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I use this team mainly on PBR, where there are no tiers, and you can see the opponent's team before you select your Pokemon.



Azelf @ Choice Scarf

Jolly Levitate

252 Spe / 252 Atk / 6 HP



Stealth Rock


This thing has enabled me to take control of the field from the get-go, so I'm not changing it. :] I usually Explode if I smell a Rain Dance team coming on, or I just have issues with a lead Pokemon. Trick is for bulky leads such as Bronzong, or suicide leads that start with Stealth Rock.

Azelf and Blaziken usually come out together so Azelf can bring it down to 1 HP, activating Salac and Blaze on the first turn.


Blaziken @ Salac Berry

Hasty Blaze

252 Spe / 194 Atk / 64 SpA



Blaze Kick/Fire Punch


My awesome Reversaler. I don't care what people say, this thing usually is able to take out at least one Pokemon. (Barring Priority moves) Overheat is for things that think they can wall it on the Physical side, along with it able to OHKO (123%-145% by my calculations) Naive Salamance (With Blaze activated, of course), which thinks it can scare Blaziken out with Intimidate. (Get it?) It even outspeeds it with a Salac boost, as most Salamance on Wi-Fi don't have 31 Speed IVs, which my Blaziken has.


Jumpluff @ Leftovers

Timid Chlorophyll

252 Spe / 252 HP / 6 Def

Sunny Day

Sleep Powder


Leech Seed

What? NU tier? Are you serious, Smogon? This thing has stalled many Pokemon into submission, and protects Blaziken from Hail or Sandstorm. Sleep Powder can keep a Pokemon at bay while Blaziken deals with it's comrade.


Salamance @ Life Orb

Naive Intimidate

84 Atk / 216 SpA / 208 Spe

Draco Meteor

Fire Blast


Brick Break

This is usually used as a late-game sweep, when half of the opponent's team is killed off by Blaziken. It OHKOs Kingdras with Draco Meteor, and Blissey with Brick Break with ease. What it can't outpace is usually Paralyzed by...


Cresselia @ Leftovers

Bold Leftovers

(Don't know the EVs; I got this on the GTS, and it had an Effort Ribbon at level 51, so I'm assuming that it's around 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA.)

Calm Mind

Thunder Wave


Ice Beam

Cresselia. She walls as if made of brick. The only thing I don't like about her is that Moonlight has only 8 PP. I'm surprised it's not in more OU teams.

With Jumpluff's great Sunny Day support, Moonlight restores 50% or 66% rather than a meager 25%.


Lucario @ Choice Band

Adamant Inner Focus

252 Atk / 252 Spe / 6 HP


Close Combat

Blaze Kick

Stone Edge

As much as I like Lucario, I'm thinking about replacing it.

ExtremeSpeed kills off Focus Sashers or weakened Pokemon, Stone Edge is for Gyarados, and Blaze Kick is for abuse if Sunny day is in play. (That Rhymes! :bidoof:)


It may have Sunny Day, but this is NOT a full-fledged Sunny Day team! Sunny Day is mainly used for getting Sandstorm off the field, and powering up Overheat, so it can get vital OHKOs. This team has problems with Bullet Punch Scizor, but what team doesn't? Regardless, I'm still looking for a good counter for it that's name isn't Rotom-H. I might put Fake Out Ambipom in Lucario's place.

So yeah, RMT.

Jumpluff @ Leftovers

Timid Chlorophyll

252 Spe / 252 HP / 6 Def

Sunny Day

Sleep Powder


Leech Seed

Taunt-Weak, this causes the other pokemon which requires Jumpluff's support a disadvantage.

Apart from that, it's pretty good.


I usually can see Taunt coming, but if it gets too big of a deal for my team, I'll slap U-turn on it somehow. :/

EDIT: Does Ambipom get Sunny Day? :o


Brick Break is unnecessary if you're just looking to hit Blissey for SE damage.

Brick Break: 75 base power for SE damage = 150

Dragon Claw: 80 base power with STAB = 120

Outrage: 120 base power with STAB = 180

That said, Brick Break does have OTHER uses, such as hitting Tyranitar harder than anything else Salamence could dish out. But if you're looking for a wall breaking mixed attacker, Dragonite and Superpower might be your best bet.

You're missing out on two of the best combos of Double Battles:

Zapdos Discharge w/ Garchomp

+ Smeargle with Dark Void

They are both complete dick tactics, but they are very effective.


