CronoStorm Posted July 22, 2009 Posted July 22, 2009 (edited) As the title implies, I have an idea for an interesting team that I want to implement in my area during local tournaments (unofficial). I want to make an HP Sap team. Basically, I'm going to spam obnoxious amounts of sleeping agents and life leechers. Put my opponent's team to sleep, leech seed them, and continue to sap their HP while maintaining their sleep status. Obviously I need to watch out for Ice and Fire. Please don't post telling me that, it's kinda obvious. With that aside, I AM looking for a way to keep those things away, so suggestions for moves will be greatly appreciated. Also, this team is meant for Doubles only, which increases the challenge. So far I have two Pokemon in mind - Breloom and Tangrowth. *King* Breloom @ Toxic Orb Poison Heal - Spore - Leech Seed - Mach Punch - Thunderpunch *Bojanbo* Tangrowth @ i have no idea, probably leftovers Chlorophyll - Sleep Powder (Can I egg move Spore? It's in the same group as Shroomish/Breloom) - Leech Seed - Knock Off - Seed Bomb All advice is appreciated. Still need 4 Pokemon (IF these don't get replaced). Any Pokemon selection advice, move advice, and item advice is welcomed. On an ending note, not only is this team for doubles, but the particular group of whiners I'm trying to stomp with this obnoxious team has a "No Same Item" rule, meaning my Pokemon must all have different items. Their policy is "if it beats you, ban it", I swear. :grog: EDIT: Oh, and I forgot to mention, no idea where the EVs should go either. If this team wins, it'll be up on fliers all over my city as "Team ProjectPokemon". Put your heart into it! EDIT2: Maybe that sounds cheesy but I really don't care. :grin: If I actually get any help with this I'm not taking all the credit, that's not cool. Also, I was thinking about a Gengar, abusing Hypnosis or something like that. I dunno. Edited July 23, 2009 by CronoStorm Forgot to tell you... and now I've realized something.
D@t@_G@ll@de#3 Posted July 25, 2009 Posted July 25, 2009 Well here is my suggestion with a moveset and a strategy ( I will come up with ideas later on). I don't really EV, IV, or nature train right now, but I think there are plenty of others on the team who can cover that. I won't be specifying an item either. So here it is: Venusaur_ Moveset: Sleep powder Leech seed Giga Drain Attract Strategy: I use this with my Venusaur in LG. It's basically just a complete setup. First, if your up against an opposite gender, use Attract on it. It will barely ever attack you after it is seduced. If it's not an opposite gender, use Sleep powder as an alternative. Once you have one of those (or both of them casted on it. If you can get both Attract AND Sleep Powder on it, that thing will be in a corner) induced upon the foe, use leech seed to automatically drain energy every turn. After that, just keep using Giga Drain on it until it faints. If it wakes up, just use Sleep Powder on it again. It's almost impossible for ANY pokemon to get out of this, unless it isn't affected by grass types. Also, You may want to give your Breloom Drain punch, since your team is based off draining.
pokemonfan Posted July 25, 2009 Posted July 25, 2009 D@t@_G@ll@de#3 said: Well here is my suggestion with a moveset and a strategy ( I will come up with ideas later on). I don't really EV, IV, or nature train right now, but I think there are plenty of others on the team who can cover that. I won't be specifying an item either. So here it is:Venusaur_ Moveset: Sleep powder Leech seed Giga Drain Attract Strategy: I use this with my Venusaur in LG. It's basically just a complete setup. First, if your up against an opposite gender, use Attract on it. It will barely ever attack you after it is seduced. If it's not an opposite gender, use Sleep powder as an alternative. Once you have one of those (or both of them casted on it. If you can get both Attract AND Sleep Powder on it, that thing will be in a corner) induced upon the foe, use leech seed to automatically drain energy every turn. After that, just keep using Giga Drain on it until it faints. If it wakes up, just use Sleep Powder on it again. It's almost impossible for ANY pokemon to get out of this, unless it isn't affected by grass types. Also, You may want to give your Breloom Drain punch, since your team is based off draining. Decent, except for the problem that venusaur is slow and can easily be outran by birds (threat) infernape (threat, just to name a fire type) and a various psychic type like alakazam or gallade (threat, just to name some) however, it might be able to take some of the special attacks from psychic types being that they're almost all special attacks. However, staraptor can be really mean to him. I would suggest something like.... Grass giant the Venusaur@ black sludge (left overs for poison types) Ability: Overgrow Nature: Calm EVs: 252 special defense/ 252 defense/ 6 special attack Moveset: ~sleep powder ~leech seed ~synthesis ~sludge bomb Comment: Sleep powder-stop foe from attacking Leech seed-begin draining foe synthesis-heal sludge bomb- attack, also cover grass type stoppage. You see your team is