bache Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 Also, a tip to anyone who doesn't have much space on their MicroSD card, you can trim the ROM using NDSTool to reduce the game to 202mb. Only the first 202mb actually contains game data. The remaining amount is filled 0x00 and 0xFF to bring the game up to the 256mb total I've been using it as an experiment for the last few days, and havent yet had a freeze.
ruinairas Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 I myself couldn't help you there. I got only as far as you did. I could only help with how to create a patch unfortunately
bache Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 Oh well thanks for your help! I've opened up a few files with a hex editor, but I don't really get it. as far as I can tell, it's all random characters lol! I couldn't even find any of the text files let alone images.
NSSVelocity Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 Ryanwm said: Whenever I use TM40 (Aerial Ace) my game freezes immediately after "____ already knows 4 moves" and the text that should be "delete another move to make room for aerial ace?" comes up like "????????u?????????b????????????????" and thats where the game freezes Finally a way to test this. I can confirm this locks up the game, I'll see into it. Edit: 0158.txt - Line 33: \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 wants to learn \xfffe\xf000ć\x0001\x0001\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeHowever, \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 already knows 4 moves!\xfffeShould a move be deleted and replaced \xfffewith \xf000ć\x0001\x0001\xf000븁\x0000? Try that, I moved the question mark till after the "\xf000ć\x0001\x0001\xf000븁\x0000" to match the first occurrence. Only a few moves trigger the text glitch, while most moves simple skip the last line prevent the glitch from happening.
ruinairas Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 I don't got a GIT. Could somebody verify my changes and post on there GIT. Its 0008. 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Colosseum Battle Frontier Save View Battle\xfffeVideo Video Battle Video Battle\xfffeさいしん30けん Top-Ranked Battle Videos\xfffeColosseum Top-Ranked Battle Videos\xfffeBattle Frontier けんさくした バトルビデオ\xfffeいちらん Where would you like to save\xfffe\xf000Ā\x0001\x0000’s Battle Video? うわがきほぞん Is it OK to delete \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000’s Battle\xfffeVideo? View Battle Videos Send Battle Video Newest 30 Search Search by Video NO. Search by Facility Search by Pokémon Search Your Location Okay! Please enter the Video Number. Please choose the facility. Please choose the Pokémon. Please enter the search criteria. You haven’t set any search criteria. Loading Battle Video... There is no matching Battle Video... Sending the Battle Video... バトルビデオを おくりました! \xf000봂\x0000View Profile \xf000봂\x0000Close Profile Newest 30 Battle Videos Please set the search criteria. Undefined LIST OF BATTLE VIDEOS FROM\xfffeSEARCH RESULTS The same Battle Video can’t be sent again.\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. 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Is it OK to disconnect from\xfffeNintendo Wi-Fi Connection? User authentication error.\xfffePlease wait a while before reconnecting. This data is already registered.\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. There appears to be a problem with the\xfffeDress-Up Data. There appears to be a problem with the\xfffeProfile data. An error occurred.\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. User authentication error.\xfffePlease wait a while before reconnecting. There appears to be a problem with the\xfffechosen Pokémon. An error occurred.\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. User authentication error.\xfffePlease wait a while before reconnecting. This data is already registered.\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. There appears to be a problem with the\xfffeBox Data. There appears to be a problem with the\xfffeProfile data. There appears to be a problem with your\xfffeparty. An error occurred.\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. User authentication error.\xfffePlease wait a while before reconnecting. There appears to be a problem with your\xfffeparty. An error occurred.\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. User authentication error.\xfffePlease wait a while before reconnecting. An error occurred.\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. User authentication error.\xfffePlease wait a while before reconnecting. Failed to receive ranking data.\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. There appears to be a problem with your\xffferanking record. here appears to be a problem with the\xfffeProfile data. An error occurred.\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. User authentication error.