Hmmm... Dragonite you say?

Dragonite @ Choice Scarf

Mild/Naughty/Naive/Hasty Inner Focus


Draco Meteor




I can replace Lucario with this, and put Ambipom in Salamance's place. Thoughts?

Hmmm... Dragonite you say?

Dragonite @ Choice Scarf

Mild/Naughty/Naive/Hasty Inner Focus


Draco Meteor




I can replace Lucario with this, and put Ambipom in Salamance's place. Thoughts?

What would Ambipom do for your team?

Well, running Sunny Day support is fine, although your team doesn't really benefit from it. =|

What about.... (this is insane here) a nasty plot baton passing sunnybeam ambipom.

Crazyness but it might actually work.

Secondly, you really need a follow me user to support Blaziken. Follow Me has a +3 priority, making it faster then every priority move in the game barring Feint. Blaziken is easily capable of taking down all of the opposing team, although you may want to run Leichi for the extra power because of the follow me-er.

Use Togekiss as a follow me person, because togekiss has usable defenses. its a shame to waste the special attack, but if you run an ambipom NPpasser, it might work.

I know little about doubles, but a choice scarf mixnite is not a good idea imo. It doesn't work at all in singles. Maybe a support role, but since idk about doubles, that might be a bad idea. As an afterthought, since speed is probably really important, you can run this set for Dragonite:

Dragonite @Choice Scarf

Ability: Inner Focus (<3)

Nature: Mild

Evs: 68 Spd 252 SpA 190 Atk (assuming 31 speed IV)

- Draco Meteor

- Superpower

- Flamethrower / Ice Beam

- Thunderbolt

Interesting set here. Its all one pokemon only moves, so I thought that might help? Anyway, Draco Meteor and Superpower are pretty obvious scarf moves. The rest is whatever Dragonite has access to; unfortunately, no overheat from him, and not much else to choose from. Flamethrower and Ice Beam depend on who you're afraid of, but in general Draco Meteor will do more to dragons anyway. That dragonite set will hit 244 speed with 31 speed IVs, which will outspeed all +speed natured 252 EV base 115 speed people. You miss out on outspeeding Alakazam though. If you're really worried about that, switch the attack and speed evs, which hits 388 speed after the choice scarf, which outspeeds everything under base 125 speed with 252 evs and positive nature. To clarify, that beats +speed 252 ev swellow, weavile (who'll ice shard anyway), and alakazam. Still, thats a lot of power lost in superpower.

Anyway, the NP passing sunnybeam ambipom is a pretty good idea. Run something like:

Ambipom @Leftovers

Ability: Technician

Nature: Timid

Evs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spd

- Baton Pass

- Nasty Plot

- Sunny Day / Swift

- Solarbeam / Taunt

Obviously, sunnybeam or swift and taunt. Anyway, ambipom has pitiful special attack, but nasty plot pushes it past 400, which isn't bad at all, and then you can pass it to someone proper. Of course thats not going to be easy in doubles. Still Idk what ambipom can actually do on your team. =|


Ambipom can support Blaziken by Faking Out the opponent I'm not attacking that turn, so it doesn't try anything funny that turn. Even if I run a Nasty Plot Baton Pass, what does it pass to? The two Special Attackers on my team are Salamance and Cresselia, and Cresselia already has Calm Mind, and Salamance is usually kept under-wraps if I have to take out a Scizor late-game, or I'm having a hard time with a wall.

I've tested out Choice Scarf Dragonite doesn't really preform like I want it to. Most of my team don't want to switch, as they can take anything that's thrown at them anyway. I might get a Rapid Spinner, but again, they don't switch much. :V Well, maybe Ambipom.

I might get a Heal Bell Pokemon to support Cresselia, or maybe slap Aromatherapy on Jumpluff. :/


Quite honestly, I think another special attacker is almost required. I can't see Jumpluff doing all that much of anything. Getting rid of Sand is fine, for a long 6 pokemon battle. Wasting a turn setting up Sunny Day can spell the death of someone in doubles regardless what sand did for the opposing team. Since your team is seriously lacking in water/ice moves, I'd reccomend a water type.

I'd start by reccomending the ever useful Suicune, who offers STAB water moves, ice moves, defenses, and more. Then I'd reccomend Empoleon, who can use her above average SpA to deal damage. Finally, Vaporeon, with SpA comparable to Empoleon but much better HP.

Unfortunately all three of those are pitifully slow. =|

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