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Is there a code to multiply items for each category except TMs and Key Items. I see that the people who make who codes easily use the code to for another code. If someone could make the first item slot of the categories be 100x each except for TMs and Key items.

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Posted (edited)

I have tried both TM mods, and both of them do not work. Every time I throw away ANY amount of items I get the TM shadow force. ALWAYS and without fail. I'm using the NA Version of Heart Gold. I've also read through all 79 pages of this thread and would also like to say thank you to all of the code creators.

EDIT: M@T's works. I was being an idiot and forgot to press R.

Edited by TehPyro
Being an idiot

I'd like to request two codes (although they may be able to be combined into one)

I want a code that allows me to get a massage from Daisy at any time during the day (normally it's only 3-5 pm) and a code that allows me to get as many massages per day as I want (normally it's 1 per day)

Damn happiness evolutions.

  dakisbac said:
I'd like to request two codes (although they may be able to be combined into one)

I want a code that allows me to get a massage from Daisy at any time during the day (normally it's only 3-5 pm) and a code that allows me to get as many massages per day as I want (normally it's 1 per day)

Damn happiness evolutions.

Can't you just use the Max Happiness code (the one that requires marking)? I used that code and it works fine. And happiness evolutions are awesome (Umbreon & Espeon) xD

  ShaughnyyBoy said:
hi. i was just wondering if anyone would be able to give me codes or direct me to where i can get them for these:

1. Max Rare Candy

2. Max Masterballs

3. Max Experience

if anybody could possibly help me with this, id be forever grateful. :)

This is basically almost like asking for a "Item Slot Modifier" code. Geez this code is starting to become more in demand now.

@Mewchu: You should quote a person's request and then post the code so they and everyone else knows what that code is for. It would also be nice if you put a little title of what the code is.

  Mewchu said:
Here ya go. I hope you like it. ;) It's a special little friend of mine.
  Reveal hidden contents

Thanks so much, also appreciate your little friend of yours as well.

  Mewchu said:
Also nice to know I'm not the only adult Pokemaniac in the STG. ;) Welcome to the party.

You need to come to EUP Edinboro PA there's a friggin unofficial club here on campus...they even have a Pokemon tabletop RPG going that's awesome I sat in on a session last night. And for their pkmn battles they have a hand made program you put in the pokemon name/dex number, level and moves and then they can fight. GM has the program on his laptop for gym leaders everyone else uses another to fight. Anyways ya point is Mewchu your far from being the only adult pokemaniac


btw....i know that the lock capsule does. Apparently once the 5th gen. games come out, there will be an event to unlock the capsule, and you then trade over the item you recieve to the 5th gen. game. This item will help you catch the legendary pokemon whose name i believe is zoruak or something like that. Hope this helps.


I just updated m site if you want specific max items and other codes for heart gOld and Soul Silver feel free to check and visit my site @faospark.webs.com and has anybody already figured out the movement x2 code for HG SS US version?

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What does this do exactly?


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Doesn't do anything I wanted to max out all EV's on my pokemon is there a code that will let you just keep using meds to do so? I know Riolu is working on something with EVs.

Anyways thanks all for your help.

  Domras said:
You need to come to EUP Edinboro PA there's a friggin unofficial club here on campus...they even have a Pokemon tabletop RPG going that's awesome I sat in on a session last night. And for their pkmn battles they have a hand made program you put in the pokemon name/dex number, level and moves and then they can fight. GM has the program on his laptop for gym leaders everyone else uses another to fight. Anyways ya point is Mewchu your far from being the only adult pokemaniac

Well that's true, obviously, but I meant in my area. I've yet to see a pokewalker out here aside from my own.


Yup tried and tested them. for the instant egg code you have to talk to the old man before pressing LR to have an egg, the instant egg code as well as the fast egg hatch are both compatible to the shiny code


I need a code to make a pokemon have max pokeathlon stats. I really need to set records in all 10 events so I can get my next trainer card star. Then all that will be left is filling out the Pokedex.


Hey guys, I think this code has been requested before but I would really appreciate it if someone provided me with a code that completes the unown report. I know it's pretty stupid but I can't help it because of my OCD :[


This is an action replay code for the mew event (Make sure that no one in your box 1 slot 1 is a pokemon you need.)L and R to activate.

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Not sure what the event is but have fun.


:: PKMN Nature Modifier (Hold X, Press Left then Press Y)

::: Open the PM info screen, HOLD X and it will switch to stats screen, Press Left to go back info screen and press Y to modify character/nature.

E20004A0 00000038

7C495829 4A0BB50F

78337812 D1002A04

2A083301 3B01D100

D0082902 F06D1C30

7033F95F 21011C30

F980F06D 7033BD0F

46C0BD0F 021D0685

1208969E 000046C0

1208C9AA 0000F773

1208C9AC 0000FD79

1208DE12 0000F772

1208DE14 0000FB6D

1208DE16 000046C0

E208DE18 0000000C

46C046C0 46C046C0

46C046C0 00000000

E20004F0 0000001C

00E00600 7A494904

D9002902 BD082001

F08D46C0 0000FC8F

021D068C 00000000

okay so apparently these are the us codes?

Wild Nature Modifier:

* Credits go to M@T for translating the codes. *

Hardy - 1206E120 00002400

Lonely - 1206E120 00002401

Brave - 1206E120 00002402

Adamant - 1206E120 00002403

Naughty - 1206E120 00002404

Bold - 1206E120 00002405

Docile - 1206E120 00002406

Relaxed - 1206E120 00002407

Impish - 1206E120 00002408

Lax - 1206E120 00002409

Timid - 1206E120 0000240A

Hasty - 1206E120 0000240B

Serious - 1206E120 0000240C

Jolly - 1206E120 0000240D

Naive - 1206E120 0000240E

Modest - 1206E120 0000240F

Mild - 1206E120 00002410

Quite - 1206E120 00002411

Bashful - 1206E120 00002412

Rash - 1206E120 00002413

Calm - 1206E120 00002414

Gentle - 1206E120 00002415

Sassy - 1206E120 00002416

Careful - 1206E120 00002417

Quirky - 1206E120 00002418

how do i incorporate that to make the code work? i'm really confused

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