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  wraith89 said:
Well, after you reply to the thing I said, you could have said something that could have brought this on topic.

Not everyone knows what Okami means... nor do they know what le Loup d'Ombre means either.

And only Mightyena? You don't want a big floppy Wailord to follow you?

:P Yeah well, I didn't.

Le Loup d'Ombre is more understandable for people not to know (As it's actually a sentence) However, for people caught in anime addiction (like me six years ago!) Okami is a very...generic Japanese word that many people use in usernames and such...I started using it before that crazy hype, which began about 4 years ago. EVERY crazy fangirl MUST have a name that is related to Ookami, Kitsune, or Neko, you know. </end stereotypical American anime fangirl rant>

Wailord? Nah, Moby Dick sort of ruined the magic of whales of any kind for me -__-; I always found them facinating and beautiful, and then I read a section of that book for American Literature last semester. Needless to say, Huck Finn is a much better book. Now that is me getting off topic!

  Varna said:
I read everything, and even I didn't know.

You missed this then? http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showpost.php?p=8374&postcount=57 Because I'm pretty sure that was the true beginning of showing my obsession. :D

  Zafur said:
Waaait. Whaaaaat?

Isn't Mightyena based on.... Hyenas? It doesn't look much like either though. More like a generic canine.

I just hope the sprites of the Pokémon I'm gonna use don't look too bad.><

Mighty Hyena, yes. (Which I find it amusing that Mightyena is still in a lower-ranked Tier, you would think it would be OU with a name like that xD) But it is more commonly known as a wolf pokemon.

Mightyena is based off of a wolf. ~ Bulbapedia

And I agree...but Chikorita seemed to be okay from what we've seen from scans, so I think all of them will look okay in the least...except maybe...bigger pokemon...you obviously can't have a 14ft tall pokemon be 14ft following behind you 8D

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Let's not talk about your personal preferences here Okami >.>

And no, I don't watch anime, so I had no idea. Some people still don't either.

Le Loup d'Ombre I perfectly understood, but still... don't generalize :P

But... balloony whale :D

It's gotta be the most epic Poke that could EVER follow you :D

He's #1 in my list now.

  topsykretts said:
i would so choose snorlax. hes my favorite pokemon. i think it would be cool to see him walk around

lol..snorlax walk! I just realized something....wouldn't it be super cool if all your pokemon could follow you. Then you would look like your playing that little snake game where you cant bump into your ever growing tail.


Well, it depends. I would choose Snorlax if the size of the pokemon is pretty big when it follows you.

If not, I'll choose Togekiss, my Favourite Pokemon

What I mean by it depends is, see how when you walk in the Amity Square in DPP your Infernape, Empoleon or Torterra, their real size should be way bigger but in the Amity Square, it size is made to suit your player more so that it is more negotiable when you are turning corners.


Now that its been revealed that the Pokemon that follow you can use HMs while on screen, I think I have my team planned out for my choice of Pokemon to follow me. All the HMs can be put on them, even if they decide to switch some of them up. I understand my teams weaknesses, but I dun care. =P They are the Pokemon I'm most looking forward to behind me.

1. Cyndaquil & Evos

2. Togepi & Evos

3. Pidgey & Evos

4. Mareep & Evos

5. Gyarados

6. *Event or Legendary Pokemon* - PCP, Arceus, Lugia, Suicune, etc.


I want one of these: Suicune, Entei, Ho Oh, Lugia, Arceus, Bayleef( I don't like meganium<Well I still like it>) Mew( I hate it's DPP sprite) Jirachi, Lucario, Empoleon, Celebi, Shaymin(If sky form is possible), Notch-eared pichu too(I wonder if it can evolve...


lol, imagine they have a feature where everyone turns toward your direction staring at you until you cant see them anymore while youre walking a legendary :P


Ahh But what if a Pilpup follows you??? Its description says it falls all the time!

How funny a little drunk penguin stumbling behind you:grog:


The Chikorita family, then the Pidgey family, then the Charmander family, and pretty much anything i'd like to train/work on while playing the game. It'll probably be my favorite Poke game of all times so i'll have a lot of time to switch.

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