Kaarosu Posted September 22, 2010 Author Posted September 22, 2010 Curisu said: This is 0271.txt0271.txt イッシュ図鑑 - Ish Encyclopedia(Dex?) 全国図鑑 - National Encyclopedia(Dex?) みつけた数 - Number Seen 捕まえた数 - Number Caught 検索結果 - Search Results \xf000Ȃ\x0001\x0000 \xf000ā\x0001\x0000 ????? \xf000Ȃ\x0001\x0000 0264-0270 seem to be weights in the Pokedex. Yeah already this one it's the Isshu Dex/Nat Dex sort of info jintrigger said: Has the attacks been done yet I believe Kazo said he did them but the attack descriptions aren't done, please check the first post to see what is needed for the most part for a v1 release thanks!
jintrigger Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 Aw....too bad! I had some of them translated and Atoxic and I werent in the credits. We did 0089
Kaarosu Posted September 22, 2010 Author Posted September 22, 2010 jintrigger said: Aw....too bad! I had some of them translated and Atoxic and I werent in the credits. We did 0089 I'll edit the first post and your translations shortly, from now on when someone finishes something please PM and let me know as well that way I don't miss it like I just did ><
jintrigger Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 Thanks!! So shoot you a PM from now on? Will do!! I'll attempt 0090 when I awake in the morning. I am so excited about this translation.
Curisu Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 0100.txt Reveal hidden contents なし - No アラバマ - Alabama アラスカ - Alaska アリゾナ - Arizona アーカンソー - Arkansas カリフォルニア - California コロラド - Colorado コネチカット - Connecticut デラウェア - Delaware フロリダ - Florida ジョージア - Georgia ハワイ - Hawaii アイダホ - Idaho イリノイ - Illinois インディアナ - Indiana アイオワ - Iowa カンザス - Kansas ケンタッキー - Kentucky ルイジアナ - Louisiana メイン - Maine メリーランド - Maryland マサチューセッツ - Massachusetts ミシガン - Michigan ミネソタ - Minnesota ミシシッピ - Mississippi ミズーリ - Missouri モンタナ - Montana ネブラスカ - Nebraska ネバダ - Nevada ニューハンプシャー - New Hampshire ニュージャージー - New Jersey ニューメキシコ - New Mexico ニューヨーク - New York ノースカロライナ - North Carolina ノースダコタ - North Dakota オハイオ - Ohio オクラホマ - Oklahoma オレゴン - Oregon ペンシルバニア - Pennsylvania ロードアイランド - Rhode Island サウスカロライナ - South Carolina サウスダコタ - South Dakota テネシー - Tennessee テキサス - Texas ユタ - Utah バーモント - Vermont バージニア - Virginia ワシントン - Washington ワシントンD.C.- Washington D.C. ウェストバージニア - West Virginia ウィスコンシン - Wisconsin ワイオミング - Wyoming
superbluff5 Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 I am posting because I have been watching this thread for a while and I like how everyone is helping out. I want to help to so I went to http://github.com/projectpokemon/Pokemon-Black-White-Translation-Files/blob/master/0000/0003.txt and i looked at that text file. When i reached that page Google Chrome asked me if I wanted to translate that page and this i what I got: Reveal hidden contents The disasters of today \ xfffe Kiro video I battle the Ku? Yes No Kiro's disasters for now Ku \ xfffe Nokorimasen Would you? Yes No Did you erase the video battle a.m. \ xfffe man Do you want to hedge? Yes No I speak in the video speak Kiro Battle! \ Xfffe Please wait a while! Kiro Kusaka was a struggle! The fugu Ai \ xfffe Ku could Kiro And parents are stipulated in the \ xfffe Please wait a while! And parents and can not be good \ xfffe Please wait a while! And parents and can not be good This is not a good disasters. SELECT TIME \ Xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000: \ xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0001 \ Xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0001 Kiro's Do Ku a.m. Single Coliseum \ xfffe because no atomic Single Coliseum \ xfffe Flat Single Coliseum \ xfffe has no atomic shooter due Single Coliseum \ xfffe flat in Shooting Double Coliseum \ xfffe because no atomic Double Colosseum \ xfffe Flat Double Coliseum \ xfffe has no atomic shooter due Double Coliseum \ xfffe flat in Shooting Triple Coliseum \ xfffe because no atomic Triple Coliseum \ xfffe Flat Triple Coliseum \ xfffe has no atomic shooter due Triple Coliseum \ xfffe flat in Shooting Coliseum rotation \ xfffe because no atomic Coliseum rotation \ xfffe Flat Coliseum rotation \ xfffe has no atomic shooter due Coliseum rotation \ xfffe flat in Shooting Coliseum Multi \ xfffe because no atomic Coliseum Multi \ xfffe Flat Coliseum Multi \ xfffe has no atomic shooter due Coliseum Multi \ xfffe flat in Shooting Batorusabuuei \ xfffe single Batorusabuuei \ xfffe double Batorusabuuei \ xfffe Multi Free random match \ xfffe single Free random match \ xfffe double Free random match \ xfffe triple Free random match \ xfffe rotation Free random match \ xfffe Shutabatoru Random Match Rating \ xfffe single Random Match Rating \ xfffe double Random Match Rating \ xfffe triple Random Match Rating \ xfffe rotation Random Match Rating \ xfffe Shutabatoru Do you want a single \ xfffe No Shooting Do you want a single \ xfffe in Shooting Do you want double \ xfffe No Shooting Do you want double \ xfffe in Shooting Do you want triple \ xfffe No Shooting Do you want triple \ xfffe in Shooting Do you want rotation \ xfffe No Shooting Do you want rotation \ xfffe in Shooting I think that Google chrome can tale a lot of the leg work out of translating. Just something I thought I should share
Kaarosu Posted September 22, 2010 Author Posted September 22, 2010 superbluff5 said: I am posting because I have been watching this thread for a while and I like how everyone is helping out.I want to help to so I went to http://github.com/projectpokemon/Pokemon-Black-White-Translation-Files/blob/master/0000/0003.txt and i looked at that text file. When i reached that page Google Chrome asked me if I wanted to translate that page and this i what I got: The disasters of today \ xfffe Kiro video I battle the Ku? Yes No Kiro's disasters for now Ku \ xfffe Nokorimasen Would you? Yes No Did you erase the video battle a.m. \ xfffe man Do you want to hedge? Yes No I speak in the video speak Kiro Battle! \ Xfffe Please wait a while! Kiro Kusaka was a struggle! The fugu Ai \ xfffe Ku could Kiro And parents are stipulated in the \ xfffe Please wait a while! And parents and can not be good \ xfffe Please wait a while! And parents and can not be good This is not a good disasters. SELECT TIME \ Xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000: \ xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0001 \ Xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0001 Kiro's Do Ku a.m. Single Coliseum \ xfffe because no atomic Single Coliseum \ xfffe Flat Single Coliseum \ xfffe has no atomic shooter due Single Coliseum \ xfffe flat in Shooting Double Coliseum \ xfffe because no atomic Double Colosseum \ xfffe Flat Double Coliseum \ xfffe has no atomic shooter due Double Coliseum \ xfffe flat in Shooting Triple Coliseum \ xfffe because no atomic Triple Coliseum \ xfffe Flat Triple Coliseum \ xfffe has no atomic shooter due Triple Coliseum \ xfffe flat in Shooting Coliseum rotation \ xfffe because no atomic Coliseum rotation \ xfffe Flat Coliseum rotation \ xfffe has no atomic shooter due Coliseum rotation \ xfffe flat in Shooting Coliseum Multi \ xfffe because no atomic Coliseum Multi \ xfffe Flat Coliseum Multi \ xfffe has no atomic shooter due Coliseum Multi \ xfffe flat in Shooting Batorusabuuei \ xfffe single Batorusabuuei \ xfffe double Batorusabuuei \ xfffe Multi Free random match \ xfffe single Free random match \ xfffe double Free random match \ xfffe triple Free random match \ xfffe rotation Free random match \ xfffe Shutabatoru Random Match Rating \ xfffe single Random Match Rating \ xfffe double Random Match Rating \ xfffe triple Random Match Rating \ xfffe rotation Random Match Rating \ xfffe Shutabatoru Do you want a single \ xfffe No Shooting Do you want a single \ xfffe in Shooting Do you want double \ xfffe No Shooting Do you want double \ xfffe in Shooting Do you want triple \ xfffe No Shooting Do you want triple \ xfffe in Shooting Do you want rotation \ xfffe No Shooting Do you want rotation \ xfffe in Shooting I think that Google chrome can tale a lot of the leg work out of translating. Just something I thought I should share Yeah I think that's what most people are using to get an idea of what is what and going from there. Also if people could start using the spoiler tags when they post something it'd be appreciated as to make things easier to read. I'll commit all the changes at some point tomorrow to get everyone up to date for now I'm going to sleep it's 4AM here.. keep up the great work and remember to check the first post for anything new, the battle related text is what we seem to need the most now for a v1 release so hopefully we'll have that ready by tomorrow night.
