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My brother also has a friend code.


0963 0361 2265

Him and I are scrambling to add people to our friend list, starting with those who posted earlier. Please add us if possible.

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My fc is on signature so Please add me all if you can.I will add you too :)

My fc Gives Grass type Pokemons on safari.(Oddish,Ivysaur,Quilladin)



Added until now

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I have added everyone thus far



Safari Pokemon: Genesect, Arceus, Deoxys

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Starting to add everyone, my fc is 3883-6157-1455. Name is Arthzil. No idea what I have in my safari.

Edit: added everyone on this page so far since it's the freshest ;)

Posted (edited)

Hi everyone, just defeated the elite four and don't know what I have in the safari.

I'll start adding everyone. If I didn't add you yet, PM me and I'll. :)

FC on my signature.

EDIT: My safari is fighting with Machoke, Pancham and Breloom.

Edited by LucXbr

@Arthzil: Please take the time to add people on previous pages, as well. We can't have everyone posting FCs on every page, so it's up to you to find the rest. LUCKILY, there's a semi-up-to-date list on the OP with a lot of FCs, as well as types and Pokemon, so feel free to use that. Thanks.




5215 0542 4623


0963 0361 2265

Pocketo Monster(Gackt)

2122 6079 3358

Bowser Ex(Midna1123)

0061 0367 0197


3883 6157 1455


5000 1950 4628

Can you plz let me know what type(and pokemon) do i have in Friend Safari cause i dont know

  evo2587 said:
Name: Evo25

3DS FC: 2251-4701-6890

I give Mawile,Klang and Excadrill in my Friend Safari.

EDIT: Added everyone above me apart from ROC as he said he has no room left for FC's

Can you please add me?I've already added you!

FC:3668 8670 2556

Posted (edited)

Hi, I am NightWraith and I am new here. If anyone would like to add me, please PM me your Friend Code and I will add you back, or reply with it here, whichever is more preferable. I have just set up my Friend Code and I don't know very much about it and Friend Safari, so if anyone can shed some light upon this matter and inform me of my Friend Safari's Type and the Pokémon within it, I would greatly appreciate it. If you have added me, and/or wish for me to add you back, please PM me or reply that you have done so, and I will add you back, likewise. I do hope that this is the right format to post. I have beaten the Elite Four/Pokémon League, thirteen times so far.

Mii Name/Nickname: Wraithette

Trainer Name: Luna

Friend Code: (Y Version, Nintendo DS) 0490-6041-6362

Friend Safari Pokémon and Type: Electric Type, Electrode, Pikachu, Zebstrika.

Edited by NightWraith
Information update

Thanks dragonmaster and everybody above me. I have added you.

Good grief another Wraith... this cannot be happening to me. I'm only kidding btw, welcome. Anyways, we can only tell your third Pokemon if you are online at the same time as somebody else you have exchanged your friend code with and have beaten the League.



Type: Steel

Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki

It looks like I have pages of Friend Codes to update. I will be back in a couple of hours.

  wraith89 said:
Thanks dragonmaster and everybody above me. I have added you.

Good grief another Wraith... this cannot be happening to me. I'm only kidding btw, welcome. Anyways, we can only tell your third Pokemon if you are online at the same time as somebody else you have exchanged your friend code with and have beaten the League.



Type: Steel

Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki

It looks like I have pages of Friend Codes to update. I will be back in a couple of hours.

LMAO, wraith. :) I've been known as Wraith in Laser Tag for years. :) I'm Wraithette in Pokémon Y version. :) I'm happy to be called that, or Night, if it's more preferable to anyone. I'm in the process of adding Friend Codes at the moment. I have added: Mikhail, dragonmaster005, theSLAYER, Max Joseph, Zeheart, Kaarosu, Hans, andrerdxd - so far, and I will get right onto adding everyone that has been mentioned and that have posted their Friend Codes just as fast as I can.


Hey all!

Mikhail/Morgan FC: 0430-9646-9440

Trainer Shiny Value: 2460

Friend Safari Type: Bug,

Volbeat, Ledyba, ??? (I think it was a Pinsir)

Feel free to initiate Trade if you wanna check your pkmn on instacheck (as I'll be doing eggs checks at the same time)

Do PM me when adding me, cheers :)

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