mewmart Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 Relyte said: I use Marriland's Stat calculator to find my IVs. I know there are a few others out there.I know I was ridiculously overleveled by Cianwood, so I'm probably no judge, but I found the level curve to be pretty low. I was Lance's level by the time I got to the Elite 4. I always find Whitney to be the hardest, for some reason. Her Miltank just walks all over my team... Thanks for that =D. I'm having difficulty to defeat Red though, should I start importing Pokes from my Platinum? =/
Guardna Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 @ Mewmart It's possible to defeat Red without trading, and if your Pkms are underleveled, stock up on a lot of items. You can also start calling the gym leaders for a rematch, it's a really good way to gain experience, not to mention the battle frontier facilities, and the safari zone can help you get rare and strong Pkms
Relyte Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 @ Mewmart: Yeah, it's definitely pretty easy to beat him with pokemon around level 60. Max potions are your best friend. Oh, and that Snorlax that you find? It's a good sponge for his overplentiful blizzards. Don't expect it to do much damage, it just gives you time to use a couple potions/revives. @ Wraith: True, making it a Johto game does kinda limit the possibilities. I'm surprised that they didn't give Falkner a Delibird, just for kicks At least Brock had a lot of pokemon... 5 or 6 if I remember correctly. Maybe they were going by looks rather than actual usefulness. Ryhorn, in HG/SS looks really good, so we should look at it more than at Rhydon. Makes sense, right? My favourite trainer along the stretch to Victory Road is the Bird Keeper standing on the island with nothing but a Farfetch'd to his name. Maybe he flew there, because his Farfetch'd certainly couldn't learn surf and whirlpool to get him to that little island. I think I had it easier than you against his Gyarados; I have a Stone Edgeing DDdos. I look forward to his rematch team, though. That looks interesting. Especially the Machamp. . . I'll make sure to send out a male pokemon in case he tries to attract at me. I guess Fling is in case a ghost/psychic comes out. I was quite surprised at his Pidgeot. I was feeling pretty good at having a challenging gym leader when, all of a sudden, for his last pokemon, he sends out his Pidgeot. A Pidgeot? A... Pidgeot...? A PIDGEOT?! I was thoroughly confused. I think if they'd kept his Gyarados on him, there would've been too many Gyaradi in the game at that point. Lance, Claire and him would all be using them. OD on Gyarados, I think. Cynthia was kinda the model of what a champion should be to me. She was actually good, had a good team and was really, really tough. Wouldn't it be fun in the AI switched/predicted more? 8D
mewmart Posted April 20, 2010 Posted April 20, 2010 Thanks guys! Just defeated Red! Now I can focus on completing the Pokedex!
Okami Posted April 20, 2010 Posted April 20, 2010 I don't think I've ever had so much trouble in beating gym leaders...but I think it is due to this time around my pokemon being under the level they should be.
Wild Oddish Posted April 21, 2010 Posted April 21, 2010 much too easy the best they get is like, level 38 or something?
mewmart Posted July 25, 2010 Posted July 25, 2010 But I think the game allowed us too little space to level such that we can match up against the gyms. That may be the reason why some of us may find our Pokemon underlevelled.
OriginShadow Posted July 28, 2010 Posted July 28, 2010 Although they did receive a HUGE boost between the Originals and the remakes, it wasn't enough to slow me down... They need even MORE strength... (Either that, or I over leveled... which is definitely possible)
Turtwig Posted July 29, 2010 Posted July 29, 2010 The gym leader's should be a little more challenging, or else the game would be easily finished.
