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Posted (edited)

Pokémon UnovaHGSS

Rom info:

Hack of: Pokémon SoulSilver (USA) (HeartGold will be supported at a later date)

Language: English

Current Version: Alpha v1.1 (goes up to Ilex Forest)

Last Updated: 10th April, 2012


UnovaHGSS is a hack of Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver that integrates the new fifth generation Pokémon from Black and White into the game. The new Pokémon are not meant to replace the original 251, rather, my intention is to have them alongside the original Pokémon. Not all Pokémon will be included in this hack – very few third and fourth generation Pokémon appear. To include the Unovian Pokémon, I had to replace existing Pokémon, so most third and fourth gen Pokémon are gone. This is my first actual hack, so I’m still new at this.

The battle sprites for the new Pokémon are placeholders, simply taken from Black/White and put into the game until I create original sprites for them. All but a few overworld sprites for the new Pokémon were created through a community endeavor over at DeviantArt; I made a few myself, notably the larger Golurk sprite. Shiny Pokémon are also fully supported, in-battle and overworld.


-Every Pokémon from Unova will be obtainable in this game, alongside every first and second generation Pokémon! Some third and fourth generation Pokémon also available!

-All Unovian Pokémon will follow you around for the first time!

-Slightly increased difficulty – stronger trainers, wild Pokémon, etc.

-More features will be added in future versions


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(Might be loud - complete silence for a few seconds, then music starts)



Tools used:

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DeviantArt community – for making all the Unova overworld sprites. Link

Chaos Rush – for his wonderful endeavor in creating resized sprites. I’m using the Reshiram and Zekrom in the game for now - Link

Poryhack – for pointing me in the right direction for hex editing Pokémon icon palettes (whenever I learn how, I will make a program that will make editing the icons and palettes easier than hex editing them). Also thanks to Poryhack and the Project Pokémon community for creating a list of the HGSS File system - Link

Stratocaster - for creating a guide on how to change every aspect of a Pokémon. This hack would not have happened without it - Link

PokeCommunity – for giving me the desire to hack Pokémon games back in 2007 when I knew even less than I do now :P

MediaFire – for continuing its services through this stupid anti-piracy craze…


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Downloads and Documentation:

Link to patch and xdelta (used to patch the original rom)

List of Changed Pokémon

Edited by ascension7
  • Like 2

Wow, this looks really cool so far. Definitely going to be playing this hack.

How will the legendaries be distributed, though? Edited events, random wild encounters, or...? Do you not know yet?


So far so good.

I hope you change the starters for the next release.

After looking over list of changed PKMN, I'm gonna miss some, but I understand you did it to keep the 2nd gen feel with the available PKMN.

Hope you continue swiftly, about 1 hour and just beat Falkner. Looking forward to the next release.


Thanks everybody! I'm glad you like it!

  FrostDragon492 said:
Wow, this looks really cool so far. Definitely going to be playing this hack.

How will the legendaries be distributed, though? Edited events, random wild encounters, or...? Do you not know yet?

I don't know yet, but I plan on having all the originally-available HGSS legendaries (1st and 2nd gen ones) obtainable through their original means. The others, if I learn how to do so without unforeseen bugs, will most likely be obtainable through custom events.

  Arkanes said:
So far so good.

I hope you change the starters for the next release.

After looking over list of changed PKMN, I'm gonna miss some, but I understand you did it to keep the 2nd gen feel with the available PKMN.

Hope you continue swiftly, about 1 hour and just beat Falkner. Looking forward to the next release.

I'm going to keep the starters as the 2nd gen ones, but I also plan on making the player's choice of a Unova starter available very early on in the game, before the battle with Joey and his epic Rattata.


Im looking over the replaced list, and I'm thinking that since you have Kyurem instead of Giratina, that you should in Soul Silver take Black Kyurem and replace Giratina's origen form and in Heart Gold if you get that far, replace it with White Kyurem. Cause unless you swap it to instead replace Rotom, you only get one alt form.

  Arkanes said:
I'd keep the giant Golurk, cause that's realistic size according to Movie Black and White Reshiram Zekrom and Victini

Golurk Height: 2.8m

Gyarados Height: 6.5m

Gyarados is much larger than Golurk. It is higher, but it does not necessarily have a giant overworld, but a normal-sized. The same for Rayquaza, Groundon, Kyogre, Onix, Steelix, Milotic, Wailord and various others.

  Arkanes said:
Im looking over the replaced list, and I'm thinking that since you have Kyurem instead of Giratina, that you should in Soul Silver take Black Kyurem and replace Giratina's origen form and in Heart Gold if you get that far, replace it with White Kyurem. Cause unless you swap it to instead replace Rotom, you only get one alt form.

I actually planned that from the beginning, even before Kyurem's forms were released, because I had a feeling it would get at least one new form. Having two versions works quite well, it'll be like Deoxys was in FRLG :)

  Dluka said:
Golurk Height: 2.8m

Gyarados Height: 6.5m

Gyarados is much larger than Golurk. It is higher, but it does not necessarily have a giant overworld, but a normal-sized. The same for Rayquaza, Groundon, Kyogre, Onix, Steelix, Milotic, Wailord and various others.

The height measurements for serpentine-body-type Pokemon are actually their length. The largest height measurement of a Pokemon that does not refer to its length, and is also not already a large overworld/legendary (excluding Wailord of course), is Golurk (which replaces Wailord ironically), with Beartic following after at nearly a foot shorter. I know it is quite large, but after seeing the BW movie, I wanted to make it to scale. Technically, Beartic should be close to this size, albeit a foot shorter, but Golurk is one of my new favorites and I wanted to make a special huge sprite for it (I knew it was going to look funny from the start lol). I might make it smaller in the future, considering the game doesn't expect a sprite to be this tall and therefore it passes through objects that are taller. The video I'm posting below shows Golurk (as well as the three main legends) in overworld form, and as you can see (around 3:35), Golurk clips through the Pokecenter roof, so it is something I'm working on and thinking about changing. The other large legendary sprites also have this problem, but these are taken from Black/White (and the DeviantArt master sheet of fan-made 5th gen sprites) and might be changed later.