Spenstar Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 When will the program for inserting the text into the narc files be released to the public? Will it be after the patch comes out, or could it be sooner? I'm just wondering, not because I want to make a patch of my own and then release it to the public. (That would be selfish and would be taking your guys hard work and making it look like I did it.) I would like the program for the purpose of making the Pokemon game's text formated to my liking. If your not going to release the program during the translation project, or ever, I would still respect you guys but I would be kind of disappointed... Cheers!
jintrigger Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 Spenstar said: When will the program for inserting the text into the narc files be released to the public? Will it be after the patch comes out, or could it be sooner? I'm just wondering, not because I want to make a patch of my own and then release it to the public. (That would be selfish and would be taking your guys hard work and making it look like I did it.) I would like the program for the purpose of making the Pokemon game's text formated to my liking. If your not going to release the program during the translation project, or ever, I would still respect you guys but I would be kind of disappointed... Cheers! Yeah cause I soon as some tools are released I will be hacking this game to fit my story im writing
Curisu Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 Here's 0237.txt: 0237.txt Reveal hidden contents For some time after its birth, it grows by gaining nourishment from the seed on its back. For some time after its birth, it grows by gaining nourishment from the seed on its back. When the bud on its back starts swelling, a sweet aroma wafts to indicate the flower's coming bloom. When the bud on its back starts swelling, a sweet aroma wafts to indicate the flower's coming bloom. After a rainy day, the flower on its back smells stronger. The scent attracts other Pokémon. After a rainy day, the flower on its back smells stronger. The scent attracts other Pokémon. The fire on the tip of its tail is a measure of its life. If healthy, its tail burns intensely. The fire on the tip of its tail is a measure of its life. If healthy, its tail burns intensely. In the rocky mountains where CHARMELEON live, their fiery tails shine at night like stars. In the rocky mountains where CHARMELEON live, their fiery tails shine at night like stars. It is said that CHARIZARD's fire burns hotter if it has experienced harsh battles. It is said that CHARIZARD's fire burns hotter if it has experienced harsh battles. It shelters itself in its shell, then strikes back with spouts of water at every opportunity. It shelters itself in its shell, then strikes back with spouts of water at every opportunity. It is said to live 10,000 years. Its furry tail is popular as a symbol of longevity. It is said to live 10,000 years. Its furry tail is popular as a symbol of longevity. The jets of water it spouts from the rocket cannons on its shell can punch through thick steel. The jets of water it spouts from the rocket cannons on its shell can punch through thick steel. It releases a stench from its red antenna to repel enemies. It grows by molting repeatedly. It releases a stench from its red antenna to repel enemies. It grows by molting repeatedly. A steel-hard shell protects its tender body. It quietly endures hardships while awaiting evolution. A steel-hard shell protects its tender body. It quietly endures hardships while awaiting evolution. It loves the honey of flowers and can locate flower patches that have even tiny amounts of pollen. It loves the honey of flowers and can locate flower patches that have even tiny amounts of pollen. It eats its weight in leaves every day. It fends off attackers with the needle on its head. It eats its weight in leaves every day. It fends off attackers with the needle on its head. While awaiting evolution, it hides from predators under leaves and in nooks of branches. While awaiting evolution, it hides from predators under leaves and in nooks of branches. Its best attack involves flying around at high speed, striking with poison needles, then flying off. Its best attack involves flying around at high speed, striking with poison needles, then flying off. It is docile and prefers to avoid conflict. If disturbed, however, it can ferociously strike back. It is docile and prefers to avoid conflict. If disturbed, however, it can ferociously strike back. It flies over its wide territory in search of prey, downing it with its highly developed claws. It flies over its wide territory in search of prey, downing it with its highly developed claws. By flapping its wings with all its might, PIDGEOT can make a gust of wind capable of bending tall trees. By flapping its wings with all its might, PIDGEOT can make a gust of wind capable of bending tall trees. Cautious in the extreme, its hardy vitality lets it live in any kind of environment. Cautious in the extreme, its hardy vitality lets it live in any kind of environment. It whittles its constantly growing fangs by gnawing on hard things. It can chew apart cinder walls. It whittles its constantly growing fangs by gnawing on hard things. It can chew apart cinder walls. It flaps its small wings busily to fly. Using its beak, it searches in grass for prey. It flaps its small wings busily to fly. Using its beak, it searches in grass for prey. It has the stamina to fly all day on its