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someone had posted their own with english names at one point. and it was off of Koolayde's last released v8.

they probably just took the post off after i got it or something. gimme your email, i may be able to send it or somethin.

  Koolayde said:
Basically, you need to use a clean a\0\0\2 and a\0\03 NARC files when using PPTXT (from a clean ROM). Patching over previously edited ones causes the crash you are asking about.

no, im talking about your patch, im trying to pull the rom apart and fix a few things and well it crashes on your patch files, but with the last release from kaarosu and others it was 0189 from the main files crashing, i never had this issue, so i wanted to know if there was something big you changed in it


I'm not understanding what it is exactly you are trying to do. What is crashing? PPTXT? Another program?

ROM structure wise, the only things that were changed were the main and story narcs, the narcs which controlled the move type icons, the narc containing the title screen, and the ROM header which contains the title information displayed when you launch the ROM.

If you are using PPTXT, it could be an issue the way PPTXT is reading the files and rebuilding the narc. This is why I suggested importing your changes using clean main and story narc files. It would always crash on file 189 when trying to re-import on previously rebuilt narc files. When I re-import to test edits, I have to use to use orignal narc files everytime because PPTXT crashes otherwise.

File 189 may not be the problem at all, it could be another file causing PPTXT a memory leak or a dangling pointer. Anyway, without debugging it I'm not likely to find out exactly what the problem is.

There were over 16,000 different changes in text from the last patch. So, text wise, there is way too many changes to list. If you wanted to find out what exactly was changed, you could use use GIT to build you a diff on all the files that have been changed.

If it's another program, you'll have to let me know what your doing that's causing the error. I have a feeling I'm not understanding everything your saying.

  Pokepower22 said:

Also,tyo help you guys whith the english names,heres the full list i did last night,just copy and paste it.

Hope it helps:)

Hey. New here. I just wanted English names in Black, so I took your list and threw it in. This was built upon v8 (meaning you must/will probably need to be at v8 before this will work). ymmv, no guarantees.

Let me know if this works for you or not (my first attempt at a patch, please forgive me).



ok, i know my english isn't that good >__> i will explain it better

when i apply your patch (v8) to a clean rom, it works,when i try to pull some info from the patched rom using PPTxT program, it crashes on the main narc (2) and the file number is (0188) now when i build the info from the git files, it does the same thing but i checked the file and well i can't ind why its crashing cause its the same thing as the last few patches


I know of the problem you are describing. I know how to work around it.

I went ahead and made a mini-tutorial on how to insert the files... with pictures! :o

Here we go!

Just to show I know of the error you are talking about, I'm going to re-create the error you are experiencing...

(WARNING, the files are pretty big in size, sorry about that...)

  Reveal hidden contents
  Reveal hidden contents
  Reveal hidden contents

Here's how we work around this error:

  Reveal hidden contents

Step 1: Open a clean ROM using a program like NitroExplorer2b. Grab the unedited NARC files and save them somewhere as 2clean.narc and 3clean.narc.

  Reveal hidden contents
  Reveal hidden contents

Step 2: Delete the prior patched NARC files. They are useless to us. Create copies of the clean NARCs we just extracted.

Name them 2.narc and 3.narc.

  Reveal hidden contents

Step 3: Now using PPTXT (Import all from files...), create newly patched NARCs using the files from the GIT repository. It will work, I promise!

  Reveal hidden contents

Success! When you want to rebuild the ROM again, delete the patched NARC files and create copies of the clean ones you saved and rebuild them again. After you have rebuilt them, re-insert them into the ROM and you will be ready to go!


One more thing, the next release will be between one and two weeks away. I'm in the middle of translating a 500 line file and its progressing slowly. After I finish that I have to finish translating Black City and White Forest. Then, I have to go back and clean up the partially translated High Link files and clean everything up. After that, play testing to find errors.

Real life decided to not be nice to me this week. I was going to spend quite a bit of time translating text today and tomorrow but my car died on me so now I will have to spend time replacing it instead.

I want to get this patch out sooner rather than later. I want to try to get at least one more patch release after this one before the US/EU versions of the game come out and render everything obsolete. Anyway, back to the grind stone...

  Shadow_Steve said:
ok, i know my english isn't that good >__> i will explain it better

when i apply your patch (v8) to a clean rom, it works,when i try to pull some info from the patched rom using PPTxT program, it crashes on the main narc (2) and the file number is (0188) now when i build the info from the git files, it does the same thing but i checked the file and well i can't ind why its crashing cause its the same thing as the last few patches

Ooh.... I got the same problem too thanks koolayde do u think it's some thing wrong in the patch???


So is there a CMD style patcher (like the ones posted in GBAtempo) that I can use?

xDelta just doesn't seem to work on my PC


ok so i patched white with 8.1 and then added the english names. they work fine on my pc and ds, but when i sent the file alreay completed, when he plays it it comes up as all jap.


release candidate 2. btw is it possible that when the english games come out, we can take the save files and rename them to match the english games to continue from there?

  vansword said:
release candidate 2. btw is it possible that when the english games come out, we can take the save files and rename them to match the english games to continue from there?

It worked for HeartGold and SoulSilver, so why not?

Then again, I'm going by a precedent. Who knows...


I used a previously uploaded patch with the english names, and I can't enter union room T.T

However with the v7 japanese patch I could enter union room.

So any way to import the english names into the v7 patch so that I won't jeopardise the ability to enter union room?

  aquaguy34 said:
We aren't sure yet since black and white are going to be released in 27 days on March 6th for the US so we don't really see a point for a V9

Oh so true. YET...

It all matters on perspective. If you're actually going to buy the game, then there's not really a point to the v9..

...however, if you intend on downloading it (by you I'm being general), then there's probably a stronger AP on it that'll take a while like the other one. MAYBE it's worth it, but who knows. Besides, Koolayde's probably almost done.


Are the english names of the BW Pokemon inserted already?? Well I wanted to insert them anyway so which narc file is the names of the Pokemon located on White/black? I did have a tutorial but it got erased... I know its a/0/?/2 & a/0/?/3....


the english bw names are inserted and it is 0/0/2 and 0/0/3 by the way is there a way i can help out by changing all the names as they come out?

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