going to have problems dealing with grass types being that they are immune to leech seed and have resistance to grass type moves that drain HP. Also insomnia pokemon prove a problem such as... -bannete -ariados -noctowl -honchkrow -hypno -shuppet -hoothoot -murkrow -drowzee -spinarak all have the ability insomnia and with the exception of bannete and shuppet they all can prove a typing problem for venusaur so he might not be the best of choice. CronoStorm said: As the title implies, I have an idea for an interesting team that I want to implement in my area during local tournaments (unofficial). I want to make an HP Sap team.Basically, I'm going to spam obnoxious amounts of sleeping agents and life leechers. Put my opponent's team to sleep, leech seed them, and continue to sap their HP while maintaining their sleep status. Obviously I need to watch out for Ice and Fire. Please don't post telling me that, it's kinda obvious. With that aside, I AM looking for a way to keep those things away, so suggestions for moves will be greatly appreciated. Also, this team is meant for Doubles only, which increases the challenge. So far I have two Pokemon in mind - Breloom and Tangrowth. *King* Breloom @ Toxic Orb Poison Heal - Spore - Leech Seed - Mach Punch - Thunderpunch *Bojanbo* Tangrowth @ i have no idea, probably leftovers Chlorophyll - Sleep Powder (Can I egg move Spore? It's in the same group as Shroomish/Breloom) - Leech Seed - Knock Off - Seed Bomb All advice is appreciated. Still need 4 Pokemon (IF these don't get replaced). Any Pokemon selection advice, move advice, and item advice is welcomed. On an ending note, not only is this team for doubles, but the particular group of whiners I'm trying to stomp with this obnoxious team has a "No Same Item" rule, meaning my Pokemon must all have different items. Their policy is "if it beats you, ban it", I swear. :grog: EDIT: Oh, and I forgot to mention, no idea where the EVs should go either. If this team wins, it'll be up on fliers all over my city as "Team ProjectPokemon". Put your heart into it! EDIT2: Maybe that sounds cheesy but I really don't care. :grin: If I actually get any help with this I'm not taking all the credit, that's not cool. Also, I was thinking about a Gengar, abusing Hypnosis or something like that. I dunno. @breloom part Why not subseed? What can be more annoying? Spore, substitute, leech seed! and then focus punch so basically the foe is asleep, you have a substitute, the foe is leech seeded so they're already losing health, and you are going to focus punch it to death with a STAB attack with an ending power of 225 if my math is correct, not to mention more power if the foe is weak to fighting. There is a reason breloom is OU. Sadly no, you cannot egg move spore. Also, you have the moves down, however why chlorophyl? Why not have leaf guard so that no one can annoy you back while the sun is shining. Yet another fault that I need to find a way to utilize such sun related abilities that are on a plethora of grass types. Therefore you need sunshine which is a hard element to get into battle, assuming that you cant use groudon. That tangrowth needs leftovers and an impish nature. I dont think speed is something that is on tangrowth's side so its best to try and prevent status then speed it up. Also, that thing needs an impish nature and put the EVs towards defense and HP. EVs and IVs are everything I feel your pain My suggestion Smeargle@focus sash Ability: own tempo Nature: Jolly EVs: 252 speed/252 defense Moveset: ~spore/dark void ~sunny day ~teeter dance/swords dance ~baton pass paired with... Smeargle@focus sash Ability: own tempo Nature: Jolly EVs: 252 speed/252 special defense Moveset: ~spore/teeter dance ~sunny day ~substitute ~baton pass Smeargle leads! Focus sash guarantees that they will get one move off. Dark void, in case you dont know, is a move that puts both opponents to sleep however, I'm pretty sure that is has 80% accuracy so maybe two spores one per smeargle) so lets say its two spores (dark void is hard to get any way it requires a darkrai) so then saying that the smeargles aren't faster (they really aren't that fast) they get hit, focus sash saves them, then they both spore. (earth quake dual power or any dual effecting move screws this up) then one of them teeter dances (own tempo prevents confusion) so now the foes are asleep and confused. Then we need to get sunny day up for some of the other abilities. Then we sub/swords dance then baton pass in. Or maybe not swords dance/sub at all. I think smeargle leads are a good idea. Then you can come in with tangrowth and breloom, and you pretty much have a safe switch in. Breloom is frail and tangrowth has poor special defense so if they get hit by the right things its bye bye plant monsters. Especially since 1. they aren't that fast 2. breloom is x4 weak to flying and most flying pokemon are fast 3. you need sun to activate leaf guard 4. with the smeargles it saves the trouble of having for tangrowth and breloom to put to sleep, especially since tangrowth cant spore 5. plus now there is teeter dance 6. you may even have BP'd a swords dance or substitute That's my rant.
