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Everything posted by testoc

  1. A bit of a story that may help with PW research. Apologies if something similar has been posted elsewhere but I couldn't find it. My daughter unknowingly dropped her pokewalker exiting our Explorer, it landed in the yard face down (black side up) and her Aunt found it 3 days later. Unfortunately, this was after a torrential rain and a lawn mowing. The screen was totally crushed by the lawnmower - needless to say it was totally dead (no screen, no sound on button press). I ordered a replacement from Nintendo for $8.95 + $1.08 tax + $5.00 shipping = $15.03. It arrived this evening. I used a NDS Adaptor Plus to backup the game SAV file to my PC. Next, I reset the game/pokewalker binding (Down + X + L at the connect to PW screen) and then I registered the new pokewalker with the game. Then I saved the game using the NDS Adaptor Plus once again. All the original pokewalker steps and Watts were gone after the reset and registration of the new PW but all the path acheivements were there. I was not going to give up on the data so I then restored the original SAV file, from before the pokewalker reset, to the game cart. At that point I decided to try the new PW and was pleasently surprised that it still functioned with the game and the original step and Watt counts in the game were still there. The old step counts and Watt accumulations are not in the new PW but they are preserved in the game. So she only lost the Watts that had accumulated on the dead pokewalker when the incident occured and the PW counts are not the same as the game accumulations but that doesn't matter much. Not that it matters but she didn't have a pokemon in it at the time of the incident but that could have been resurrected by the Up + Select + R method. So for all who have built up large Watt counts and loose or destroy their PW all is not lost. The data in the game can be preserved as I did above. From a mechanics standpoint, I think that the game-to-pokewalker binding data is purely in the trainer card data loaded to the PW on the original connection. If there was individual PW data stored in the game (serial, ID number, MAC like info) then the restore of the original game would have failed to function with the new PW. I do have both of these SAV files if anyone would be interested in analyzing them for delta info. Hope this helps someone a bit...
  2. I played all the way thru Emerald without seeing one. I played all the way thru Ruby without seeing one (but I did get Pokerus!!!). I was on my way to the Pokemon League in Platinum and ran into a shiny, female Steelix on Victory Road. I only had my tanks with me at the time and was so scared that I'd knock it out! I just kept throwing ultras at it until one took. I couldn't resist and named it Goldirocks. The stats weren't too good, impish nature, lvl 42 but I was stoked just to see and catch a shiny after all that time. testoc
  3. First posting but I have the last three events that I personally obtained: WiFi Member Card WiFi Oak's Letter TRU Arceus (just went this afternoon) All are likely repeats but these are legit (from my Platinum) and may be helpful I just recieved my NDS Adaptor (EMS) this week and it is great! It does backups and uploads seamlessly. Regards, testoc
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