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  legendary trainer z said:
ok well i manage to add the codes but i kinda don't know how to use em well you said mark em with the pc and i done that plenty of times but i dont see any changes....maybe im not understanding something....alil help lol

1.check to see if you put the code in correctly. its surprising how one digit can change everything. xD

2.after marking, move your cursor off the pokemon and check it again. sorta like refreshing.

3.if all else fails, i dont even know man...lol im not a pro at these things...

  legendary trainer z said:
im new to this site so i was wondering if anybody had legit AR EV code or a bypass code like in pokemon platinum

I got a friend at GBA temple, who is making that code as we speak and a few other codes as well.


Ohkay, well I am completely new to the post on threads, but I have read through this entire thread. And I'm in a.. predicament because I use pokesav and screwed up my SID. Can anyone help me? Is there a code to check these things?


When I tried to use the shiny marking code on my Tyrranitar and Salamence, whacky things went down: ball capsules came out of nowhere, their levels changed (sometimes to impossible heights like level117) they gained status conditions like poison or sleep, and their stats started showing question marks next to the numbers. Shiny none the less, but that was way too many changes for me to accept that.


Also, I'm sharing my latest Pokesav creation. A 7 man team inspired by Ash's journey through the Sinnoh region in the anime. Followed the anime to the latest episode (aired in japan) and you'll see why there are 7 instead of 6.

All at level 50, Ev's at 0, IV's determined by a random number generator, 4 moves his team has used in the anime.

Ash's Current Sinnoh Team (L+R) Box 18 Slots 1-7

  Reveal hidden contents

Hope you like it.

  PatK25 said:
When I tried to use the shiny marking code on my Tyrranitar and Salamence, whacky things went down: ball capsules came out of nowhere, their levels changed (sometimes to impossible heights like level117) they gained status conditions like poison or sleep, and their stats started showing question marks next to the numbers. Shiny none the less, but that was way too many changes for me to accept that.

did you mark them when they were in your box? that usually happens when theyre in your party when you mark them.


Ahhh yeah I pretty much overlooked something see the code works fine....I jus didn't pay attention to the change so thanks =) the reason why I wanted a bypass code is because I have the spiky ear pichu and the stats suck so I wanted to boost it up so it was atleast able to hold its own without getting owned


Hi everyone I'm almost finished with the EV Modifier Code. Cronus and I are working together with a few codes including the Ev Modifier Code. Currently it works, but it freezes when you feed a vitamin to a pokemon. This code is just like the ones from D/P. Once we're finish fixing it, we or I will post it ASAP.

Posted (edited)

LanceQ- How are you? Umm yes its working fine for now, but I'm checking if it works for every gym leader. I'll post real soon ok lol.


1. I'm finished with the Pokemon Ability Modifier and I'll post it soon.

2. I'm working on a special code that turns your pokemon to Lv.999999999. Right unbeleavable, but true. (won't work at all)

3. Almost finish with the Nature Modifier. Note: its the Pokemon Nature Modifier not Wild Pokemon Nature Modifier...Cool eh!

4. I'm working on a few other codes and some of the other codes, I've gave up on because their were too much for me to do, but I'll try again in the future.

Edited by Riolu Aura Sphere Now
  PokeFreak64 said:
I got a friend at GBA temple, who is making that code as we speak and a few other codes as well.
codes for the Jap. ver. or US?
  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
LanceQ- How are you? Umm yes its working fine for now, but I'm checking if it works for every gym leader. I'll post real soon ok lol.


1. I'm finished with the Pokemon Ability Modifier and I'll post it soon.

2. I'm working on a special code that turns your pokemon to Lv.999999999. Right unbeleavable, but true. (won't work at all)

3. Almost finish with the Nature Modifier. Note: its the Pokemon Nature Modifier not Wild Pokemon Nature Modifier...Cool eh!

4. I'm working on a few other codes and some of the other codes, I've gave up on because their were too much for me to do, but I'll try again in the future.

Any way to get a receive national dex code that will work on an emulator?

Posted (edited)

Is there a Clone Code that works in the PC boxes? the only clone code I can find right now is the party switching one, I dont really like it because you need to capture junk/filler pokemon to be cloned over.

Edit: found one that works.

Edited by Soladept

Can someone tell me the hex number for the S.S. Ticket? Or where to find all the hex numbers for items? I've been looking, but I haven't found anything...

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
Hi everyone I'm almost finished with the EV Modifier Code. Cronus and I are working together with a few codes including the Ev Modifier Code. Currently it works, but it freezes when you feed a vitamin to a pokemon. This code is just like the ones from D/P. Once we're finish fixing it, we or I will post it ASAP.

Thanks Thanks! :D!

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
LanceQ- How are you? Umm yes its working fine for now, but I'm checking if it works for every gym leader. I'll post real soon ok lol.


1. I'm finished with the Pokemon Ability Modifier and I'll post it soon.

2. I'm working on a special code that turns your pokemon to Lv.999999999. Right unbeleavable, but true. (won't work at all)

3. Almost finish with the Nature Modifier. Note: its the Pokemon Nature Modifier not Wild Pokemon Nature Modifier...Cool eh!

4. I'm working on a few other codes and some of the other codes, I've gave up on because their were too much for me to do, but I'll try again in the future.

What's the ability modifier code? I really need it!!

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