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  sagefox601 said:
Are there any, more advanced, over-world sprite replacements? I was thinking of replacing my character's sprite with a pokemon sprite or possibly the team rocket costume he wore during the radio tower event

I made this a while back. Here:

These values also may be used to modify your Multiplayer Avatar for the Union Room and Wi-Fi. The sprite change will only occur between two Copies of either Heart Gold or Soul Silver. Details on this can be found in the Third Spoiler.


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As I did with Pokemon Platinum, I've taken the liberty of deriving a list of values to be used to modify your character sprite to that of another sprite in the game. The following code was created by the hackers on GBAtemp, whom I thank alot for their hard work. The code will work like this:

Due to the lack of a calculator in the game, the alteration of the code is neccessary to change you character. Also note using multiple character altering codes at the same time has a high potential of crashing your game, so please refrain from attempting it.

Here is the code:

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

10025D90 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

First start by finding the desired value that you want. All you have to do is replace the Red X's with any of the following values and presto. You have yourself the desired sprite.

It should be known, however, that although the walking animations for each sprites work perfectly fine, the only sprites capable of having a working running animations are the Hero Sprites for Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold, and Soul Silver.

Values 000~00F:

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Values 100~1FF:

  Reveal hidden contents

Values 200~244***:

  Reveal hidden contents

I will update this thread as I finish more lists.

Also, here are some working codes that some of you may enjoy:

Play as Red:

  Reveal hidden contents

Play As Platinum Male:

  Reveal hidden contents

Play As Platinum Female:

  Reveal hidden contents

Play As Team Rocket Hero (Male):

  Reveal hidden contents

Play As Team Rocket Hero (Female):

  Reveal hidden contents

Personal Favorite Values:

  Reveal hidden contents
  Reveal hidden contents
  Reveal hidden contents

Pics of Modified Sprites:

Sprite Set #1:

  Reveal hidden contents

Sprites #2:

  Reveal hidden contents

Sprites #3:

  Reveal hidden contents

Completely Updated for the US Versions


Yeah... I Still Cant find a Code That Works On Eggs to make them shiny and how do i get theese EV Codes to work? >_>[HGSSSPRITE][/HGSSSPRITE]


Sorry I'm asking but I looked through and didn't see a code for Max BP. Is it there and I'm just not seeing it? If not can someone provide me with the code? Thanks in advance.


Here's the IV and EV viewer code for HG/SS US versions:

::Hold L to View EV, Hold R to View IV

:::Go to pokemon stats and hold the activator while switching pkmn to view the EV/IV

520899C4 F99CF7E6

120899CC 000021A3

120899D8 000021A4

120899E4 000021A5

120899F0 000021A6

120899FC 000021A8

12089A08 000021A9

12089A14 000021A7

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FDFF0000

120899CC 0000210D

120899D8 0000210D

120899E4 0000210E

120899F0 0000210F

120899FC 00002111

12089A08 00002112

12089A14 00002110

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FEFF0000

120899CC 00002146

120899D8 00002146

120899E4 00002147

120899F0 00002148

120899FC 0000214A

12089A08 0000214B

12089A14 00002149

D2000000 00000000

I don't know how no one's found it yet.. I got it off this site: http://www.thaigaming.com/walktrough-cheatcode-trainer/79774.htm

  Bledan said:
Practically, around 06xxxx or 07xxxx (depends on versions and regions, e.g. on Platinum US it is in 07xxxx) There is a succession of 6 values which works like this:

08(Hex)---[jump of 22 spaces]--->40(Hex)---[jump of 22 spaces]--->80(Hex)---[jump of 22 spaces]--->08(Hex)---[jump of 22 spaces]--->40(Hex)---[jump of 22 spaces]--->80(Hex)

When you see this succession you code the 6 values like this:

1206xxxx 000201F (obviously, the accurate address in which there is one of the 6 aforementioned values)

And here it is! I'm sorry, I absolutely don't know the correct names of all things and I can't explain which values are effectively changed and how :D I've managed to discover this through the Platinum US code posted by Baka_Kyuubi (if I'm correct).

Hope I explained this decently :)


Strange... Are you using HG or SS?

Hmm lol nah I don't really get what u mean.. Jump of 22 spaces as in to the right 22 number entries? and how do u know that its like >40, >80 and all that.? Maybe its best if I just not worry about it haha

  KyoMcFizzle said:
I'll look into it and see what I can do. I'm not making any promises, but I'll try what I can. Just try to be patient, ya?

Alright lol.

Another day won't hurt.

  KirinBlaze said:
Thanks so much, McFizzle. Is this an L+R activated or Select+Up?

Neither. It's a turn it on and the code stays constantly active. Here though:

L+R for Max BP

94000130 FCFF0000

121D3450 0000270F

D2000000 00000000

Select for Max BP

94000130 FFFB0000

121D3450 0000270F

D2000000 00000000

Start for Max BP

94000130 FFF70000

121D3450 0000270F

D2000000 00000000

Take your pick. :P I can also make it for Start+Select, L, and R.


Hey KyoMcFizzle, I found out that "Shiny Leaf Code" that you posted a while ago that suddenly disappeared right before I posted something.

Using that code you provided which is the PC IV Modifier Code with that one line you said that could be it which would be:

1206F114 0000FB6D

I edited the last two values to a random guess which I put:

1206F114 0000FB79

The results gave me that the Pokemon that I modified now has a Golden Leaf Crown. I can probably guess the values also edit the Golden Leaf status from None - 1 Leaf - 2 Leaves - 3 Leaves - 4 Leaves - 5 Leaves - Leaf Crown. Btw, why did your thread mysteriously disappeared?

  FreeSpirit said:
Hey KyoMcFizzle, I found out that "Shiny Leaf Code" that you posted a while ago that suddenly disappeared right before I posted something.

Using that code you provided which is the PC IV Modifier Code with that one line you said that could be it which would be:

1206F114 0000FB6D

I edited the last two values to a random guess which I put:

1206F114 0000FB79

The results gave me that the Pokemon that I modified now has a Golden Leaf Crown. I can probably guess the values also edit the Golden Leaf status from None - 1 Leaf - 2 Leaves - 3 Leaves - 4 Leaves - 5 Leaves - Leaf Crown. Btw, why did your thread mysteriously disappeared?

I tested that theory too. :3 I actually managed to figure out the proper version of the code for 1-5 Shiny Leaves and then the crown with the help of elixirdreams from GBATemp, but at the request that I not make the code public. :3 Long story short, I figured out everything you posted about 20 minutes ago, so I felt the thread was no longer necessary. X3


Mcfizzle and the rest I give big credits for the additional codes.

There are 3 codes we got to cover that many been dying to have.

-ALL Shiny Pokemon Code (works for legendaries and eggs)

I am working on a different version by editing certain line to take affect on all pkmn.

No luck yet though.

-Red Gyaradoes, more than 5 people came asking me about that.

-Weather Mod. I know this is a possible code and is a code I been dying for.

I could really use the rain in the game.


Also big warning!




  PokeFreak64 said:
Mcfizzle and the rest I give big credits for the additional codes.

There are 3 codes we got to cover that many been dying to have.

-ALL Shiny Pokemon Code (works for legendaries and eggs)

I am working on a different version by editing certain line to take affect on all pkmn.

No luck yet though.

-Red Gyaradoes, more than 5 people came asking me about that.

-Weather Mod. I know this is a possible code and is a code I been dying for.

I could really use the rain in the game.

Isn't there already a weather mod?

Edit: Nevermind the code was for Day/Dawn/Night

Not weather, my apologies.

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