tooklin999 Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 mine was my shiny mew that i caught in emerald. im glad that it was my first shiny because its also my favourite pokemon ever. took alot of soft resetting though but it was worth it.
PinkKitty Posted October 2, 2009 Posted October 2, 2009 Other than the guaranteed shiny Gyarados from classic Gold version, the only other shiny I have ever gotten is a shiny Glaceon. =n.n= Ended up being female with pretty high IVs, sooo... I get the feeling I am not going to be getting anything rarer anytime soon, if ever. I am definitely happy it was a Pokemon I like the shiny colours of better than the original, though.
snickerslv100 Posted October 9, 2009 Posted October 9, 2009 my first was a charmander. i didnt notice it was shiny until i evolved it to charmeleon. it was yellow! then it turned into a black charizard. really cool. lv100. Knows Blast Burn, Flare Blitz, Overheat, and Fire Blast. I got it from the daycare at solaceon town.
GreenPhantom Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 My first Shiny was a Shiny Buizel caught in pokemon paltinum
mewtwo lv27 Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 my first pokemon was in gold it was a crabby i noticed it right off the back caught it cloned it and gave it to all my friends then evolved it and it was still shinny ---------- Post added at 11:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 AM ---------- tooklin999 said: mine was my shiny mew that i caught in emerald. im glad that it was my first shiny because its also my favourite pokemon ever. took alot of soft resetting though but it was worth it.whats soft resetting
lopez4ever Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 mine was a shiny cacnea in pokemon ruby.. i ran away cuz im just dumb like that lol.. i didnt know about shinies until later hahah!.
sheely69 Posted October 18, 2009 Posted October 18, 2009 i got mine yesterday, A shiny totodile from soul silver 1st attmpt no soft resets AWESOMEEEE!!!!!!!! :creep: :bidoof:
pokemaster384 Posted October 18, 2009 Posted October 18, 2009 i got mine on the first day diamond and pearl came out a hsiny shinx found just out side of jubilife i had just started to:P
Dolebiscuit Posted November 7, 2009 Posted November 7, 2009 My first shiny was a Shuppet I caught in Emerald. I have one other shiny, but I can't remember what it is off the top of my head. Haha.
Mewtwo Ex Posted November 7, 2009 Posted November 7, 2009 Dolebiscuit said: My first shiny was a Shuppet I caught in Emerald. I have one other shiny, but I can't remember what it is off the top of my head. Haha. I remember finding one at the Sky Pillar. However it had sustained a burn an fainted before going inside the PokeBall.
Eatsushi Posted November 8, 2009 Posted November 8, 2009 i found a shiny teddiursa when i was just training my squirtle
trance Posted November 8, 2009 Posted November 8, 2009 It's quite ridiculous that my first shiny is a Unown Y. Of all the places to find shinies...
Mobius Posted November 8, 2009 Posted November 8, 2009 Well, are you talking about the first one we ran into in D/P/Pt/HG/SS, or the first one that we encountered ever? If we're talking strictly 4th Gen, the first shiny that I found was a Graveler in Stark Mountain a couple days ago. Thankfully I was able to catch it without it blowing up in my face. The first shiny that I ever encountered period was a Haunter in Crystal Version. Unfortunately, none of my Pokemon back then knew how to attack without overkilling something. The only other shiny that I encountered was an Oddish in my Ruby version, which got transferred to Pearl, and then Pearl broke.
Dolebiscuit Posted November 12, 2009 Posted November 12, 2009 I also have a shiny Dugtrio, which is pretty lame really. It just has a blue nose, haha.
duct.tape.fairy Posted November 12, 2009 Posted November 12, 2009 I can't be certain, but I think I ran into a shiny Spinarak back in the day. I don't recall catching it, but it was a long time ago so not sure.
