memjee Posted August 22, 2009 Posted August 22, 2009 (edited) Updating this RMT because I love this team so much, it is much better than I expected. I've used it over a hundred times, funny thing is it has a winning ratio against standard teams. I'm updating it, give off any suggestions, opinions =) Anything bold is what has been updated Hello I'm from the shoddy battle server of project pokemon, awesome site When I make teams I ussually like restricting myself to a sorta style, and I thought a unpredictable normal team! Smeargle lvl 15 - Focus Sash 252 atk 252 spe Ivs: 0 HP Trick Room Endeavor Spore Beat Up The ultimate F.E.A.R pokemon, people do not expect this strange beast. Facing a highly unprepared foe could result in two KOs or more (My most is four). I get the biggest kick in using beat up, it makes the opponent think I've revealed my team, only to realize I have completely different pokemon. The reason for it being lvl 15 with 252 atk is to do heavy damage to gengar with beat up My Smeargle I hope people won't predict. It's moves go in this order, 1. Trick Room, Spore, Endeavor, Beatup rinse and repeat. So far I have been able to take as much as three pokemon out. I'm not sure why but when I trick room-endeavor it does as much as damage as I would do in low health (even when I'm full health) I choose beat up as the finisher because it shows all the names of my pokemon which... I name to different pokemon to throw people off (Blissey is named Tyranitar) Ambipom - Focus Sash 252 Atk 252 Spd (+Attack -Special Defence) Technician Fake Out Last Resort Never has been the star of the show, but it still has it's uses, one extremely lucky time he almost sweeped a team with 3 crits , might replace this with F.E.A.R Clefable what do you think? This has two purposes 1. If there is no spikes or whatnot laid out I bring it in and last resort till it die (ghost pokemon ruin the fun and I must switch out) This also always seems to beat an infernape 1on1 2. If there are spikes which ruin the focus sash I use it to pick off already weak foes Blissey - Leftovers 252 Def 126 SpA 126 SpD (+Defence -Attack) Serene Grace Protect Wish Seismic Toss Toxic blah standard blissey, she's a special wall. It's the stalling set My special wall which always comes on top of special sweepers, I love it. It also is a cleric Slaking - Choice Scarf 252 Atk 252 Spd (+Attack -Special Attack) Giga Impact Earthquake Fire Punch Nightslash with the right predictions... nah I just use Giga Impact, I've OHKOed Luke with it, so it has do be deezed. Earthquake n TP is there for good measure. Nightslash is for those pesky ghost. My physical Revenge Killer, no one seems to think it's fast (which it is) Giga Impact it the main move as it pairs with his 160 base attack and stab which does major damage which I don't mind the recharge for obvious reasons (although it disables me from retreating) Earthquake is always good, and beats pokemon that resist giga impact Nightslash for ghost pokemon Togekiss - Choice Scarf 252 SpA 252 Spd (+Speed -Attack) Serence Grace Air Slash Tri Attack Aurasphere Shadowball I usually just use airslash flinch haxs, it's cheap and effective. I occasionally have to use shadowball to ghost though, and auraphere is steel. My special revenge killer/sweeper. Serene grace because a 40% chance to burn, freeze or paralyz (can't spell) is awesome Aurasphere to pokemon once again that resist tri attack People laugh at me when I have shadowball on togekiss but I need to in order to stand a chance to against ghost pokemon which I struggle with a lot. Air Slash for stab flinch hacks Snorlax - Leftovers (+Defense -Minus Special Attack) Thick Fat Curse Outrage Rest Sleep Talk Info: My only new pokemon in the squad, before it was clefable. He's a tank that absorbs sleep and I put him in if trick room is still