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  serenity44 said:
request for a move modifier code

found this code for TM modifier for japan but with no instructions

[TM Modifier (X or Y)]

1208864C 00002006

12088880 00002104

120888AE 00002104

12088826 000046C0

1208885A 00002006

120710AC 000080C8

120710BC 000070C8

020710CC 88CA7048

E20710D0 00000030

8800481C 02092101

D0004208 00493210

D0004208 00493A10

D0004208 00493201

D0004208 F0003A01

A900F818 1C2180CA

E2071128 00000020

2001E011 21F007C0

428231E3 2200D900

D900428A 46791C0A

4770814A 021D0694

E2088804 00000020

021B230F D028421A

F85CF002 2100484C

F79B5828 484BFE5B

1C015C28 0F000600

E208A1A8 00000010

46C0E000 88164A01

E02F52EE 0207114C

12088836 0000E006

1208A094 0000E001

For platinum the tm modifier was:

::Move Modifier

:::Change TM01 Move (XXXX = move hex values)

920F0BFE 00000151

120F0BFC 0000XXXX

D2000000 00000000

honestly have no idea what the japan code does, but if maybe someone here could convert the japan code or the platinum code, that would be awesome.

Same here my patience is about to run out for this code.

Everyone converting these uneeded codes with IV and EV junk.

I'm tired trading and using the TM mod in my diamond version.


For the love of god, I been waiting 2 weeks now.

  PokeFreak64 said:

Freespirit I'm working on your Evee code as well.

I could probably find the coding to re-trigger the Bill event.

Are you still working on this code or has it been completed yet? For some reason or another, the games' coding that involved the Bill event has screwed up and now in the ecruteak pokemon center I see Bill on the left top floor but he won't come down, if I go up there he blocks my path and I can't speak to him. If I walk back down the stairs I can walk through him. This happened long after I had gotten my first evee and I didn't use any codes that involved Bill's event. The only event code I used was the legendary trio re-triggering. It's not game breaking but, I'd rather he not be there, if he's not suppose to be anymore. Plus I wouldn't mind getting more evees!


I seem to be having a freezing issues while using three codes.

Nature modifier "Modest"

Easy Catch

Battle shiny pokemon

The freeze happens when using the "nature modifier" mixed with the "battle shiny pokemon". Any fixes for this?


@ dranoon it's probably just because you are editing the wild pokemon's code too much, not much I can say besides sticking to masterballs and turning off as many codes as possible

  PokeFreak64 said:
Same here my patience is about to run out for this code.

Everyone converting these uneeded codes with IV and EV junk.

I'm tired trading and using the TM mod in my diamond version.


For the love of god, I been waiting 2 weeks now.

STFU and GTFO, what these guys are doing is absolutely free at the expense of their own time; the guys aren't lifeless robots designed to make codes for you, if you REALLY want this code that badly, try paying someone to do it or learn pokesav, until then provide ONLY polite reminders. Like you said it has been two weeks, only two weeks, give it a break man, you don't NEED move modifiers that much

  Yugiwill1 said:
What game is your code working on? It still keeps freezing at the summery page in the PC box after markings on my USA heartgold (real not Emulator)

PS: Also using a DSI AR. Not sure how much that affects it.

I've tried many codes (including this one) on both games on both systems, right now i'm using DS and SS, my sister is playing HG with my DSi



why the triple post?

  dp734 said:
can anyone please make a shiny egg code D:
  sagefox601 said:
i think some one already posted it, look back a few pages

no there is no shiny egg code yet the one that person posted doesn't work with HG/SS


i've noticed the re-collect starters from oak code, and I was wondering if there's also re-collect codes for Elm & Steven's starters, thanks in advance.


Okay, I've noticed that...the Pokemon Modifier freezes my game if I activate the code and exit out of the bag. Basically, I can activate the code, toss the Master Balls/Ultra Balls, and if I exit out of there, the game freezes. Do I have to be standing in the grass in order for the code to work? Also, how far in the game do I have to be for it to work? (I'm using ARDS on Heartgold, a hard copy of it)

And if not, what's the code for just the Level Mod? Cause I have a Pokemon Wild Mod that you'd have to edit each time, but the Pokemon that appears is the only one that ever appears, and it appears at the level of the area (if you use it near New Bark, the level would be really low, near Mt. Silver, really high).

  sagefox601 said:
STFU and GTFO, what these guys are doing is absolutely free at the expense of their own time; the guys aren't lifeless robots designed to make codes for you, if you REALLY want this code that badly, try paying someone to do it or learn pokesav, until then provide ONLY polite reminders. Like you said it has been two weeks, only two weeks, give it a break man, you don't NEED move modifiers that much

First of all this is my topic. And pokesav doesn't make your pokemon your true OT trainer, due to the secret ID, which no code exist for the secret ID in SOul Silver and Heart Gold yet.

