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  KazoWAR said:
it looks like in http://puu.sh/fcKWx/8d84a7136c.txt unreleased;Metagross has some issues with nature, not sure if any others have the same problem.
Thanks for pointing that out.

I will look into it and try to remake the list (was my plan for 01.03.15 anyway because of set updates).

I think the problem is, if you look here: http://www.smogon.com/dex/xy/pokemon/metagross that the unreleased set is missing EVs and Nature.

  BattleLegend said:
You know the reason why mine weren't able to battle online. Is because of "Region Lock"

Interesting, I can't really tell you why. You could try to change the region with the Mass Editor and then try again, but I don't know if this will fix it.

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  FullLifeGames said:
Thanks for pointing that out.

I will look into it and try to remake the list (was my plan for 01.03.15 anyway because of set updates).

I think the problem is, if you look here: http://www.smogon.com/dex/xy/pokemon/metagross that the unreleased set is missing EVs and Nature.

Interesting, I can't really tell you why. You could try to change the region with the Mass Editor and then try again, but I don't know if this will fix it.

All you have to do to make the Pokemon work online is reroll the PID, that's what I did and it worked :) it has nothing to do with them being "region locked" because they can't be region locked. When you trade Pokemon with someone who's 3DS Region, Country and/or Sub Region you can still battle with that Pokemon online and when you put the pokemon into PKHeX the 3DS Region, Country and Sub Region are the person's they don't change to yours :)

Hope this helps :)


Finally also finished editing the Kalos and ALL Pokemon


~ Made a Kalos folder and put each Pokemon in the Kalos Region in order

~ Added different nature/ability/hidden power variants

~ Changed Language, Country, Region, Sub Region, and 3DS Region From German, Germany, --- , Europe to English, United States, Arkansas and America respectively

~ Changed Met Location From Route 121 to Battle Resort

~ Changed the Pokeball from Pokeball to the ball that best matches each Pokemon (example: Bulbasaur in a Nest Ball, Squirtle in a Dive Ball) while at the same time making sure the Pokemon-Pokeball combination is legal (example of an illegal Pokemon-Pokeball combination: Chespin in a Love Ball [Love Balls were only available in HG SS therefore you can't catch a Chespin with one xD])

~ Changed Met Date From 1/1/2015 to the most current day 2/18/2015 - 2/19/2015

~ Fixed IV's in some of the Pokemon

~ Added basic moves to certain Pokemon without any moves or with an available move space and also added more egg moves to some other Pokemon

~ Added Memories/Amie in order to make the Pokemon look more Legit

The Thread is here


  FullLifeGames said:
Thanks for pointing that out.

I will look into it and try to remake the list (was my plan for 01.03.15 anyway because of set updates).

I think the problem is, if you look here: http://www.smogon.com/dex/xy/pokemon/metagross that the unreleased set is missing EVs and Nature.

Interesting, I can't really tell you why. You could try to change the region with the Mass Editor and then try again, but I don't know if this will fix it.


  Wicked13 said:
All you have to do to make the Pokemon work online is reroll the PID, that's what I did and it worked :) it has nothing to do with them being "region locked" because they can't be region locked. When you trade Pokemon with someone who's 3DS Region, Country and/or Sub Region you can still battle with that Pokemon online and when you put the pokemon into PKHeX the 3DS Region, Country and Sub Region are the person's they don't change to yours :)

Hope this helps :)

Yeah. But i'm using PCedit. And once I edit one pokemon and move on to the next. And go back to the other. The poke doesn't change

  FullLifeGames said:
Thanks for pointing that out.

I will look into it and try to remake the list (was my plan for 01.03.15 anyway because of set updates).

I think the problem is, if you look here: http://www.smogon.com/dex/xy/pokemon/metagross that the unreleased set is missing EVs and Nature.

If you plan on regularly releasing updated text files, could you possibly check for and correct some things? some of the strings smogon uses are outdated. like some of the oras megastone names still being the old guessed names and some items that had there name reworked in 6th gen like "BlackGlasses" to "Black Glasses" and "NeverMeltIce" to "Never-Melt Ice". I have actually went and made my own pk6 generator (for private use) that reads the sets directly from the text file since I still don't know how to read from the new pokedex yet. whenever i look at page source i just see the initial java script source and no sets. :bidoof:

  KazoWAR said:
If you plan on regularly releasing updated text files, could you possibly check for and correct some things? some of the strings smogon uses are outdated. like some of the oras megastone names still being the old guessed names and some items that had there name reworked in 6th gen like "BlackGlasses" to "Black Glasses" and "NeverMeltIce" to "Never-Melt Ice". I have actually went and made my own pk6 generator (for private use) that reads the sets directly from the text file since I still don't know how to read from the new pokedex yet. whenever i look at page source i just see the initial java script source and no sets. :bidoof:
Of course I can. I will try to look what names changed in Gen 6, fix the bug with Mega Metagross and check the unreleased Mega stones.

