guyguyson Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 (edited) Reveal hidden contents Welcome!\xfffeHow may I help you? Welcome to the TM Shop!\xfffeHow may I help you? その ほかに わたしどもで\xfffeなにか おちからに なれることは? Please come again! Welcome!\xf000븁\x0000 Buy Sell Nevermind Welcome\xfffeto the point Exchange Service! \xf000븁\x0000\xfffeWould you like to trade in\xfffeyour BP for some prizes? Please save some BP\xfffeand come see us again. Thats my take on the last 2 lines of 0424, let me know what you think. Edited September 27, 2010 by guyguyson forgot the darn code!
xEliteNinja Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 ok there is a bug on your trainer card, if you look at the back where it says your stats and hall of fame stuff it says i have released 10 pokemon and i havent even released one really, its even there when i restart and i tried it on other roms as well.
ChaoticKItten Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 guyguyson said: Reveal hidden contents Welcome!\xfffeHow may I help you? Welcome to the TM Shop!\xfffeHow may I help you? その ほかに わたしどもで\xfffeなにか おちからに なれることは? Please come again! Welcome!\xf000븁\x0000 Buy Sell Nevermind Welcome\xfffeto the point Exchange Service! \xf000븁\x0000\xfffeWould you like to trade in\xfffeyour BP for some prizes? Please save some BP\xfffeand come see us again. Thats my take on the last 2 lines of 0424, let me know what you think. Pretty sure that's right, for the battle subway.
guyguyson Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 Reveal hidden contents Do you want to return to HIUNSHITI? The boat will set sail soon\xfffeso please wait on board.\xf000븁\x0000 Let me know anytime you wanna go back to HIUNSHITI! プラズマ団の 連中が…\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeなんて ひどいことを するんだ…! The fragrance of the ocean is pleasant. うわーん こわいよー! おにいちゃんが わるものを\xfffeやっつけてくれたんだね! おねえちゃんが わるものを\xfffeやっつけてくれたんだね! わしの 孫を 泣かしおって!\xfffe年寄りだと 思って なめてたら…\xf000븀\x0000\xfffeフガ フガ…! Thank you for helping my grandchild! ええい うるさい!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeここで おとなしくしてれば\xfffe手荒な ことは しない! 島を 占拠して\xfffeなにを しようと してるんだ…?\xf000븀\x0000\xfffeまったく アヤシイ 連中だ! 島の 秘密を もっと はやく\xfffe知っていれば オレさまが…\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeいやいや なんでも ない!\xfffeひとりごと ひとりごと…! 古い 灯台しか ないような\xfffe記念公園で\xf000븀\x0000\xfffeなにを しようと してるのかしら…? There are too many people who\xfffewould use Pokemon for crime...! 本官の ポケモンでは\xfffe太刀打ち できなかった…!\xf000븀\x0000\xfffeプラズマ団の ヤツラめ! キミのような 強い トレーナーが\xfffeいてくれて 本当に 助かった! 最近は 観光客が\xfffe少なくなったから 退屈だ… …200年前\xfffe大富豪が 島を 買い取り\xf000븁\x0000\xfffe人と ポケモンが\xfffe自由に 暮らせる\xf000븀\x0000\xfffe世界を 願って\xf000븀\x0000\xfffeリバティガーデン島と なづけました 第2桟橋\xfffe観光船 乗り場は\xf000븀\x0000\xfffe第1桟橋に なります 自由の 光を ともす 灯台\xf000븁\x0000\xfffe関係者 以外の\xfffe立ち入りを 禁止します 警官隊が 警備船で\xfffe駆けつけてきてね!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffe仲間たちの 活躍で\xfffe悪の一味は 一網打尽だよ! あの ポケモンは 元気かい?\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeあの 事件以来\xfffe島は 静かな もんだよ Team Plasma is invincible! It isn't over yet! 悪事は ゆるさん! さっさと 歩け! アララギ『\xf000Ā\x0001\x0000の おかげで\xfffe悪事を 働いた 連中は\xf000븀\x0000\xfffeごそっと 捕らえられたわよ!\xf000븁\x0000 ビクティニは\xfffeその小さな 体から あふれる\xf000븀\x0000エネルギーを 発散させる という\xf000븀\x0000まぼろしの ポケモン……\xf000븁\x0000その エネルギーに 触れた\xfffeポケモンや 人は\xf000븁\x0000全身に パワーが みなぎり\xfffeいつもより 力を 発揮できたの\xf000븁\x0000だから その 能力を\xfffeみずからの 野望のために\xf000븀\x0000悪用する 連中が\xf000븀\x0000あとを 絶たなかったと いうわ……\xf000븁\x0000地下室を 作った 大富豪は\xfffe心から ビクティニを 思って\xf000븀\x0000助けようとしたに ちがいないわ\xf000븁\x0000部屋に 閉じこめるって やりかたは\xfffe間違っていたけど ね\xf000븁\x0000ビクティニは \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000の おかげで\xfffeプラズマ団の 悪事に\xf000븀\x0000利用されることもなく\xf000븀\x0000新しい 運命を 手に入れた\xf000븁\x0000ビクティニの 能力を\xfffe悪用されないように するのは\xf000븀\x0000きみの 役目よ!\xf000븁\x0000 でね……\xf000븁\x0000ビクティニの イッシュ図鑑の\xfffe番号が 「0」なのは\xf000븁\x0000この ポケモン図鑑を 所持して\xfffe旅をする ポケモントレーナーに\xf000븁\x0000ビクティニの 勝利を もたらす\xfffeパワーが わけあたえられるように……\xf000븁\x0000そんな 願いが こめられていると\xfffeわたしは きいたことが あるわ\xf000븁\x0000 アララギ博士!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffe高速 警備船に\xfffe悪党どもを 詰め込みました!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeヒウンシティへ 戻るとのことです!\xfffe博士も ご乗船ください!\xf000븁\x0000 アララギ『ありがとう\xfffeすぐに いきまーす!\xf000븁\x0000 ポケモンの 能力\xf000븁\x0000その すごさに 心 惑わされ\xfffe悪用しようと するだなんて……\xf000븁\x0000正しい 心で 向き合ってこそ\xfffeわたしたち ポケモンと 人の\xf000븀\x0000未来は 明るく なるのにね!\xf000븁\x0000 no data Did what i could of 0243, i don't know the english names for the towns.