CowColor Posted August 1, 2010 Posted August 1, 2010 Nah the gym leaders are easy, i can one hit everything, the problem with your pokemon is that you guys focus on more than one pokemon, i see people on youtube with like 5 pokemon that they trained. Why waste your time when you get to victory road there are already pokemon in the wild at that level, your just wasting time. All you need is one fully trained pokemon to finish the game without cheating.
wraith89 Posted August 1, 2010 Author Posted August 1, 2010 One fully trained Pokemon = boring. It's only for the sake of novelty challenge and whatnot (I played through the whole Emerald with just Swampert... and some HM slaves). Sure you have an awesome Typhlosion/Feraligatr/Meganium/whatever (I can't see Meganium one shotting everyone though), but I think most people actually want a whole team. Yes, most of them have actually beat the game with *gasp* more than one Pokemon. It's called *gasp* teamwork! Quote Why waste your time when you get to victory road there are already pokemon in the wild at that level, your just wasting time. The wild Pokemon are always lower leveled than my Pokemon in this game... But I mean, if one Pokemon is your style, than totally go for it. But most of us, I think, actually want a team. Hold up a minute, I thought this was about how to improve gym leaders. Mhh, what's done is done. The low level curve's main reason is largely due to keeping the game longer with two regions.
CowColor Posted August 2, 2010 Posted August 2, 2010 Well i am the type of person that finishes the game then focuses, working on a team since i find it more difficult and would require more time to build a team as your progress through the story since you don't have all the best resources available. Most of the good pokemon you can get are in late game anyways or after you finish the game. As for improving gym leaders? the game should have the gym leader match up the level of the highest level pokemon in your party or an average of what your have in your party, so people (like me) can be over leveled for the match, that would be challenging.
wraith89 Posted August 2, 2010 Author Posted August 2, 2010 CowColor said: Well i am the type of person that finishes the game then focuses, working on a team since i find it more difficult and would require more time to build a team as your progress through the story since you don't have all the best resources available. Most of the good pokemon you can get are in late game anyways or after you finish the game.As for improving gym leaders? the game should have the gym leader match up the level of the highest level pokemon in your party or an average of what your have in your party, so people (like me) can be over leveled for the match, that would be challenging. If that's your opinion then stick to it yourself. No need to criticize what most people do: build a team in-game for the fun purpose and how the game is actually meant to be played. Yes, I catch that Pidgey early and train it. And some Pokemon you get early are quite good, like Magikarp or Geodude. And of course, you have that problem of overleveling where you're too strong you OHKO every wild Pokemon in the game, making it hard to catch one except by luck. If you want an improved AI that matches up your level then do Battle Tower. That's all I'll say. Gym Leaders are the storyline part. If you overlevel your Pokemon, sorry you won't get a challenge in-game. Anyways people, this is a REALLY old topic I proposed back before HGSS was even out... so you can totally disregard it.
CowColor Posted August 2, 2010 Posted August 2, 2010 wraith89 said: If that's your opinion then stick to it yourself. No need to criticize what most people do: build a team in-game for the fun purpose and how the game is actually meant to be played. Yes, I catch that Pidgey early and train it. And some Pokemon you get early are quite good, like Magikarp or Geodude. And of course, you have that problem of overleveling where you're too strong you OHKO every wild Pokemon in the game, making it hard to catch one except by luck.If you want an improved AI that matches up your level then do Battle Tower. That's all I'll say. Gym Leaders are the storyline part. If you overlevel your Pokemon, sorry you won't get a challenge in-game. Anyways people, this is a REALLY old topic I proposed back before HGSS was even out... so you can totally disregard it. no i say geodude isn't as a good and magikarp is even worst. there are better options Its not hard to catch pokemon all you have to do is just use weaker moves i don't have problems in that area.
