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Posted (edited)
  ArcticPrism said:
Yay! I've been waiting a long time for the type effectiveness editor. It's all I'm missing. Well, that and an item editor :P

hahaha sorry for that :P, i have problem with my time schedule.

you can see https://github.com/andibadra/ninfia.document/wiki/4_Item-Structure-Data for some information about that. If you can help me finding unknown values on this dump file, it will help me on item editor.

please be patient ._. , i know is almost 1 or 2 year.

----Merger ----

recently improve internal call function, and adapt old one into new environment. So far Hidden Grotto is 90 % done on main module and other (moveset, subway editor, in-trade game, type effective, egg move, ...) is still need adaption with internal call (some function, language api, database api, image api and etc). This screenshot new and old appearance :

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Right now i used hexbox for display MemoryStream into Hex viewer :

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For now , my tools can open ROM directly, and replace directly too, Replace CSV file with sqlite database, and etc.

sorry for slowpoke :)

Edited by Andibad
  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)
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This first alpha release of Ninfia DS Toolkit 1.0.0 - 20140815 - 32 bit .Net 4, if you found bug or you have some idea for improve my tools, just PM to me =D

This release Not include :

- Some unused code will not compiled and include on this release like multi language, profiling etc

- This release not include ROM support, only can open NARC

This release containing Hidden Grotto, Moveset, Trophy/HoneyTree/Safari Wild pokemon, Exp Table and Evolution Editor

Since is on alpha stage, so is not stable, buggy and still dirty =D i just lazy to make good structure on it xD



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----Merger ----

  Serperior said:
When I mean works, I mean fully works, things like apart from learning moves, remembering moves with the Move Tutor

idk about this, i will check it later.

  Serperior said:
So, giving more than 22 moves in BW works, huh? So I should be able to give, let's say, Aerodactyl, 26 moves?

idk about moveset limit, as far i know if is not override on current RAM map it will not freeze (if you not repointing or change movesetlimit(?) value). so for safe, max limit is 22, since i not sure about this xD. but on my test, with 26/27 move's is not freeze, but more than that it will freeze on first battle (on DPPtHGSS), or second battle after you leveling pokemon (on BW or bw2), all of them is affected on each pokemon. theoretically is possible added moveset into more than 40, but need arm9 and ova9 table modification i think.

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if you found something odd/weird, just reply or pm me for i can check it.

Edited by Andibad
  • 2 weeks later...

Well done, Andi, congrats on releasing your toolkit! For me it'll be very useful, so thank you for doing this! So, giving more than 22 moves in BW works, huh? So I should be able to give, let's say, Aerodactyl, 26 moves?, can you please confirm this? When I mean works, I mean fully works, things like apart from learning moves, remembering moves with the Move Tutor, that's important for my hack! Thanks.

  • 3 weeks later...

I have a question. I want to add new move slot but I dont know what exactly to do :C

In your tool "A-Pokemon Moveset Editor" there is information how to add new move slot but it isn't clear for me :C

1)extract all file from narc 
2)added 4 byte for 1 slot move 
3)repack with a tools like puyo/ tinke/ kiwi.ds/ PPNR

I dont understand which narc should I extract and how to add these 4 bytes for 1 slot move :/ Can u explain me step by step what I should do??


Is seems gen 6 still used same format as BW2 but with some new content on it. so i decide to implement garc reader (farc too for pokemon MD infinite gate(?) xD) on this tool too, you can visit https://github.com/andibadra/ANDT for get recent release (i not upload latest commit, since is not fully tested)

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thanks kaphotics for GARC Unpacker (http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?43052-GARC-Unpacker) source.

so next release moveset editor, evolution editor will get XY support! and also some improvement on narc reader and other too ...

see ya!


Andibad I've got a question about your Base Evolution Editor.

If I set a pokemon's Base Evolution to a certain pokemon, will it mean that when it makes an egg, the pokemon that hatches from the egg will be what I put in the BaseEvolution slot in the editor?


Disregarding my last post, I found a bug in Black 2 regarding evolution.

When I set a pokemon's evolution type to Hold Item(male) or (female) if it's an item after Claw Fossil in the list it causes the program to crash.

The error reads: (Value of '101' is not valid for 'Value'.'Value' should be between 'Minimum' and 'Maximum'.

Parameter name: Value.

Here's the complete error dialogue:

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  Melanogaster said:
Disregarding my last post, I found a bug in Black 2 regarding evolution.

When I set a pokemon's evolution type to Hold Item(male) or (female) if it's an item after Claw Fossil in the list it causes the program to crash.

