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This first post is only a rules post. The following two posts will be reserved by me for updates to project coordinators as need be. Please read the first 3 posts often, as they may be updated periodically and contain useful information for people seeking information and assistance.

Project Pokemon Rules.

Third translation thread

Second translation thread

First translation thread

Welcome to the Japanese to English translation thread for Pokemon Black/White. This first post is ONLY going to cover the rules because frankly, a lot of you aren't following them. The second post, by Kaarosu, is constantly updated on the latest research shindigs, and the third post is a FAQ. Check all three every now and then because they may be updated.

There is to be absolutely NO discussion about piracy!. What this means is:

  • Do not ask for links to ROMs
  • Do not give links to ROMs
  • Do not say you downloaded a ROM.
  • Do not give "subtle" hints on how to locate ROMs.

I can't speak for all staff, but I'm just going to ban people for 2-4 weeks right off the bat from now on for doing any of this.

If all you're doing is asking for updates or generally being an annoying leech who contributes nothing to this project, expect to get a hefty infraction and/or a temporary ban.

Finally, if someone in here is breaking the rules (trolling, piracy, or any of PP's rules) or you THINK they might be breaking a rule, DO NOT RESPOND TO THEM!

It only encourages them.

Use the Report button. The Report button is the triangle with the exclamation mark inside it. It is in the lower left corner of every post.


  • Do not ask, brag, link to, or give advice on how to get ROMS.
  • Follow all other PP rules.
  • Read the first three posts of the thread, and the most recent page or two of the thread before posting, ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE ASKING FOR HELP!
  • Check the first two posts frequently for updates.
  • This is a research thread. Off-Topic conversation should be taken to the appropriate forum, or to Private Message.
  • Similarly, annoying questions such as "when is the next patch released" or "will X be in the next patch?" and other useless chatter may end up with your post being deleted along with possible infraction points.
  • If you think someone broke a rule, do not respond to their post or private message. Just hit the report button.

Also, please don't PM me questions about the translation project. I just moderate the thread. Please direct those to Kaarosu.

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I received this PM from user Koolayde


I saw the Pokemon translation thread was locked.

I am currently working on getting the online features of the game translated. I currently have most of the Nintendo Wifi Club, and Union Room translated. Most of these aspects of the game are at least 90% translated now, with the exception of the Union Room chatting mode, and a few of the error messages in both rooms. I've also fixed a few bugs. It is very playable and I think people would enjoy this getting pushed out as a patch.

I'm still trying to translate other things, but to be frank, its going very, very slowly. I'm nowhere anywhere as good as vgperson is, but I would like to do what I can so others can enjoy the multiplayer aspects of the game without needing to wait until March.

Anyway, I have GIT repositories of the things I've already translated at



Also, I have been checking vgperson's GIT from time to time, and it appears he is still translating some things. It would probably be best to see if what he has completed can be integrated with what I've done, and any others if there are any.

I'm not sure how you guys were compiling your patch files for release, but if you need any help please let me know. My time may be somewhat limited but I'm happy to do anything I can to help out. Please let me know.

Please see this post for Kaarosu's logs of changes and all that stuff.

Please see this post for a slightly out-of-date but still useful FAQ.

Edited by randomspot555

Curious question: If the updates continue to the patch, will the official Pokemon names, move names, abilities, etc. change as well? Cause I was kinda bummed that the project was over right before they started being announced. But once I saw a new thread open, I figure I'd go ahead and ask.

  randomspot555 said:
That PM I quote isn't from me. I have no responsibility for the content of that PM.

Well, if I'm not mistaken if you click on the links given to you in your original PM, they will work. But since you copied-and-pasted the PM directly to the post, only part of the link was put up and the URL contained in the '...' was cut out.

  Spenstar said:
Well, if I'm not mistaken if you click on the links given to you in your original PM, they will work. But since you copied-and-pasted the PM directly to the post, only part of the link was put up and the URL contained in the '...' was cut out.

I see. Corrected. Thanks for the heads up.


Just wanted to pop in and give a heads up.

I'm currently working on getting all of the dialogs for the GTS NPC in the Pokemon center translated. I'm going to attempt to translate all of the Global Link text as well. There's quite a bit to do. If I make enough progress tomorrow, I may release a patch.

That being said, you do not have to wait for me to release a patch file if you know how to import the files using PPTXT.(I believe there is a guide on its use somewhere on this site) I'm uploading changes as I do them. If you do this, if you find a mistake, please let me know, but be warned until I finalize the edits there may be mistakes or problems.

As for the question about the new names being implemented, I plan on implementing them if I can find the time to do so. Right now my priorities are to finish the Union Room and get the GTS and Global Link systems fully translated.

I will check back in sometime tomorrow to update everyone on my progress.


Cool cool. Not gonna rush, cause I appreciate someone going back to the project. :)

Oh, and what about the official logo for the game? I had almost forgotten about that.

I know you have other things to do first, I'm just throwing things out there. Much thanks again!


I just inserted your GITHub files into the NARC files and I must say, thanks for the Wi-Fi, PGL, and Union Rooms translation. Keep it up.. You're doing an fantastic job!


As stated, I'm still doing stuff too, though for nearly a month it was mostly just minor fixes and adding official names. But I finally got around to that remaining Trainer dialogue (I'm fairly sure they were all in the sports domes) last night, and I'll hopefully have the sports dome NPCs and such done soon.

Pretty much everything except actual dialogue has been changed to match the revealed official stuff - names have been replaced, Pokemon names should be lowercase everywhere, and the Pokedex uses the full word "Pokemon" in the classifications (I simply reworded some to make them fit).