in effect. He's biggest problem is SD Luke. It's basically Curse talking snorlax. But with outrage, now many people question this, why not stab body slam? why not an attack that doesn't trap and confuse you? - Well I used outrage over bodyslam to hit ghost - Also every other move is x4 resisted by some pokemon, but there is no pokemon that x4 resist a dragon move, because only steel resist dragon. And with 4 or more cursing, steel pokemon are 2-3HKOed pokemon with a x2 (Metagross was 2HKO with full health) - The confusion is a problem, but missing a turn actually isn't a big deal, he's a tank. any damage is minimal and my leftovers heal it, and that's if it connects. - The trapping effects don't really matter, I'm going to stay - Sleeptalking an Outrage also prevents getting trapped and confused, which I usually do. It may sound like I'm just trying to defend this pokemon using outrage, but trust me it is very effective, I have countless logs proving it's effectiveness Old pokemon Clefable - Toxic Orb Magic Guard Facade Trick Wish Protect I wanted to put this pokemon in because it screams awesomeness with the creative ways it can be used. Toxic orb because magic guard nullifys the damage and makes facade a whomping 140 damage. When Toxic Orbs use is done I trick if I can Edited April 23, 2010 by memjee UPDATED
Goldgross Posted August 22, 2009 Posted August 22, 2009 Hahaha i was sooo glad i had my Luke when i was battling this team. It made it as easy as possible for me. Slaking is the glue that holds this team together but is also the reason why people will out predict you with ease. Its not a bad team but since its a mono team, theres obviously a common weakness in all the pokes and the weakness is ,unfortunately, one of the most used attack type of them all.....Fighting DX. Since the common fighting weakness is gonna screw over ALL of your pokes, you cannot switch in on any fighting attacks. You have to sacrifice one of your pokes and then switch in either Togekiss, Slaking or Ambipom to finish that fighting type off quick only to see your opponent switching and repeating the same process over again. I dont know if i could really even rate this team cause im against mono type teams completely.
memjee Posted August 22, 2009 Author Posted August 22, 2009 yea it's very true mono teams really limit my abilities, maybe I'll post my others teams lol
randomspot555 Posted August 22, 2009 Posted August 22, 2009 memjee said: yea it's very true mono teams really limit my abilities, maybe I'll post my others teams lol Generally, people make mono type teams if they're signed up for some gimmick tournament or something of the sort. And usually, those tournaments will allow 1-3 non-type Pokemon to be allowed. Otherwise, the team is very easily destroyed. Outside of steel and MAYBE dragon and fighting (since fighting's weaknesses of psychic and flying are relatively rare attack types, mono type teams can't work and win besides luck.
wraith89 Posted August 22, 2009 Posted August 22, 2009 randomspot555 said: Generally, people make mono type teams if they're signed up for some gimmick tournament or something of the sort. And usually, those tournaments will allow 1-3 non-type Pokemon to be allowed. Otherwise, the team is very easily destroyed. Outside of steel and MAYBE dragon and fighting (since fighting's weaknesses of psychic and flying are relatively rare attack types, mono type teams can't work and win besides luck. Actually, Water mono can work too, seeing how some have typings that negate Grass or Electric weaknesses (not to mention Rain teams have a lot of waters in it and Water attacks hit a lot of types for neutral damage)... Dragon monos are suicide. But so far Steel is the most viable mono here. btw memjee what's with your Blissey's EVs? o_O Also, 126 isn't divisible by 4, 128 is.
