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This is the best dedicated physical wall I ever have the pleasure using.

Blissey @ Leftovers - Natural Cure

Evs: 252 Hp, 252 Def

- Defence Curl

- Rollout

- Softboiled

- Aromatherapy

Info: Bring it to a fearing special attacker. As it switches you defence curl, and contiue on till your oppenent panics and leaves the game. It's a pretty effective strategy

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Even with 252 HP, 252 Def Bold nature, Blissey still takes a gazillion damage from something like Metagross's Meteor Mash. Blissey is not meant to be a physical wall, but in a pinch, it can take physical hits. I think Lugia is the best wall because it can wall from both sides. For OU maybe it is Cresselia, but everyone uses Scizor and Tyranitar way too much nowadays her typing is a letdown. Plus Moonlight does not even work in the sand so well.

  memjee said:
This is the best dedicated physical wall I ever have the pleasure using.

Blissey @ Leftovers - Natural Cure

Evs: 252 Hp, 252 Def

- Defence Curl

- Rollout

- Softboiled

- Aromatherapy

Info: Bring it to a fearing special attacker. As it switches you defence curl, and contiue on till your oppenent panics and leaves the game. It's a pretty effective strategy

I swear, NEVER use Defence Curl or Rollout on Blissey, its not meaning to be an attack and a defender. Blissey is more of a Special Defender, Curer, and Special Attacker/ Tosser.


Blissey is now one of my favorite pokemon to put on my team and it usually goes on first fallowed by whatever team I am using at the moment. I have found that it is the most reliable pokemon on my team right now.


I am doing my first show in July,anyway I hurd that I need to carb up right before I step onstage and I wanted to know the best stuff to carb up on right before I would step onstage?

  Arandomproduction1 said:
I swear, NEVER use Defence Curl or Rollout on Blissey, its not meaning to be an attack and a defender. Blissey is more of a Special Defender, Curer, and Special Attacker/ Tosser.

yea it was a joke....

  Mewtwo Ex said:
2 - [surprise] My Tyranitar [/surprise] - Quite bulky for a Tyranitar

Tyranitar with 252 hp, 252 special def plus sandstorm bonus I'm guessing... I ran that tyranitar it's awesome


Nah his Tyranitar is a Boah version... it just has max HP... but even then, base 100 HP with 110 Defense and 100 Special Defense (effectively 112 Special Defense to around 170 Special Defense, the former being without any investment with neutral nature)... there is your threatening monster. Mine runs max HP with Careful Nature and 216 Special Defense... which means it can survive Gengar's Focus Blast and Mewtwo's Aura Sphere. It all depends on how you EV that monster... that sandstream REALLY helps.

  wraith89 said:
Nah his Tyranitar is a Boah version... it just has max HP... but even then, base 100 HP with 110 Defense and 100 Special Defense (effectively 112 Special Defense to around 170 Special Defense, the former being without any investment with neutral nature)... there is your threatening monster. Mine runs max HP with Careful Nature and 216 Special Defense... which means it can survive Gengar's Focus Blast and Mewtwo's Aura Sphere. It all depends on how you EV that monster... that sandstream REALLY helps.

I prefer not to worry about Focus Blast. I do usually run Curse-Sub sets so I don't often worry about it, but if there's no sub, I'm switching no matter what.

I prefer to concentrate on Heatran's Earth Power. With 216 sp D and max HP, I think Heatran's Earthpower is something like a 4hko. Without those spD EVs, it can easily get a 3hko, maybe even 2 if it gets a SpD lower hit.