broad wings. It fights by using its sharp beak. It has the stamina to fly all day on its broad wings. It fights by using its sharp beak. It sneaks through grass without making a sound and strikes unsuspecting prey from behind. It sneaks through grass without making a sound and strikes unsuspecting prey from behind. The pattern on its belly is for intimidation. It constricts foes while they are frozen in fear. The pattern on its belly is for intimidation. It constricts foes while they are frozen in fear. It occasionally uses an electric shock to recharge a fellow PIKACHU that is in a weakened state. It occasionally uses an electric shock to recharge a fellow PIKACHU that is in a weakened state. Its tail discharges electricity into the ground, protecting it from getting shocked. Its tail discharges electricity into the ground, protecting it from getting shocked. To protect itself from attackers, it curls up into a ball. It lives in arid regions with minimal rainfall. To protect itself from attackers, it curls up into a ball. It lives in arid regions with minimal rainfall. It curls up, then rolls into foes with its back. Its sharp spines inflict severe damage. It curls up, then rolls into foes with its back. Its sharp spines inflict severe damage. While it does not prefer to fight, even one drop of the poison it secretes from barbs can be fatal. While it does not prefer to fight, even one drop of the poison it secretes from barbs can be fatal. When it senses danger, it raises all the barbs on its body. These barbs grow slower than NIDORINO's. When it senses danger, it raises all the barbs on its body. These barbs grow slower than NIDORINO's. Its entire body is armored with hard scales. It will protect the young in its burrow with its life. Its entire body is armored with hard scales. It will protect the young in its burrow with its life. It scans its surroundings by raising its ears out of the grass. Its toxic horn is for protection. It scans its surroundings by raising its ears out of the grass. Its toxic horn is for protection. It has a violent disposition and stabs foes with its horn, which oozes poison upon impact. It has a violent disposition and stabs foes with its horn, which oozes poison upon impact. One swing of its mighty tail can snap a telephone pole as if it were a matchstick. One swing of its mighty tail can snap a telephone pole as if it were a matchstick. It is said that happiness will come to those who see a gathering of CLEFAIRY dancing under a full moon. It is said that happiness will come to those who see a gathering of CLEFAIRY dancing under a full moon. It is very wary and rarely shows itself to people. Its ears can hear a pin drop over half a mile away. It is very wary and rarely shows itself to people. Its ears can hear a pin drop over half a mile away. It controls balls of fire. As it grows, its six tails split from their tips to make more tails. It controls balls of fire. As it grows, its six tails split from their tips to make more tails. Its nine tails are said to be imbued with a mystic power. It can live for a thousand years. Its nine tails are said to be imbued with a mystic power. It can live for a thousand years. When it wavers its big, round eyes, it begins singing a lullaby that makes everyone drowsy. When it wavers its big, round eyes, it begins singing a lullaby that makes everyone drowsy. Its fine fur feels sublime to the touch. It can expand its body by inhaling air. Its fine fur feels sublime to the touch. It can expand its body by inhaling air. It checks its surroundings and location using reflections of the ultrasonic waves from its mouth. It checks its surroundings and location using reflections of the ultrasonic waves from its mouth. Its sharp fangs puncture the toughest of hides and have small holes for greedily sucking blood. Its sharp fangs puncture the toughest of hides and have small holes for greedily sucking blood. It often plants its root feet in the ground during the day and sows seeds as it walks about at night. It often plants its root feet in the ground during the day and sows seeds as it walks about at night. The honey it drools from its mouth smells so atrocious, it can curl noses more than a mile away. The honey it drools from its mouth smells so atrocious, it can curl noses more than a mile away. Its petals are the largest in the world. As it walks, it scatters extremely allergenic pollen. Its petals are the largest in the world. As it walks, it scatters extremely allergenic pollen. Mushrooms named tochukaso grow on its back. They grow along with the host PARAS. Mushrooms named tochukaso grow on its back. They grow along with the host PARAS. A mushroom grown larger than the host's body controls PARASECT. It scatters poisonous spores. A mushroom grown larger than the host's body controls PARASECT. It scatters poisonous spores. Its big eyes are actually clusters of tiny eyes. At night, its kind is drawn by light. Its big eyes are actually clusters of tiny eyes. At night, its kind is drawn by light. It flutters its wings to scatter dustlike scales. The scales leach toxins if they contact skin. It flutters its wings to scatter dustlike scales. The scales leach toxins if they contact skin. A Pokémon that lives underground. Because of its dark habitat, it is repelled by bright sunlight. A Pokémon that lives underground. Because of its dark habitat, it is repelled by bright sunlight. Its three heads move alternately, driving it through tough soil to depths of over 60 miles. Its three heads move