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Which system of Wild Pokémon would you like?  

89 members have voted

  1. 1. Which system of Wild Pokémon would you like?

    • Pure Johto Pokémon
    • Mostly of Johto Pokémon
    • Half Johto Pokémon
    • Less than half Johto Pokémon

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I voted mostly Johto Pokemon... because in Johto there are also Kanto Pokemon too. So I'd like it to be just Johto and Kanto until you beat the E4 for the first time. Of course, I don't know about Yanma, Piloswine, Aipom and Lickitung though. Those that DO evolve into something else via learning a move should be able to evolve before the E4. I don't want a Golbat evolving into a question mark again like in FR/LG.


Mostly Johto, would be nice to seem some others as well though.

Might as well take this chance to ask, anyone mind explaining the time line? Gen 2 takes place 3 years after Gen 1, not sure where Gen 3 is, so where is Gen 2 and 4? Are they basically together? One thing I know is it seems Gen 3 remakes and Emerald version are on the same time line.

  wraith89 said:
Of course, I don't know about Yanma, Piloswine, Aipom and Lickitung though. Those that DO evolve into something else via learning a move should be able to evolve before the E4.

Bah so true, I don't like how my Golbat on FireRed couldn't evolve because some pokemon dictionary couldn't decipher what pokemon specie it was.

  wraith89 said:
RBY and RSE take place at the same time.

GSC and DPP take place 3 years after RBY and RSE... and occur at the same time.

Mmmm information is nice.... Thanks.

Personally would have been nice to make it semi anime like. Finding Red on G/S/C somewhere near Ho-oh's tower instead of on Mt.Silver. Or dose Mt.Silver have any relations to ho-oh? O.o


I choose Mostly Johto. I would like to see them be a bit more realistic, though. I mean, I didn't know Mareep would want to live next to Ponds near mountains. =/ And Hoppip in Mountain/Grass areas too.

  Greencat said:
I choose Mostly Johto. I would like to see them be a bit more realistic, though. I mean, I didn't know Mareep would want to live next to Ponds near mountains. =/ And Hoppip in Mountain/Grass areas too.

You can't get any more realistic than finding Geodudes and Ponytas in Route 215 in Sinnoh at D/P (don't know what that route is? You'll see what I mean :eek:)

  wraith89 said:
You can't get any more realistic than finding Geodudes and Ponytas in Route 215 in Sinnoh at D/P (don't know what that route is? You'll see what I mean :eek:)

Isn't it normally raining in that route? I thought it was weird running into Ponyta in Pearl.


I don't really care, as long as there is more high leveled Pokemon, so i can grind in relatively ease, or there are high leveled Pokemon near some form of Pokecentre, or spa, because my training spot in Firered, was in one of the Islands, where there are 4 trainers? they would either double battle, or not, they had high leveled Pokemon, and right next to the trainers, was a hot springs, where it healed all my Pokemon.


i voted mostly johto.. hope that all pokemon from kanto, hoenn and sinnoh will be available in it! :D i was wondering... will there be a pokesav for heart gold and soul silver? sure would be nice... :)


I think everyone should keep in mind the original Johto Dex was made up of 151 Kanto Pokemon and 100 Johto Pokemon.

You should also keep in mind how heavy other regional Pokedexes felt. I think the reason why people liked Gold and Silver so much is because they were an EXPANSION on RGB, rather than something new. All but a few of the original Kanto pokemon were obtainable, the Kanto REGION itself was even included (and provided slight story continuations to the original plot... Team Rocket, Green, Misty, Koga, Lance, Copy Cat...).

Then look at the Hoenn and Sinnoh dexes. MOSTLY new pokemon with a few from the original era. And very little connection to the original areas/stories. And then think about how many people strongly dislike Hoenn because it "didn't feel the same."

Going by current trends (since the advanced era), Nintendo would make a new Johto dex with 150 (based on the Hoenn or original Sinnoh balance) to 200 (based on the new Sinnoh dex) Pokemon, using mostly the 100 from the Johto expansion.

Going by their original design, they'd use the original 249 (if you don't count Mew and Celebi) dex (or cut out less entries in the regional dex by not including the unobtainable Kanto pokemon, like the starters and birds) and then make more Pokemon available after beating the Elite Four and getting the National Pokedex.

Just something to think about. ;)


I really hope they don't do those dumb Johto pokemon locations again.

I mean stuff like Houndour and murkrow being on only 1 route in Kanto where there's barely any grass....

For the dex, they better make a Johto dex instead of the New pokedex with 251 Pokemon.

-The Johtodex would obviously have all the 100 Johto Pokemon, no Kanto starters, legends and fossils.

-Then some 30 ultracommon Kanto Pokemonw hich are in every region, like tentacool, zubat, geodude

-all the Kanto pokes which are part of Johto evolution lines (aka put Oddish in, leave Bellsprout out etc)

-20 Hoenn Pokemon, especially some rare typed ones, like ghost-> Shuppet maybe (so we dont end up with Morty having 4 Gastly-line Pokemon etc), like a Bagon or at least Altaria (lol look at Claires pokemon), a Mightyena for Karen(?) perhaps?

-all the expanded-dex evolutions of Johto pokemon: Yanmega, Mamoswine, Mismagius, Ambipom etc

So it would come near 200 maybe, that would be great and make Johto into a real region not some halfdone Kanto expansion.


That's my made up most logical johtodex:


And the ones I left out:


-I took out the RBY exclusives, and some which are only in 1 unimportant place*

-those only found in Kanto

-Kanto starters, fossils and legendaries

*Rhyhorn was originally only 5% in the shortened victory road, nidos take up 6 spaces and are only on the route near national park etc.

