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@MarinoKadame - I don't Think Any Pokemon Should Be Duel Normal/Ghost - Reason Why Is Because It Would Not Make Sense - A Ghost Is A Spirit Thus It Is Not Normal And To Be Fair you Can Only See A Spirit On A Camera. Again Proving That It Is Not Normal

I Believe That The Normal Type Is Something That Chould Be Seen "normally" xD

Also notice How The Majority Of Normal Type Pokemon Are Based On Real Life Animals

Compared To Any Other Type Pokemon

You Don't Normaly See A Ghost. Esp Without The aid Of A Camera Or White Noise

Saying That Though They Could Create A Pokemon With Said Types And give It An Ability That Allows A Ghost Type To Hit Normal Pokemon - Now That Would Be Pretty Epic And At The Same Time Pretty Hard To Make Sense Of Its Typing

@kidd1991 - I Haven't Had no Freezing On The Pwt and I Got Pretty Far On It - Your Best Bet Is To Get An unmodified Rom And Rename Your Save To The New Game. then Beat the Match That Is Freezing And Rename Save Back To BBVW2 And Continue to See If That Fixes It

I do Know That That Matches Are Random So Just beat 1 Match And Continue With The Reply


Ouou, c'mon guys, i've made 2 or 3 sugestions, but we are getting off the topic here, which is the Dray's hack. If you want change the type of the pokes, if you want a fuc#$%g rattata to be ghost/dark, do it on your game, that's what i did (not the evilttata, but with the Flygon). But that's just a little, 1%, of waht this hack offers. So, back to the topic, i'm o Castelia city now, and the only thing so far that i found wrong was some grass levels being too low, not the same as the document. And Budew with it's damm high special defense.


Pickleman011 - Go To Where You Downloaded The Patch - For Example Say You Downloaded it To Desktop - You Go To Desktop Double Click On The Folder Named "Blaze Black 2 & Volt White 2 V1.00"

Then Double Click On "Documents" Then Open The File Named "Wild List"

With A Pdf Viewier I Recommend Downloading Adobe Reader X (If You Do not Have A Pdf Viewer) Its Free And Has Exactly What Your Looking For

The Wild List Document Is The File That Tells You All Of Dray's Wild Pokemon Locations


can someone please explain to me how to get this game on my mac?? I have a prepatched version of white 2 and an emulator, i just dont know how to apply the patch.


Just a comment, but you've removed the only place to buy battle items, such as X Defends and such. Would it be possible to stick them in a random city's pokecenter or something, instead of all that junky mail floating around? I'm going to try for the "One and Only" medal and think I might need every edge I can squeeze out.

  podfan723 said:
can someone please explain to me how to get this game on my mac?? I have a prepatched version of white 2 and an emulator, i just dont know how to apply the patch.

You Have Several Options At Your Disposal

Option 1. Go To Drayano Youtube Channel And All Shall Be Revealed (Recommended No Patching Necessary)

Option 2. Throw Mac Out Of The Window And Get A Real OS (Winblows) Or (Linux) - Enjoy The Game With No Issues

Option 3. Google

Option 4. Download Wine And Get A Tutorial Of How To Use It To Apply Patches - I Think You Can Get Wine For Mac - It Should Be As Simple As Opening The Patcher Via Wine. But You May Need Dotnet Fx etc

I Haven't Used Wine In A Long Time But As Far As I Can Remeber You Should Be Able To Right Click On The Patcher And You Should See Open With Wine

But Bare In Mind This Was On ubuntu (Linux)

I Have No Idea With Mac Or OSX So It Could Be Completely Different

By Prepatched Do You Mean AP Fix Or Translation (Or Both) ?

If Its A Translation Then It Will Not Work With BBVW2

Also Its Not Necessary To Have Ap Fix Either Since The Patch Has It Included

So You Will Need A Clean Rom/Dump

Posted (edited)

It seems that not all of the legendary flags are messed up. I've been keeping track of which ones I've been seeing and which ones haven't shown up too early. So far I have this (just after the 5th badge):

Keldeo is in Pledge Grove

Meloetta is in the Music Hall

Zapdos is outside Chargestone

Tornadus is NOT outside Mistralton Cave

Raikou is NOT on Route 16

Entein is NOT in the Desert Resort

Mew I am unsure of, as I can't even see the spot he's supposed to be on without Waterfall

I figured I'd mention this seeing as it means that whatever coding controls Tornadus, Raikou, and Entei works, while some others are flawed.

EDIT: After getting further, Ho-oh and Articuno also do NOT appear early.

Edited by Schiffy94

^to add the list I met victini lv 15 in its room at liberty island. Doesn't that supposed to be post-game event? It was such pain in the arse to caught it fairly. Without ARs I mean.

By the way, I got beaten by Roxie and Burgh on the first try. Lol. I let my guard down, and they swept my team. But this really challenging. Yeah I'm in challange mode.


Sorry, I have the following problem:

When I apply the patch the patch file has the size of 281 MB with the name "Pokemon White 2 (U) _patched", is this correct, or should have a size similar to clean ROM (512MB)


The ROM does get smaller.

Also, I'm playing challenge mode, and Roxie/Burgh both completely swept the floor with me several times. Not to mention Brawly's Machop punching the shit out of my team. Maybe Snivy wasn't the best decision I've ever made.


^no, I believe snivy is the best starter for this gen. I luckily got contrary as its ability. Now I'm focusing on train its speed to max while balancing its def and sp.def. I'll Let the leaf storm and draco meteor do the bussiness later.

And yeah, brawly's machop have a well trained EVs spread. I got my arse beaten as well. But the rest of his team are no big deal.

And yeah the file size are almost half of the BW2 roms I have. But the quality stay the same, I suppose.

  BringbackTouya said:
^to add the list I met victini lv 15 in its room at liberty island. Doesn't that supposed to be post-game event? It was such pain in the arse to caught it fairly. Without ARs I mean.

By the way, I got beaten by Roxie and Burgh on the first try. Lol. I let my guard down, and they swept my team. But this really challenging. Yeah I'm in challange mode.

That's actually supposed to be there. If you read the documents, it says that Victini is there so you can add him into your team early on, much like how the first BB/VW had a patch to add the Liberty Ticket. It's completely intentional.


Hello all :)

First, thanks for this great hack, Drayano. I yet finished the ligue 4 and captured many pokemons, including the legendary ones with their picture on map.

Anyway, i can't find some legendary as Mew, Mewtwo....

Can we have any help about this ? :)



  BringbackTouya said:
Try from Dray's channel on YouTube. I has downloaded the full roms about 170mb from mediafire via those links.

Sadly, DMCA took 'em down. D:<

Anyways, Dray, any chance you'll compile together a list of AR codes? Some of the normal ones work, but rematching regular trainers (sans Breeders) doesn't work at all, sadly. Bah, what am I doing, asking for AR codes here...?

But once again, great hack you got here. Hoping for an update soon, but take your time.

  Pikachu127 said:
Sadly, DMCA took 'em down. D:<

Anyways, Dray, any chance you'll compile together a list of AR codes? Some of the normal ones work, but rematching regular trainers (sans Breeders) doesn't work at all, sadly. Bah, what am I doing, asking for AR codes here...?

But once again, great hack you got here. Hoping for an update soon, but take your time.

The AR codes for the unaltered games are the same for this hack. Nothing changed the layout of the RAM :)


Really? Probably something up with the code, then...

Yeah, several other codes work (walk through walls, max entree levels), but oddly not the rebattle trainers code. Can I ask someone to take a look at it?

...or will that be going off topic?

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