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[Did any error messages appear on the screen? Are you sure the program was in the right GTS mode?

No, l didn't see any errors on the program just messages about my friend had enter the GTS etc.. nothing more happend after that.

What do you think l do wrong or is it the program? :frown:

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  Way Turner said:
[Did any error messages appear on the screen? Are you sure the program was in the right GTS mode?

No, l didn't see any errors on the program just messages about my friend had enter the GTS etc.. nothing more happend after that.

What do you think l do wrong or is it the program? :frown:

...it seems that the program is either not communicating properly [not likely], data being truncated [the latest update fixed that rare issue], or perhaps the system is running with the wrong GTS mode selected. [unlikely, but the most likely]. Either way, I can't exactly debug this without either: A) Looking at your screen, B) connecting myself and seeing what data is being sent and received.

  formlesstree4 said:
No, l didn't see any errors on the program just messages about my friend had enter the GTS etc.. nothing more happend after that.

What do you think l do wrong or is it the program? :frown:

...it seems that the program is either not communicating properly [not likely], data being truncated [the latest update fixed that rare issue], or perhaps the system is running with the wrong GTS mode selected. [unlikely, but the most likely]. Either way, I can't exactly debug this without either: A) Looking at your screen, B) connecting myself and seeing what data is being sent and received.

l'm willing to take any kind of help, maybe TeamViewer?

if you have MSN or something we can talk there if thats ok.

l send you a PM with my email/MSN adress.

Posted (edited)
  formlesstree4 said:

ShinyGTS is telling you the truth. It did bind to port 80; it does not know however if it can see the outside. You should not need to mess with port 80 if and only if you are trying to do this locally. If you are doing this locally, make sure the DNS you're putting in your DS is the local IP address of your computer. For example, my router assigned my PC the local address of; your PC would have something similar or, probably 192.168.1.x, where x is a number between 1 and 255. Do not use the IP that ShinyGTS displays because to use that one, you would probably have to mess with port forwarding.

Oh, I knew it was something stupid like that. Thank you so very much! :]

Edit: Hm, I'm still getting the same connection error even after switching to my local IP address. I got curious and tried to use HyperGTS again, but it isn't working now for some reason, I get the same connection error. I don't remember the network settings changing, I'll look into it a little more.

I can't figure it out- I think I'll try it on my actual PC tomorrow. I think the fact that I'm trying to do it on a virtual machine is the problem.

Edit (again): Yep, it was me being stupid. Works great on an actual PC!

Edited by Cojirou

After about an hour of tampering around with my port forwarding system and constantly checking if the correct ports were open (and having done so in the past), I've come to the conclusion that I cannot forward port 53 for some reason. I have tried doing it both in advanced and application forwarding (port 80 works through application) to no avail.

My router is the Qwest Motorola-3347, if anyone has any insight, information, or methods to hopefully forward port 53 I'm listening with my eyes open (since we can't really hear things we're reading right?). I've also attempted running ShinyGTS and the DNS works fine but when I launch the GTS it tells me that a socket doesn't have permission (assuming it's port 53, since it's not recognized anywhere else). If any other information is needed I will post it immediately. Thanks!

  formlesstree4 said:
Yeah, IR-GTS.

Ampitere, what OS are you using?

Windows 7, running as administrator and have trusted with my anti-virus/malware as well as with them turned off.

  formlesstree4 said:
If you don't have permissions, it sounds like something else is using port 80. Do you have Skype or Teamviewer running?

Skype is open, that would probably be why. Let me go check that real quick.

UPDATE: Got it to work locally, but cannot seem to get it to work on the DNS it provides.

  Ampitere said:
Skype is open, that would probably be why. Let me go check that real quick.

UPDATE: Got it to work locally, but cannot seem to get it to work on the DNS it provides.

The DNS it provides is the one you should use, but the fact that it's not working points to router misconfiguration or firewall blocking. Those are the only culprits that I can think of.

  formlesstree4 said:
The DNS it provides is the one you should use, but the fact that it's not working points to router misconfiguration or firewall blocking. Those are the only culprits that I can think of.

As I said, port 53 doesn't want to open up for some reason. I've attempted to forward it and done so properly (since port 80 works, logic says if I do port 53 the same it should be open as well). Any ideas as to why it might not be working? (tested them both via http://whatsmyip.org's port scanner)


I reset the DNS setting in my DSi to my ip address. when i try to connect, i get 0 bars, then 3 bars, as if it has connected. then it goes back to 0 bars and gives me the following error code: 52110. please help!

  formlesstree4 said:
Is the DNS side of the program showing any activity at all? If not, then it might be an ISP issue possibly. Make sure Port 53 allows UDP instead of TCP.

When I connect on it does function properly and I can see the updates of it sending, receiving and generating information. It just routes it through my local IP instead of the DNS, but when I attempt to do the same thing via DNS it doesn't work.

Like I said about port 53, it doesn't want to forward even when I have the settings done properly. Not sure why, but it just doesn't allow it (tested port 80 and port 53 on http://whatsmyip.org and 80 is open while 53 is not and they're both forwarded identically aside from 53 being UDP and 80 being TCP).

  Ampitere said:
When I connect on it does function properly and I can see the updates of it sending, receiving and generating information. It just routes it through my local IP instead of the DNS, but when I attempt to do the same thing via DNS it doesn't work.

Like I said about port 53, it doesn't want to forward even when I have the settings done properly. Not sure why, but it just doesn't allow it (tested port 80 and port 53 on http://whatsmyip.org and 80 is open while 53 is not and they're both forwarded identically aside from 53 being UDP and 80 being TCP).

If everything is forwarded identically, then the most I can say is that it might be an ISP issue. I don't really know besides that.

  formlesstree4 said:
If everything is forwarded identically, then the most I can say is that it might be an ISP issue. I don't really know besides that.

Yeah it just seems odd that it won't work while any other port will. My ISP must be blocking it for some reason. Thanks for your help anyhow, I can just run it locally and teach my friends how to do it instead of hosting it for them.


If I'm having problems and difficulties with the ShinyGTS, am I to post here? Or just on the Miscellaneous section in general? I posted my problem in the Misc..

  Carlo Deluxe said:
this program uses a public ip, so everyone in the world can join the GTS server, right? is there any option to turn that off exept blocking it?

I could probably rig up a version to do that next time if enough support for it comes in. PikaShoo, I'm pretty sure I also answered your question in your topic.

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