Arandomproduction1 Posted July 27, 2009 Posted July 27, 2009 Smeargle would do good with Dark Void. No Tangrowth cannot learn Spore either. Only Breloom Smeargle and Parasect can, Also Jumpluff could do good here, Jumpluff@Leftovers Nature: Jolly EV's: 188 Def / 68 SpD / 252 Speed Moves: ~ Encore ~ Leech Seed ~ Substitute ~ Sleep Powder As for Breloom Breloom@Toxic Orb Nature: Adamant EV's: 44 HP / 252 Atk / 212 Spe Moves: ~ Substitute ~ Leech Seed ~ Focus Punch ~ Spore The EV's make you 1 point faster then Adamant Tyranitar, but you could also run Jolly 72 HP / 252 Atk / 186 Spe Making you 1 point faster then + Spe nature 252 Spe Tyranitar. Shaymin another good option with its Average stats Shaymin@Leftovers Nature: Timid EV's 252 HP / 4 Sp.Atk / 252 Spe Moves: ~ Substitute ~ Leech Seed ~ Seed Flare ~ Hidden Power Fire Pretty much a decent SubSeeder. Or if you wanna go more bulky 252 HP / 40 Def / 172 Spe / 40 SpDef It outruns Heatran and beats it with Leech seed up. Only way heatrans gonna beat you is if its scarfed. Sceptile is the fastest Leech Seeder there is other then Shaymin-S Sceptile@ Leftovers Nature: Timid / Jolly EV's: 56 HP / 200 Def / 252 Spe Moves: ~ Substitute ~ Leech Seed ~ Grass Knot / Leaf Blade ~ Hidden Power Fire / X-Scissor Idk really if there is any other different items I would use...
Enkidu Posted July 27, 2009 Posted July 27, 2009 This could be a fun strategy, you could abuse the rain to remove sandstorm or hail, reduce the power of fire attacks and use pokemon like Toxicroak/Ludicolo/Parasect along with your team to further abuse their unique abilities and typing. With pokemon like that you would also not need to solely rely on moves that are only effective in the rain, but use the rain to gain the upper hand, or take it away from your opponent as well. Rain dance + poison type + Sleeper is a valid strategy, and something like Venusaur is a necessity here as it can absorb that annoying toxic spikes, which may hamper your teams SleepSeed strategy, and also serve as a great special wall to things like zapdos which plague the majority of teams. Good luck with your team.
CronoStorm Posted July 29, 2009 Author Posted July 29, 2009 (edited) Hey all, I have no time to really reply right now, but I AM reading. There are a few problems I will address in a few hours time (like, it's 10:56 PM here.), but I really gotta go to bed. Too much on my mind. I'll edit this in the morning. One problem, though, on the way out, is there's a no dupe pokemon rule; only one of any species permitted. EDIT: Okay everyone, here's a rundown on my local area rules: No dupe items. No dupe Pokemon. One legal legendary per team. (Meaning, if I use Zapdos, no Moltres) Sleep clause. Freeze clause. Explosion on last two Pokemon results in a DRAW. DRAW results in a two-on-two doubles match. No Ubers, including Latios. Latias is viable, but Soul Dew is banned. This team is meant for singles, as of now. Doubles probably isn't going to work with this team, because of the sleep clause. My local tournaments consist of alternations between Singles Tournaments and Doubles Tournaments, one every other week. Hope that helps you all. Your advice has been amazing!! Thank you so much, there's so much good in this thread! EDIT: By the way, I'm using my Diamond. I have access to Platinum moves through my BF's Platinum, but no access to Shaymin-S or the Rotom Forms. I DO have Shaymin, and Darkrai as well. However, throwing this team with the Dark Void mixed in probably won't work, because of the sleep clause, correct? For your information, there are currently three tournaments running here locally, and I aim to dominate all three, with your help. One is singles, one is doubles, all above rules apply. The other is doubles, above rules, no sleep or freeze clause. This is all good stuff. I'm working on this team as we speak, thanks so much! Edited July 29, 2009 by CronoStorm OK, I have time to edit this post properly now.
Gin Posted August 1, 2009 Posted August 1, 2009 Ludicolo is a god at what you want to do, same with Stallreign. Only problem is, they require different weathers, rain for Ludi, hail for Stallreign. You can use Togekiss, or Jirachi, etc, for Para/fusion/flinch annoyance, as a paralyzed, confused enemy has only 37.5% of attacking, and Togekiss' Air slash has a whopping 60% chance of flinch.
SilentFox Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 (edited) Continuing the status theme i know your gunna think im joking but [sprite]012[/sprite] butterfree / leftovers Ability compoundeyes since it raises the powders acc to 97.5% Timid 252 spe 252 sta 4 def (someone get me a better spread) stun powder sleep powder bug buzz u-turn or hp/ice/ tailwind for venusaur Edited August 3, 2009 by SilentFox broken sprite?
