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I have a question, when this is fully english patched and my friend gets the game released in us when traded will the pokemon names be english

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  lemony said:
I have a question, when this is fully english patched and my friend gets the game released in us when traded will the pokemon names be english

The translated patch won't change there names if you trade a Pokemon from the English game.

  AuroraVirus said:
The translated patch won't change there names if you trade a Pokemon from the English game.

i meant vice versa, will they be japanese in his game even though theyre english in mine since theyre only english because i applied a patch

also when i patch my game with a more recent version of the patch, if i use a previous save will the pokemon i have already caught have their name changed


does any one have an issue after patching the rom with the translation patch?i cant start my save file its starts a new game automatically? did i do something wrong i doubt it i did it the same as the other patches and never had a problem and now with this one i have to start a new game??

  cyb3ritachi said:
does any one have an issue after patching the rom with the translation patch?i cant start my save file its starts a new game automatically? did i do something wrong i doubt it i did it the same as the other patches and never had a problem and now with this one i have to start a new game??

Either your flashcart has DMA options turned on, or you haven't renamed your save file to match thr ROM. Assuming you're using a flashcart, of course.


I have an r4i gold v1.4 running r4 wood and every time i log on to random battles or the gts it says i am using an invalid cart, however, my friend has an m3i zero and can use the gts and random wifi. is there anything i can do to fix this?

  Spartan201 said:
Either your flashcart has DMA options turned on, or you haven't renamed your save file to match thr ROM. Assuming you're using a flashcart, of course.

i checked all dat and even the save file has the exact same name and still nothing and im using the AceKard 2i latest firmware 1.8.5 i think or something like that. and about the DMA u mean the bypass of AP?????


hey Koolayde, having a crash issue with your latest patch in PPTXT program when i try to extract 0188 from the main files, i noticed i cant even look at it, without it crashing, so any solution to this, also if you want my help again, i would be fine with it

also, sorry for leaving the community when i did, i had a lot of personal issues to take care of

  cyb3ritachi said:
i checked all dat and even the save file has the exact same name and still nothing and im using the AceKard 2i latest firmware 1.8.5 i think or something like that. and about the DMA u mean the bypass of AP?????

DMA has nothing to do with anti-piracy, as far as I know.

I haven't used an Acekard in a while, but I think this should help:

"Some games need hold A button to launch after patched anti-piracy patch. Now you can setup enable or disable DMA in menu. Press Y button twice when selected game and set up DMA. Enable DMA equal normal press A button to launch. Disable DMA equal hold A button to launch. "

That was about the Acekard 2i Firmware version 4.23, released July 21st 2010. Either someone's marking the versions wrongly, or you're out of date.

  Romruto1 said:
^__^ I just inserted the official English names into my Black/White and renamed Belle and Makomo to Bianca and Fennel.

Im gona do the same:)all of em,even f some on the list are fake.

  Spartan201 said:
DMA has nothing to do with anti-piracy, as far as I know.

I haven't used an Acekard in a while, but I think this should help:

"Some games need hold A button to launch after patched anti-piracy patch. Now you can setup enable or disable DMA in menu. Press Y button twice when selected game and set up DMA. Enable DMA equal normal press A button to launch. Disable DMA equal hold A button to launch. "

That was about the Acekard 2i Firmware version 4.23, released July 21st 2010. Either someone's marking the versions wrongly, or you're out of date.

no im pretty sure im higher, im using AKAIO 1.8.5 which its latest and i checked. Well thanks for the info but nothing yet and since i dnt want to start all over again with out my event pkmn i will stay with my last english patched rom(v7) too bad i wont be able to see the updates for my self

  Romruto1 said:
^__^ I just inserted the official English names into my Black/White and renamed Belle and Makomo to Bianca and Fennel.

How does one do this?


So i gotta comb through each narc entry and look for "Bel" or Mokomo" and change them. then find what narc entries have pokemon names and change those?


The names in that list are the official confirmed English names, leaked by a Nintendo of Italy employee (the leaked list was accompanied by localized abilities, but they were Italian. Pokepower22 cleaned up the list to make it easier to put into the game).

And it seems that Nintendo finally properly lowercased the Pokémon names. But I'm not sure how it would fit in the game with the older Pokémon, considering all of those were completely capitalized.

EDIT: KazoWAR has uploaded a mod of V7 with the official names. He said it was designed for his own personal use, so only the Pokémon name list is modified (Pokédex and script still retains the romanized names)

Here it is: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3706406/Files/V7%2BOfficial-English-Names.rar


Before I patch it and apply it, does that link have the Wi-Fi stuff and some of the stuff from the end of the game that wasn't translated in V7 but was translated in another patch? I don't want to put some stuff back into Japanese to get the English names…


Well I'd assume Koolayde is pretty busy so it may be around.. v9 or so... (unless its just an update of v8)

Speaking of which, I haven't heard from him up here in a little while. Everything ok, Koolayde?


Yeah, been super busy. Haven't checked the forums lately, but, I'm still working working on the High Link files. There is still a ton of work to do. It's much bigger and its taking way much more time than I thought.

And, I saw that list, but I wonder if it is safe to include them into the next patch...

I hope to get Black City and White Forest into the next patch.

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