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Listen up, Codejunkies will be creating the beginning action replay codes for this game (ex: Easy experience, max money, one hit kill, ect.) very shortly for the US version, than soon the other, more long and useful codes will follow. :)


i found some more codes than the ones codejunkies have

Pokemon: SoulSilver (U)

Game ID: IPGE 2D5118CA

Pokemon: HeartGold (U)


Max Money (Select)

94000130 FFFB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

00000088 000F423F

D2000000 00000000

:L+R] You get 493 Master Ball and 100 Hyper Ball then Hold L for Encounter

:Master Ball Equal to PKMN Index Number, Hyper Ball equal to PKMN level ! Discard the quantity you desired to meet repsective PKMN and level. Hold L for Encounter

94000130 FEFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

00000D14 01ED0001

00000D18 00640002

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FDFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

DA000000 00000D16

C0000000 00000027

D7000000 00025A68

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FDFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

DB000000 00000D1A

C0000000 0000000B

D8000000 00025A5C

D2000000 00000000

PKMN Can Learn All TM/HM

920722C6 0000D001

120722C6 000046C0

D2000000 00000000

Battle Wild Shining PKMN

5206E128 4284FE81

E2000108 00000060

021D15A8 41C64E6D

00006073 02111880

E92D40F0 E51F0010

E5900000 E1D018B4

E1D028B6 E0217002

E1A071A7 E51F1034

E51F2034 E51F3034

E5910000 E0243290

E0253294 E0246005

E1A069A6 E1560007

11A00004 1AFFFFF8

E5810000 E8BD80F0

1206E116 0000F792

E206E118 00000010

F7B1E800 1C05FE13

FE10F7B1 43050400

0206E128 E0001C28

D0000000 00000000

Quick Egg Hatch

12029318 000020FE

Hold [L] While Switching to Clone PKMN

The first choice you choose will be the PKMN you clone! require screen refresh

1207484C 0000231D

94000130 FDFF0000

1207484C 0000E008

D2000000 00000000

Hold [R] While Switching to Clone PKMN

The first choice you choose will be the PKMN you clone! require screen refresh

1207484C 0000231D

94000130 FEFF0000

1207484C 0000E008

D2000000 00000000

Move Anywhere Code

Press R+B to enable, L+B to disable

94000130 FCFD0200

1205DAA2 00000200

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FCFD0100

1205DAA2 00001C20

D2000000 00000000

Play AS (these change overworld sprite, not battle.


62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

10025D90 000000D3

D2000000 00000000

Rival (Silver)

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

10025D90 00000094

D2000000 00000000

Soul Silver Hero Female

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

10025D90 00000061

D2000000 00000000

Soul Silver Hero Male

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

10025D90 00000000

D2000000 00000000

Diamond/Pearl Hero Male

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

10025D90 000000EE

D2000000 00000000

Diamond/Pearl Hero Female

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

10025D90 000000EF

D2000000 00000000

All Item Codes (Select+Up)

94000130 FFBB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

D5000000 03DE0044

C0000000 0000002C

D6000000 00000654

D4000000 00000001

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FFBB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

00000708 03DE0087

0000070C 03DE0088

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FFBB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

D5000000 03DE00D5

C0000000 00000072

D6000000 00000710

D4000000 00000001

D2000000 00000000


94000130 FFBB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

D5000000 03DE0001

C0000000 0000000F

D6000000 00000D14

D4000000 00000001

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FFBB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

D5000000 03DE01EC

C0000000 00000006

D6000000 00000D54

D4000000 00000001

D2000000 00000000

TM Only (No HM's)

Use it at your own risk!

94000130 FFBB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

D5000000 005A0148

C0000000 0000005B

D6000000 000009B0

D4000000 00000001

D2000000 00000000

Complete Pokegear/Radio Upgrade

94000130 FFBB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

2000BAF7 00000006

D2000000 00000000

100% Catch (Fixed)

92247612 00002801

12247612 00004280

D2000000 00000000

9224670A 00002101

1224670A 00002100

D2000000 00000000

Can't Be Stopped By Trainer

92064242 0000980A

12064240 0000E008

D2000000 00000000

Can Catch Trainer's Pokemon

9224670A 00002101

1224670A 00002100

D2000000 00000000

Definitely Can Run From Trainer Battle

922488C2 00002101

122488C2 00002100

D0000000 00000000

Enable Always Rebattle Trainer

You need to talk to them

02040EA8 E0002000

Hold R to Rebattle Trainer

You need to talk to them

02040EA8 F7FF68E0

94000130 FEFF0000

02040EA8 E0002000

D0000000 00000000

Hold L to Rebattle Trainer

You need to talk to them

02040EA8 F7FF68E0

94000130 FDFF0000

02040EA8 E0002000

D0000000 00000000

After Battle Exp Multiplier Codes v2

Maybe doesn't work with EXP share item, It also multiplies the decimal


1206FADA 0000006C

1206FB2E 00002002

0206FB30 E03A4345

1206FB44 00008965


1206FADA 0000006C

1206FB2E 0000XXXX

0206FB30 E03A4345

1206FB44 00008965

XXXX = 0001 - 9999

i didnt create these i found them on youtube from xoxAnus9000xox so he gets the credit not me


Thanx Vixia, I couldn't find any other codes but I have these :)

Reset Game Time (Press L+R+SELECT)

94000130 fcfb0000

62111880 00000000

b2111880 00000000

10000096 00000000

10000098 00000000

d2000000 00000000

Restore Health (Press START)

94000130 fff70000

62111880 00000000

b2111880 00000000

10049e60 000003e8

10049e64 000003e8

d2000000 00000000

1 Hit Kills Pokemon (Press SELECT)

94000130 fffb0000

62111880 00000000

b2111880 00000000

10049f20 00000001

10049f24 00000001

d2000000 00000000

I'll try your codes out right away :)!