alternately, driving it through tough soil to depths of over 60 miles. It is nocturnal in nature. If it spots something shiny, its eyes glitter brightly. It is nocturnal in nature. If it spots something shiny, its eyes glitter brightly. A very haughty Pokémon. Among fans, the size of the jewel in its forehead is a topic of much talk. A very haughty Pokémon. Among fans, the size of the jewel in its forehead is a topic of much talk. Overwhelmed by enigmatic abilities, it suffers a constant headache. It sometimes uses mysterious powers. Overwhelmed by enigmatic abilities, it suffers a constant headache. It sometimes uses mysterious powers. It is seen swimming dynamically and elegantly using its well-developed limbs and flippers. It is seen swimming dynamically and elegantly using its well-developed limbs and flippers. It lives in treetop colonies. If one becomes enraged, the whole colony rampages for no reason. It lives in treetop colonies. If one becomes enraged, the whole colony rampages for no reason. It grows angry if you see its eyes and gets angrier if you run. If you beat it, it gets even madder. It grows angry if you see its eyes and gets angrier if you run. If you beat it, it gets even madder. A Pokémon with a loyal nature. It will remain motionless until it is given an order by its Trainer. A Pokémon with a loyal nature. It will remain motionless until it is given an order by its Trainer. Its proud and regal appearance has captured the hearts of people since long ago. Its proud and regal appearance has captured the hearts of people since long ago. Its skin is so thin, its internal organs are visible. It has trouble walking on its newly grown feet. Its skin is so thin, its internal organs are visible. It has trouble walking on its newly grown feet. The spiral pattern on its belly subtly undulates. Staring at it gradually causes drowsiness. The spiral pattern on its belly subtly undulates. Staring at it gradually causes drowsiness. With its extremely tough muscles, it can keep swimming in the Pacific Ocean without resting. With its extremely tough muscles, it can keep swimming in the Pacific Ocean without resting. Using its psychic power is such a strain on its brain that it needs to sleep for 18 hours a day. Using its psychic power is such a strain on its brain that it needs to sleep for 18 hours a day. It stares at its silver spoon to focus its mind. It emits more alpha waves while doing so. It stares at its silver spoon to focus its mind. It emits more alpha waves while doing so. The spoons clutched in its hands are said to have been created by its psychic powers. The spoons clutched in its hands are said to have been created by its psychic powers. Though small in stature, it is powerful enough to easily heft and throw a number of GEODUDE at once. Though small in stature, it is powerful enough to easily heft and throw a number of GEODUDE at once. It happily carries heavy cargo to toughen up. It willingly does hard work for people. It happily carries heavy cargo to toughen up. It willingly does hard work for people. Its four muscled arms slam foes with powerful punches and chops at blinding speed. Its four muscled arms slam foes with powerful punches and chops at blinding speed. It prefers hot and humid environments. It is quick at capturing prey with its vines. It prefers hot and humid environments. It is quick at capturing prey with its vines. A Pokémon that appears to be a plant. It captures unwary prey by dousing them with a toxic powder. A Pokémon that appears to be a plant. It captures unwary prey by dousing them with a toxic powder. It pools in its mouth a fluid with a honeylike scent, which is really an acid that dissolves anything. It pools in its mouth a fluid with a honeylike scent, which is really an acid that dissolves anything. Because its body is almost entirely composed of water, it shrivels up if it is washed ashore. Because its body is almost entirely composed of water, it shrivels up if it is washed ashore. It extends its 80 tentacles to form an encircling poisonous net that is difficult to escape. It extends its 80 tentacles to form an encircling poisonous net that is difficult to escape. At rest, it looks just like a rock. Carelessly stepping on it will make it swing its fists angrily. At rest, it looks just like a rock. Carelessly stepping on it will make it swing its fists angrily. It rolls on mountain paths to move. Once it builds momentum, no Pokémon can stop it without difficulty. It rolls on mountain paths to move. Once it builds momentum, no Pokémon can stop it without difficulty. Even dynamite can't harm its hard, boulderlike body. It sheds its hide just once a year. Even dynamite can't harm its hard, boulderlike body. It sheds its hide just once a year. As a newborn, it can barely stand. However, through galloping, its legs are made tougher and faster. As a newborn, it can barely stand. However, through galloping, its legs are made tougher and faster. When at an all-out gallop, its blazing mane sparkles, enhancing its beautiful appearance. When at an all-out gallop, its blazing mane sparkles, enhancing its beautiful appearance. Although slow, it is skilled at fishing with its tail. It does not feel pain if its tail is bitten. Although slow, it is skilled at fishing with its tail. It does not feel pain if its tail is bitten. Though usually dim witted, it seems to become inspired if the SHELLDER on its tail bites down. Though usually dim witted, it seems to become inspired if the SHELLDER on its tail bites down. The faster the