Well I had the same problem and my solution in the end....is bad, but it works :D

The problem I think with the browsers in like C# is that they're kinda old? Or at least don't reload the page after it says loading for whatever reason. This meant for me, that I had to use another browser Framework, so I stumpled upon this: https://github.com/cefsharp/CefSharp

With this, the page actually loads correctly, but the problem here then was....how the hell do I get the Source code, since the Framework only has a "View Source" method. Long story short: The view source method saves the source code in the temp folder, so I looked for the last created file and grabbed and saved it. I know the solution is really really bad, but hey....it worked for me :D (will probably during the day put my solution on Github)

Posted (edited)

hear is a list of moves not normally learned in gen 6 that are currently used in the smogon sets and i though you might be interested in it.

Edit: this list is incomplete and does not include things that currently cant not have a blue pentagon(Arceus, Mew, etc)

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Edited by KazoWAR
Posted (edited)

Sry for not working on this for quite some time, but now it's update time!

This time, we're moving up to version 1.5 which you can find here :)

This update took me longer since there was a lot to fix (special thanks to KazoWAR) and to do.

I updated the sets from this collection to the new collection. (Here the changes)

I plan to do this monthly now and release it around the 1st of every month.

I fixed a lot of stuff:

- Landorus, Thundurus, Dream World abilities

- Victini

- Black Glasses Bisharp

- most of what KazoWAR said here (Thanks!):

  KazoWAR said:
hear is a list of moves not normally learned in gen 6 that are currently used in the smogon sets and i though you might be interested in it.

Edit: this list is incomplete and does not include things that currently cant not have a blue pentagon(Arceus, Mew, etc)

  Reveal hidden contents

Edit: Also made a version 1.5.1 now because Abomasnow had to be fixed. You can find it here: http://puu.sh/ghQqf/a516879d21.rar

Edit2: TODO for me: I have to implement Never-Melt Ice and all the moves which changed their names in Gen 6 in 1.5.2

Edited by FullLifeGames
  FullLifeGames said:
Sry for not working on this for quite some time, but now it's update time!

This time, we're moving up to version 1.5 which you can find here :)

This update took me longer since there was a lot to fix (special thanks to KazoWAR) and to do.

I updated the sets from this collection to the new collection. (Here the changes)

I plan to do this monthly now and release it around the 1st of every month.

I fixed a lot of stuff:

- Landorus, Thundurus, Dream World abilities

- Victini

- Black Glasses Bisharp

- most of what KazoWAR said here (Thanks!):

Edit: Also made a version 1.5.1 now because Abomasnow had to be fixed. You can find it here: http://puu.sh/ghQqf/a516879d21.rar

Edit2: TODO for me: I have to implement Never-Melt Ice and all the moves which changed their names in Gen 6 in 1.5.2

FullLifeGames, I find your work a great idea.You are awsome but I have something to mention.If you go to Gen VI Guide Legal Non-Legendary Pokemon (http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?44683-Gen-VI-Guide-in-Getting-a-Legal-Non-Legendary-Pokemon) As you can see that in step 21 it says :If your Pokemon is of a different species, fill it's relearn moves with all of the level 1 moves of its base evolution. Blaziken would get Torchic's scratch and growl.I do not believe that you thouth of this before.Is there anyway that you can fix this? Thank you.


Dear FullLifeGame I appreciatey your job a lot but I belive that you have made a big mistake when you created those pokemon.Here (http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?44683-Gen-VI-Guide-in-Getting-a-Legal-Non-Legendary-Pokemon)

as you can see Step 21 mentions that :If your Pokemon is of a different species, fill it's relearn moves with all of the level 1 moves of its base evolution. Blaziken would get Torchic's scratch and growl.I do not belive that you ever thougth of that.Is there any way that you can fix this?

Also I believe that smogons OU list is this one right here: http://www.smogon.com/dex/xy/tags/ou but you have much more pokemon in your OU list like Absol.Why are all those pokemon there?