\xfffePlease wait a while before reconnecting. This data is already registered.\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. There appears to be a problem with the\xfffeBattle Video. There appears to be a problem with the\xfffeProfile data. An error occurred.\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. There appears to be a problem with your\xfffePokémon. Data was not sent. There appears to be a problem with a\xfffeplayer’s Pokémon. Data was not sent. User authentication error.\xfffePlease wait a while before reconnecting. There appears to be a problem with the\xfffesearch criteria. An error occurred.\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. User authentication error.\xfffePlease wait a while before reconnecting. No matching Battle Videos found...\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. An error occurred.\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. An error occurred.\xfffeError Code 10601 An error occurred.\xfffeError Code 10602 An error occurred.\xfffeError Code 10603 An error occurred.\xfffeError Code 10604 Unable to connect.\xfffeError Code 10605 An error occurred.\xfffeError Code 10606 Unable to connect.\xfffeError Code 10607 An error occurred.\xfffeError Code 10608 An error occurred.\xfffeError Code 10609 There is no response.\xfffeError Code 10610 There is no response.\xfffeError Code 10611 There is no response.\xfffeError Code 10612 Communication was interrupted.\xfffeError Code 10613 Unable to connect.\xfffeError Code 10614 The connection to the server was lost.\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. There is nothing saved.\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. Please choose a Box. An empty Box’s Data can’t be sent. Where would you like to send this? Only one Box Data may be sent at a time. The same Box Data can’t be sent. Which category would you like to see? The saved data could not be deleted... The same Battle Video can’t be saved again.\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. Saving...\xfffeDon’t turn off the power. Receiving ranking data... Sending save data... Save completed.\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. Do you want to delete \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000's\xfffeBattle Video? Is it really OK to delete this data? Deleting data...\xfffeSaving... Don’t turn off the power. The data was deleted.\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. Sending your Dress-Up Data... Receiving Dress-Up Data... Sending your Box Data... Receiving Box Data... You have no saved data to send.\xfffeTake a photo in the Goldenrod Tunnel. The same data can’t be sent again.\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. Receiving Battle Videos... No matching data was found...\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. No matching Box Data was found...\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. Your Battle Video was sent.\xfffeVideo no.: \xf000ȁ\x0001\x0000-\xf000Ȅ\x0001\x0001-\xf000Ȅ\x0001\x0002\xfffe The game will be saved before you can view\xfffeBattle Videos. Deleting data... Saving a lot of\xfffedata... Don’t turn off the power. Saving a lot of data...\xfffeDon’t turn off the power. Saving...\xfffeDon’t turn off the power. There is no ranking data...\xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue. Would you like to send your Battle Video? Latest 20 in the Favorite PC Box Latest 20 in the Cool PC Box Latest 20 in the Cute PC Box Latest 20 in the Suggested PC Box Latest 20 in the Fun PC Box Latest 20 in the Select PC Box School Kid♂ Bug Catcher Ace Trainer♂ Roughneck Ruin Maniac Black Belt Rich Boy Psychic♂ Lass Battle Girl Beauty Ace Trainer♀ Idol Socialite Cowgirl Lady Goldver It was just some obvious translations that I made.
bache Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 Hey NSSVelocity, what do you use to edit game files?
NSSVelocity Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 bache said: Hey NSSVelocity, what do you use to edit game files? I'm just editing my save file with Pokesav. Strange thing about the 4 moves glitch, only sometimes the text will cause a lock-up, other times the question marks are displayed but Yes/No show up after a few seconds. You just have to be lucky with it.
bache Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 NSSVelocity said: I'm just editing my save file with Pokesav.Strange thing about the 4 moves glitch, only sometimes the text will cause a lock-up, other times the question marks are displayed but Yes/No show up after a few seconds. You just have to be lucky with it. No I mean like how are these text files added into the rom? I have a copy of Final Fantasy 4 for the DS that I'm looking to make an English patch for. Do you know any tutorials for this sort of thing?
SoulShade Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 When I take damage from my life orb, the game hangs a little and it's not translated.