wraith89 Posted August 2, 2010 Author Posted August 2, 2010 CowColor said: no i say geodude isn't as a good and magikarp is even worst.there are better options Its not hard to catch pokemon all you have to do is just use weaker moves i don't have problems in that area. Again, your opinion. Geodude is an amazing Pokemon, early game especially. It definitely helps using one vs Falkner and Bugsy. Necessary? No. Useful? Yes, very. Also does well on Whitney but its usefulness may stop after a while unless you feel like keeping it, which isn't at all bad if you feel attached to it. Magikarp --> Gyarados. What's wrong with early Gyarados? Yes you can get a Red Gyarados right off the bat later, but some people actually want to, well, have it earlier? Thanks to the earlier EV training, it will be stronger than the red Gyarados as well. Tedious training? Sure. Fun of wrecking early game? Why not? Same deal with Abra. And what's better than that satisfaction when you see your Metapod turn into Butterfree and can finally beat stuff? Same deal with Magikarp to Gyarados... a better feel of accomplishment to some. And define your "better options". Level 51 Golbat? Level 44 Ursaring? And okay, try catching that level 20 Larvitar with your level 77 whatever... chucking balls may catch it but granted it's harder and definitely not as fun... whatever, I should not even argue about this. It's just as pointless as pointless gets. You definitely don't understand how others play this game... so whatever style they play, just let them be. No one should be told how to play Pokemon. Not everyone goes mono "one Pokemon run". I'm also curious to what Pokemon you have used and what moveset it has.
Mr. Celebi Posted August 3, 2010 Posted August 3, 2010 preach on, wraith. The gym leaders really need to get better, the highest level was 41 in HG/SS i believe. One problem is if they go to high with the gym leaders, where will the elite four go?
CowColor Posted August 4, 2010 Posted August 4, 2010 wraith89 said: Again, your opinion. Geodude is an amazing Pokemon, early game especially. It definitely helps using one vs Falkner and Bugsy. Necessary? No. Useful? Yes, very. Also does well on Whitney but its usefulness may stop after a while unless you feel like keeping it, which isn't at all bad if you feel attached to it.Magikarp --> Gyarados. What's wrong with early Gyarados? Yes you can get a Red Gyarados right off the bat later, but some people actually want to, well, have it earlier? Thanks to the earlier EV training, it will be stronger than the red Gyarados as well. Tedious training? Sure. Fun of wrecking early game? Why not? Same deal with Abra. And what's better than that satisfaction when you see your Metapod turn into Butterfree and can finally beat stuff? Same deal with Magikarp to Gyarados... a better feel of accomplishment to some. And define your "better options". Level 51 Golbat? Level 44 Ursaring? And okay, try catching that level 20 Larvitar with your level 77 whatever... chucking balls may catch it but granted it's harder and definitely not as fun... whatever, I should not even argue about this. It's just as pointless as pointless gets. You definitely don't understand how others play this game... so whatever style they play, just let them be. No one should be told how to play Pokemon. Not everyone goes mono "one Pokemon run". I'm also curious to what Pokemon you have used and what moveset it has. I have a geodude but i only use it for HM moves i rather use my gatr then that magikarp rather wait for that shiny gyardos as you said early EV training? You sort of contradicted yourself, that actually takes a longer time than and makes the game not challenging like you mention earlier sort of like your over leveled. as for catching lavrvitar i can catch it with a scyther with false swipe or trade with a friend. or i can sleep it then catch it. but i already have a tyranitar I use a Feraligatr with waterfall, ice punch superpower and crunch when Feraligatr reached its max level i use a raikou that i caught with discharge thunderbolt extrasenory and crunch i think thats all i use Mr. Celebi said: preach on, wraith.The gym leaders really need to get better, the highest level was 41 in HG/SS i believe. One problem is if they go to high with the gym leaders, where will the elite four go? No i thought kanto gym leaders had some higher level pokemon like 50+
CowColor Posted August 4, 2010 Posted August 4, 2010 Mr. Celebi said: HG/SS is johto HG/SS is not just johto its kanto as well. since you can explore the land of kanto and battle their gym leaders and receive a actual badge after defeating them.