memjee Posted August 23, 2009 Author Posted August 23, 2009 oh ya whoops your right wraith, every 126 is meant to be 128
Explodingturtles Posted January 20, 2010 Posted January 20, 2010 I had the same issue. Ghost pokemon and fighting types really drilled me. But I realised that it wasn't the typing that held me down, it was speed. Infernape always came in and sweeped me, and Gengar had unbeatable speed and an Aura Sphere to take me down. If I take out the faster pokemon, then I am free to open my strategy and take them out. This is my team with counters described Ambipom - Technician - Jolly - LifeOrb 252 atk 252 spd 6 hp -Fake out -Shadow claw -Thunderpunch -Icepunch The reason for this is enemies always predict fake out and switch to a ghost straight up. If it looks like they hold a ghost, I use shadowclaw, immediately bitchslapping Gengar out of the game. The punches are used for fighting normally against other pokemon. I want to put a firepunch in to counter Scizor but I dont know if I should and what to replace. This is often used as a Sacrifice Togekiss - Serene - Calm -Leftovers 252 hp 192 spd 64 SpDef -Air Slash -Aura Sphere -Nasty Plot -Baton pass A good sweeper, tank, and baton passer. I use this to Switch to porygon, which once is in motion, is unstoppable. Airslash takes care of fighters, and annoying grass pokemon like roserade. Aurasphere is for taking out any ones that Airslash cant hit, or If their health is low and you dont want to take a chance with AirSlashes accuracy. PorygonZ - Adaptability - Timid - Lum Berry 252 spd 252 spAtk 6 hp -Ice beam -Thunderbolt -Tri Attack -Shadow Ball This is purely a sweeper, and can OHKO all pokemon. Ice beam and thunderbolt for super effectives, Shadow Ball for ghosts. If you come across a steel pokemon, use ThunderBolt as it usually isn't resisted. Tauros - Intimidate - Jolly - Choiceband 252 Atk 252 Spd 6 hp -Return -Earthquake -Zen Headbutt -Rockslide This is a counter and revenge killer. If you are sweeping with Porygon and you come across a faster pokemon, I get this into play and take it out and start baton passing again. If I come across an Infernape, I switch to Ambipom first to sacrifice and leave an opening, to which I use EarthQuake or Zen Headbutt if I'm feeling lucky. This guy usually saves the game Slaking - Jolly - Choiceband 252 atk 252 spd 6 hp -Bodyslam -Earthquake -Hammer Arm -Faint attack A revenge killer purely. I didnt consider Giga impact but the Less accuracy and Waiting turn when I need to switch could be deadly. And bodyslam normally does the trick anyway. There is also that chance of paralysis that is attractive. Blissey - Natural cure - Bold - Leftovers 252 hp 252 def 6 spDef -Aromatherapy -Thunderwave -Seismic Toss -Softboiled The strategic use of Blissey often saves the day. When I come across a Gyarados or any faster pokemon that needs pacification, I switch in and paralyze them. Aromatherapy cures my other pokemon and I wall with Softboiled, using seismic toss at a paralisis opening, then I switch to a revenge killer or a shoe that fits and take them out. This team also laughs at Uber teams. It has no problem taking them out, and the ones that have trouble get paralyzed then dealt with. If there isn't a fighting attack in the team, this will come out on top I hope this helped, I would also like suggestions :0
Tbird Posted April 23, 2010 Posted April 23, 2010 I hate this team ... how can four guys fall to a smeargle How is that possible. This made me want to die .
crimson assassin Posted April 23, 2010 Posted April 23, 2010 this team isn't put together very well even for a mono type team. Smeagle is easly taunt raped. you make no sence in having a scarfed pokemon on a trick room team i dont care if it is for smeargle when smeargle goes down which will be in 2 to 3 turns if you are playing a good player you will still have tr up which will be you will be beating your own team dude you have no steel checker if your opponent kills your slaking it lacks a good check to ghost has no siczor coverage. your snoralax set is not good in the least yo need more than 1 attacking move. and one more time because this is seriously bugging me. Pick trick room or scarf not both they dont work well with one another you are breaking a rule 2 focus sashes are not allowed so you need to find another item for ambipom silk scarf would be best since all you yous is actually normal moves on it. and blissey cant stall on a monotype team since they all share one weakness or are neutral to it is impossoble to wall pokes only types that can wall are water and flying . dude you need to revamp this team in a major way or change your typing this team is recieving a 2 out of 10 bro sorry for being harsh but that's team has no synergy at all which is very important in mono type teams and whoever said mono type tournys are gimicky just really needs to stop honestly nothing shows more skill than being able to counter a team that constantly throws more more of your pokemon's counters at you I did a mono type tourny and won because i used steel but I was able to bluff psychic. thanks to metagross and bronzong
randomspot555 Posted April 23, 2010 Posted April 23, 2010 crimson assassin said: you are breaking the rule 2 focus sashes are not allowed Item Clause is not standard.
