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  FreeSpirit said:
It's hard knowing what you're saying with the word placement you have there. If you want to see your IV's, use the IV/EV Check code. And EVs are hidden stats that help your Pokemon's stats. A Pokemon can have a max total of 510 EV points, a max limit of 255 for each stat. For every 4 EV points you get in a stat, your Pokemon will gain 1 bonus point for that stat when it levels up.

How you earn EV points is basically defeating any Pokemon. The EV point you gain from it depends on their highest stat so if you fainted a geodude for example, you would get 1 EV point for defense.

I thought someone told me that you could use the vitamins to get EV up to 100 in every stat. That would equal 600. Is that wrong?

And, as previously mentioned, I can't get that IV code to work. I went to Summery and tapped L and R and nothing happened with either of them.

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  J-bad said:
I thought someone told me that you could use the vitamins to get EV up to 100 in every stat. That would equal 600. Is that wrong?

And, as previously mentioned, I can't get that IV code to work. I went to Summery and tapped L and R and nothing happened with either of them.

You are supposed to hold L (For EVs) or R (For IVs) while you were selecting "Summary" and continue holding it while checking the stats. When you're done, that's when you stop holding the button.

And yes you can give up to 10 vitamins to a Pokemon giving them 100 EV points. But since you can only have up to 510, you can give up to 10 vitamins for every stat except for one (by then you can only give one vitamin in the last stat).

  FreeSpirit said:
You are supposed to hold L (For EVs) or R (For IVs) while you were selecting "Summary" and continue holding it while checking the stats. When you're done, that's when you stop holding the button.

And yes you can give up to 10 vitamins to a Pokemon giving them 100 EV points. But since you can only have up to 510, you can give up to 10 vitamins for every stat except for one (by then you can only give one vitamin in the last stat).

I see. it worked. And Holy poopy!

HP : 26

Attack : 1

Defense :31

Sp Atk: 31

Sp. Def 25

Speed: 25

That's defaults with no cheats.

  J-bad said:
I see. it worked. And Holy poopy!

HP : 26

Attack : 1

Defense :31

Sp Atk: 31

Sp. Def 25

Speed: 25

That's defaults with no cheats.

These stats are wierd though. My Giratina is ADAMANT,meaning +Atk - Sp Attack. You's think Atk would be the higher, but it's not.

Edit : I meant to edit my previous post, sorry.

Edit : The only code I see is for all IV's at 31. Anyone know a Atk IV = 31 code for owned pokemon, not wild ones?


Hi everyone I've found out what the Lock Capsule is. The Lock Capsule will give you a brand new pokemon called Zorua the 5th gen pokemon. This event will be released when Pocket Monster Diamond & Pearl: Genei no Hasha (The Phantom Champion Zoroark) comes out in Japan.

The Mareep Event is like the Special Dratini in Pokemon Crystal.

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
Hi everyone I've found out what the Lock Capsule is. The Lock Capsule will give you a brand new pokemon called Zorua the 5th gen pokemon. This event will be released when Pocket Monster Diamond & Pearl: Genei no Hasha (The Phantom Champion Zoroark) comes out in Japan.

The Mareep Event is like the Special Dratini in Pokemon Crystal.

May I ask for the source of where you found this information?

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
Hi everyone I've found out what the Lock Capsule is. The Lock Capsule will give you a brand new pokemon called Zorua the 5th gen pokemon. This event will be released when Pocket Monster Diamond & Pearl: Genei no Hasha (The Phantom Champion Zoroark) comes out in Japan.

The Mareep Event is like the Special Dratini in Pokemon Crystal.

Riolu, do you know how to make a code to permanently change the IV of the attack stat of an owned pokemon to 30 or 31? My Giritina's stats are great, mostly, but it's attack IV is 1. Yes... One. Not Ten, not eleven, it's one. And it's adamant, so that's just pathetic for an adamant.


Hi everyone sorry, but I cant tell you the source because I'm strickly not allowed until I have permission. One thing for sure is that this event was a secret, but some how somebody hacked this event and this event had been leaked out to the public.

Please try to understand and I recommand that you wait until the Lock Capsule information is released. I cant give you anymore information because I've said to much.

As for the IV code, I'll try to fix it as soon as I can.