The error reads: (Value of '101' is not valid for 'Value'.'Value' should be between 'Minimum' and 'Maximum'.

Parameter name: Value.

Here's the complete error dialogue:

  Reveal hidden contents

thank you for reporting =)

i just forgot to change maximum value on it xD, and you can download recent release (outofrange problem fixed, i hope O.o)

  Andibad said:
thank you for reporting =)

i just forgot to change maximum value on it xD, and you can download recent release (outofrange problem fixed, i hope O.o)

It works now with every item, but, shouldn't you change the name from hold item to use item? Because adding that type of evolution means you have to use the item, not hold it while leveling-up. Like for example on Eevee it says Hold Item - Fire Stone, when it should be Use Item - Firestone.

  Melanogaster said:
It works now with every item, but, shouldn't you change the name from hold item to use item? Because adding that type of evolution means you have to use the item, not hold it while leveling-up. Like for example on Eevee it says Hold Item - Fire Stone, when it should be Use Item - Firestone.

yeah i missing that thing :/ , you can download this database, and replace database file on <app_dir>/dir/database.

  Andibad said:
yeah i missing that thing :/ , you can download this database, and replace database file on <app_dir>/dir/database.


Also, found a new bug, the "Open" button on the In-Game Trade Editor does not work and does nothing. You can't open any .narc.


maybe is usefull or maybe is useless xD, bcsar unpacker. is for extracting file from bcsar. I bit no have idea for naming on bcsar, i already get name list but idk about some value on it <.<

here for note : https://gist.github.com/andibadra/7f86f0732fbb5b41e205

here for tools : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3122097/BCSAR_Unpacker_1.0.7z

but for unpacking cwav from cwar, you can using vgmtools using soneek xml advanced cuter.

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
  ArcticPrism said:
Are you still planning on releasing your type advantage chart editor? I couldn't find any mention of it in your todo list and such on your github.

yes, but right now i just prepare something ... yay

edit :

right now, is almost done to rewrite main core, and migrate some tool into add on so is optional.

Edited by Andibad
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

today i just create small app for read text file on gen 4/5/6 pokemon games, is just for fun xD and also is only can read :P , is also include source code, but i still used my old code on it, but is still working fine lol.

Link : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3122097/NTEXRP_test.zip

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text location :

- DPPt : /msgdata/msg.narc

- HGSS : /a/0/2/7

- bw and bw2 : a/0/0/2 and a/0/0/3

- xy : a/0/7/2 - a/0/8/7

- oras : a/0/7/1 - a/0/8/6

Edited by Andibad
  • 2 months later...

I can't get the editor to load, I'm ruining windows 8.1 with .net framework 4.5. but it all ways fails at start up whit this message

Nombre del evento de problema: CLR20r3

Firma del problema 01: ANDT.exe

Firma del problema 02:

Firma del problema 03: 5420e177

Firma del problema 04: System.Data.SQLite

Firma del problema 05:

Firma del problema 06: 532a0415

Firma del problema 07: 124

Firma del problema 08: 1d

Firma del problema 09: System.DllNotFoundException

Versión del sistema operativo: 6.3.9600.

Id. de configuración regional: 3082

Información adicional 1: 5861

Información adicional 2: 5861822e1919d7c014bbb064c64908b2

Información adicional 3: 31c4

Información adicional 4: 31c4f0c30ca267a761c69930266146b1

It looks that I'm missing a dll file? Does any one have any idea where I can get the missing one?

  Gas said:
I can't get the editor to load, I'm ruining windows 8.1 with .net framework 4.5. but it all ways fails at start up whit this message

Nombre del evento de problema: CLR20r3

Firma del problema 01: ANDT.exe

Firma del problema 02:

Firma del problema 03: 5420e177

Firma del problema 04: System.Data.SQLite

Firma del problema 05:

Firma del problema 06: 532a0415

Firma del problema 07: 124

Firma del problema 08: 1d

Firma del problema 09: System.DllNotFoundException

Versión del sistema operativo: 6.3.9600.

Id. de configuración regional: 3082

Información adicional 1: 5861

Información adicional 2: 5861822e1919d7c014bbb064c64908b2

Información adicional 3: 31c4

Información adicional 4: 31c4f0c30ca267a761c69930266146b1

It looks that I'm missing a dll file? Does any one have any idea where I can get the missing one?

i was think is SQLite.Interop.dll and/or System.Data.SQLite.dll missing. well i have plan to replace these library with native json reader.

Posted (edited)

I have both of those dll on the directory where the application but if you are going to change the libraries I will wait and see if that fixes it, thanks for answering.