Light Yagami Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 hello, i'm italian user, we translate pokemon BW in italian, Can you teach to encript?
Rykin122 Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 Where do you guys get the Story text? I mean above 0272.txt? I just don't see it
guyguyson Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 Rykin122 said: Where do you guys get the Story text? I mean above 0272.txt? I just don't see it
Kaarosu Posted September 27, 2010 Author Posted September 27, 2010 NSSVelocity said: Turns out item find/reciving is in the story files ----------------------------------------------------------------------- STORY TRANSLATION FILES: 0283.txt - Line 1,2,3 \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000 received a\xfffe\xf000\xff00\x0001\x0002\xf000ĉ\x0001\x0001\xf000\xff00\x0001\x0000! \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000 received a\xfffe\xf000\xff00\x0001\x0002\xf000ĉ\x0001\x0001\xf000\xff00\x0001\x0000! \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000 received a\xfffe\xf000\xff00\x0001\x0002\xf000ĉ\x0001\x0001\xf000\xff00\x0001\x0000! Line 5,6 \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000 found \xfffea \xf000\xff00\x0001\x0002\xf000ĉ\x0001\x0001\xf000\xff00\x0001\x0000! \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000 found \xfffea \xf000\xff00\x0001\x0002\xf000ĉ\x0001\x0001\xf000\xff00\x0001\x0000! Line 11,12 \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000 put the \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0001\xfffein the \xf000Ē\x0001\x0002\xf000\xff00\x0001\x0000 bag.\xf000븁\x0000 \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000 put the \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0001\xfffein the \xf000Ē\x0001\x0002\xf000\xff00\x0001\x0000 bag. That takes care of finding and receiving items and placing them in your bag. That it is, it seems you've translated the stuff I didn't last night so merging our stuff together. NSSVelocity said: STORY TRANSLATION FILES:0280.txt - Line 1,2,3 This tree looks like it can be cut down!\xfffeWould you like to use Cut? \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000\xfffeused Cut!\xf000븁\x0000 This tree looks like it can be\xfffecut down! Line 9 It's a big boulder, but a Pokémon\xfffemay be able to push it aside. Files 0280.txt contains all the HM world text, anyone have a later save file to make this easier on me? Line 1,2 will need to be confirmed once I get that far in the game. Still basing the text on Platinum, making sure I get it right. --- Side note: \xf000븁\x0000 What does that even mean? As it appears in the text file after the text. Same with this one, I'm going by HGSS text I'll update the gits with my stuff shortly ChaoticKItten said: 0000/0347 Reveal hidden contents Welcome to the Pokemon Center, here at the Pokemon Center we heal your Pokemon. Would you like to rest and heal your pokemon? Goodmorning, Welcome to the Pokemon Center, here at the Pokemon Center we heal your pokemon. Would you like to rest and heal your pokemon? Hello, Welcome to the Pokemon Center, here at the Pokemon Center we heal your pokemon. Would you like to rest and heal your pokemon? Hello, welcome to the Pokemon center, correct me if I'm wrong but is it your birthday today? Happy Birthday! Thank you for using Pokemon center and i hope u stay and use our facility. Would you like to rest and heal your Pokemon? I'm sorry about the wait, all your Pokemon have been healed. .....Is that a silver Card? I have seen a few Pokemon trainers but never seen a silver card so bright. it is such a honor to meet someone like your self, would you like to rest and heal your Pokemon? I'm sorry about the wait, all your Pokemon have been healed. I'm sorry about the wait, all your Pokemon has been healed The Pokemon we have received to heal has pokerus, we don't know for sure what they are but they are parasites that live with in your pokemon with this, your pokemon will grow well and strong. ------------- from here down he translated but didn't understand the context so if someone could figure out the proper wording and where it all goes I'd appreciate it.