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
Hi everyone sorry, but I cant tell you the source because I'm strickly not allowed until I have permission. One thing for sure is that this event was a secret, but some how somebody hacked this event and this event had been leaked out to the public.

Please try to understand and I recommand that you wait until the Lock Capsule information is released. I cant give you anymore information because I've said to much.

As for the IV code, I'll try to fix it as soon as I can.

Thank you very much.

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
Hi everyone sorry, but I cant tell you the source because I'm strickly not allowed until I have permission. One thing for sure is that this event was a secret, but some how somebody hacked this event and this event had been leaked out to the public.

Please try to understand and I recommand that you wait until the Lock Capsule information is released. I cant give you anymore information because I've said to much.

As for the IV code, I'll try to fix it as soon as I can.

I'm going to be blunt and say you're lying, mostly due to the fact that the Capsule itself does not contain any data even hinting at Zorou or Zoroark. If said event had anything to do with Zorou and Zoroark, we would've have heard about it a while ago when places like Serebii were sifting through all the game data to figure out in-game and Item based events like the Enigma Crystal and Giovanni Events. Nice try.

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
Welcome and can you specify any more details about your problems with the IV code. This will be more easier to fix. Thanks.

Here is my Giratina's IV's. It is an adamant type, so while I do not like the 1 attack IV, I don't want to use the cheat to alter all its stats.

HP : 26

Attack : 1

Defense :31

Sp Atk: 31

Sp. Def 25

Speed: 25

That's defaults with no cheats. I want it to look like I got really lucky, not like an obvious cheat, so I only want to alter Attack to 30. 31 is acceptable, but I'd prefer 30 just so I don't have 3 31's, you know?

  J-bad said:
These stats are wierd though. My Giratina is ADAMANT,meaning +Atk - Sp Attack. You's think Atk would be the higher, but it's not.

Nature doesn't effect IV's. You could have a Timid and have 0 in speed and 31 in attack.

Still need a TM code that works.


Ok I'll try to see what I can do.

As for the Lock Capsule, I didn't want to say anthing because I knew it will come to this, so just forget about it and wait until its information is released.

I dont want to hear about me lying or any of the sort. So lets forget about it and have fun.


By the way, I transferred over my legit Celebi from Leaf Green to Heart Gold, but it didn't trigger the Celebi event. so apparently it requires a special Celebi. You all probably knew that, but just in case you didn't, thought I'd tell you.

  J-bad said:
By the way, I transferred over my legit Celebi from Leaf Green to Heart Gold, but it didn't trigger the Celebi event. so apparently it requires a special Celebi. You all probably knew that, but just in case you didn't, thought I'd tell you.

You need a Celebi with a "Fateful Encounter" Event Flag on it to activate the Event. You can make one through the use of Pokesav or I can give you the one I have. :3 (Totally a hack, BTW.)

  KyoMcFizzle said:
You need a Celebi with a "Fateful Encounter" Event Flag on it to activate the Event. You can make one through the use of Pokesav or I can give you the one I have. :3 (Totally a hack, BTW.)

Ah, that is why it didn't work. When I transferred it from 3rd gen to 4th it lost the Fateful encounter flag, and it lost it's Original trainer info. Dang. It was 00010 and 10 Aniv totally legit, and now all that legit status just vanished. No fair! I didn't realize it had done that. Couldn't Nintendo have found a way to have legits transfer and keep their flags? It's not fair. I was so proud of my legit Mew and Celebi. I was just showing them to our regional pokemon guy on Saturday, so I'll see him next Sunday and see if he can replace them, since he saw them and knew they were legit before I transferred them.

  J-bad said:
Ah, that is why it didn't work. When I transferred it from 3rd gen to 4th it lost the Fateful encounter flag, and it lost it's Original trainer info. Dang. It was 00010 and 10 Aniv totally legit, and now all that legit status just vanished. No fair! I didn't realize it had done that. Couldn't Nintendo have found a way to have legits transfer and keep their flags? It's not fair. I was so proud of my legit Mew and Celebi. I was just showing them to our regional pokemon guy on Saturday, so I'll see him next Sunday and see if he can replace them, since he saw them and knew they were legit before I transferred them.

