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I know that, but the sort of is just because some people might prefer pokesav because it is something they know. Plus I here that you are taking out a palparking feature or something like that. But I know that pokemod is going to be better based on what I've heard already from administrators.

I know that, but the sort of is just because some people might prefer pokesav because it is something they know. Plus I here that you are taking out a palparking feature or something like that. But I know that pokemod is going to be better based on what I've heard already from administrators.

Go read the stickies, and judge for yourself.

Well, didn't you get in an arguement with some other guy about Pokemod and the total irrelevance of pokesav once it comes out. Or am I mistaken I know I read it but maybe it was someone else.

No that wasn't me.


pokemod will surpass and make obsolete pokesav upon its release. it will probably do it upon its alpha and beta release really. i forsee that as soon as a public beta is made available (if there is one) or a final release, pokesav will scramble to try and patch/add the features implemented into pokemod.


So let me get this straight...Project pokemon is not affiliated with Pokesav. So PP is releasing pokemod and the pokesav people are not. So if all of that is true this is a way for PP to get revenge on pokesav for all the negative connotations that pokesav has brought.

Is that how it is?


damio is right, pp is a general pokemon site. sabersite one of the mods is making pokemod, which will be better then pokesav. there will be forums and information about usage etc for pokemod, but the point of the site is not pokemod nor pokesav but as has been said just pokemon all around, the video games, tcg, anime, mange (i guess), movies, etc. as im not one of the mods i cant say for certain, but there may still be one board open for pokesav for those who will not change, but i hightly doubt it.


I like the VB board integration [it is a much better board]. i hope you guys got it for free ;) As for the site i think it looks fine, a few things could be changed here or there. But i'm sure the ModCP makes things a lot easier for the mods. I do moderate on two forums that also use VB.


Project Pokemon is about Pokemon in general, including hacking it, but once Pokemod is released, there will no longer be any point to Pokesav, so we will not have to support it.

What makes Pokemod so great?

What will Pokemod consist of? Will it even be able to make totally indistinguishable legal pokemon (Hex values and all?)

So let me get this straight...Project pokemon is not affiliated with Pokesav. So PP is releasing pokemod and the pokesav people are not. So if all of that is true this is a way for PP to get revenge on pokesav for all the negative connotations that pokesav has brought.

Is that how it is?

Let me get this straight. Project Pokemon is not simply affiliated with Pokesav.org, it is a superset (and the successor) of Pokesav.org. We are "the Pokesav people." We wouldn't want to get revenge on ourselves, now would we? :D


Heh, I like the new site, compared to the older one. I don't see why people are so bad against this site, it is not that bad. Good job on it, I say.

Once again, (i have a similar post),

The skin we have now isn't that bad. More can be added sooner or later, I'm in no rush. And the site is under construction.... as the admins say.... and they are doing a pretty good job on my perspective. They do have lives themselves, so, I can wait.

As for the skins look... i don't mind it. It is simple, but not that bad.

Good job, admins and stuff, the new site is great.


I lurked the Pokesav forums for a little bit... saw this and thought it was a different site that was just hosting Pokesav. Signed right up anyways. I'll lend what time and talents I do have to the show if you need anything. I've been a modder for years and a Pokemon Geneticist since the first games came out. I am particularly adept at UI and Document formatting and design. Technical Writing, Network Engineering, and Security are also some of my areas of subject interest.... ok... before this starts to sound like a resumee...

Cheers... :grog:


This site is great but just not complete, yeah db.pokesave was well done, layout was perfect color scheme didn't hurt my eyes but this site has all that plus more, just give it time. you all are just used to the old site.

one thing i do have a problem with is that you cannot view old news on the main page once it's been bumped off... might want to fix that.

Let me get this straight. Project Pokemon is not simply affiliated with Pokesav.org, it is a superset (and the successor) of Pokesav.org. We are "the Pokesav people." We wouldn't want to get revenge on ourselves, now would we? :D

Thanks, I was confused but now I understand. I appreciate the clarification.


one thing i do have a problem with is that you cannot view old news on the main page once it's been bumped off... might want to fix that.

I added a link to the News Article Archive in the main page.

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