----------- Welcome to the Pokemon wireless club Union Room, In this facility you can link up with your friends, trade and talk about your Pokemon. Would you like to enter this room? in this room you can see everyone that is linked to your system. you can battle with 2-4 players or trade pokemon, or even chat to everyone that is in your server. If you could *touch* with them, you can even search for your friends. We are activating your DS wireless. We hope you enjoy the time you have in the union room. *Enter Union Room* -Quit -Listen to instructions Im sorry to inform you but you can not enter the union room at this point yet, you carry a pokemon that can not be taken in to the room, You still have the pokemon written in your trainer book, you need to register the pokemon to the trainer book for easy use of this room (wtf it doesnt make sence r u sure its all of it?) First we need to change the image of the Trainer book, If you go through the setting in the trainerbook you can enable the image. *cant seems to change it just yet* My ex's native language is Japanese, but he's never played pokemon, he translatd it as best he could, might have mixed a little of it up and got completely lost towards the end, the line breaks and stuff messed him up a bit too... but yeah here's the pokemon centre text if anyone wanted to have a go through and finish it. very nice I'll have to look into this and the Union room text shortly. thanks for the good work guys!
twilightdan Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 Shadow_Steve said: umm... play something else then no thanks dude.... so v3 out na?
kattykitkat Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 Loving the progress guys! I think it's a good idea what NSSVelocity is doing, because although they are small pieces of text they appear commonly throughout the game, which will make a lot of things easy to understand. I look forward to when the battles are fully translated!! Great work everyone
00Knightmare Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 I posted this in the old thread but I think it might have gone unnoticed. I'm gonna post it again here because I think it's an issue must people haven't noticed: Thanks for all the work you've done! You people are amazing! The updated patch works great, I tested evolution and its fine. The only issues I've found were very minor. First is the one others have stated about the male rival referred to as "her" Another issue I noticed was in the pokedex. In my pokedex, Dageki is classified as the "Judo Pokemon" and Kurumiru Is Classified as the "Karate Pokemon". I Haven't captured a Nageki yet but I assume it's classification might be of the pokemon before it. So it seems like the Classifications are pushed forward by one slot at some point or something like that. Just for reference, the way it's supposed to be is #538 Nageki: Judo Pokemon, #539 Dageki: Judo Pokemon, and #540 Kurumiru: Sewing Pokemon
damo101 Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 I just wanted to say thx for all the good work Kaarosu coz without you we wouldn't be able to play Pokemon Black in Enlish and other languages. Thx for everything *.*
Kaarosu Posted September 27, 2010 Author Posted September 27, 2010 00Knightmare said: I posted this in the old thread but I think it might have gone unnoticed. I'm gonna post it again here because I think it's an issue must people haven't noticed:Thanks for all the work you've done! You people are amazing! The updated patch works great, I tested evolution and its fine. The only issues I've found were very minor. First is the one others have stated about the male rival referred to as "her" Another issue I noticed was in the pokedex. In my pokedex, Dageki is classified as the "Judo Pokemon" and Kurumiru Is Classified as the "Karate Pokemon". I Haven't captured a Nageki yet but I assume it's classification might be of the pokemon before it. So it seems like the Classifications are pushed forward by one slot at some point or something like that. Just for reference, the way it's supposed to be is #538 Nageki: Judo Pokemon, #539 Dageki: Judo Pokemon, and #540 Kurumiru: Sewing Pokemon Thanks! I must've missed it with so many pages I'll go look into that right now. P.S. I just pushed my changes on both the normal git and the story git
