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  Favna said:
Quoted from wikipedia:

That said, for any exploit to be made a bug, glitch or vulnerability has to be found first. From what I read on the forum some time back the old one relied on running a piece of javascript through the webbrowser which would recognize it as related to the 3DS themes, since this has now been fixed most likely by system wide javascript injection prevention.

im taking about an exploit possible coming out for people who did not update their 3ds that allows them to go in eshop and get the game patch with out having to update the system im not saying this will happen but it may be possible im felling this because the regoin free boots games out of the browser and allows any 3ds game to be played could work by injecting code into the eshop to trick it into thinking its on lasted firmware

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  hacks said:
im taking about an exploit possible coming out for people who did not update their 3ds that allows them to go in eshop and get the game patch with out having to update the system im not saying this will happen but it may be possible im felling this because the regoin free boots games out of the browser and allows any 3ds game to be played could work by injecting code into the eshop to trick it into thinking its on lasted firmware

This will not happen because the game update itself patches the web exploit "In Game" (which means even if your browser allows the web exploit to work, no pokemon would be injected). There is no way to trick Nintendo servers into thinking your game is updated when it isn't without modifying the ROM.


could you help me my 3ds is on a firmware this works on but when i try to use ramsavbrowser crashsbut no green screen and noting changes on the game Also cleard cookies to


no i updated it with the intenet when the update was out it was like out when the exploits just came out and i never updated that 3ds since theqr codes are working just not the ram sav it was working before tried delting all save data in browser they must of patched it some how though their net worK and the 3ds im using for this is 9.40.0-21 edit dowloaded a fresh ram save out and in files and it worked


If the QR codes are working, then ram2sav should work, since they're using the same web exploit. I have the exact same firmware as you, so I see no reason why it shouldn't work for you. On your SD card make sure you only have the files provided to you by this thread and not from the other versions of this exploit. What version is your browser? It should be 1.7567


How long does the 3DS browser crashing normally take? mines been going for roughly an hour now and I'm beginning to wonder if it will even work.

  Rupture said:
How long does the 3DS browser crashing normally take? mines been going for roughly an hour now and I'm beginning to wonder if it will even work.

max 30 seconds if you have a slow connection.

Sorry but maybe you updated.

  supercarotte said:
Did you update via ssb/code S.T.E.A.M ? It appears it doesn't work with game updates.

Can someone confirm this? I am looking at updating a 3DS with 4.5 firmware using SSB.


are people working on hacking the 3ds lasted firmware yet and looking for new exploits or finding away around the patch if not why because even if they are hacking troubles trying to crack into the 3ds lasted firmware they should at least try instead of not doing any thing

  hacks said:
are people working on hacking the 3ds lasted firmware yet and looking for new exploits or finding away around the patch if not why because even if they are hacking troubles trying to crack into the 3ds lasted firmware they should at least try instead of not doing any thing

It is not the first time I say that, but you should not shame the guys from which you need help if you want them to answer you. If you are unsatisfied with the pace of the researches, then go learn about the 3DS firmware and try to find a solution yourself, that will match your nickname at least. Instead of your whinning, your help would much appreciated.

  RustInPeace said:
Look at page 35, there was also a prior statement on not working with S.T.E.A.M.'s firmware update.
  Don Juan said:
I've just purchased an brand new original 3ds xl and updated the firmware 9.4.0-12U using the game Code name steam. I've Copied rsavin.bin and rsavout.bin onto the SD card and followed the instructions as is detailed I go to the link and the browser crashes like it supposed to,but it doesn't create a ramsav.bin. can someone please help me?

That doesn't mention anything about SSB though, it only mentioned Code Name S.T.E.A.M. which is 9.4.0-12U whereas SSB is supposed to be 9.2.0-12.

  rowswellg said:
That doesn't mention anything about SSB though, it only mentioned Code Name S.T.E.A.M. which is 9.4.0-12U whereas SSB is supposed to be 9.2.0-12.

There are several more places on this forum where it has been discussed and it appears that neither SSB nor STEAM updates work. I don't really know why but it doesn't.

  supercarotte said:
There are several more places on this forum where it has been discussed and it appears that neither SSB nor STEAM updates work. I don't really know why but it doesn't.

OK, that's a little more helpful. But is it just those two games or are there any that actually work? I'm only asking as it was suggested earlier on in this thread to be able to update to a specific firmware.

  rowswellg said:
OK, that's a little more helpful. But is it just those two games or are there any that actually work? I'm only asking as it was suggested earlier on in this thread to be able to update to a specific firmware.

Here's my idea of why firmwares updated through 3DS games don't work (first posted here: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?45804-9-4-0-12U-Web-Injection-Not-Working&p=202778&viewfull=1#post202778 ), could this be the problem?

  Ahito95 said:
Maybe that "-12" is the problem, if you normally updated through the Internet when 9.4 was the latest firmware you would have got FW 9.4.0-21, I read that the -12/-20/-21/-22 thing is the version of the web applications (eShop app, Web Browser) of the console, so maybe the FW update contained in SSB/STEAM doesn't update the Browser and you have a too old Browser version to use the RAM exploits... Just my idea, it's the only possible explaination I can think of :)

My browser version is 1.7567 (I'm on FW 9.2.0-20), check yours in the browser settings (where you delete cookies and browser history).

(sorry for my English)


Sigh... Seriously, how can anyone even be trying to believe this crazy "update via game" to trick things to work?

Game updates are NOT full system updates, nor do they install data irrelevant to the game itself, they only contain a minor update that ensures that the system will be able to run that game in particular correctly. If a system is already updated past that point, then it won't even need to install that data, as it's already there (I've never tried that in particular, so it may actually do so anyways and just re-install the data).

The reason for the in-game updates in the first place are because they may require additional software for compatibility on the system that is not there by default and hasn't yet (as of the game's release) been released via a full update.

@any with similar opinions to a statement a few posts up: How long do you think this system has been out? 4 years. It took THAT LONG to get this decent exploit, and it was patched this fast. It's NOT something you can just say "Hey, find a way already, slackers, I need to cheat NOW!" and expect them to magically do so tonight. If you need it so bad, find it yourself and show us incompetents how easy it is when one "really tries". Otherwise, be happy with what you've got: A great game system and great games. Enjoy them, why don't you?

Even if that's not the message you were trying to give (not that I can easily see any other intent), cool off and wait. Whining isn't going to help, ever, especially with something where it may well be that that was the LAST and only exploit that will ever occur.

If you need to cheat so badly, it's actually really easy: import a Japanese 3DS and game(s), buy Cyber Editor, and maybe learn Japanese so you'll have gained something useful as well.


I have a v9.2 3DS. I managed to execute this exploit and have all the changes made with PKHex in my appear in the game.

But when I wanna save it, the game just hang and bounce back to the home menu with an error and a button to click to restart the 3DS.

The game didn't get saved.

Without doing the exploit, the game saves fine.

Any idea what's happening and how can I fix it?


I have tried on my friend 3DSXL with v9.4, I just copied all 3 ramin, ramout, ramsav from my SD card to his SD card and execute the exploit.

The exploit works fine, changes made with PKHex appear and it saves fine no problem.

Then I try again on my 3DS v9.2 with the 3 same files, again game freeze while saving and 3DS have to be restarted.

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