Thanks you.

  tekimotop said:
Dear FullLifeGame I appreciatey your job a lot but I belive that you have made a big mistake when you created those pokemon.Here (http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?44683-Gen-VI-Guide-in-Getting-a-Legal-Non-Legendary-Pokemon)

as you can see Step 21 mentions that :If your Pokemon is of a different species, fill it's relearn moves with all of the level 1 moves of its base evolution. Blaziken would get Torchic's scratch and growl.I do not belive that you ever thougth of that.Is there any way that you can fix this?

Also I believe that smogons OU list is this one right here: http://www.smogon.com/dex/xy/tags/ou but you have much more pokemon in your OU list like Absol.Why are all those pokemon there?

Thanks you.

The egg moves and relearn moves might be a thing I have to do. I just ignored it, because it wasn't necassary for fighting with my friends, but if it's so crucial, it will get implement at some point.

To the question with Absol in OU: Many Pokemon in OU, which aren't technically OU, still have a niche in this tier and can be used. This is why Absol for example has an OU analysis and is for that reason in the OU list.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

So after Smogon decided to update their Dex, my method of getting the data didn't work anymore and altering it, surprisingly didn't as well. This however gave me the last days some motivation to implement and make it work again.

I had to change my whole method of getting the data, but with the help of Selenium, I was finally able to get it (though very slowly, but stable).

This means finally Update time again!:

Update 7 (June Update):

- I updated the sets from this collection (April 2015) to the new collection (4. June 2015). (Here the changes)

- Reimplemented Abomasnow, which was lost in the last update (this is what I meant by stable)

Here is the Download Link.

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hello, I just got registered recently and been looking through the Smogondex Collection, but I figured that I might make note of some of the Pokemon that might have been missed in the legal set ups. In addition, the Smogon website has changed their tier system to place certain Pokemon in different areas, which would prove to be confusing in future updates unless brought to attention.

LEGAL SETS - To be implemented:

  • Pidgeot - Stall Breaker - Refresh - xD GALE OF DARKNESS

TIER TRANSFERS - To be implemented:

  • Raticate - RU Tier => PU Tier
  • Fearow - RU Tier => PU Tier



I will continue to add on anymore that might be worth to note

Edited by wind_waker4631
  wind_waker4631 said:
Hello, I just got registered recently and been looking through the Smogondex Collection, but I figured that I might make note of some of the Pokemon that might have been missed in the legal set ups.

    Pideot - Stall Breaker - Refresh - xD GALE OF DARKNESS

I will continue to add on anymore that might be worth to note

This will be really helpful, I will see if I can make this Pidgeot legal in the next version!
  wind_waker4631 said:

TIER TRANSFERS - To be implemented:

  • Raticate - RU Tier => PU Tier
  • Fearow - RU Tier => PU Tier

I actually don't know what you mean. Raticate and Fearow are and were before in the PU Tier, so can you please describe a bit more what you mean?
  wind_waker4631 said:



I think I have to talk about, how I get these sets. The sets are the ones from the Smogon Dex => this means some Pokemon won't unfortunately have sets since they're not viable in their tiers. This includes the Pokemon you wrote down in this list, since they don't have an analysis on Smogon.


In the folders that I was looking through in the collection, I noticed that Raticate and Fearow were found in NU rather than PU. I figured that it might be needed to point out unless that was accounted for in the new update.

Also, I figured some of the Pokemon were not going to get sets, but I figured it might be useful for someone getting the files to know which Pokemon aren't included. Someone might expect this to be a complete Pokedex geared for Smogon like analysis, but not every Pokemon has a set because there is lack of data.

Anyways, I have yet to see the new collection to find out for myself what was included.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi I was wondering if this was possible to do as well with the previous gen 1-5 games? Dunno if u use a certain script to extract the information from Smogon and then load it into PKHeX?

Great release saves me trouble of creating all pokemon files manually

  DracoMilesX said:
Hi I was wondering if this was possible to do as well with the previous gen 1-5 games? Dunno if u use a certain script to extract the information from Smogon and then load it into PKHeX?

Great release saves me trouble of creating all pokemon files manually

My original idea of making this for gen 6, came from what you're looking for. KazoWAR made this for Gen 1-5: http://kazowar.webs.com/

If you want to use them with PKHeX, you have to convert them with this tool though: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?41681-Time-Capsule-Transfer-Tool-%28-pk2pk-%29


I have succesfully made a Mimic Shedinja, and a Swords Dance Qwilfish if anyone cares :)

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