vgperson Posted October 31, 2010 Posted October 31, 2010 Naïve is how it's spelled. Sometimes it's also spelled naive with a normal i, though. I didn't notice that line being too far over, but if it is, changing "become" to "be" would be best, I think. Assuming everything from my repository got over properly... - All scenes on the path of the story should be translated (though there are still likely a few issues, as it hasn't all been tested). - Somewhere around 30% (really rough estimate) of trainer dialogue is translated (but all plot-important battles are covered). - All NPCs (except for the designer in the lower-right of Shippou City) should be done up to around Raimon, and from then on it kinda just depends what I've felt like doing. Speaking of that last one, would anyone happen to know what file the designer's house is in? (Her first line starts "ワタシ かぐデザイナーの".) Or for that matter, Belle's first email? (It ends with the blinking "PIC_バイバイ"/"BYEBYE" emoticon.) EDIT: Also, I suppose a message to whoever translated the type images: the status effect images still need to be translated.
KibaLG8 Posted October 31, 2010 Posted October 31, 2010 Hello everyone, I am new here. I wanted to know if I can help with the translating? I downloaded the PPtext program to see how it works and I changed the Romanized Japanese Names to the English ones like has. Like in the games it has the move Tsumetogi, which is actually Claw Sharpen, so I changed that. Well I will be doing this for my own needs, since I want the Moves to be in English, lol but if anyone wants me to add the updated Narc. File for the moves, I can add it here. I also changed Hobomoe City to Hodomoe City. I also saw that during the intro of the game, Prof. Aragaki refers to Cheren as Chelon, and as a girl.
kujibiki57 Posted October 31, 2010 Posted October 31, 2010 Oh well, seems battle subway still isn't working properly Great translation, though It's like I'm in 2011 already
Silent Storm Posted October 31, 2010 Posted October 31, 2010 vgperson said: Naïve is how it's spelled. Sometimes it's also spelled naive with a normal i, though.I didn't notice that line being too far over, but if it is, changing "become" to "be" would be best, I think. Ah, didn't know about i, thanks. Yeah, be does seem like a better word to use. I am at the first town now, everything has gone smoothly so far, no errors or anything. Nice job everyone. Will post any errors as they come. (Also, wouldn't it be best to set up some area for errors that were reported? I could use one of my posts for that if you guys are willing). Edit 1 - The Plasma Admin's speech in the first town. When he talks about dividing pokemon: "What if that were to be prevented by someone to clearly divide them?" Some of the people that talk in the background (where random textboxs with words appear) have some of their sentences cut off. You might need to play that part to see what I mean. More as they come. Edit 2 - There is also an error in the admin's speech: "But what should we humans do to b ambassador to the oppressed Pokémon?" Also, I just realized that N's speeches are faster than normal .
Kaarosu Posted October 31, 2010 Posted October 31, 2010 vgperson said: Naïve is how it's spelled. Sometimes it's also spelled naive with a normal i, though.I didn't notice that line being too far over, but if it is, changing "become" to "be" would be best, I think. Assuming everything from my repository got over properly... - All scenes on the path of the story should be translated (though there are still likely a few issues, as it hasn't all been tested). - Somewhere around 30% (really rough estimate) of trainer dialogue is translated (but all plot-important battles are covered). - All NPCs (except for the designer in the lower-right of Shippou City) should be done up to around Raimon, and from then on it kinda just depends what I've felt like doing. Speaking of that last one, would anyone happen to know what file the designer's house is in? (Her first line starts "ワタシ かぐデザイナーの".) Or for that matter, Belle's first email? (It ends with the blinking "PIC_バイバイ"/"BYEBYE" emoticon.) EDIT: Also, I suppose a message to whoever translated the type images: the status effect images still need to be translated. Yeah whoever did those images disappeared so i'm actually working on learning that stuff on my own now. and as the designer house it's ummm 316 in the story git
Silent Storm Posted October 31, 2010 Posted October 31, 2010 After beating N. Cheren says this: "Off to the next town... I want to fight Sanyou City's gym lea(text cuts off here)." And: "The best way for trainser to get stronger is to challenge the gym leaders accross th(text cuts off here)." You could shorten to: "The best way to get stronger is to challenge the gym leaders across the region. (I assume that's what was missing)" More as they come.
