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Posted (edited)
  PokeFreak64 said:
I got tired of the one topic because there was freaking 1000 posts and pages on that one topic.

60% of it is just requests or Stipid Japanese Codes!

Only add codes if they are US! Don't repeat any codes please!

Here's a starter Codelist. Any US pokemon heart gold and soul silver codes that weren't listed here, please post.

Credits to the guys that made these.


Event pkmn Pichu, Manaphy Egg and Arceus. (Press L+R and pickup from mart)

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I'm working on the celebi one.

Legendary Pokemon Rebattler and Legendary Music Editor.

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Majority Pokemon SS and HG 100% US Action Replay codes!

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Btw put ALL codes in spoiler format, makes scrolling easier!

can someone help me out with the action replay code for the VGC eevee? whenever i talk to the green guy i recieve a bad egg holding a focus sash>_> can someone give me a working code?

thanks in advance

EDIT: i found the code. seems that i typed a line wrong. i am now currently looking for a Pokemon Ranch Phione code, or just one that gives you all of the pokemon from the ranch. thanks if anyone happens to have it:)

Edited by zoroark12
found the code needed

Hey, I have a question! The people who have posted in this thread seem to be AR code masters, literally. Im using about 6-7 AR codes, none of them PokeSav, with wild pokemon modifier. Most, if not all are L+R. How many codes will should i be able to use without my game crashing or losing my save data. SoulSilver BTW.

Also, is it ok if I ask for someone to test some codes?

I lost the USB cable on my DSi's action replay, so I cannot hook it up to the code manager atm, so I have to plug in these really long codes. these both are wild pokemon encounter

5206E128 4284FE81

E2000108 00000060

021D15A8 41C64E6D

00006073 02111880

E92D40F0 E51F0010

E5900000 E1D018B4

E1D028B6 E0217002

E1A071A7 E51F1034

E51F2034 E51F3034

E5910000 E0243290

E0253294 E0246005

E1A069A6 E1560007

11A00004 1AFFFFF8

E5810000 E8BD80F0

1206E116 0000F792

E206E118 00000010

F7B1E800 1C05FE13

FE10F7B1 43050400

0206E128 E0001C28

D0000000 00000000

no triggers, from what the site says.

Its for encounters, not eggs, so if someone does test it, dont try breeding with it. I believe you can hold L according to another website that has the same code, but I think its just, once its turned on, its turned on until you remove the code and restart the DS.

No triggers on this one.

621d1584 00000000

0206defc 47004800

0206df00 02000001

e2000000 0000003c

6800480d 490b6840

88011808 9c0d8842

40510c24 20074061

04244041 940d430c

21001c28 f06eaa0d

4801fea3 46c04700

0206df05 000000dc

021d1584 00000000

d2000000 00000000


Yeah, I know. If it has been corrupted you will have to get a new game or start it all over again. Never have used key item codes again since one messed up my Pearl version. BTW, ive updated my first post

  Umbra_Vulpes said:
Hellu again. Does anyone have a code for a Celebi whose encounter information states that it was met in a "Faithful Encounter."?

Do you mind pokesav codes? If you dont, heres one for it:

94000130 FCFF0000

B2111880 00000000

E0014710 00000088

2CD92CDF 793B0000

9FF3E3C5 1F3F5D9D

DC291792 2E74A94D

4C9A240E 2059035C

572F175E DD11FAA2

5A70F860 4AEA1E07

2AFC2767 616F87FD

E951A027 48F5AED1

A1E3EE82 F8791644

18204B93 C7EEEE52


86A621E8 7FCB40B2


822D99BB 7D38A850

F8FF9C4A 273FC34D

1F07D403 3F07308E

99104530 1E3EF9C3

D2000000 00000000

Level 100 celebi maxed out and caught in a fateful encounter. will replace pokemon 1 in box 6 of your storage

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:


You activate the code by Marking a Pokémon. You must use this code by itself along side with the IV/EV Checker. It is for owned Pokémon.

The Values are as follow and you must use the Hex Values.

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Awesome! Thanks, dude! Anyone have any AR codes for getting the last people you traded with as opponents in the Pokemon House (viridian city)?


Hello all. I hate to be that annoying guy who only comes here to ask, but I had a code that I was curious if I could get a translation for. I simply would like a code to redo the Arceus event in HG. I've found a version that works perfectly for my American SS, but it doesn't work for my Japanese HG. I use a DS Lite and an actual HG game card.

The code I have is:

  Reveal hidden contents

I'd appreciate any help possible. Thanks in advance if anyone can help.


Hey guys, is there a code to delete all EVs?

I used the AR code for Max EVs and I really don't want unnecessary EVs.

So I tried deleting them the old fashion way, which is using the EV berries.

It doesn't work, and whenever I want to delete another Stat EV it says it can't go lower.

