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To take some pressure off the main thread, I'm starting this support topic to answer questions and hopefully fend off any repeat questions by answering them in the main post here.

Q: Nobody can connect and I get error code XXXXX!!

A: Make sure your ports are forwarded and that you can successfully ping them using an external tool. For information on how to forward your ports, see here. Certain numbers can mean different things. Check with Nintendo's website to see what the error code actually means as only a few actually pertain to ShinyGTS/ShinyDTS.

Q: What ports do I need to forward?

A: You need to forward Ports 80 [TCP] and 53 [uDP]. If you're unsure about the TCP/UDP indications, just forward both types on 80 and 53.

Q: I did forward my ports but nobody can connect still!

A: Make sure programs like Skype, Teamviewer and Apache Webserver [i have to include this for obvious reasons] are not running or have been configured to not use Port 80.

Q: I have no additional programs running, but people still can't connect!

A: Contact your ISP and see if they are blocking Port(s) 80 and 53. If they are, see if you can't ask them nicely to unblock the ports for your IP/account.

Q: I get an error from ShinyGTS/ShinyDTS while trying to start!

A: There are a few typical errors I've seen with ShinyGTS/ShinyDTS:

  1. An error pertaining to an invalid path format. If you get this, change folders.
  2. Permission denied. This means something else is probably using Port 80. Disable all programs that could possibly be using Port 80 and try again. Might also want to run as Administrator if error persists (Windows Vista & 7).

Q: Is Linux/Mac OSX supported?

A: Unofficially with Mono support. Mac OSX requires X11 to run any interface with Mono and I don't have a solid Mac system to test it on. I do not know if it actually runs on Linux or Mac OSX as nobody has really indicated to me that it does work. If someone wants to test it out and create a guide, that would be awesome. If you have issues with ShinyGTS/ShinyDTS on those platforms, I recommend IR-GTS.

[Thanks to evandixon!]

Q: I'm getting a .Net socket exception when trying to start the GTS server!!!

A: Make sure no other program is using port 80 or port 53. Developers: That means no IIS or Apache (unless you reconfigure them, see first Question for other programs).


This list of questions can be modified or extended at any given time to answer any other frequently asked questions. Please do not hesitate to ask or post images pertaining to errors you might have.

Edited by formlesstree4
Adding another question, thanks evandixon
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  • 3 weeks later...


I'm by no means a programmer, but I tend to be a highly adventurous nerd when it comes to technology, so I tried ShinyGTS on mac (both with Crossover and MONO precompiled binaries/framework) and neither one worked for me :(

The error output from mono is here:

  Reveal hidden contents

I'm guessing it has to do with OSX 10.7 being native 64-bit, and the precompiled version of MONO for mac not shipping with 64-bit support, since the error is referencing the carbon framework that apple never updated for 64-bit.

I may try building 64-bit mono from source at some point to see if it works then, but in the meantime, I was wondering about the information they list here:


I'm wondering if the tools they have for building native mac apps from MONO mean it might be possible (and maybe even fast/easy?) to port ShinyGTS to a native mac app?

I'm unemployed and online virtually all day, so I'd be willing to help test anything if you want to try. I have OSX 10.7 and the apple developer tools already installed too.

Cheers, :)


It should not be .. The Pokémon can not receive them as the option to receive only. I can only send but not receive Pokémon how can I fix this?

  formlesstree4 said:
The error appears to be the NotifyIcon I use in ShinyGTS. There's nothing I can really do about that other than remove it...

Hi again,

If you have any free time, would you mind removing it from a test build for my to try? I know its likely more work than its really worth, I just like the idea of having a GUI for a GTS setup instead of running things from the command line like ir-gts.

Or is your sourcecode online anywhere that I could try porting it to native mono for mac?

I suppose I can always look into making a mac GUI wrapper for ir-gts if I ever get truly bored, lol.


  formlesstree4 said:
Something might be using 80. Everything looks fine, just double check that no applications are using Port 80 at the same time or could possibly be overriding ShinyGTS.