So, some missing codes are:

Wild Nature Modifier (this is a major one)

TM 01 replacement (makes TM01 any move)

999999 Watts for Pokewalker or just an Unlock all courses code. Since your courses are stored ingame and not on the pokewalker.

And, various repeat events codes... like rebattle legendaries or able to do the Notch-earred Pichu or Arceus events in-game more than once.

If anyone can hack these, good for you. I know I can't.

  imaliar said:
999999 Watts for Pokewalker or just an Unlock all courses code. Since your courses are stored ingame and not on the pokewalker.

I think this code can help you :

Pokewalker Step Count 9999999 (Select) :

94000130 FFFB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

0000E718 0098967F

D2000000 00000000


Here are a handful of codes I made.

  Reveal hidden contents
  KazoWAR said:
Here are a handful of codes I made.

any chance you could/have cheats for events?

like the ones for platinum. you activate them go into pokemart and the guy is there to start your event. i loved that in platinum =[

would love you forever (that's twice forevers then =[ ) if you could kazo :P


this is a heads up guys for one one the cheats that i found. the code for TM's will erase your HM's that you have in your bag so be careful. i lost all mine


hi all are there any cheats 4 this:

max EV's- i mean all evs to the max, all stats

wild pkm change and wild pkm nature

the 1st 1 is the 1 i rl want coz i can do the wild change if i transfer the save to the jps version, but still these cheats r important to BF


I really really want the pokemon nature modifier and a modifier to to get my pokemons EV's where I want them, preferably like in platinum where you use a code to change the EV value of vitamins like HP Up, Protein, Iron, etc. if possible. I found codes for both for the Japanese version if they would help at all, I know nothing of code making. If theres anything I can do to help get those codes please let me know.

  electric boogaloo said:
I really really want the pokemon nature modifier and a modifier to to get my pokemons EV's where I want them, preferably like in platinum where you use a code to change the EV value of vitamins like HP Up, Protein, Iron, etc. if possible.

I second this request. But, what I want to request the most is a code to get Bill's Eevee again even if you already claimed it.

And quick question, I have seen two Max IVs code for wild Pokemon:

  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents

Both work and have the same affect ingame. Is there any difference between the two codes or they both work the same?

  vixia said:
this is a heads up guys for one one the cheats that i found. the code for TM's will erase your HM's that you have in your bag so be careful. i lost all mine

Found that out the hard way too, but I felt compelled to sign up just to say this:

After comparing the code to that of Pokemon Platinum's, I modified one thing: I changed the 5B to 63

Now, the new code looks like this:

94000130 FFBB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

D5000000 005A0148

C0000000 00000063

D6000000 000009B0

D4000000 00000001

D2000000 00000000

Activate it the same way: select + up. Now it'll give you all TMs and HMs. It worked with my Soul Silver, but I'm not sure about Heart Gold...


I found these three event codes from a guy on YouTube named newgrounder999. L+R to activate.

Manaphy Egg

  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents

Anyone care to test them?


Hey guys I got a question. I got a lvl 40 kadabra that I would like to evolve to an Alakazam but I'm playing on an emulater using Desmume. Does anyone know or could make an AR code that would let me evolve him, not including catching a wild Alakazam, for me? Thanks!

  Gilgamesh said:
Found that out the hard way too, but I felt compelled to sign up just to say this:

After comparing the code to that of Pokemon Platinum's, I modified one thing: I changed the 5B to 63

Now, the new code looks like this:

94000130 FFBB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

D5000000 005A0148

C0000000 00000063

D6000000 000009B0

D4000000 00000001

D2000000 00000000

Activate it the same way: select + up. Now it'll give you all TMs and HMs. It worked with my Soul Silver, but I'm not sure about Heart Gold...

when I try and put that code in it says there was a problem with the code... first time this has happened. What should I do?


hello I'm new, I wouldlike to ask you if by any chance you know a link with cheats codes for french version of heartgold,( especially the one to change the wild pokemon who appears) cause the japanese and US codes don't work for me (logic you'll tell me) so anyway if you have any idea I'm open...thanks

  H a z a D i v o said:
when I try and put that code in it says there was a problem with the code... first time this has happened. What should I do?

try typing it in manually i had that problem too. dont know why though

  vixia said:
if i could request a healing items code the one i found doesnt work

Well, it worked for me, so that's strange. oh, and btw, whoever came up with the all TM's and HM's code, THNX!!!:biggrin:

everyone's doing great when it comes to finding and making codes, and it's really helping me out!

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