Edit: So after installing Rouge Legacy from steam I saw that it downloaded some updates to .net and decided to try running this again and it started working, so I was probably missing an specific update or something :tongue:

Edited by Gas
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

I've just download this tool, it seems amazing but I'm not able to use it.

I can download things from here, but I don't find any .exe file. Maybe I have to compile it...? But I never did such a thing, usually I write/compile simple files written in C, but it seems a different language...

So I tried to download from https://github.com/andibadra/ANDT/releases, but when I try to unzip something goes wrong and I have only "0kb" files. I saw a .exe, but obviously I cannot use it.

What am I failing?

I'd like also to know if this tools is compatible with Pokemon Blaze Black 2 (it is an hacked rom, if you don't know). Does it see that there were changes on movesets?

Thanks a lot!

(I'm sorry if I made mistakes, English is not my native language )

Edited by Aethyr

For Hidden grotto editors. Is there a mac version? Also, can you make it so only 1 pokemon can be encountered in the entirety of hidden grotto encounters? Or is that impossible with the current status of that tool?

  • 2 weeks later...
  sylveonlove said:
For Hidden grotto editors. Is there a mac version? Also, can you make it so only 1 pokemon can be encountered in the entirety of hidden grotto encounters? Or is that impossible with the current status of that tool?

You mean 1 pokemon on 1 grotto? you should change all slot into one pokemon on each grotto. maybe i will implement that on future update alongside an randomize thing (is possible if is not change game system).

for now, no support for mac and linux. maybe i will try to support these platform on future update, since i don't have machine mac/linux installed. my current tool is still using windows dll so is not compatible with other environment, and i try avoid that on future if want to cross platform.

  Aethyr said:
I've just download this tool, it seems amazing but I'm not able to use it.

I can download things from here, but I don't find any .exe file. Maybe I have to compile it...? But I never did such a thing, usually I write/compile simple files written in C, but it seems a different language...

So I tried to download from https://github.com/andibadra/ANDT/releases, but when I try to unzip something goes wrong and I have only "0kb" files. I saw a .exe, but obviously I cannot use it.

What am I failing?

I'd like also to know if this tools is compatible with Pokemon Blaze Black 2 (it is an hacked rom, if you don't know). Does it see that there were changes on movesets?

Thanks a lot!

(I'm sorry if I made mistakes, English is not my native language )

and sorry for my incomplete information on my old repo. i just lazy on that time xD, i will try my best to write how to compile, and commented something on it rather than create an wiki or gist.

and thank you for using my tools and any input =), any critic, idea, input is welcome =) and i still working on this.

  • 3 years later...
  On 11/10/2012 at 7:32 AM, Andibad said:

Hi, welcome on my thread ^^

I just spare my free time to build my own tool for hobby purpose and make a long way into easy way to parse, and change a data on pokemon game. I using c# as main language on this tool because is simply and comfortable :3.

Well name of my new tool is Ninfia DS Toolkit or ANDT on long term, DS in here is not limited to nintendo DS but 3DS will supported too like pokemon XY. Yeah current commit is fairly good xD, but i will improve it slowly :rolleyes:. I using a MDI Interface Concept (i using thirdparty open source library), is just make it more organized and not too much windows and process. Future build will implement global class for store common value and mdi class for store private usage. plugin, multi language and settings module is not on public repo since is have nasty bug DX, is need to rewrite them from 0.

ANDT have :


  1. Hidden Grotto Editor
  2. Moveset Editor
  3. Experience List Editor
  4. Evolution Editor
  5. WildEncounterEX Editor
  6. other (just see on ANDT Repo)


ToDo : http://andibadra.tumblr.com/

And other is WIP, i just lazy to remove unfinished one xD so is not a bug.

You can Still download my old tool on here , for moveset one you can browser on that repo too. Old Tool are :


  1. Hidden Grotto (BW2)
  2. Moveset Editor (BW and BW2)
  3. Subway Viewer (all DS game, only viewer)
  4. In-Game Trade (all DS game)


Remember this tool is still on alpha stage, so always backup your file first before using this tool.



Repo home :
(is public repo, is not include all experiment and unfinished code)



Release :



Current Build :



Changelog :



Utilities :


BCSAR Unpacker 1.0 :
(for who want to ripping file on inside bcsar file)



Screenshot :

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credit :

- Everyone was make their tool is opensource

- All people on this forum

- for use my tools 😃

If you found a bug, have a idea, and willing help me for translation or something, just PM me ;)


sorry my ignorance but have a way of convert my rom .nds to a narc file? i just try to use the evo editor.

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