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In Platinum and HG/SS, there are some events that can only be activated by having a special Nintendo Event Pokemon with you.

The game identifies them as Event Pokemon because of their "fateful encounter" flag.


Since the Gracidea only works on "fateful encounter" Shaymin, doesn't that mean that the Shaymin obtained using Oak's Letter will not be able to transform?


Platinum Shaymin has the Fateful Encounter flag, which is the only game the Oak's Letter has legitimately been obtainable with (only in Japan as of right now).

Diamond and Pearl Shaymin won't transform. Shaymin wasn't even supposed to be known about until around Platinum's release anyway.


Gracidea Flower works on any Shaymin even the Oak's Letter one. It's just that you need to have the event Shaymin to obtain the Gracidea Flower.


Gracidea Flower can be used on any Shaymin.

Gracidea Flower can only be obtained by having the Event Shaymin in your party.

  Toffeuy said:
Gracidea Flower works on any Shaymin even the Oak's Letter one. It's just that you need to have the event Shaymin to obtain the Gracidea Flower.


Gracidea Flower can be used on any Shaymin.

Gracidea Flower can only be obtained by having the Event Shaymin in your party.

No Toffeuy, only if you say it will work on any LEGAL Shaymin. Since the only ones that are legally available and can be legit are the Move Shaymin, and the Platinum Oak's letter Shaymin in Japan.

Shaymin HAVE to have the Fateful Encounter flag to transform, try and transform one caught in Diamond or Pearl, it doesn't work.


Oh really?... I thought it works on any Shaymin. On every article i've read they all say the flower can be used on any Shaymin. It's just that obtaining it requires the fateful encounter.

Bulbapedia says that:

Using Glacidea Flower

It's been confirmed that you must have an event Shaymin to receive the Glacidea Flower from the girl in Floaroma, but after getting it, any Shaymin can transform using it.

On WikiAnswers too:

Does the gracidea flower work on any shaymin?

Fortunately yes it does, only if you have the gracidea flower, unfortunately shaymin can only be turned into sky form in the day so you shaymin will automatically turn back in to land form at night. Understand, i hope i helped you alot


Well, I can't help that all the articles are based on wrong information.

I made a Youtube video as proof. A Diamond Shaymin, Movie Shaymin, and a Platinum Shaymin. First I show you some of the details in Pokesav, then in game, then the transformations, one of which fails.. Care to guess which? =P (Sorry its kinda long, I have yet to download any editing software.)


Oh, so a Shaymin from Flower Paradise in Platinum is auto-set to a fateful encounter flag? Thanks.

EDIT: Can someone check to see if Platinum Darkrai and Arceus from Newmoon Island and Hall of Origin are also auto-set to fateful encounter?

Also, another question:

If the NZ Jirachi unlocks the new area in the PokeWalker, doesn't that mean that any fateful encounter Jirachi (like Colosseum Bonus Disk) would also unlock it?


About Jirachi - We do not know. The information is this A NZ Jirachi unlocks an Event in the Pedometer when transferred from Platinum to HG/SS to the device.

Arceus is unknown to trigger the event in Johto. It is confirmed that the Movie ones does.

However i confirm that any LEGIT Arceus from Hall of Origin unlocks the event in the Oreburgh mine. I personally did it.

As for Darkrai i have no information regarding it.


Actually, I think a Shaymin needs one of few particular flags (the Fateful Encounter flag being the most known) set in order to be able to change into Sky Forme. Although my friend's randomly generated Shaymin was unable to change forme, I turned my Espeon from xD into a Shaymin, and it's able to change forme just fine. I did the same thing with a random Luxio I found in Platinum, and it was incompatible with Gracidea.

If it works like this, there also has to be other flags that have to do with where it was met and whatnot.

NOTE: I'm NOT encouraging anyone to use AR codes, and I NEVER use them for unfair advantages; I just play around with AR/Ocarina codes for fun (and, in ocarina's case, machinimating purposes).

  randomspot555 said:
As far as I know, any Shaymin, regardless of it being legit or not, can USE the Flower. Only Shaymin with a Fateful Encounter flag can RECEIVE it.

randomspot555, I posted video proof that they can't change. Nothing on the Pokemon was edited after capture, just loaded into the sav file I used. Its a fact, even if not fully understood.