Secondly, I asked for help on this code for 2 1/2 weeks now and I even asked politely many times, it kept getting ignored.

It's a tedious code that I need help on.

Thirdly, many people here are converting codes, why not this one?

Lastly, I need all the codes I could get for my 100 codelist of Soul Silver and Heart Gold AR codes at my website located in my signature.

  sagefox601 said:
i think some one already posted it, look back a few pages

No the code for it isn't working as of now.

I am trying to work on a PC version of the Shiny Code.

I'm very close to breaking it.

  PokeFreak64 said:
First of all this is my topic. And pokesav doesn't make your pokemon your true OT trainer, due to the secret ID, which no code exist for the secret ID in SOul Silver and Heart Gold yet.

Secondly, I asked for help on this code for 2 1/2 weeks now and I even asked politely many times, it kept getting ignored.

It's a tedious code that I need help on.

Thirdly, many people here are converting codes, why not this one?

Lastly, I need all the codes I could get for my 100 codelist of Soul Silver and Heart Gold AR codes at my website located in my signature.

actually there is a Secret ID code that works

  Reveal hidden contents



Btw, is there a "Redo Bug Catching Contest" code? I've been looking for one, and no one seems to have it. And if there's no code, is there a way around waiting to do it on Thursday, Sunday, and Tuesday?


guys nvm i found a way

i used:

max iv for wild pokemon code

shiny pokemon code

wild pokemon modifier

easyyyyyyy :D:D:D


Ok, I found out how to redo the Bug Contest as many times as you want, but it's no code. Basically, set your DS's date to Friday, and change the time to like 23:59. As soon as you hit it, wait for the minute to pass while you're in-game, and the Contest should start.

Anyway, the wild Pokemon Modifier still isn't working for me...any tips how to get it to work?

Also, since there's a shiny Pokemon code...Perhaps you guys can make a shiny ROAMING Pokemon code? That code only affects random wild Pokemon and stationary Legendaries. Not sure how hard it is to make roaming Legendaries shiny, but I'll assume it'll be hard so I'll wait patiently =)


What I could use is a item modifier code that just modifies a single slot. I don't want my bag cluttered with all items, I just want a single Griseous Orb to use with this Giratina I traded.


I want to be able to use the wifi multiplayer character edit but I also want to connect to Diamond version. So, I have a few questions...

1) Can I use certain characters safely (such as socolite or idol) without any issues?

2)Can I change back to the normal mode by talking to the person in violet city or by applying another code?

Thnx. :D

  KyoMcFizzle said:
I made this a while back. Here:

These values also may be used to modify your Multiplayer Avatar for the Union Room and Wi-Fi. The sprite change will only occur between two Copies of either Heart Gold or Soul Silver. Details on this can be found in the Third Spoiler.


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As I did with Pokemon Platinum, I've taken the liberty of deriving a list of values to be used to modify your character sprite to that of another sprite in the game. The following code was created by the hackers on GBAtemp, whom I thank alot for their hard work. The code will work like this:

Due to the lack of a calculator in the game, the alteration of the code is neccessary to change you character. Also note using multiple character altering codes at the same time has a high potential of crashing your game, so please refrain from attempting it.

Here is the code:

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

10025D90 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

First start by finding the desired value that you want. All you have to do is replace the Red X's with any of the following values and presto. You have yourself the desired sprite.

It should be known, however, that although the walking animations for each sprites work perfectly fine, the only sprites capable of having a working running animations are the Hero Sprites for Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold, and Soul Silver.

Values 000~00F:

  Reveal hidden contents

Values 100~1FF:

  Reveal hidden contents

Values 200~244***:

  Reveal hidden contents

I will update this thread as I finish more lists.

Also, here are some working codes that some of you may enjoy:

Play as Red:

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Play As Platinum Male:

  Reveal hidden contents

Play As Platinum Female:

  Reveal hidden contents

Play As Team Rocket Hero (Male):

  Reveal hidden contents

Play As Team Rocket Hero (Female):

  Reveal hidden contents

Personal Favorite Values:

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  Reveal hidden contents
  Reveal hidden contents

Pics of Modified Sprites:

Sprite Set #1:

  Reveal hidden contents

Sprites #2:

  Reveal hidden contents

Sprites #3:

  Reveal hidden contents

Completely Updated for the US Versions


Is there an obtain national dex code? The one on the front page of the thread I'd assume give you every pokemon caught. I just want the national dex from the start to play through the game with..


There's a

-Instant Hatch


-Instant Breeding Code right~?

Just those 2~

And by the way I think you all are doing a really wonderful job ^ ^

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