testoc Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 I played all the way thru Emerald without seeing one. I played all the way thru Ruby without seeing one (but I did get Pokerus!!!). I was on my way to the Pokemon League in Platinum and ran into a shiny, female Steelix on Victory Road. I only had my tanks with me at the time and was so scared that I'd knock it out! I just kept throwing ultras at it until one took. I couldn't resist and named it Goldirocks. The stats weren't too good, impish nature, lvl 42 but I was stoked just to see and catch a shiny after all that time. testoc
wraith89 Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 Please don't bump old threads. Disregard what I said above, I was only kidding. Impish nature? That is actually rather awesome for a Steelix. And Goldirocks is a rather nice name as well. Congrats. Anyhow, during my Infernape playthrough, I happened to find a shiny Noctowl (just like how Ash found one in the anime I suppose because they are the same exact colors >.>) There you go... a shiny Noctowl, complete with 18/5/7/16/7/15 IVs and Timid nature with Keen Eye... DOH! Why must these shinies always have not so good stats? >.< It was found in Route 211 for those who are curious where to find wild Noctowls.
Mewtwo Ex Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 wraith89 said: Please don't bump old threads.Disregard what I said above, I was only kidding. Impish nature? That is actually rather awesome for a Steelix. And Goldirocks is a rather nice name as well. Congrats. Anyhow, during my Infernape playthrough, I happened to find a shiny Noctowl (just like how Ash found one in the anime I suppose because they are the same exact colors >.>) There you go... a shiny Noctowl, complete with 18/5/7/16/7/15 IVs and Timid nature with Keen Eye... DOH! Why must these shinies always have not so good stats? >.< It was found in Route 211 for those who are curious where to find wild Noctowls. I was hunting for one in Heart Gold. I kept looking but eventually gave up for getting the wifi Mew. Nice find Wraith.
sunspot Posted November 19, 2009 Posted November 19, 2009 My first shiny is an Oddish. I caught her in the Safari Zone on Ruby. She is now in my Diamond and doing very well.
amh7912 Posted November 19, 2009 Posted November 19, 2009 (edited) Level three Spearow early in Fire red. After playing through G/S/C, S/E, a tiny bit of Leaf green and up to the route before you enter Mt. Moon on Fire Red when it just popped up. Then I lent a friend Pearl, and he got me a shiny Geodude, and on Diamond I traded for a shiny Raticate, Latios, Deoxys, Raikou and Shedinja. on Platinum I found a shiny Bronzor. Somewhere in there I went back to Sapphire and found a shiny Zigzagoon. Bronzor and Spearow are now level 60+ and I have probably fifteen Fearows throughout my games. Also my bro found a shiny Tentacool in Ruby but his GBA sp battery died. Technically my first was the shiny Gyarados, but I don't count it based on its being a story Pokemon and because its forever stuck in the abyss I call GBC games, and can never make it to the rest of the world... Edited November 19, 2009 by amh7912 add tentacool and gyarados
Shuamallama Posted November 19, 2009 Posted November 19, 2009 Excluding Red Gyarados, A Shiny Pidgey that I found right before entering Vermillion in Leaf Green. I also found a shiny Ratatta like two wild pokemon encounters after that, but as I was in the beginning of the game, I had no money, and ran out of Pokeballs on it u__u. Recently however, I was playin through my heart gold and I found a shiny Paras in Ilex Forest, which was pretty cool.
nathanmcnutt Posted November 29, 2009 Posted November 29, 2009 I was playing FireRed and found a shiny poliwag. I tried to catch it but I KOed it. T_T
amh7912 Posted November 29, 2009 Posted November 29, 2009 Honestly the only Pokemon I really want shiny is an Eevee on Emerald. Does anyone knoe if They give them away at the Pokemon center in NYC?
Darkraivids Posted November 29, 2009 Posted November 29, 2009 In Pokemon Fire Red, I was in the power plant looking for one of those uncommon pokemon so I could try to finish the pokedex and what not. I almost didn't notice it was shiny when I encountered it. That was one of the luckiest I ever got becuase it was a shiny Electabuzz! I caught it in a repeat ball and named it "Shinybuzz". I trained it to level 50 and then I transfered it to my Pokemon Diamond and I evovled it into a Shiny Electivire. To this day I'm proud of having it even now that it is level 100. Wouldn't you want one of them too?
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