wraith89 Posted August 4, 2010 Author Posted August 4, 2010 CowColor said: I have a geodude but i only use it for HM moves i rather use my gatr then that magikarp rather wait for that shiny gyardos as you said early EV training? You sort of contradicted yourself, that actually takes a longer time than and makes the game not challenging like you mention earlier sort of like your over leveled. as for catching lavrvitar i can catch it with a scyther with false swipe or trade with a friend. or i can sleep it then catch it. but i already have a tyranitar I use a Feraligatr with waterfall, ice punch superpower and crunch when Feraligatr reached its max level i use a raikou that i caught with discharge thunderbolt extrasenory and crunch i think thats all i use No i thought kanto gym leaders had some higher level pokemon like 50+ No I did not contradict myself. Early EV training doesn't mean specific EV training to get a specific build... you fight wild Pokemon and you gain EVs. Simple as that... and Pidgey/Weedle/Rattata/Zubat gives Speed, Sentrets give Attack, etc... and it will eventually build up. That is what I was referring to, rather than getting a clean Gyarados. You did not tell me you had other "utility" Pokemon for catching purposes. And my point was using your overpowered single starter will make it tough to catch certain Pokemon you may want later. If that is what you use, then whatever, use it if it is your preference. I'm not saying it's wrong, I have friends who do that too, but it isn't up to you to tell others that "having a team of 6 is ineffective" or whatever, when people actually enjoy building a team of multiple Pokemon. It's THEIR Pokemon journey and as you can see, we all beat the game with a team of 6. And btw, Gyarados outclasses Feraligatr... well, not completely, but damage wise and whatnot... and take into factor that not everybody picks a Feraligatr.
CowColor Posted August 5, 2010 Posted August 5, 2010 wraith89 said: No I did not contradict myself. Early EV training doesn't mean specific EV training to get a specific build... you fight wild Pokemon and you gain EVs. Simple as that... and Pidgey/Weedle/Rattata/Zubat gives Speed, Sentrets give Attack, etc... and it will eventually build up. That is what I was referring to, rather than getting a clean Gyarados.You did not tell me you had other "utility" Pokemon for catching purposes. And my point was using your overpowered single starter will make it tough to catch certain Pokemon you may want later. If that is what you use, then whatever, use it if it is your preference. I'm not saying it's wrong, I have friends who do that too, but it isn't up to you to tell others that "having a team of 6 is ineffective" or whatever, when people actually enjoy building a team of multiple Pokemon. It's THEIR Pokemon journey and as you can see, we all beat the game with a team of 6. And btw, Gyarados outclasses Feraligatr... well, not completely, but damage wise and whatnot... and take into factor that not everybody picks a Feraligatr. I know not everybody picks the gatr but you asked what i used so don't go turning it around and making it into something else. Also of course gyrados is better than the gatr but i don't want to go around training another pokemon that i am going to replace once i finish the game. Also Isn't it common sense that i would use something more suited for catching a pokemon. Rather than a pokemon i use for battling, i also don't catch much pokemon during the whole game until i finished the game that is when i started catching. furthermore i never mentioned "having a team of 6 is ineffective" and who actually enjoys making these teams you keep battling seeing the same thing over see a pokemon kill it and repeat over again, its so boring that you find yourself training your pokemon while doing other things like watching TV. Don't lie to me i know you been through that and atleast looked away from the ds while training. But still continued because it was a easy task. They like the idea of making a team for a pokemon journey not actually doing the actual training.
wraith89 Posted August 5, 2010 Author Posted August 5, 2010 CowColor said: Isn't it common sense that i would use something more suited for catching a pokemon.i never mentioned "having a team of 6 is ineffective" and who actually enjoys making these teams you keep battling seeing the same thing over see a pokemon kill it and repeat over again, its so boring that you find yourself training your pokemon while doing other things like watching TV. Don't lie to me i know you been through that and atleast looked away from the ds while training. But still continued because it was a easy task. They like the idea of making a team for a pokemon journey not actually doing the actual training. Scyther has a pretty low catch rate actually, but that is irrelevant. And if you EXP share it, you might as well just train up Scyther because it is quite a potent Pokemon to begin with. I don't watch TV... and no, I think it's fun compiling a team that can cover each others' weaknesses. Training a bit isn't that bad either... I grinded a couple of levels in a matter of minutes if I needed to (it isn't those MMOs where leveling is difficult). Anything can get boring if done repetitively, so either way, that is irrelevant. And who enjoys making these teams? Ask everyone else then and those who made their team. Of course people take breaks, that's natural... for anything. And you shifted topics... when was it an argument about actual training vs making a team? It was the argument of having one overpowered pokemon vs having a whole team. Your posts indicate that it is a sin to make a whole team while playing through the game, when it isn't.