*sigh* Hate to be that guy, but Shiny GTS is the only application using port 80. My own DS is able to recieve pokemon just fine, but other people cannot.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3264697/Untitled.png <-- screenshot

Red indicates my friend who cannot connect (but was able to connect to somebody else), green indicates me going in just fine without problems, and the yellow is me verifying that nothing is using 80 but ShinyGTS itself. Yes, I made exceptions in the firewall, yes I am using port forwarding (I can provide screens of both if truly need be), but I know I'm missing that *one* crucial step...

  paperfairy said:
*sigh* Hate to be that guy, but Shiny GTS is the only application using port 80. My own DS is able to recieve pokemon just fine, but other people cannot.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3264697/Untitled.png <-- screenshot

Red indicates my friend who cannot connect (but was able to connect to somebody else), green indicates me going in just fine without problems, and the yellow is me verifying that nothing is using 80 but ShinyGTS itself. Yes, I made exceptions in the firewall, yes I am using port forwarding (I can provide screens of both if truly need be), but I know I'm missing that *one* crucial step...

How many times did your friend try? This, unfortunately, isn't a perfect art. Tell him to keep trying; your screenshot proves that the server -does- work and that you have setup everything just fine (since all IP's are external and not internal), but now all you need to do is keep trying. I'm not sure what else to tell you sadly; I've had this issue several times on my own PC and the only advice I have is to keep trying. It will work eventually.


She tried about 10+ times in the last 24 hours, whereas my DS works 100% of the time with no problems. I'll tell her to keep trying then.

I should have mentioned - DTS or GTS gives me an IP to use - I have to fill that in with my external/internal IP before anything starts working. Is that another bug?


"I seem to be running into a problem with both this AND Shiny G/DTS

I haven't tried to recieve Pokemon yet, but I for sure can't send them to the DNS server and create a .SAV of them. For legality concerns whenever I sav a Pokemon I simply catch it wild and modify it as needed, so when I try to send it in I simply get the message saying something along the lines of the network connection has been broken, telling me to shut off the power. (No error code) I've already checked to make sure I have the right download, I have my Firewalls disabled, and nothing on my computer has changed since I was using HyperGTS in Gen-IV (Which still works actually) with the exception of the OS, which is now Windows Seven 32 bit (From Vista 32 bit) I have Python version 2.7.2

I have not forwarded my ports, but I know that they are unblocked, I haven't needed to forward them for Hyper GTS though, so I don't see why I would need to start, this is entirely for personal use. I will test later if I can send Pokemon, and edit this message if I can.


I can indeed send Pokemon to myself, but it's fairly useless until I can Recieve them and find my SID. "

Copied over from IR-GTS thead, I have the same problem with both programs though.


I'm just off to bed, so I can't screenshot it atm.

Administration Privilege accessed.

Step1: Generation V [black & White]

Step 2: GTS Mode: Recieve


Start DNS, Start GTS (I've also tried it vice versa, as I sometimes had to do with Hyper GTS)

DS Settings

Automatically Aquire DNS is set to [NO]

Primary DNS is

Secondary is

There is no form of Encryption, the connection is completely in the open, with no WEP or WPA codes that could get in the way.

Testing Connection works.

As I said, I can send just fine; although one point of potential interest is that my DS is referred to as the program by the IP; instead of .4 like I would imagine it would be. Is that significant at all? And I'm using the IP Address that my router displays as using to connect to the Internet via accessing another router. (Think Nintendo USB, but in reverse), and as I mentioned before, this IP has already worked for sending using this Program, just not Recieving.

Once I offer the Pokemon, I have to wait about 3 minutes for me to get the communication error message, and then demand I turn it off.


The is your assigned IP from the Router to your DS. The only thing I can think of now is that it might be an issue with your router or DS, or some combination of the two. I'm not sure why it's messing up...so when you -try- and send it...hmm...wait...are you using the latest ShinyGTS/DTS? I think there was a time where I disabled it.