Even if there is more than one flag that help to trigger the transformation, Shaymin caught(or made) before Platinum's release cannot transform with the Gracidea (unless you alter them, or checked the FE flag just because you wanted to the first time lol). I have caught Shaymin at the Flower Paradise in multiple games from multiple regions (Korea, US, Japan) in Diamond and Pearl, and none of them have the ability to change.

The Fateful Flag must be checked in order to transform, the hidden hex values aren't needed either as shown by the Movie Shaymin. The Espeon from xD that you mentioned Midnight, transforming after changing it to Shaymin was likely due to the fact that xD Pokemon have the FE flag checked if you weren't paying attention to that. All you have to do is check the FE flag on the Diamond and Pearl Shaymin and they will transform just like all the others.


I'd love to be proved wrong, as I'd really just like everything cleared up. But if it does turn out that certain DP Shaymin can transform, it'll just open more doors to questions of why others can't. It'll really make me wonder why of the 20ish that I've caught, none of them transformed. Maybe just bad luck? lol

Its just as far as I can prove, none of my non-Platinum Shaymin have transformed, and none of them have a FE flag. While the Movie and Platinum Shaymin all have the flag, and have no problem transforming (as they were designed to). If you can provide proof to the contrary, I'd love to see it so this can get settled once and for all. lol

Oh, and Zowayix,:

The Platinum Darkrai and Arceus don't have the Fateful Encounter flag checked. But as of right now, the flag isn't needed for the only Arceus event we have access to (the Miner in Oreburgh and Canalave), as that event apparently just needs you to have registered data for Arceus in your Pokedex (obtained by trade, caught, or via wondercard. Not inserted as a pkm file.) and an Arceus in you party. No word on how the HGSS event works yet, so we don't know if any Arceus will work besides the Movie one.

Even though it was used with the Shaymin and Regigigas events, the Fateful Encounter flag isn't the only thing used to activate them, as I described with the Arceus event above. We don't know exactly how the the Pokewalker will recognize the NZ Jirachi as the one to unlock the special courses. It may be the FE flag, TID, SID, a combo of things, we just dunno. We'll have to wait until release and investigate further

Posted (edited)

I never knew that the Eevee you start with in xD has the fateful encounter flag. My bad. DX

But yeah, perhaps that theory I came up with doesn't exist. Sorry to mislead you all. :/

I'll try using another xD Pokémon, and perhaps one from Colosseum, and see if they can transform.

EDIT: Tried to change my Tyranitar from Colosseum- no dice. I don't know anything about hexing when it comes to Pokémon, sadly, so I'm not sure if Colosseum Pokémon have the FE flag checked. :/

Edited by Midnight
  Midnight said:

EDIT: Tried to change my Tyranitar from Colosseum- no dice. I don't know anything about hexing when it comes to Pokémon, sadly, so I'm not sure if Colosseum Pokémon have the FE flag checked. :/

They don't. It was added to all the Pokemon in xD, but I don't know why. Maybe to differentiate them from the Colosseum Pokemon? or maybe they just wanted to. I have no idea on that, its Genius Sonority's doing.


Then how is a Diamond or Pearl Shaymin that has had the Fateful Encounter flag checked able to transform? O.o?

EDIT: I just tested 4 Shaymin; one from Diamond, one from the Movie w/o the FE flag, one from Platinum w/o the FE flag but keeping the hidden hex values, and one from Platinum w/o the FE flag and hidden hex values. NONE of them transformed. I then checked the FE flag on all four, and they are now all Skymin, so there has to be at least one more step to the check than that. It should also perform a check to make sure Shaymin isn't frozen too.

  DanteKoriyu said:
Then how is a Diamond or Pearl Shaymin that has had the Fateful Encounter flag checked able to transform? O.o?

EDIT: I just tested 4 Shaymin; one from Diamond, one from the Movie w/o the FE flag, one from Platinum w/o the FE flag but keeping the hidden hex values, and one from Platinum w/o the FE flag and hidden hex values. NONE of them transformed. I then checked the FE flag on all four, and they are now all Skymin, so there has to be at least one more step to the check than that. It should also perform a check to make sure Shaymin isn't frozen too.

I will check again when I get time, its possible I missed something. Its possible that it only checks for the FE flag, and thats it. I know SCV has the proper information somewhere as well, I will see if I can have him dig up his notes.

  • 3 weeks later...

the shaymin WILL TURN INTO SKY SHAYMIN with the GRAIDEA FLOWER i know this i have tryed it so many times

btw i didnt read the other posts so... if people have already said this then oh well

it wrked for me so good luck

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