crimson assassin Posted April 23, 2010 Posted April 23, 2010 dude honestly you are aware that no double sashing is standard correct? item clause isn't but no double sashing is considered cheating
Tbird Posted April 23, 2010 Posted April 23, 2010 crimson assassin said: dude honestly you are aware that no double sashing is standard correct? item clause isn't but no double sashing is considered cheating This is for shoddy battle friendly + ladder matches alike. Double sashing ... hell, sextuple sashing is ok. I guess the 'standard' differs between Wifi, shoddy and VGC.
memjee Posted April 23, 2010 Author Posted April 23, 2010 I completely understand where your coming from assasin. This team looks retarded. It plays retarded too, looking at the movesets are making me laugh. I would think the same way and I expected it to play like crap. But I've played with it over a hundred times with countless logs. The fact I have a winnning ratio (around 60%) proves this team is no gimmick. I'll explain to you this team more. crimson assassin said: Smeagle is easly taunt raped. Yea Aero is always a problem for me, it's pretty much the thing that shuts it down, but even when I get taunted but the likes of an Aerodactyl, I still can endeavour and beat up for a make no sence in having a scarfed pokemon on a trick room team i dont care if it is for smeargle when smeargle goes down which will be in 2 to 3 turns if you are playing a good player you will still have tr up which will be you will be beating your own team dude. Trick Room is for Smeargle only that's true, it also contridicts with my two scarfed pokemon. That's why if Smeargle dies with trick room still in play I put snorlax in, it's like me feinting a trick room team. you have no steel checker if your opponent kills your slaking it lacks a good check to ghost has no siczor coverage. Steels are problems yea, Scizor and luke get special mention, Usually I send my revenge killers after them, Togekiss has Aurasphere, Slaking has EQ and "Fire Punch" I meant to put fire punch. your snoralax set is not good in the least yo need more than 1 attacking move. With 4 or more curses up even pokemon that 2X resist it will have trouble living, and there are no pokemon that x4 resist outrage, so there is nothing that can wall it (Maybe steelix but I've never seen a steelix you are breaking a rule 2 focus sashes are not allowed so you need to find another item for ambipom silk scarf would be best since all you yous is actually normal moves on it. I play Ladder on smogon all the time it lets me and blissey cant stall on a monotype team since they all share one weakness or are neutral to it is impossoble to wall pokes only types that can wall are water and flying . I never really use her for stall, he heals my pokemon and toxics, I think I should change her moveset as you have a point. I intially made this team as a halarious gimmick but it's proving to be effective even on the smogon ladder. No one expects such a bull team to win, but it does.
randomspot555 Posted April 23, 2010 Posted April 23, 2010 crimson assassin said: dude honestly you are aware that no double sashing is standard correct? item clause isn't but no double sashing is considered cheating There is no double sashing clause. The clauses defined on this forum that are standard are the exact same one Smogon's Shoddy Server runs off of. If your BFFs use a double sash clause, good for you. It's not a standard rule (nor is it one I've ever heard of). And before you say "check smogon omgzers" like you did in PM, here it is: Quote 10. Custom Rules. If you are playing with a different ruleset from the standard, please gives details so team raters know what the limitations are. The standard rules for most battles are:-Species Clause: No more than one of the same Pokemon on a team. -Sleep Clause: No two Pokemon may be put to sleep at the same time. -No OHKOs: Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill and Sheer Cold are all banned. -No Evasion: Double Team and Minimize are banned.