Best Physical Wall (In Sandstorm BY FAAAAR the best physical wall) Gliscor

Best Special Wall, Sadly, Blissey but ye run it with some hax and it should be aight

  • 5 months later...

my wall of choice is registeel

having access to Amesia, iron defense, and curse after about 2 of any of these he can tank and he is not easily stopped since he is steel he resist toxic and he can rest of any other status like burn. not to mention access to toxic and thunder wave and coupling thunder wave and iron head gives him paraflich or you can set up to make toxic stalling alot easier on you not to mention he can set up faster than most attackers can and alot easier than they can and then cripple them when he is done also Arceus blessed him with the move siesmic toss so if you opt not to run curse for more damage you can do a steady 100 the whole battle to your opponent.

and namexx sorry man but a good wall really shouldnt have a 4x weakness to the most common type of move in the game(ice) in SS you gotta give it to shuckle, cradiliy, or skarmory

Secondary favorites

weezing-will-o-wisp and pain split equals a long game for your opponent nothing takes this guy down easily

Spiritomb: completely resisting not one not 2 but 3 moves all together not to mention being a great special defense wall on it's own but having access to will-o-wisp makes it a great mixed wall. plus he can have pain split to gain hp while lowering opponents and then when they are on the brink of death he can sucker punch them or if they try to run pursuit them. and if you have good prediction skills you can run trick and cripple other walls by starting off with a choice item then stealing another walls leftovers


Registeel... is a good wall, but Grounds are a big issue to him, in OU there is a lot of steels in which easily set up on him, and he simply fails to do enough damage. However he can cripple things with Thunderwave and Toxic Spikes hinders Grounds ^^ One of the few things that can use Rest without Sleep Talk. Thus my overall opinion on it is that it's great, but also needs to be used in thought of teams, not ones where you just spam something like Scizor or Tyranitar. Btw, just because something is an unbreakable wall, doesn't mean that it's good. I'll explain later.

Well... When it comes to walls, Gliscor is one of the best physical walls. He has some great resistances and only two weaknesses, Water and Ice. Both who are usually kept on defensive Water pokes, and usually very obvious to predict. Because most Water attacks are on non offensive pokes he can afford to take a hit, and Roost halves the damage of Ice Beam if he's faster for the turn. He's greatness is to counter some threats and occasionally stop stall.

  • 2 weeks later...
  Shogun said:
Registeel... is a good wall, but Grounds are a big issue to him, in OU there is a lot of steels in which easily set up on him, and he simply fails to do enough damage. However he can cripple things with Thunderwave and Toxic Spikes hinders Grounds ^^ One of the few things that can use Rest without Sleep Talk. Thus my overall opinion on it is that it's great, but also needs to be used in thought of teams, not ones where you just spam something like Scizor or Tyranitar. Btw, just because something is an unbreakable wall, doesn't mean that it's good. I'll explain later.

Umm when and where did you lose your mind and how can I help you find it?(just kidding don't get offended) He is a great wall has access to curse so damage is never a problem he can get fire punch siczor no problem iron head t-tar dead and plus he can s-toss 100 damage guarenteed. Dude I understand full and well that just because a wall is unbreakable doesn't make it good dude but registeel has many options a great move pool and solid defences split you really need to review pokemon's movepools before you say something can't do damage. Or use the pokemon before you judge it because you have 0 experience with it out side of the battles where an opponent uses it or maybe a video you watch is how you come across with these bold unfounded statement.

Dude that water statement you made is very untrue while most water types are bulky and can be walls most are transitiong to tanking vappy is a spatker, swapert can do both physical and special tanking, lapras, gyarados, poliwrath, milotic, suicune I mean gliscor is a good wall base stat wise but his typing is horrible for it's teir hp ice ape runs wild, ice punch or hp ice lucario, ice punch metagross, hp ice raikou, hp ice magnezone I mean everything runs hp ice thanks to the dragons up there he'll t-boah kills it with ice beam. And when you say roast half the damage you mean the quad damage and just doubles it either way it's still probably gonna die from the special attack

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
I perfer my Shiny Rhyperior as a Physical Wall.


Rhyperior @ Life Orb

Solid Rock @ Lonely

Lv: 100

Ev: 252 Atk/252 Def/6 Hp

- Stone Edge

- Earthquake

- Megahorn

- Rock Polish

Multiple weaknesses, has no status immunities, and even with sandstorm boost and a beneficial nature, it's special defense is only just above average at best.

Your "best wall" set also has a nature that hinders it's physical defense and eats up HP with Life Orb recoil.

How is that a wall?