In the Johtodex I moved those which should get a place in Johto like Murkrow etc, instead of leaving them at the end.

So, cause I removed the fire mammals (Growlithe,Vulpix) anyway, I put Houndour in their place in the dex, which I find is a cool idea <3

Sneasel obviously went to the ice cave ones etc

I put slugma in grimers place and thought it could be catchable in the burnt tower so this fits as koffing is 1st encountered there.

The most probable to me at the moment would be the 195 without new stages plus 6 of the ones I took out (2*3 or 3*2), so this would make it 200+celebi, which sounds great.

those 6 could be either:


-drowzee spearow grimer

-6 of the new stages (yanmega ambipom etc, but not those that evolve in special sinnoh places for ex.)

OR option1 or option2 plus some new stages, bringing it up to 210+1 (lol plat style)


They can easily leave out the newer stages obviously by not making following things available before acquiring the national dex:

-dusk/shiny stone (Honchkrow,Mismagius,Togekiss)

-incenses (Bonsly,Wynaut,Azurill,Mantyke,Happiny)

-magmarizer/electrizer (Magmortar,Electivire

-razor fang/claw (Gliscor,Weavile)

-dubious disc (Porygon-z)

-ice/moss rock (Glaceon,Leafeon)

-mt.coronet (Magenzone)

-move relearner (Mamoswine)

4 Pokemon are left, which if excluded will end up like those in FRLG ("It evolves...it stopped??")






Taking out the legendaries are fine... but many of the Pokes you took out are actually used by trainers before Kanto. Would that be a good idea to, let's say, limit Lance by taking out Aero and Charizard? Yes, Aero is Lance exclusive, but the Charmander line is used by many trainers in Johto also. Since those two are taken out, what would be their replacements in your opinion? :confused:

That FRLG rule is terrible... I hope it doesn't happen because I'm not letting an encyclopedia tell me whether my Pokemon can evolve or not.

I see you worked hard on this... well done. But what's the idea of having a Johto dex? Will it be "see all of these before heading to Kanto" thing? If that's the case... forget it >_<

Some of the new evos CAN be included... but I don't know about the others. Stuff like P-Z would only require someone to have glitched the thing, so not everyone would know about it or something. Magnezone would require Sinnoh to evolve, so I doubt that thing will be included at all either.


GS were the first pokemon sequels, so it was fitting to create the then so called "new pokedex" with all pokemon ever existing.

But now it looks more like "we're gonna let all those who have not played pokemon back then, expirience the Johto region through remade Johto games".

Those games will be part of the 4th generation. This means that at some point in the game you'll get the national dex, which will enable you getting data of pokemon including starters from other regions anyway, if you get my point.

I think it would be less confusing for everyone who plays the games like a new region if there is an actual Johtodex and you are given the national dex before going to Kanto... maybe I'm just being to much perfectionist.

I am aware of the Lance problem. Another such example would be Koga's Muk, if Grimer is taken out because it's found exclusively in Kanto. But the simple solution to those would be, obtaining the national dex just before the E4 (meeting Oak who tells you of his Sinnoh journey etc).

It would be really disappointing if they are going to make it a direct remake again, with Houndour and co. at the end of the "new pokedex" because they're Kanto exclusive.

And the "see all Sinnoh pokes" thing isn't really a problem IMO. All 3 times I played through DPPt, I was always missing just about 6 Pokemon after the E4. You just have to battle most of the trainers in the areas you get access to. I like this feature more than the old motto Catch them all. It's not difficult to achieve and therefore gets you a realistic reward.

Other trainers that use Kanto starters in Johto (many have 1 of each line) could get any suiting replacements, there are enough Pokemon to choose from. It always felt odd when encountering a trainer using Kanto starters to me. =<


You have a good point there... but to me, I'm not exactly sure about giving the National Dex RIGHT before the E4. It seems so weird and random... so something has to be done about that.

GSC actually had no requirements except defeating E4 to access Kanto, so I don't know. What if they replace the champion with someone else and use Lance as a secret trainer instead? I don't know... just an idea.

Yeah, Slugma was in a REALLY random place, so placing him in the appropriate place would be nice. Houndour and Murkrow were also only available in Kanto... so it'd be nice to see them in Johto for a change. But I don't know about Clefairy. Although it's one of Whitney's signature Pokemon, they're only available in Mt. Moon... but I guess it's the seeing that counts, not the catching.

So why are Doduo and Ponyta out? They are supposed to be available right before Victory Road. I have a big feeling this whole Johto-dex concept will be more difficult than it looks...

  • 5 weeks later...
Well, you don't want it to be exactly the same. More Pokemon additions would allow the user to complete his/her Pokedex much easier. I at least hope they add more variety to the game. Maybe since there are new areas, they will add them there.

How is adding more Pokémon making completing the Pokédex easier? O.o


No, not adding new Pokemon to the franchise itself, but to this game. PE2009 says he wants it to have the same Pokemon as the original, and I'm saying that adding Pokemon from other regions would make it easier to complete the dex. It would also be better, since variety is what makes the game good.


Hm. I'd say... 50% Johto Pokémon, 37.5% Kanto Pokémon and 12.5% Hoenn Pokemon, for variety.

No, not adding new Pokemon to the franchise itself, but to this game. PE2009 says he wants it to have the same Pokemon as the original, and I'm saying that adding Pokemon from other regions would make it easier to complete the dex. It would also be better, since variety is what makes the game good.

Yes, I really liked Platinum because of this.

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