Again, is there a "Delete all EVs" code?

Please help.


hi everyone! i need help with a few things. I need the 'All Medicinal Items", "All Normal Items", "All Pokeballs" and "All TM/HM's" codes for the US HeartGold Version. But there's a catch. The 'L' button on my DS doesn't work anymore, so I ask of you, can you make such codes without the use of the L button? Any other button sequence would work fine, as long as the L button isn't included.


Anyone got the Pokemod AR code for [HGSSSPRITE][/HGSSSPRITE] that DOESNOT use the master or ultra balls and one that actually works? Cuz I have searched all over and cant find one that does. Also ones to change EV/IVs? Thanks


Hello, I had the same problem with the last code I used, but I used this code you listed:

Oh yeah, that could be a possibilty.

I tried it with this shiny code and plugged in the rebattle legendary code, and the legendary event pokemon was shiny.

Here's a tweaked shiny pkmn code


::Battle Wild Shining PKMN

5206E128 4284FE81

E2000108 00000060

021D15A8 41C64E6D

00006073 02111880

E92D40F0 E51F0010

E5900000 E1D018B4

E1D028B6 E0217002

E1A071A7 E51F1034

E51F2034 E51F3034

E5910000 E0243290

E0253294 E0246005

E1A069A6 E1560007

11A00004 1AFFFFF8

E5810000 E8BD80F0

1206E116 0000F792

E206E118 00000010

F7B1E800 1C05FE13

FE10F7B1 43050400

0206E128 E0001C28

D0000000 00000000

And when I encountered any poke my game froze, is there another code please??

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
Just replace the lines that have [94000130 FDFF0000] with the line [94000130 FFFB0000] and Press Select.

Ok, thank you for that.


Does anyone have a code that removes recoil damage from attacks? I want to teach my Giratina Brave Bird & I don't want the move to deal any recoil damage to it.


Does anyone have a code that removes recoil damage from attacks? I want to teach my Giratina Brave Bird & I don't want the move to deal any recoil damage to it.


Action Replay Cheats:

Complete Pokedex Before Obtained

94000130 fffb0000

62111880 00000000

b2111880 00000000

000015fc 00010101

00001560 fffcc750

10001564 0000fdfe

00001308 10001fff

c0000000 0000000e

000012cc ffffffff

dc000000 00000004

d2000000 00000000

94000130 fffb0000

62111880 00000000

b2111880 00000000

c0000000 0000000e

0000130c ffffffff

dc000000 00000004

d2000000 00000000

94000130 fffb0000

62111880 00000000

b2111880 00000000

e0001348 000000a8

32001fff 70000000

00000000 00000000

08050000 00000000

00000000 00000000

00032000 00000000

02000000 00000000

08000000 90000000

00800000 20000000

00000080 7fffffff

fffffffc fffcffff

7e7ff9e7 ff9c7ef7

ffffffff fffffeff

f8e3e6ff ffffffff

fefffff7 ff3cffff

081fffff dffffffc

ffe7ffff 39ffdfff

00000090 a2ac83fb

e4e4fefe 03020100

07060504 0b0a0908

0f0e0d0c 13121110

17161514 1b1a1918

d2000000 00000000

94000130 fffb0000

62111880 00000000

b2111880 00000000

c0000000 000001ec

2000140d 0000003f

dc000000 00000001

d2000000 00000000

Complete Pokedex After Obtained

94000130 fffb0000

62111880 00000000

b2111880 00000000

000015fc 01010101

00001560 fffcc750

10001564 0000fdfe

00001308 10001fff

c0000000 0000000e

000012cc ffffffff

dc000000 00000004

d2000000 00000000

94000130 fffb0000

62111880 00000000

b2111880 00000000

c0000000 0000000e

0000130c ffffffff

dc000000 00000004

d2000000 00000000

94000130 fffb0000

62111880 00000000

b2111880 00000000

e0001348 000000a8

32001fff 70000000

00000000 00000000

08050000 00000000

00000000 00000000

00032000 00000000

02000000 00000000

08000000 90000000

00800000 20000000

00000080 7fffffff

fffffffc fffcffff

7e7ff9e7 ff9c7ef7

ffffffff fffffeff

f8e3e6ff ffffffff

fefffff7 ff3cffff

081fffff dffffffc

ffe7ffff 39ffdfff

00000090 a2ac83fb

e4e4fefe 03020100

07060504 0b0a0908

0f0e0d0c 13121110

17161514 1b1a1918

d2000000 00000000

94000130 fffb0000

62111880 00000000

b2111880 00000000

c0000000 000001ec

2000140d 0000003f

dc000000 00000001

d2000000 00000000

I hope this helps. If it doesn't just complete the Johto Pokedex, and go to the boat in the city with the Lighthouse. Prof. Oak SHOULD be there.

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