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Nice Pokes as always Bond, there were 9 right, so i decided to make a list for you, so you don't have to do it Lol

Regirock, Careful, flawless


Regice, Calm, flawless


Registeel, Carefull, flawless


Shiny Poliwag, Adamant, flawless


Shiny Yanma, Modest, flawless


Shiny Celebi, lax, not flawless


Shiny Numel, Adamant, flawless


Shiny Jirachi, Docile, not flawless


Shiny Palkia, Timid, flawless


i took all the items off before i decided too make the list so not sure which items go where.

Anyways you can put this list on the main page and add the items too it xD

All Pokemon are not in order on this list D: again not sure where each pokemon goes >.>


this stuff is gonna be up until 12/25. everything will change out then and there will be a special christmas giveaway. all of the 5th gen stuff i have done, all of kaph's, and both servers will give way different stuff. there will be a LOT, it'll be worth the extra wait.

e: hey, look at that. that's a better list than mine. thanks!

  randomspot555 said:
^^^I found a Slowpoke on the second server as well.

Yeah forgot too put that up Lol

  Bond697 said:
this stuff is gonna be up until 12/25. everything will change out then and there will be a special christmas giveaway. all of the 5th gen stuff i have done, all of kaph's, and both servers will give way different stuff. there will be a LOT, it'll be worth the extra wait.

e: hey, look at that. that's a better list than mine. thanks!

i could do this every week for you if you like, after the Christmas giveaway coz i'm thinking you and Kaph will be busy doing it yourself's


sounds good. you can open .pkm files right? with pokegen/pokesav? i'll send you a set of pkms every week to make a good list with before they go up on here.

also, you can use my hosted sprite sets.

not shiny:




you just need to tack the right national dex number on those in place of 001.

  Bond697 said:
sounds good. you can open .pkm files right? with pokegen/pokesav? i'll send you a set of pkms every week to make a good list with before they go up on here.

also, you can use my hosted sprite sets.

not shiny:




you just need to tack the right national dex number on those in place of 001.

alright then xD

  HarleQuin said:
#4. Here is my problem. I test connection and Hit with the 52100 ERROR. =([/b]

i had the same problem

go to your firewall and make sure the program is "allowed trough your firewall"

or turn off your firewall and try again

adding "HyperGTS" and "DNS Server" to the exception list to my firewall worked for me :)


It is now Christmas in the UK, and may I say a very happy Christmas to you all, especially Bond for his awesome Pokemon :)

I cannot wait for tonights release :D Gives us all an "extra present" to "open" ;)


I'm currently on holiday in Hong Kong and on my dad's iPhone posting this. :P Happy Boxing Day (and a belated Merry Christmas)!

Posted (edited)

i'm kind of shocked that 425 files that are 250 bytes each take 14 minutes to transfer via RDP.

anyway, merry christmas everybody! soon!

e: ok, both servers are up.. there 848 total pokes between them(roughly 424 different things on each). it's completely randomized, so hypergts should be handing them out at random. there's also a full set of TMs in there somewhere. if i didn't have to do it by hand, everything would have a hold item.

anyway, 5.rar in the 2nd post is updated with all my 5th gen stuff and kaphotics' will be up in a little bit. i'm finishing some last minute stuff with his. they're both completely different, so you'll need both.

e: and since i see someone grabbing multiple shaymin, there are both oblivia and TRU shaymin in there. also, all 4 oblivia deoxys forms. that's why you might get a few.

e2: send the exact same duskull twice to the same person. way to be random hyperGTS.

e3: kaphotics' archive is now up in the second post. xmas.rar has all of his stuff. i'm going to add one more thing to it, but tomorrow.

Edited by Bond697

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