to craft the updates to make sure it is stable without any major glitches.

When it is updated, it will be posted. (it is not like we wanna purposely withhold updates to drive people insane, lol)

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Sometime in the next couple of days when all the GSC/etc flaws are ironed out.

Updated exe files are posted here, not on GitHub, only when they are sufficiently tested. Over 100,000 people have downloaded the latest release in the past 2 months; stability is favored over rapidity -- corrupting / misrepresenting data is to be avoided.

As for ancillary feature requests, the code is public and anyone can make improvements. Entree Forest can be edited with other tools, and a mass gift converter doesn't fit well in the main program (nor would it be worth adding in as a main feature -- it's something one person runs once then distributes the files. It's like 10 lines of code to do that so someone can script it up just fine).

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