Considering that there has not been a Celebi with a Fateful Encounter Event Flag yet, and I've yet to hear of any type of incident where Migrating Pokemon has caused them to lose their OT Data, I can honestly say I have no idea what you're talking about. O_o At any rate, my offer stands if you need it. I'm going to look in to a few other codes. Found a strange set of Code that, when used in conjunction with the MAX IV for PC Pokemon code, gives the Pokemon you mark 2 Shiny Leaves.

  KyoMcFizzle said:
Considering that there has not been a Celebi with a Fateful Encounter Event Flag yet, and I've yet to hear of any type of incident where Migrating Pokemon has caused them to lose their OT Data, I can honestly say I have no idea what you're talking about. O_o At any rate, my offer stands if you need it. I'm going to look in to a few other codes. Found a strange set of Code that, when used in conjunction with the MAX IV for PC Pokemon code, gives the Pokemon you mark 2 Shiny Leaves.

Docile naature.

Mar. 20, 2010


Arrived at Level 10

Highly Persistent

Dex No. 151

Name: MEW

Type Psychic


ID No. 09630

Naive nature.

Mar 20, 2010


Arrived at Lv. 70

Scatters things often.

Dex No. 251


Type Psychic Grass

OT 10 Aniv

ID No 00010

I may not have said it right. Put simply, the fateful encounter tag was lost. The rest of the info is there.

  J-bad said:
Docile naature.

Mar. 20, 2010


Arrived at Level 10

Highly Persistent

Dex No. 151

Name: MEW

Type Psychic


ID No. 09630

Naive nature.

Mar 20, 2010


Arrived at Lv. 70

Scatters things often.

Dex No. 251


Type Psychic Grass

OT 10 Aniv

ID No 00010

I may not have said it right. Put simply, the fateful encounter tag was lost. The rest of the info is there.

Ya. Back in the 3rd Gen games, they never released a Celebi that had, "Had a fateful encounter at Lv. _ _". You need a Celebi that says that on it in order to activate the event. :3


Hey Riolu

I'd like to thank you for the helpful codes but i was also wondering if you could explain what the purpose of this code

Able To Recollect PKMN Egg From Professor Oak (L+R)

94000130 FCFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

20001056 00000001

D2000000 0000000

In the entire game Oak doesnt give you an egg and I was wondering if this code you posted meant the code for Togepi egg. If it is, which is exactly what I need, its not working in my game. When I press L+R the code does NOT activate. I would REALLY appreciate it if you could reply with some help concerning this code and if you are thinking I typed it wrong I assure you I tried read the code more than over 50 times. I copied and pasted it any way but i did indeed make sure. If this code is flawed. Can you PLEASE do the favor and fix it so it may work.


  KyoMcFizzle said:
Ya. Back in the 3rd Gen games, they never released a Celebi that had, "Had a fateful encounter at Lv. _ _". You need a Celebi that says that on it in order to activate the event. :3

yes there was.


The 3rd gen celebi was released with Pokemon Journey Across America. It's more then halfway down the page, but it's there, as is my mew closer to the top.

  l3rian7 said:
Hey Riolu

I'd like to thank you for the helpful codes but i was also wondering if you could explain what the purpose of this code

Able To Recollect PKMN Egg From Professor Oak (L+R)

94000130 FCFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

20001056 00000001

D2000000 0000000

In the entire game Oak doesnt give you an egg and I was wondering if this code you posted meant the code for Togepi egg. If it is, which is exactly what I need, its not working in my game. When I press L+R the code does NOT activate. I would REALLY appreciate it if you could reply with some help concerning this code and if you are thinking I typed it wrong I assure you I tried read the code more than over 50 times. I copied and pasted it any way but i did indeed make sure. If this code is flawed. Can you PLEASE do the favor and fix it so it may work.


After you get all 16 badges you can select one pokeball with a gen 1 starter. That code lets you pick over and over again but it's best to wait until you have all 16 badges to use it.

  J-bad said:
yes there was.


The 3rd gen celebi was released with Pokemon Journey Across America. It's more then halfway down the page, but it's there, as is my mew closer to the top.

Lemme rephrase this:

There wasn't an Event Celebi released that had the "Had a fateful encounter at Lvl. _ _" event flag on it. All of the Celebis released had the normal "Met at Lvl. _ _" or "Apparently met at Lvl. _ _" flag on it, not the Fateful Encounter Flag. I know this because I own a Legit 10th Anniversary Celebi myself. :/

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