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Well I think you can't beat the classics. They are all so much fun. What do you think? Also what did they use to animate the game? a computer program? State your opinion about pokemon yellow.

  • 3 weeks later...

In my opinion, Pokémon Yellow was one of a kind. However, it kind of slipped out of the mainstream games. It followed the Animé way too much, which we all know... Games =/= Animé.

However, despite this, Pokémon Yellow was a treat to play, I wouldn't mind seeing a remake, even though it is very highly unlikely. Unfortunately my Yellow cart is completely dead now :/. It was nice obtaining Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur in game.

Overall I'd say it was quite top-notch :)


I liked Yellow's improved AI. Red and Blue had trainers use random moves just like the wild Pokemon would. And don't forget the improvements of the graphics :)

IMO Yellow was the hardest game in terms of AI. Even now in DPP the AI can make a fluke by using Surf on Dry Skin Toxicroak and all...

  The Fallen said:
I think they do that on purpose. You don't want the game to have trainers perfect in every single way. It takes away from realism.

This is Champion Cynthia I'm talking about...

AI needs to be harder... because I keep winning so easily with even underleveled Pokemon @_@

  wraith89 said:
This is Champion Cynthia I'm talking about...

AI needs to be harder... because I keep winning so easily with even underleveled Pokemon @_@

There should be a setting; novice, rookie, intermediate, etc.

This would make things so much easier. This way things don't have to be uber easy because the game is supposed to appeal to the younger generation of fans as well.

  The Fallen said:
There should be a setting; novice, rookie, intermediate, etc.

This would make things so much easier. This way things don't have to be uber easy because the game is supposed to appeal to the younger generation of fans as well.

Not to mention some of her movesets are not so great. I hacked the game to change their movesets and all with SCV's trainer editor. Unfortunately it can't change IVs, EVs, nature, ability and gender. I'm stuck fighting a "paraflinch" Togekiss with Hustle :(


Nintendo is notorious for dumbing down their game's difficulty. Twilight Princess was supposed to be much more difficult than it was supposed to be. Remember, Miyamoto was actually the Co-Producer. He was the one that dumbed down the difficulty.

I still found some parts difficult. Making Fantina the third gym instead of the fifth was really challenging. You didn't even have access to Dark or Ghost Pokemon at that time. Your only chance at getting SE hits was with a Pokemon like Luxio using Bite or Drifloom's horrible Astonish attack. Only the lucky few would have access to Cranidos from the underground too.

  Destati said:
Nintendo is notorious for dumbing down their game's difficulty. Twilight Princess was supposed to be much more difficult than it was supposed to be. Remember, Miyamoto was actually the Co-Producer. He was the one that dumbed down the difficulty.

I still found some parts difficult. Making Fantina the third gym instead of the fifth was really challenging. You didn't even have access to Dark or Ghost Pokemon at that time. Your only chance at getting SE hits was with a Pokemon like Luxio using Bite or Drifloom's horrible Astonish attack. Only the lucky few would have access to Cranidos from the underground too.

That's true. But I liked Fantina when she was the fifth gym leader... she's such a cool gym leader! But yeah, the difficulty dumbed down a lot... I thought Platinum's Fantina was a bit easier though... but the lack of Dark and Ghost types (other than Gastly or Drifblim or the rare Duskull... which all three are weak to Ghost anyways) does make it a bit hard.

  The Fallen said:
I really think they should make a feature where you can choose how difficult the game play will be.

They should but they won't. The games mostly about battling with your friends, trading and collecting. And a lot of people believe the game is hard enough as it is.


Blah. It's too easy for me... but I hate having to EV train IN-GAME and avoid certain Pokemon because I'm too nitpicky that way. If it were RBY or GSC, I wouldn't mind one bit thanks to the lack of EV caps.


I was in battle castle, me and ai pokemon have same hp. AI could had finished me with an attack move but instead it did swords dance = i killed him.

stupid ai's

ai's in the old games were better.

  4evil said:
I was in battle castle, me and ai pokemon have same hp. AI could had finished me with an attack move but instead it did swords dance = i killed him.

stupid ai's

ai's in the old games were better.

In Yellow the AI was great. Red and Blue... trainers had the SAME AI as WILD Pokemon! X_X

  • 2 months later...

Yellow made me angry...I always wanted to have pikachu and the 3 starters in my party, but it never worked out due to hm moves :(

I really liked the game though

  HottSushiz said:
I do miss my Pokemon Yellow, just the heck of it, random times i would just turn around, and Pikachu's wittle face would pop up.

I miss it also, but i got R4 & downloaded a GBC Emulator for the R4 so i can play Pokémon Yellow now :smile:

  • 7 months later...

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