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I've tested it, and the shiny code effects starters and Pokewalker Pokemon as well. The IV code also effects Pokewalker Pokemon. I just returned from a stroll in Yellow Forest, and all three Pikachu I caught had 31 Iv's and were shiny.

  Ensiger said:
Hmm, anyone found a working EV mod code for the vitamins?

This is the number one code I've been waiting for. With the vitamin code, you can do multiple EV spreads such as 152 HP / 80 Def / 220 Sp. Att. / 56 Spd so much easier than with the Marking EV codes, because those are too damn difficult to modify, and takes too much time.


Neither the regular Pokemon Modifier or the Pokemon + Level Modifier works right.

When I discard, go into the grass/cave/etc, what pops up is a glitch Pokemon. For the hell of it, I caught it to see what it'd do and it just lists as #000 and is a questionmark. Of course I didn't save, I remember all too well how MissingNo ruined my Blue game about 14 years ago. xD

I tried the regular modifier a few times. For Charmander, Pidgey, Jigglypuff, Darkrai, Mewtwo - none of them worked and just the question mark happened. :\

  pyroshocker said:
Yes.. any such code??

there probably is, unfortunately I'm no good at making codes, i just try and point people in the right direction, keep up asking in here and I'm sure someone will get you covered


Hey everyone, I'm new to the site as well as to code building, and I'm looking for some tips. I'm already proficient with Pokesav, and I want to learn the coding better to be able to help with some of the code demands. If anyone can help, please send me a message. Also, if there's anyone looking for help building a Pokemon, I'll be happy to help, but please be precise with what you need.


Hey guys,

I am not sure about this 100% but I don't think the new shiny code works with gift pokemon. I got the Cianwood Shuckle and it wasn't shiny. I still have to collect eevee and dratini as well as doing a trade pokemon to see if it works on them.

Also I was wondering if someone could get me a code for JUST rare candies. Almost like the heart scale one, but for rare candies.

  Gengarca9tales said:
hey sorry if I missed it but is there a "walk through walls code" yet?

Yeah, I searched for "walk through walls", but it isn't known as that here. Instead, it's called "move anywhere" -_-

!Movement Codes

::Move Anywhere Code

:::Note:Press R+B to enable, L+B to disable

94000130 FCFD0200

1205DAA2 00000200

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FCFD0100

1205DAA2 00001C20

D2000000 00000000

There you go.


I really hate to repeat anything that's already been said, but after skimming through this thread and the older one (both rather large in their own right), I don't think I've noticed an EV Modifier code that's similar to the Diamond/Pearl one. It was where you could modify a Pokemon's EVs by simply giving them a vitamin that coincided with that stat. Could someone possibly create one if it hasn't been done -- and have it so it works on the Action Replay for the DS, as well?

Also, I gave the all Pokeballs cheat a try, and nothing happened; though my game did freeze after I tried to interact with my Pokemon. Does this mean it's a DSi-only code... or did I simply enter it wrong?


Is there a code to change the gender of a Pokemon after you have caught/hatched it?

I have been looking for a code to change the gender of a Pokemon. But no matter where I look, I cannot find one for Platinum, nor Heart Gold and Soul Silver.

I have seen it done, in Diamond version. But I only have Platinum. I’ve also looked around Pokesav to see if I could make a gender change code, but I'm not sure about that.

Would anyone be able to help me out?


@Okamifang: don't hold me to this but I think "previous owner" pokemon are set in stone and can't be made shiny by any normal means

@theoctavarius: I'm pretty sure someone is on that, it is a highly requested code but maybe not the easiest to make =)

also I have done the pokeball code on both DS and DSi but I do know others have had issues with the code

Posted (edited)
  Okamifang99 said:
Hey guys,

I am not sure about this 100% but I don't think the new shiny code works with gift pokemon. I got the Cianwood Shuckle and it wasn't shiny. I still have to collect eevee and dratini as well as doing a trade pokemon to see if it works on them.

Also I was wondering if someone could get me a code for JUST rare candies. Almost like the heart scale one, but for rare candies.

This will put infinite rare candies in slot 1 of your bag. Enjoy!

  Reveal hidden contents

Credit for this code goes to Riolu Aura Sphere Now.

Edited by Mewchu
Giving credit where it's due.

Anyone have a code to obtain the national dex? I really can't believe there aren't more people looking for such a code. It bothers me that they didn't include all of the new evolutions for the 2nd generation or Wynaut and Azurill in the HGSS dex.

  Mewchu said:
I feel like such a NOOB, but I used the unlock all Pokewalker courses code,
  Reveal hidden contents

and it worked once, but later, after testing too many codes at once, I lost all my data and had to start over and reset the Pokewalker, and now the code won't work. What should I do? Would it work if I changed the activators? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The correct code should be this:

  Reveal hidden contents
  Lex said:
There's a "HM Moves Are Erasable" code that doesn't erase HM from bag?. All the code I've tried do this. Please, if anyone could do this it will be awesome. Thanks in advanced.

you want a code that erases all HMs from your bag?

Remove All TMs-HMS (Start to activate)








after you use this, you can use the "All TMs+HMs" code again to get them back.

(i also found one for just TMs, if you want that code ill gladly give to you as well)

& I might of read your post wrong( i do that sometimes :S)

the way i read it was that you wanted a code for erasing HMs from your bag; it was unclear to me from the way you worded it.

But if you wanted a code to erase HM moves, i cant help there :P


Need help,plz. im confused because when i play my ss game and want to get my national dex. oak is not at olivine and already have the ss ticket. p.s. i used ar.


Anyone have a code that will replace the first pokemon in your party? i accidentally got a bad egg and im stuck cause if i move it tries to hatch and it freezes my game. any help?

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