units at its sides rotate, the greater the magnetic force they generate. The faster the units at its sides rotate, the greater the magnetic force they generate. Many mysteriously appear when more sunspots dot the sun. They stop TV sets from displaying properly. Many mysteriously appear when more sunspots dot the sun. They stop TV sets from displaying properly. It can't live without the stalk it holds. That's why it defends the stalk from attackers with its life. It can't live without the stalk it holds. That's why it defends the stalk from attackers with its life. The brains in its two heads appear to communicate emotions to each other with a telepathic power. The brains in its two heads appear to communicate emotions to each other with a telepathic power. When DODUO evolves into this odd breed, one of its heads splits into two. It runs at nearly 40 mph. When DODUO evolves into this odd breed, one of its heads splits into two. It runs at nearly 40 mph. A Pokémon that lives on icebergs. It swims in the sea using the point on its head to break up ice. A Pokémon that lives on icebergs. It swims in the sea using the point on its head to break up ice. In snow, the pure white coat covering its body obscures it from predators. In snow, the pure white coat covering its body obscures it from predators. It was born when sludge in a dirty stream was exposed to the moon's X-rays. It appears among filth. It was born when sludge in a dirty stream was exposed to the moon's X-rays. It appears among filth. A toxic fluid seeps from its body. The fluid instantly kills plants and trees on contact. A toxic fluid seeps from its body. The fluid instantly kills plants and trees on contact. It swims backward by opening and closing its two shells. Its large tongue is always kept hanging out. It swims backward by opening and closing its two shells. Its large tongue is always kept hanging out. It fights by keeping its shell tightly shut for protection and by shooting spikes to repel foes. It fights by keeping its shell tightly shut for protection and by shooting spikes to repel foes. Born from gases, anyone would faint if engulfed by its gaseous body, which contains poison. Born from gases, anyone would faint if engulfed by its gaseous body, which contains poison. It likes to lurk in the dark and tap shoulders with a gaseous hand. Its touch causes endless shuddering. It likes to lurk in the dark and tap shoulders with a gaseous hand. Its touch causes endless shuddering. The leer that floats in darkness belongs to a GENGAR delighting in casting curses on people. The leer that floats in darkness belongs to a GENGAR delighting in casting curses on people. It burrows through the ground at a speed of 50 mph while feeding on large boulders. It burrows through the ground at a speed of 50 mph while feeding on large boulders. It can tell what people are dreaming by sniffing with its big nose. It loves fun dreams. It can tell what people are dreaming by sniffing with its big nose. It loves fun dreams. Seeing its swinging pendulum can induce sleep in three seconds, even in someone who just woke up. Seeing its swinging pendulum can induce sleep in three seconds, even in someone who just woke up. It lives in burrows dug on sandy beaches. Its pincers fully grow back if they are broken in battle. It lives in burrows dug on sandy beaches. Its pincers fully grow back if they are broken in battle. The larger pincer has 10,000- horsepower strength. However, it is so heavy, it is difficult to aim. The larger pincer has 10,000 - horsepower strength. However, it is so heavy, it is difficult to aim. It looks just like a Poké Ball. It is dangerous because it may electrocute or explode on touch. It looks just like a Poké Ball. It is dangerous because it may electrocute or explode on touch. It is known to drift on winds if it is bloated to bursting with stored electricity. It is known to drift on winds if it is bloated to bursting with stored electricity. Its six eggs converse using telepathy. They can quickly gather if they become separated. Its six eggs converse using telepathy. They can quickly gather if they become separated. It is called “The Walking Jungle." If a head grows too big, it falls off and becomes an EXEGGCUTE. It is called "The Walking Jungle." If a head grows too big, it falls off and becomes an EXEGGCUTE. When it thinks of its dead mother, it cries. Its crying makes the skull it wears rattle hollowly. When it thinks of its dead mother, it cries. Its crying makes the skull it wears rattle hollowly. From its birth, this savage Pokémon constantly holds bones. It is skilled in using them as weapons. From its birth, this savage Pokémon constantly holds bones. It is skilled in using them as weapons. Its legs can stretch double. First-time foes are startled by its extensible reach. Its legs can stretch double. First-time foes are startled by its extensible reach. The arm-twisting punches it throws pulverize even concrete. It rests after three minutes of fighting. The arm-twisting punches it throws pulverize even concrete. It rests after three minutes of fighting. When it extends its over-six-foot- long tongue, its tail quivers. There is a possibility they are connected. When it extends its over-six-foot- long tongue, its tail quivers. There is a possibility they are connected. Lighter-than-air gases in its body keep it aloft. The gases not only smell, they are also explosive. Lighter-than-air gases in its body keep it aloft. The gases not only smell, they are also explosive. It grows by feeding