ZMaster Posted August 5, 2010 Posted August 5, 2010 Much to wraith89's despair, I must comment on this old thread. @CowColor: No. ಠ_ಠ The game wouldn't be fun just using one Pokémon. You gotta have variety, because your goal is to become the Pokémon Master! You are to obtain all Pokémon! *I know, I sound a bit ridiculous. xP* PS: This thread should be locked if it's really that old.
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted August 5, 2010 Posted August 5, 2010 I love building a Team. Team's may vary and you have a lot of choices to make. You can have a Rain Dance Team like me or a Sunny Day Team. You can have a Hail Team or a Sand Storm Team. You can have a Monotype Team or an Unique Team. You can have a Cute Team or a Giant Team. Many Teams comes with different options on how to use them. Isn't that the fun part? But when building a Team, it has its strong points and weak points. Usually when you have a Pokémon over Lv.50 by the time of the 5 Badge, you will be overpowered. So it all comes down to if you want to take the time to train your Team while playing through the game or train a single Pokémon while playing through the game.
CowColor Posted August 5, 2010 Posted August 5, 2010 wraith89 said: Scyther has a pretty low catch rate actually, but that is irrelevant. And if you EXP share it, you might as well just train up Scyther because it is quite a potent Pokemon to begin with.I don't watch TV... and no, I think it's fun compiling a team that can cover each others' weaknesses. Training a bit isn't that bad either... I grinded a couple of levels in a matter of minutes if I needed to (it isn't those MMOs where leveling is difficult). Anything can get boring if done repetitively, so either way, that is irrelevant. And who enjoys making these teams? Ask everyone else then and those who made their team. Of course people take breaks, that's natural... for anything. And you shifted topics... when was it an argument about actual training vs making a team? It was the argument of having one overpowered pokemon vs having a whole team. Your posts indicate that it is a sin to make a whole team while playing through the game, when it isn't. I use one or two overpower pokemon to finish the story and the whole team is for battling online or whatever I never said it was a sin your just twisting my words, i said it was just a waste of time when you do it with just one pokemon. You don't watch Tv? Okay then but i am pretty sure that you have done other things while trying to train your pokemon maybe browsing the internet or maybe right now when trying to responding to this post. For the game all you need is one maybe two. Since the computers aren't smart enough to setup. ZMaster said: Much to wraith89's despair, I must comment on this old thread.@CowColor: No. ಠ_ಠ The game wouldn't be fun just using one Pokémon. You gotta have variety, because your goal is to become the Pokémon Master! You are to obtain all Pokémon! *I know, I sound a bit ridiculous. xP* PS: This thread should be locked if it's really that old. The story is not fun i try to finish it fast as possible since i played gold and silver in the past before so i knew what was going to happen. I do this because i want to play my friend thats the only fun part i get in pokemon. PS When diamond and pearl came out i was excited but when i got it i realized it was the same thing just better looking and got bored of it quickly before i got to the first gym i wanted to quit but i finished the game in 2 days and it ended there. Riolu Aura Sphere Now said: I love building a Team. Team's may vary and you have a lot of choices to make. You can have a Rain Dance Team like me or a Sunny Day Team. You can have a Hail Team or a Sand Storm Team. You can have a Monotype Team or an Unique Team. You can have a Cute Team or a Giant Team. Many Teams comes with different options on how to use them. Isn't that the fun part?But when building a Team, it has its strong points and weak points. Usually when you have a Pokémon over Lv.50 by the time of the 5 Badge, you will be overpowered. So it all comes down to if you want to take the time to train your Team while playing through the game or train a single Pokémon while playing through the game. Do you actually like building a team or just the idea of one? by building a team i mean doing the necessary training done like EV training and getting the perfect IV and egg moves the right nature and all that.
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