In case you haven't seen the movie, here's how big Golurk is compared to a full-sized adult:


New video, showing gender differences in overworlds, shiny overworld compatability, and large overworld sprites. Also includes complete Pokedex (except for footprints):


Posted (edited)

Great so far. Hope you can eventually add music and battle themes.

Also you should make a game guide type thing, for any who want to hunt down specific PKMN for their team, instead of playing random guess where the PKMN lives.

Current team-

Roggenrola Lv 23

Croconaw Lv 24

Togepi Lv 11

Edited by Arkanes
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  welkevintje said:
Now THIS is a hack. I will definetely play it when you've finished it. I wish you the best of luck ;)

Thanks! :D

  Arkanes said:
Any chance of an upcoming update?

I've been working on an Alpha 2, but I'm not sure if I want to release it now, or just wait until I get the entirety of Johto finished and the new story elements and such into the game.

And to everyone who's played so far, and will play in the future, regarding the next release... I don't know whether to release an Alpha 2, or just wait until I get much closer to the hack's completion.

This Alpha was only meant as a playtest for the general public to showcase all I've done with putting Unova Pokemon in the game, and more importantly, to get feedback about the slightly higher level curve to see if it's too much, or too little. I'm not sure what I'll do yet. If I do release another Alpha, it'll still be for testing purposes only, such as testing the difficulty and ironing out bugs, as all that will be changed will be the wild Pokemon and Trainer rosters, and not much else really. I'm working on implementing a new story into my hack (which will, among other things, also include a reason for the sudden appearance of non-native Unova Pokemon :o ), and this will not be in any Alpha. Any newer version after the Alphas won't be compatible with previous saves, which is why I'm hesitant to release another Alpha, lest players get really far into the game and become annoyed that they'll have to start over :( What do you all think?


If its not save compatible, don't release till ready, but if you only release Johto, make sure the one with Kanto is compatible with the previous save.

  • 4 weeks later...

I say you should post the next alpha because the emulator desmume has a feature where you can make a. Dsv and you can just load it into the next version \(^0^)/

Unless thats what you're talking about, but i dont mind replaying it because the hack is great :)

  • 2 months later...

Quick update: Just want to let you all know I'm still working on the game, but I've been experimenting and testing things to see what I'm able to do. I figured out how to do much more than I thought was possible when I first started this project. As such, despite what I had the security guard in the game say, I'm unfortunately not expecting a release to be ready before B2W2's official english release, though I still expect some sort of playable beta version to be ready this year. The list of Pokemon may change, but I'm not certain about anything yet... rest assured, every 1st, 2nd, and 5th gen Pokemon will be available no matter what. I've recently worked on updating the graphics as well, including new sprites for every 5th gen Pokemon, and including the new Pokemon overworlds from B2W2 (and updating some others Game Freak hadn't done). Here's a few new pictures of the graphics:

Some Pokemon with their old overworlds/The same Pokemon, but with their new overworlds/And some other Pokemon with their new battle sprites


Credits for updated overworlds: Game Freak, me

Credits for front sprites: KingOfThe-X-Roads on DeviantArt - link to the sprites

Credit for back sprites: Chaos Rush - link to thread

Make sure to follow my twitter page for updates on the hack. I also made a website, but I don't think I'm going to update that much. Twitter will have new info first most likely. Also make sure to e-mail me with any questions you may have! Or feel free to contact me any other way, though e-mail will be the quickest.

  MarinoKadame said:
Somehow I have a problem patching the game with the delta, it show checksum failed.

What operating system are you using? Did you make sure to patch it to a clean english SoulSilver? It doesn't work with HeartGold yet.

  Chompizard25 said:
What did you do?!?!?! You replaced lucario with pidove? What is wrong with you?

:) Hippowdon is 2 Pokemon after, and it is one of the few to have seperate overworld sprites for genders, which Unfezant required.

  ascension7 said:
I've been working on an Alpha 2, but I'm not sure if I want to release it now, or just wait until I get the entirety of Johto finished and the new story elements and such into the game.

And to everyone who's played so far, and will play in the future, regarding the next release... I don't know whether to release an Alpha 2, or just wait until I get much closer to the hack's completion.

This Alpha was only meant as a playtest for the general public to showcase all I've done with putting Unova Pokemon in the game, and more importantly, to get feedback about the slightly higher level curve to see if it's too much, or too little. I'm not sure what I'll do yet. If I do release another Alpha, it'll still be for testing purposes only, such as testing the difficulty and ironing out bugs, as all that will be changed will be the wild Pokemon and Trainer rosters, and not much else really. I'm working on implementing a new story into my hack (which will, among other things, also include a reason for the sudden appearance of non-native Unova Pokemon :o ), and this will not be in any Alpha. Any newer version after the Alphas won't be compatible with previous saves, which is why I'm hesitant to release another Alpha, lest players get really far into the game and become annoyed that they'll have to start over :( What do you all think?

I think one alpha is enough. I also think this is awesome! If I were ever to delve back into HGSS, I'd love to be able to do something like this - though I doubt I'd do as well as you did!

Drapion's a personal fave of mine. I'll miss him, but man I'm impressed with how you lined up the Pokedex. Nice touch with Shaymin & Cherrim, though! Form changes, I mean.

I really like the giant Golurk, btw! I've seen your avatar around Pokecommunity and wondered if it really was a legit project. Good to know it is :)

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