on gases released by garbage. Though very rare, triplets have been found. It grows by feeding on gases released by garbage. Though very rare, triplets have been found. Its powerful tackles can destroy anything. However, it is too slow witted to help people work. Its powerful tackles can destroy anything. However, it is too slow witted to help people work. Standing on its hind legs freed its forelegs and made it smarter. It is very forgetful, however. Standing on its hind legs freed its forelegs and made it smarter. It is very forgetful, however. A kindly Pokémon that lays highly nutritious eggs and shares them with injured Pokémon or people. A kindly Pokémon that lays highly nutritious eggs and shares them with injured Pokémon or people. The blue vines shrouding its body are covered in a growth of fine hair. It is known to be ticklish. The blue vines shrouding its body are covered in a growth of fine hair. It is known to be ticklish. It raises its offspring in its belly pouch. It lets the baby out to play only when it feels safe. It raises its offspring in its belly pouch. It lets the baby out to play only when it feels safe. It makes its nest in the shade of corals. If it senses danger, it spits murky ink and flees. It makes its nest in the shade of corals. If it senses danger, it spits murky ink and flees. Its spines provide protection. Its fins and bones are prized as traditional medicine ingredients. Its spines provide protection. Its fins and bones are prized as traditional medicine ingredients. Though it appears very elegant when swimming with fins unfurled, it can jab powerfully with its horn. Though it appears very elegant when swimming with fins unfurled, it can jab powerfully with its horn. In autumn, its body becomes more fatty in preparing to propose to a mate. It takes on beautiful colors. In autumn, its body becomes more fatty in preparing to propose to a mate. It takes on beautiful colors. If its body is torn, it can grow back if the red core remains. The core flashes at midnight. If its body is torn, it can grow back if the red core remains. The core flashes at midnight. At the center of its body is a red core, which sends mysterious radio signals into the night sky. At the center of its body is a red core, which sends mysterious radio signals into the night sky. It shapes an invisible wall in midair by minutely vibrating its fingertips to stop molecules in the air. It shapes an invisible wall in midair by minutely vibrating its fingertips to stop molecules in the air. The sharp scythes on its forearms become increasingly sharp by cutting through hard objects. The sharp scythes on its forearms become increasingly sharp by cutting through hard objects. Its cries sound like human speech. However, it is impossible to tell what it is trying to say. Its cries sound like human speech. However, it is impossible to tell what it is trying to say. It windmills its arms to slightly boost its punches. Foes have been known to escape in the meantime. It windmills its arms to slightly boost its punches. Foes have been known to escape in the meantime. When it breathes deeply, heat waves form around its body, making it hard to see clearly. When it breathes deeply, heat waves form around its body, making it hard to see clearly. It grips prey with its pincers until the prey is torn in half. What it can't tear, it tosses far. It grips prey with its pincers until the prey is torn in half. What it can't tear, it tosses far. Once it takes aim at its foe, it makes a headlong charge. It is famous for its violent nature. Once it takes aim at its foe, it makes a headlong charge. It is famous for its violent nature. A MAGIKARP living for many years can leap a mountain using Splash. The move remains useless, though. A MAGIKARP living for many years can leap a mountain using Splash. The move remains useless, though. Once it begins to rampage, a GYARADOS will burn everything down, even in a harsh storm. Once it begins to rampage, a GYARADOS will burn everything down, even in a harsh storm. It loves crossing the sea with people and Pokémon on its back. It understands human speech. It loves crossing the sea with people and Pokémon on its back. It understands human speech. It has the ability to reconstitute its entire cellular structure to transform into whatever it sees. It has the ability to reconstitute its entire cellular structure to transform into whatever it sees. Because its genetic makeup is irregular, it quickly changes its form due to a variety of causes. Because its genetic makeup is irregular, it quickly changes its form due to a variety of causes. Its cell composition is similar to water molecules. As a result, it can melt away into water. Its cell composition is similar to water molecules. As a result, it can melt away into water. If agitated, it uses electricity to straighten out its fur and launch it in small bunches. If agitated, it uses electricity to straighten out its fur and launch it in small bunches. Inhaled air is heated in the flame sac in its body to an intense fire over 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Inhaled air is heated in the flame sac in its body to an intense fire over 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit. A man-made Pokémon created using advanced scientific means. It can move freely in cyberspace. A man-made Pokémon created using advanced scientific means. It can move freely in cyberspace. A Pokémon that was resurrected from a fossil using modern science. It swam in ancient seas. A Pokémon that