crimson assassin Posted April 27, 2010 Posted April 27, 2010 did you check the battle me topic because it strictly forbids double sashing it is something people get reported for just as well as hax items are and i'm going to be polite in saying this but ummmm shoddy doesnt have the same rules as regular battling and they have a few more things you can add on i dont remeber timed battle being something you can lose a match for on wifi? ummm o yeah you cant lose for that on wifi can you. Shoddy hax system is out ragoud you get haxed like every 5 seconds. What i'm saying is shoddy is not the same as wifi battle rules and i've been battling on smogon for awhile now. double sashing is illegal just like focus band and any other hax item. and bro you didnt read the post you quoted so i'll highlight the most important part 10. Custom Rules. If you are playing with a different ruleset from the standard, please gives details so team raters know what the limitations are. The standard rules for most battles are: -Species Clause: No more than one of the same Pokemon on a team. -Sleep Clause: No two Pokemon may be put to sleep at the same time. -No OHKOs: Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill and Sheer Cold are all banned. -No Evasion: Double Team and Minimize are banned. if you ask any smogonite about their veiws on double sashing they will say that it is dirty and cheap so you are welcome to go to the forums and ask there but i guarentee they they will tell you they will get pissed and report you to a mod if you double sash
randomspot555 Posted April 27, 2010 Posted April 27, 2010 crimson assassin said: did you check the battle me topic because it strictly forbids double sashing it is something people get reported for just as well as hax items are Once again, you are wrong. Battle Me OP said: If you want someone to battle you soon, post it in here. Don't forget to list your friend code, and ruleset if you're deviating from the standard. What is the standard? Right now, it is as follows:* 6 on 6 single battle. * No ubers, which (currently) are: * Mewtwo * Mew * Lugia * Ho-Oh * Latios * Kyogre * Groudon * Rayquaza * Deoxys (All Forms) * Dialga * Palkia * Giratina * Manaphy * Darkrai * Arceus * Wobbuffet * Garchomp * Skymin / Shaymin-S * Sleep clause -- only one pokemon on your opponent's team at a time can be put to sleep by you. Platinum moves are legal! Feel free to use them! Note that what I listed as "accepted rules" does not have DT/OHKO clauses. This is because banning them by default and then forcing everyone who uses the moves to say "DT or OHKO allowed" gives away far more information about your team than doing it the other way around does. So, basically, just say so if you don't want Double Team or OHKO! Quote and i'm going to be polite in saying this but ummmm shoddy doesnt have the same rules as regular battling Yes, they do. Just because it can't be auto-enforced doesn't make them cease to exist. And a lot of standard and alternate clauses derive from rules found on Pokemon console games such as Pokemon Stadium and PBR. Quote and they have a few more things you can add on i dont remeber timed battle being something you can lose a match for on wifi? This can be enforced in PBR. Time limits on attacks will cause the AI to select an attack for the player who ran out of time. Running out of time for the entire match causes the AI to give the win to the player with the most remaining Pokemon. Quote ummm o yeah you cant lose for that on wifi can you. You really shouldn't post if you're flat out wrong. Quote Shoddy hax system is out ragoud you get haxed like every 5 seconds. False. I'm sure those running Shoddy Battle would like to know about errors in the programming or whatever, but this is simply not true. It's a SIMULATOR. It's based on the same battle system. IT only "seems" like hax occurs more often because you can literally play TEN Shoddy matches in the time it takes to play one Wi-Fi match. Quote What i'm saying is shoddy is not the same as wifi battle rules Wrong, but thanks for trying. Quote and i've been battling on smogon for awhile now. double sashing is illegal just like focus band and any other hax item. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. I linked to where standard rules is defined and you said "durrr battle me thread". I link and quote the Battle Me! thread, which you obviously haven't read, because it also doesn't back you up. Quote and bro you didnt read the post you quoted so i'll highlight the most important part YES AND NOTICE HOW IT DOESN'T BACK UP ANY OF YOUR BULLSHIT CLAUSES. Quote if you ask any smogonite about their veiws on double sashing they will say that it is dirty and cheap It's not dirty or cheap due to entry hazards. It's dumb,but it is by no means illegal. You are clamingi it's a standard rule. I have dug up TWO THREADS with quotations proving you are wrong. You are clearly not fit to be posting here. Go review the rules of this forum, and the standard rules of ANY competitive battling, and come back in 2 weeks. I'm sorry, OP, that CA ruined your thread. Feel free to open a new one.
memjee Posted April 27, 2010 Author Posted April 27, 2010 lol oh man... It's legal, smogon lets me play it, smogon and PP is the only place I play this team. I have never got an ingame complaint about it. Furthermore... It's barely a factor in my matches, it's the gimmicky pokemon on my team. Considering it "cheap" is almost retarded due to the fact it's no game changer. Anyways, this team is already rated. It's only causing us to flame each other could you lock this? thanks.
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