00Knightmare Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 Oops there was a mistake in my post. Dageki is the Karate Pokemon. I said they were both Judo by accident
NSSVelocity Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 I failz at Black, can't even get to the first gym. Got lost Haven't found the Player defeated "opponent"! text yet and have run out of small things to edit. Rock Smash: It's a rugged rock, but a Pokemon\\\may be able to smash it. Cut: This tree looks like it can be cut down! Rock Climb: The wall is very rocky...\\\Will a pokemon's move scale it? Strength: It's a big boulder, but a pokemon\\\may be able to push it aside. It's a big boulder, but a pokemon\\\may be able to push it aside.\\\Would you like to use Strength? "Pokemon" used Strength! "Pokemon"'s Strength made it\\\possible to move boulders around! Surf: ---- The water is a deep blue color...\\\Would you like to surf on it? "Pokemon" used Surf! Here's some of the English HM moves, don't know where they are in Black, so this is when you find them. "\\\" means new line.
Shadow_Steve Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 NSSVelocity said: I failz at Black, can't even get to the first gym. Got lost Haven't found the Player defeated "opponent"! text yet and have run out of small things to edit. Rock Smash: It's a rugged rock, but a Pokemon\\\may be able to smash it. Cut: This tree looks like it can be cut down! Rock Climb: The wall is very rocky...\\\Will a pokemon's move scale it? Strength: It's a big boulder, but a pokemon\\\may be able to push it aside. It's a big boulder, but a pokemon\\\may be able to push it aside.\\\Would you like to use Strength? "Pokemon" used Strength! "Pokemon"'s Strength made it\\\possible to move boulders around! Surf: ---- The water is a deep blue color...\\\Would you like to surf on it? "Pokemon" used Surf! Here's some of the English HM moves, don't know where they are in Black, so this is when you find them. "\\\" means new line. umm... NSS, the hm move set should be 283 in the storyline stuff, i believe its also 284 also if they arent all there
NSSVelocity Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 Shadow_Steve said: umm... NSS, the hm move set should be 283 in the storyline stuff, i believe its also 284 also if they arent all there I'm not far enough into the game to compare the Japanese to English for the HM's. Edit: Looking though the recent edits shows that only lines 5, 7, 12, 16, 31, 32 of the HM's are left to be translated. かたそうな いわ だけど……\xfffeポケモンの わざで こわせるかも? おおきな いわ だけど……\xfffeポケモンの わざで おせるかも?\xf000븁\x0000かいりきを つかいますか? \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000の かいりきの おかげで\xfffeいわを おせるように なった! つれあるいている ときは\xfffeなみのりを つかえません! ふかい うみだ!\xfffeポケモンの わざで もぐれるかも? ふかい うみだ!\xfffeダイビングを つかいますか?
Kaarosu Posted September 27, 2010 Author Posted September 27, 2010 00Knightmare said: Oops there was a mistake in my post. Dageki is the Karate Pokemon. I said they were both Judo by accident Yeah whoever did this one had some lines repeated and lots untranslated. Fixing/Translating this now.
NSSVelocity Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 Any ETA on the next patch with all these edits?
Kaarosu Posted September 27, 2010 Author Posted September 27, 2010 NSSVelocity said: Any ETA on the next patch with all these edits? Possibly sometime tonight might as well make it Release v1 as well since I think enough is done for it to be considered a real patch and not beta anymore
melo-hk Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 Sorry i'm in the project for the italian translation, yesterday i try to mount the translated files into the rom i replace only the 044 (aragi intro) and make a new narc , insert into de rom and make a new rom. The rom run perfectly but when i press new (japanese) the rom crash i think becouse the original text is crypted and the file that i insert is'nt crypter. I think i must re-crypt the text and after insert in the rom but i don't can this and my question is How i do for recrypt de texts for reinsert correctly
yamidarkstar Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 Cool I'm looking forward to it I'm very impressed with everyone's efforts I just wish I was able to be more help with these games.
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