Gin Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 . SilentFox said: Continuing the status theme i know your gunna think im joking but[sprite]012[/sprite] butterfree @ Focus Sash/leftovers Ability compoundeyes since it raises the powders acc to 97.5% Jolly/Naive 252 spe, 252 spa 4 def stun spore sleep powder bug buzz/Tailwind/Double team U-turn Use Tailwind if you have VERY slow teammates (Trick Room material) Use Double team if theres no evasion clause Use bug buzz otherwise. If you use bug buzz, use Naive nature. Use focus sash if you don't have a hail or sandstorm thing going on (Though you can use hail/sstorm if this is a lead) Use lefties otherwise The strategy is: Sleep powder one of them, while you have your teammate mess up the other. After they switch the sleep'd one, stun spore it to get it paralyzed. Meanwhile, your teammate can set up, or attack. If you ran double team, use it ASAP, use Tailwind the turn before you switch to maximize its effect. When you get countered, U-Turn out and switch to something else.
SilentFox Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 thank you bob i can make sets ... i just dont know exactly what i would like to say X_x
randomspot555 Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 Butterfree holding leftovers is relatively pointless because it's so frail. Which really means Focus Sash, and then you only can use it as a starter. It's base stats for offense are fairly low so I usually don't bother with any attacks. Sleep Powder/Stun Spore are musts. Supersonic/Swagger usually is my third slot. Then it's down to Toxic/U-Turn in the rare instance where I can U-Turn out and inflict status later in the game. That all being said, the problem with using it in OU battles is SR means it won't be useful outside of a lead. And priority moves and Taunt leads will completely destroy it. In UU/NU, MAYBE it can get by without Focus Sash, but I doubt it. I use Butterfree all the time. It's a good lead if you can avoid getting Taunted.
SilentFox Posted August 4, 2009 Posted August 4, 2009 i know it is .... i just run by and wrote without looking thanks though :]
Illithian Posted August 5, 2009 Posted August 5, 2009 The idea itself isn't bad, but I would worry because if they complain about items, its a VERY small step to push Sleep Clause. In any case, you need to start thinking cheap. Firstly, the classic Dark Void Smeargle will be a massive asset to you. Subseed sets are excellent. Sceptile, Celebi, Shaymin(-s), Breloom, Jumpluff, and more can run extremely manuverable Subseed sets. If you prefer, you can go more rainy, and go with Ludicolo, who is a flawless staller with Subseed capabilities and incredible typing. Honestly this topic is random babbling about sets. That isn't useful. An idea to start was good, but we need to know the rules of the tournament. Is it PBR? 6 pokes then pick 4 to battle? 4 pokes flat? 2 pokes? We don't know, that isn't helpful. Once we know that, we can actually focus on who comes out first, what the strategy is, how its executed.
SilentFox Posted August 5, 2009 Posted August 5, 2009 IIlithian i believe these are (Crono correct me if im wrong) OHKO clause Sleep clause Stadium clause (6 to a team but you may only choose 4) Legal Legendary clause (if you have Zapdos no Moltres)etc etc No hax teams ie togekiss with serene grace and air slash No luck items (King's rock, Brightpowder,Lax Incense etc etc) Freeze clause Draw results in a sudden death where only 2 pokes are chosen No ubers (latias is OU no soul dew though) so i think thats it
Illithian Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 With sleep clause, this strategy is impossible, smart opponents will switch out and abuse an obvious weakness in your team.
CronoStorm Posted August 14, 2009 Author Posted August 14, 2009 (edited) Almost correct. Rules are a little different, I'll explain them all (although I coulda' sworn I explained them all already). OHKO Clause. Sleep Clause. Freeze Clause. Multiple Item/Pokemon Clause. 6 Pokemon Teams. Draw results in a 2-on-2 Double Battle. Legal Legendary Clause. No acurracy lowering moves, i.e. Sand Attack. No Ubers. No Soul Dew. I CAN use hax teams, I CAN use hax items, except for accuracy lowering items like bright powder. That should be about right. I have a pretty good team in mind from all this, thanks for all your help. The team I have in brain isn't completely finished as of yet, but its getting there. =) EDIT: Dark Void won't work with the sleep clause. And to clarify, I wasn't too specific on this earlier and I dunno why: this team intends to make full use of Sleep, Paralysis, and Poison to take everyone out. Couple that with Leech Seeds and Substitutes and it's a pretty formidable foe... but I need the right team specs and, unfortunately, I can't do that to save my life. LOL Thanks everyone! Edited August 14, 2009 by CronoStorm Remembered...
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