Randomspot not to bust your bubble but rhyperior is a damn good physical wall if he has an impish nature or a neutral nature with def evs fun fact no attacker can ohko him without setting up first thanks to solid rock even a gyarados waterfall fail to ohko it. That means rhyperior 1 you 0 and with ss up and some spdef evs he can even take certian pokemon surfs, ice beams, and focus blast. Rhyperior 2 you 0 solid rock does alot for this guy so don't put the kid down unless you know what your saying is 100% right. and one more thing since you want to pick on him no wall has status all status immunities because all are hit by stun spore so paralyzation is open to em all damn rhyperior 3 you 0. And FYI he resist thunder wave he's ground or did you forget 4-0 rhyperior clean sweep o and one more thing an impish rhyperior can take a siczor life orb sd bullet punch so how is that for a wall?

so until you do your homework on your UU's you shouldn't criticize others choices beside picking on the new kid is low anyway he is learning. Correct him don't be a jerk about it

  Killa kid said:
Randomspot not to bust your bubble but rhyperior is a damn good physical wall if he has an impish nature or a neutral nature with def evs fun fact no attacker can ohko him without setting up first thanks to solid rock even a gyarados waterfall fail to ohko it and with ss up and some spdef evs he can even take certian pokemon surfs, ice beams, and focus blast solid rock does alot for this guy so don't put the kid down unless you know what your saying is 100% right. and one more thing since you want to pick on him no wall has status all status immunities because all are hit by stun spore so paralyzation is open to em all. And FYI he resist thunder wave he's ground or did you forget

You're only right in one aspect, it's immune to T-wave paralysis.

Everything else you're wrong about, and I was attacking his specific set, not Rhyperior as a wall.

Rhyperior as a wall in OU is...well, really not a wall. It's a physical sweeper with bulk. But to take special hits, it needs Sandstorm up. And in that case, you might as well just use Tyranitar anyway, since it has much better special defense, can boost defenses with Curse, and has a great move pool.

Neither are really walls in the sense Blissey is for special defense. Blissey can do it all. All of the physicals walls are really just bulky Pokemon. They can take 2-3 hits without worrying too much, but will eventually need Wish support, Leech Seed support, etc... to take any more.

Who wants to run the calcs on how his Lonely (-Def) Rhyperior on how many hits it can take from Scarf Heracross' close Combat?

Maybe it's a wall in UU. But in OU, it's easy to take down by any number of Pokemon.


Ok so if I wanted my Rhyperior to be an effective wall, would it be better to equip Leftovers and change its Nature into Lax? Also I've tried to find where you can teach Rhyperior Curse, but had no luck. Do you know where? With Curseperior as my Physical Wall, it will do some great Walling.

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
Ok so if I wanted my Rhyperior to be an effective wall, would it be better to equip Leftovers and change its Nature into Lax? Also I've tried to find where you can teach Rhyperior Curse, but had no luck. Do you know where? With Curseperior as my Physical Wall, it will do some great Walling.

If you want Rhyperior to wall, you need a nature that boosts either Def or Sp Def. The two stats you won't be caring about are Special Attack and Speed, so natures can hinder either of those.

Curse is an egg move. The easiest way to get it is from the Torterra line, which learns it via level-up.

I'd recommend you start testing out proposed sets on Shoddy before you breed for them, so you can see how effective they are.

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
Yes I know that the Nature Lonely will reduce my Def only if he wasn't Shiny, but since he is Shiny, it actually raises his Def. I usually equip him with Leftovers when I use him in OU battles, but he ended up getting killed. So I tried equiping him with a Life Orb and when I used him in a OU battle, I won. If he was in a UU battle, it would of been the other way around.

What? Can you please link to a reliable source stating that shininess has impact on a Pokemon's stats? As far as I know, shiny is just for looks and that's why competitive players really don't care whether their pokemon are shiny or not.

  xCon said:
What? Can you please link to a reliable source stating that shininess has impact on a Pokemon's stats? As far as I know, shiny is just for looks and that's why competitive players really don't care whether their pokemon are shiny or not.

Shiny was tied into stats in Gen II. Now it's independent of stats.

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