Also, glad to see someone helping with online stuff, because while I do have the means to test some of it now, I probably wouldn't have wanted to bother.


Still working on things. Unsure if I'll finish completely tonight. There are a few places in the Global Link Random Matchup Tournament modes that are giving me trouble. I'm not sure everything is 100% correct either, since there aren't any tournaments taking place right now, I'm unable to test those changes as of current.

After I finish the edits I need to make, I need to do a few play tests to make sure everything is OK. After I do those things, I'll build a patch file. Feel free to go to the GIT repos and help test!

Also vgperson, would it be OK that when the new patch file is made, that I could include your changes as well? I'm not sure how far along you are in your edits but it probably would be nice to include your work as well. Please let me know.


Yeah, include everything. I'm not really in the middle of anything, since I just finished the sports domes.

If you cover all the online stuff, the list of remaining stuff should be down to Kanawa Town, Musicals, the Subway stops, TV shows, and Black City/White Forest.

(Oh yeah, and note that when I use the "import from all files" function in PPTXT, it seems to have problems with the accented "e" in the Pokedex classifications (257), so I have to fix it manually. Not sure what's going on there.)


Wow It's awesome that your working on the translation again and seriously Nintendo should turn to you for translating japenese games to english like you got what black and white done in i dunno 4-2 months? and nintendo started when they released the Game same time you did and they arent done yet! seriously what is holding them back? but i am still going to buy the game just to match them up and cause well i am having issues with my Flashcart......... dont ask. any way nice job i wish i could help but i dont know japenese nor would use google translator metioned NOT to use in the V3 thread any way Nice job to Translating it bigg follower scince V2 wishing you guys luck in completely finishing the game

  Flameraven2 said:
Wow It's awesome that your working on the translation again and seriously Nintendo should turn to you for translating japenese games to english like you got what black and white done in i dunno 4-2 months? and nintendo started when they released the Game same time you did and they arent done yet! seriously what is holding them back? but i am still going to buy the game just to match them up and cause well i am having issues with my Flashcart......... dont ask. any way nice job i wish i could help but i dont know japenese nor would use google translator metioned NOT to use in the V3 thread any way Nice job to Translating it bigg follower scince V2 wishing you guys luck in completely finishing the game

Nintendo has there reasons not to mention the translation can differ from the U.S Translation of the game. Not to mention the release date has nothing to do with because of the translation. They just like to have it at a certain date.


Thanks for the bug report. Will look into it immediately.

Just got done merging vgperson's GIT with my version. My god, checking the changes took forever! @_@

After I squish that bug you mentioned, I will begin checking for recently released official names and stuff to integrate. After I am certain everything is current, I will begin constructing the patch file after another round of play testing.

  vgperson said:

(Oh yeah, and note that when I use the "import from all files" function in PPTXT, it seems to have problems with the accented "e" in the Pokedex classifications (257), so I have to fix it manually. Not sure what's going on there.)

I was having this problem too. So I went ahead and poked around into the programs source code.

The program uses UTF-8 character encoding. If you type the right escape code into the file, you can insert a specific character.

If you want an é in this case, you can type \x00e9 and it will be interpreted correctly. I'm going to update \main\0000\257.txt to account for this. It's sort of hackish, but it will do for now.

Also, after I merged our two repositories, I noticed a few of the files have different style line endings. (For example, Linux style vs. Windows style) I'm unsure if its a problem, but every time I made changes and wanted to import them using PPTXT, I had to use a fresh narc file each time. I didn't have to do that before. I'm unsure if its because of that or if something else is causing the issue. I'll figure it out.

Too tired to continue tonight, so I will do some more work on it tomorrow.

  Koolayde said:
I was having this problem too. So I went ahead and poked around into the programs source code.

The program uses UTF-8 character encoding. If you type the right escape code into the file, you can insert a specific character.

If you want an é in this case, you can type \x00e9 and it will be interpreted correctly. I'm going to update \main\0000\257.txt to account for this. It's sort of hackish, but it will do for now.

Also, after I merged our two repositories, I noticed a few of the files have different style line endings. (For example, Linux style vs. Windows style) I'm unsure if its a problem, but every time I made changes and wanted to import them using PPTXT, I had to use a fresh narc file each time. I didn't have to do that before. I'm unsure if its because of that or if something else is causing the issue. I'll figure it out.

Too tired to continue tonight, so I will do some more work on it tomorrow.

I know this could contemplate hacking,but could you using this method change the Japanese english sylables(there to big and dont fit whith the normal computer righting)into the standed english ones?It would be much easier to nickname pokemon and not have to pokesav them to english.

  Silent Storm said:
Are there still going to be katakana versions of new patches or will there just be normal patches with names translated?

Im not even sure if they should include the original English names in the final patches of the translation because well 1 main reason because we don't know all the official English names yet so I would just say as long as the Japanese names are correct then I wouldnt bother to have them changed since the English release is now just 3 months away. So I'd say just fix what needs to be fixed and translated but don't worry about translating the official names from the English release into this.


Just include the currently released english names into an update.

Also if I've got an older patched version of pokemon white, can I update it with a newer patch? Or do I have to start from scratch with patching it?

  Pokepower22 said:
I know this could contemplate hacking,but could you using this method change the Japanese english sylables(there to big and dont fit whith the normal computer righting)into the standed english ones?It would be much easier to nickname pokemon and not have to pokesav them to english.

I'm not sure what it is your asking here, but, currently the game only allocates 5 spaces for names. The reason for this is that longer lengths cause the ROM to crash. That is why Pokésav is required. The only way we could implement longer names is to find a way to ensure they don't cause the game to freeze. And even then, you probably wouldn't be able to play online with it because the names are the wrong length.

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