NSSVelocity Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 bache said: No I mean like how are these text files added into the rom? I have a copy of Final Fantasy 4 for the DS that I'm looking to make an English patch for.Do you know any tutorials for this sort of thing? I'm not sure, Kaarosu is the one that compiles all the changes into the ROM itself. I don't do any type of DS ROM editing normally.
Silent Storm Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 I can confirm that the 4 move glitch happens when I use the HM strength, I pm'ed Kaarosu about it and other things so hopefully it gets fixed today.
namad Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 this might not be appropriate to ask but... i remember in generation IV you could get trainers phone numbers after defeating them and then call them up and and rebattle them and such for more experience later... is there anything like this in generation V? i can't tell because i can't understand anything any trainer says so i don't know if some of them are telling me they want to battle me later or not....
ringo14 Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 Umm 2 questions 1 Which one of those downloads links do i download for b/w? 2 if i do use one of these download links to make my game english , will it mess up my game? Thanks in advance Oh and how far has this been translated?
bache Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 ringo14 said: Ummm 2 questions 1 which one of these do i download o.o"? they so many i am not sure which one does't matter if it for black or white 2 if i use one of these patches to make my game English , will it mess up my game ?? If you have Black, and want to disable the Anti-Piracy (Good thing), Get the Black no EXP patch If you have White, and want to disable the Anti-Piracy (Good thing), Get the White no EXP patch Using these shouldn't mess up your game, but make a back up of the ROM on your computer, just in case
Duncan Idaho Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 Darken said: You sure about that? Did you even edit the extinfo and such to support the new IDs ? let me try again, but im betting it wont work, i've been using the vivid boy hack of ysmenu that actually runs the japanese ones w/o AP
ringo14 Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 uhh kinda lost here which one of these do i use? Black Kata Names or Black English Names White English Names or White Kata Names and new style or old style logo?
AquaJet Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 Sup guys? I've been lurking around here for a while but anyway, first off big thanks to everyone whos working on translation, amazing job, secondly I'm currently playing on Official Patch V2 that has been out for a few hours now, and I noticed small mistake, when you buy stuff in PokeCenter/Mart the amount of your money isn't displayed, does it happen to anyone else?
Cicceciott Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 Please help! I patched a clean pokemon black rom with the old english logo black patch and it seemed to be working...the intro and first dialogs were translated,so were some names like cheren,belle,pokemon's,moves etc...until i've received the pokedex (which was written in japanese) which turned every name in japanese,both pokemon,moves,people,battle text and everything else.I've reached the first gym and everything has gotten japanese since i received that goddamn pokedex .Also,the opening menu (new game,mystery gift ecc) has turned japanese too! How can i fix this?
soneek Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 Hey guys I need a small favor. Can you talk to this girl for me and see if she says something different than in the picture? It might only be different if you haven't done the Zoroark event. She's at the gate between Route 16 and Raimon City. Reveal hidden contents
Rykin122 Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 Notice: Don't make complains about wrong item NAMES anymore. If you want to check the new list, the link is below. I'm going to fix all bugs in Item DESCRIPTIONS now.
bache Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 Hey can someone please go to this site, and tell me the basic of what it says? I need to understand what it says for Global Link. Wait, nevermind, it says the Global Link website will be down until the 4th. >.> Uh, and one last thing, I just went to the Union Room, and the chick told me something about Skin Heads lol! Is that right?
ringo14 Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 Having some problems : When i don;t use the english patch my b/w games work but when i do i am stuck on a white screen in both sections , so here what i did ( i am using waio.nds for clone r4) i edited the b/w save file by pressing Y on waio and put 512 kb for sav and it worked until i saved and restarted my game i lost my sav any one can help me ?? Thanks in advance
Shadow_Steve Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 bache said: Hey can someone please go to this site, and tell me the basic of what it says? I need to understand what it says for Global Link. Wait, nevermind, it says the Global Link website will be down until the 4th. >.> Uh, and one last thing, I just went to the Union Room, and the chick told me something about Skin Heads lol! Is that right? huh??? which line did you choose??
Rykin122 Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 All proper Item translations: All proper Item describsions: Translating and fixing reported buggs done!
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