I downloaded it yesterday, and the DNS and GTS server both launch properly and give me what looks to be the same Dialogue that I usually see when running either Hyper GTS or even this program when in send mode, and once I can even connect to the server properly with my DS, it isn't until I try sending in the .PKM that any problems arise, but I can send my DS the files no problem.

I can't give my computer the files, but I can recieve them. This isn't too huge a deal, I'll need some other way to get my SID, but for curiosities sake I would like this figured out, and I can't imagine there being any problems with my Router or DS, as like I said this worked perfectly when I was still using Hyper GTS for Gen-4, and literally nothing on my computer aside from the OS (See my first post) has been changed.

  Astro86 said:
It should not be .. The Pokémon can not receive them as the option to receive only. I can only send but not receive Pokémon how can I fix this?

reply quote

  Sabeta said:
I downloaded it yesterday, and the DNS and GTS server both launch properly and give me what looks to be the same Dialogue that I usually see when running either Hyper GTS or even this program when in send mode, and once I can even connect to the server properly with my DS, it isn't until I try sending in the .PKM that any problems arise, but I can send my DS the files no problem.

I can't give my computer the files, but I can recieve them. This isn't too huge a deal, I'll need some other way to get my SID, but for curiosities sake I would like this figured out, and I can't imagine there being any problems with my Router or DS, as like I said this worked perfectly when I was still using Hyper GTS for Gen-4, and literally nothing on my computer aside from the OS (See my first post) has been changed.

I'll have to look into the source code and see where things could mess up...

  Astro86 said:
reply quote

Same issue as Sabeta; check back later.


I have a simple problem (I suppose it's simple): where can I get the primary DNS? When I open ShinyGTS I don't see any DNS IP. I tried with my IP but seems do not work... :confused:

  Sabeta said:
"I seem to be running into a problem with both this AND Shiny G/DTS

I haven't tried to recieve Pokemon yet, but I for sure can't send them to the DNS server and create a .SAV of them. For legality concerns whenever I sav a Pokemon I simply catch it wild and modify it as needed, so when I try to send it in I simply get the message saying something along the lines of the network connection has been broken, telling me to shut off the power. (No error code) I've already checked to make sure I have the right download, I have my Firewalls disabled, and nothing on my computer has changed since I was using HyperGTS in Gen-IV (Which still works actually) with the exception of the OS, which is now Windows Seven 32 bit (From Vista 32 bit) I have Python version 2.7.2

I have not forwarded my ports, but I know that they are unblocked, I haven't needed to forward them for Hyper GTS though, so I don't see why I would need to start, this is entirely for personal use. I will test later if I can send Pokemon, and edit this message if I can.


I can indeed send Pokemon to myself, but it's fairly useless until I can Recieve them and find my SID. "

Copied over from IR-GTS thead, I have the same problem with both programs though.

I have the same problem, I can receive Pokés, but not send. I have Win 7 x64 Professional. When I try to send a Pokémon I end up with the Communication error, please turn off. (Something like that). Everything is set-up correctly...

Currently using an old DS (DS Phat/Brick)

Hmm... I used another router and it worked perfectly :grog:

Now I'm wondering if the Source code is public/open?


when I open shiny gts this is what happens:

1. I open my pokemon save file

2. I select Generation 5 on the top right

3. I put in my IP address (this might be the problem. I don't know whether to use the IP address that shows up on my command prompt, or use the ip that checkmyip.com showed me [someone on another thread said it showed your local IP address])

4. I click start DNS, then 4 things pop up

*** Fake DNS server v0.4 by ShinyJirachi ***

*** Based on M@T's Fake DNS server v0.3 ***

*** Based on LordLandon's sendpokemon.py ***

*** DNS Server Initialized ***

5. After that, nothing pops up, it doesn't tell me a number to put into my ds

I heard people say alot about port 80 or something, which I have no idea what they are talking about, but if I click start GTS it says "GTS Initialization on Port 80 is complete" so I dont think the problem is that.

Please tell me what I am doing wrong and what I can do to fix it.

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