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  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
That code is for the Japanese Version of HG/SS.

Here is th US Version of HG/SS.

HM Moves Are Erasable

92078034 00002001

12078034 00002000

D2000000 00000000

terrific works perfectly :) thanks alot!!


hey, just joined seeing how it seems this thread gets a lot of activity.. I'd like to make a request

there is currently an EV modifier code where you set the number of Proteins, Zincs, etc. to the number you want for each corresponding EV. ( 1 Protein = 1 atk EV, etc. ) ( 256 Protein = 0 atk EV )

after setting the values for each item, you go to your pc and mark the pokemon you want the EV's to be changed.

would there be any way to create a code that functions just like this, only using IV's? eg. 31 Proteins = 31 Atk IV's, 32 Proteins = 0 IV's

if it would help as a reference, here's the code I'm talking about:

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Sorry, I won't be able to help you there, but PM M@T with your question, since he is the one who has converted that code from D/P/PL.

I am not sure if he is still active since I have not heard from him, but if he does not respond back to your PM, I will see what I can do to help you.


Can somebody help me with the make pokemon shiny by marking code? It turns my Totodile into a lv.166 pokemon and a ralts into a lv. 207 lol.

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
Sorry, I won't be able to help you there, but PM M@T with your question, since he is the one who has converted that code from D/P/PL.

I am not sure if he is still active since I have not heard from him, but if he does not respond back to your PM, I will see what I can do to help you.

don't worry about it if you can't do it. I found that Pokemon Generator tool and it seems to work fine so far. Thanks anyway

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:

You MUST use the Shiny Marking Code by Marking Them In Your PC by going to Move Pokémon and NOT Deposit Pokémon.

Thats what i did.

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
You must use that code by itself and use it by Marking a Pokémon.

Just a heads up, you are way behind, most of the codes that people said they were having trouble with has been solved or fixed.

My game just freezes up.


Check again because the code works.


1. Check if you made any mistakes for the Marking Shiny Code.

2. Make sure you only have the Marking Shiny Code Activated.

3. Start your game.

4. Go inside a Pokémon Center.

5. Go to Bill's PC.

6. Go to Move Pokémon.

7. Put a Pokémon from your Party into a Box.

8. Go to the Pokémon that you put into a Box.

9. Choose Mark Pokémon.

10. Choose any Shape.

11. Choose Confirm.

12. Put that Pokémon into your Party.

13. Exit Bill's PC.

14. Go to your Party.

15. Go to the Pokémon you Marked.

16. Choose Summary.


Does any one have the Code to unlock the Winter Path on english games

I also like the code to unlock all Rounts 1 at a time in case I miss them I do like to get them the normal way but I also like having a backup plan in case something happens

  King Shuckle said:
I've run into a dilemma in the Safari Zone. I've activated the codes for all Blocks or whatever as well as All Degree Skills Max, but now Baoba wont call me for the second test! I've beated Red already, so I don't know what else I need to do to get him to call me. I think the codes may prevent him from calling you if you activate them before he calls you a second time. Is there a code where you can simply activate the use of blocks and the machine to swap the various lands without having to complete the second test? If not, is it possible for someone to create one?

Can anyone help me with this issue? Could there be a code that simply activates his second test and needs to be completed in order to move on in the Safari Zone?


When using the below codes, can I use more than one as once and how will I know that they worked?:

The following codes turn the vitamins (carbos, iron, etc) into 255 EVs for the appropriate stat.

HP / HP Up: 12084576 000046C0

12084AFC 000020FF

Attack / Protein: 120845E2 000046C0

12084B5C 000020FF

Defence / Iron: 1208464E 000046C0

12084BBC 000020FF

Sp.Attack / Calcium: 1208472A 000046Ca

12084C7C 000420FF

Sp.Defence / Zinc: 12084796 000046C0

12084CDC 000020FF

Speed / Carbos: 120846BC 000046C0

12084C1C 000020FF


Hi! I'm really new to using an action replay but I would like to request a code if at all possible.

I would really like a starter modifier code. That is a code that could be used to alter the pokemon you get from Professor Elm, like instead of getting a cyndaquil you could get Torchic or Charmander or any other desirable pokemon for that matter.



Thanks Riolu!

I know this is kind of out there...but in the Trainer House, is there an AR code to simply battle the people who I've traded with opposed to swaping pokewalker records?


I've actually been following these threads for a while but I never really got around to registering ^_^ I just sort of ran into an issue that I can't seem to find an answer for anywhere. Perhaps I missed it while skimming and this has happened to someone else before (and, if so, I sincerely apologize).

I started using the Wild Pokemon + Level Modifier along with the Shiny Encounter code earlier today on my ARDSi and it worked great for about an hour (I was farming for a specific nature). However, now, regardless of how many Master Balls I throw away, or how many times I restart my game, the code only allows Bulbasaurs to appear when I'm holding L. I guess I'm just wondering if this has happened to anyone else and, if so, were you able to fix it or am I just terribly unlucky?


Three questions:

1. In the Trainer House, is there an AR code to simply battle the people who I've traded with opposed to swaping pokewalker records?

2. Is there a code to modify the IVs forthe pokemon you already have?

3. Is there a code to modify the nature of the pokemon you already have?

Iv Mod

1206EE52 000002D6

1206F11E 000046C0

1206F126 000046C0

1206F12C 000046C0

1206F13A 000046C0

1206F140 000046C0

1206F14E 000046C0

1206F154 000046C0

1206F162 000046C0

1206F168 000046C0

1206F176 000046C0

1206F11A 000021XX

1206F130 000020XX

1206F144 000020XX

1206F158 000020XX

1206F16C 000020XX

1206F180 000020XX

The IV modifier code: is it for wild pokemon or the ones that are owned? I've seen this code before and others have claimed its for wild pokemon. If for caught pokemon, how is the code tiggered (marking?) and how will I know if it worked?




You activate the code by Marking a Pokémon. You must use this code by itself along side with the IV/EV Checker. It is for owned Pokémon.

The Values are as follow and you must use the Hex Values.

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I am SUPER new to this site. Like literally 5 min old but, I was wondering if there is a starter mod. code. I know there was one for Plat. but, is there one for HGSS?

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