Jonesy47 Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 Works fine on SuperCardDsTwo but on SuperCardDsOnei, it now freezes after you choose what language you want (no matter what language you choose). I wouldnt mention this aside from the fact that I could have SWORN all the patches up until v5 (official version) worked on the SuperCardDsOnei. It's really weird.
Jonesy47 Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 Is there a thread or a place specifically for grammatical error reports, ie, mis-spellings or missed line breaks because, as Im sitting down to play this seriosuly, Im noticing quite a few (which is understandable and COMPLETELY acceptable, aside from the fact that it doesn't make the game any less playable) and i would LOVE to help out. Could a moderator start a thread for that specific purpose? Error: NPC in Karakosa Town Pokecenter, lower left-hand area of the room says: Save your gasme to make sure you don't[bREAK] forget everything that's happened...[bREAK] That'll allow you to take breaks.[bREAK] should be: Save your game to make sure you don't[bREAK] forget everything that's happened...[bREAK] That'll allow you to take breaks.[bREAK]
soneek Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 Jonesy47 said: Is there a thread or a place specifically for grammatical error reports, ie, mis-spellings or missed line breaks because, as Im sitting down to play this seriosuly, Im noticing quite a few (which is understandable and COMPLETELY acceptable, aside from the fact that it doesn't make the game any less playable) and i would LOVE to help out.Could a moderator start a thread for that specific purpose? Error: NPC in Karakosa Town Pokecenter, lower left-hand area of the room says: Save your gasme to make sure you don't[bREAK] forget everything that's happened...[bREAK] That'll allow you to take breaks.[bREAK] should be: Save your game to make sure you don't[bREAK] forget everything that's happened...[bREAK] That'll allow you to take breaks.[bREAK] Fixed, along with Silent Storm's findings so far.
Jonesy47 Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 Error: Old woman NPC in Karakosa Town Middle Town area says: Pokemon strive to the limits[bREAK] of their power for people's sake.[bREAK] And people love Pokemon in return.[bREAK] It's a mutual relationship![bREAK] That's what I think.[bREAK] Should be: Pokemon strive to push the[bREAK] limits of their power for us,[bREAK] and people love Pokemon in return.[bREAK] It's a mutual relationship![bREAK] That's what I think.[bREAK]
speed670 Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 wow like being ignored about not being able to play on acekard 2i
meeces2911 Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 (edited) Looks like some pokedex lines are still too long. line 505 0235.txt: They’re very wary and take shifts to keep\xfffea watch over the area around their nest.\xfffeIf a guard isn’t there, they get nervous. looks like this in game: They’re very wary and take shifts to kee [no p] a watch over the area around their nest. If a guard isn’t there, they get nervous [no period] Not a big issue, but worth mentioning i think. EDIT: And the first team plasma event needs looking at too. EDIT2: and line 18 436.txt is missing an "e" But what should we humans do to b\xfffeambassador to the oppressed Pokémon? [should be: "be" or "become"] or something like that. EDIT3: also line 31 436.txt "I want to fight with Sanyou City's gym leader." is too long... how about "I want to fight Sanyou City's gym leader." ? and same line "is to challenge the gym leaders across the land." doesnt fit either... Edited November 1, 2010 by meeces2911 more bugs
KibaLG8 Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 speed670 said: wow like being ignored about not being able to play on acekard 2i Wow like being ignored for wanting to help out translating.... >___> I have R4i Gold, so I don't know how to help you there. So anyone? I i decided to be nice and put the 2.narc file with all the Gen V move names changed to English, like Pawaashea is now Power Share. Well if people here are ignoring me here because that change has been done already, then sorry.... Please tell if someone has already done this? So I can at least know. meeces2911 said: Looks like some pokedex lines are still too long.line 505 0235.txt: They’re very wary and take shifts to keep\xfffea watch over the area around their nest.\xfffeIf a guard isn’t there, they get nervous. looks like this in game: They’re very wary and take shifts to kee [no p] a watch over the area around their nest. If a guard isn’t there, they get nervous [no period] Not a big issue, but worth mentioning i think. It should be They're very wary and take turns to keep\xfffea watch over the area around their next.\xfffeIf no one's there, they get nervous.
Plouman Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 good work on the v5 patch it works fine on my DSTT just a question has anyone made or got any cheats for DSTT? for Pokemon B/W? i have cheats on but there japanese and i dont understand them at all
Jonesy47 Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 speed670 said: wow like being ignored about not being able to play on acekard 2i Some flash carts dont work. Some do. It seems like a lot of cards need either a patch or installation of the wood os. And just because nobody answers, doesn't mean you're being ignored. See, I dont have an acekard 2i, thus I kept my mouth shut because I really dont have any useful information for you. Would you have rather someone just said "Sorry, I dont know what your problem is. Good Luck!" It's not exaclty a helpful response and nobody really owes it to you to tell you they dont know what your problem is.
Jonesy47 Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 meeces2911 said: Looks like some pokedex lines are still too long.line 505 0235.txt: They’re very wary and take shifts to keep\xfffea watch over the area around their nest.\xfffeIf a guard isn’t there, they get nervous. looks like this in game: They’re very wary and take shifts to kee [no p] a watch over the area around their nest. If a guard isn’t there, they get nervous [no period] Not a big issue, but worth mentioning i think. EDIT: And the first team plasma event needs looking at too. [ATTACH]6123[/ATTACH] EDIT2: and line 18 436.txt is missing an "e" But what should we humans do to b\xfffeambassador to the oppressed Pokémon? [should be: "be" or "become"] or something like that. EDIT3: also line 31 436.txt "I want to fight with Sanyou City's gym leader." is too long... how about "I want to fight Sanyou City's gym leader." ? and same line "is to challenge the gym leaders across the land." doesnt fit either... Im trying desperately to learn how to use github so I can actually help out. I hope I can figure this out because revising this would be fun.
Niko Jims Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 I have a slight problem. My game refuses to make a save. I'm using no$gba-w_2.5c.
Jonesy47 Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 Niko Jims said: I have a slight problem. My game refuses to make a save. I'm using no$gba-w_2.5c. I read a WHILE back that no$gba hasn't been updated in a while and isn't supposed to work very well with pokemon white and black. Most people will tell you desmume works better.
KibaLG8 Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 Niko Jims said: I have a slight problem. My game refuses to make a save. I'm using no$gba-w_2.5c. try this: For Pokemon Black: 52004EA0 E8BD01F0 02004EA0 EAFFF25C E2001800 0000005C E92D4008 E3A00000 E3A0150E E2811A06 E5810B44 EA5FE9F2 E59F4034 E59F5034 E5845000 E59F4020 E5945000 E59F601C E1550006 03A05001 05C4500A 03A05000 E1445DB4 E8BD01F0 EA000D95 02180C60 28AAFF1F 037FBFE0 EAA01606 00000000 D2000000 00000000 52006F2C FDD8F1D8 02006F2C 00000000 D2000000 00000000 52180B88 42018811 52180B8C 4770D1FC 12180B8C 000046C0 D2000000 00000000 For Pokemon White: 52004EA0 E8BD01F0 02004EA0 EAFFF25C E2001800 0000005C E92D4008 E3A00000 E3A0150E E2811A06 E5810B44 EA5FE9F2 E59F4034 E59F5034 E5845000 E59F4020 E5945000 E59F601C E1550006 03A05001 05C4500A 03A05000 E1445DB4 E8BD01F0 EA000D95 02180C80 28AAFF1F 037FBFE0 EAA01606 00000000 D2000000 00000000 52006F2C FDE8F1D8 02006F2C 00000000 D2000000 00000000 52180BA8 42018811 52180BAC 4770D1FC 12180BAC 000046C0 D2000000 00000000 They had this problem with No$gba, but they found a action replay that would fix this. I got a usercheat DAT file for my R4i Gold, which is basically the cheat database which holds in all the codes for the R4i Gold. Since I am playing Pokemon White on my R4i Gold, I don't know if this code works but this code was included, and it said Save Fix + No$gba, so I assume it probably works. EDIT: I tried the code for Pokemon White and I was able to save on No$gba.
shadow1211 Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 not sure if its a glitch or its supposed to be that way but when u go yo turn off the c gear it asks if u want to enable the c gear instead of disable when your in game im using r4 wood
Romruto1 Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 any news on the UNION ROOM translating to English? or better yet, do you guys have the translation already and the txt file number? Actually if you do know where the UNION ROOM is located in the 0 folder, that would be helpful as well.
shadow1211 Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 does any one have ar codes that work on v4 or 5 i cant get any to work
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