was resurrected from a fossil using modern science. It swam in ancient seas. It is thought that this Pokémon became extinct because its spiral shell grew too large. It is thought that this Pokémon became extinct because its spiral shell grew too large. It is thought to have inhabited beaches 300 million years ago. It is protected by a stiff shell. It is thought to have inhabited beaches 300 million years ago. It is protected by a stiff shell. It is thought that this Pokémon came onto land because its prey adapted to life on land. It is thought that this Pokémon came onto land because its prey adapted to life on land. A Pokémon that roamed the skies in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are like saw blades. A Pokémon that roamed the skies in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are like saw blades. When its belly is full, it becomes too lethargic to even lift a finger, so it is safe to bounce on its belly. When its belly is full, it becomes too lethargic to even lift a finger, so it is safe to bounce on its belly. A legendary bird Pokémon. It can create blizzards by freezing moisture in the air. A legendary bird Pokémon. It can create blizzards by freezing moisture in the air. A legendary Pokémon that is said to live in thunderclouds. It freely controls lightning bolts. A legendary Pokémon that is said to live in thunderclouds. It freely controls lightning bolts. One of the legendary bird Pokémon. It is said that its appearance indicates the coming of spring. One of the legendary bird Pokémon. It is said that its appearance indicates the coming of spring. It is called the “Mirage Pokémon" because so few have seen it. Its shed skin has been found. It is called the "Mirage Pokémon" because so few have seen it. Its shed skin has been found. If its body takes on an aura, the weather changes instantly. It is said to live in seas and lakes. If its body takes on an aura, the weather changes instantly. It is said to live in seas and lakes. It is said to make its home somewhere in the sea. It guides crews of shipwrecks to shore. It is said to make its home somewhere in the sea. It guides crews of shipwrecks to shore. A Pokémon created by recombining MEW's genes. It's said to have the most savage heart among Pokémon. A Pokémon created by recombining MEW's genes. It's said to have the most savage heart among Pokémon. Because it can use all kinds of moves, many scientists believe MEW to be the ancestor of Pokémon. Because it can use all kinds of moves, many scientists believe MEW to be the ancestor of Pokémon. It uses the leaf on its head to determine the temperature and humidity. It loves to sunbathe. It uses the leaf on its head to determine the temperature and humidity. It loves to sunbathe. The buds that ring its neck give off a spicy aroma that perks people up. The buds that ring its neck give off a spicy aroma that perks people up. Its breath has the fantastic ability to revive dead plants and flowers. Its breath has the fantastic ability to revive dead plants and flowers. It has a timid nature. If it is startled, the flames on its back burn more vigorously. It has a timid nature. If it is startled, the flames on its back burn more vigorously. It intimidates foes with the heat of its flames. The fire burns more strongly when it readies to fight. It intimidates foes with the heat of its flames. The fire burns more strongly when it readies to fight. It attacks using blasts of fire. It creates heat shimmers with intense fire to hide itself. It attacks using blasts of fire. It creates heat shimmers with intense fire to hide itself. It has the habit of biting anything with its developed jaws. Even its Trainer needs to be careful. It has the habit of biting anything with its developed jaws. Even its Trainer needs to be careful. Once it bites down, it won't let go until it loses its fangs. New fangs quickly grow into place. Once it bites down, it won't let go until it loses its fangs. New fangs quickly grow into place. It usually moves slowly, but it goes at blinding speed when it attacks and bites prey. It usually moves slowly, but it goes at blinding speed when it attacks and bites prey. It has a very nervous nature. It stands up high on its tail so it can scan wide areas. It has a very nervous nature. It stands up high on its tail so it can scan wide areas. The mother puts its offspring to sleep by curling up around them. It corners foes with speed. The mother puts its offspring to sleep by curling up around them. It corners foes with speed. It marks time precisely. Some countries consider it to be a wise friend, versed in the world's ways. It marks time precisely. Some countries consider it to be a wise friend, versed in the world's ways. Its eyes are specially developed to enable it to see clearly even in murky darkness and minimal light. Its eyes are specially developed to enable it to see clearly even in murky darkness and minimal light. It is so timid, it can't move if it isn't with a swarm of others. It conveys its feelings with scent. It is so timid, it can't move if it isn't with a swarm of others. It conveys its feelings with scent. It uses starlight as energy. When more stars appear at night, the patterns on its back grow larger. It uses starlight as energy. When more stars appear at night, the patterns on its back grow larger. It sets a trap by spinning a web with thin but strong silk. It waits motionlessly for prey to arrive. It sets a trap by spinning a web with thin but strong silk. It waits motionlessly for prey to arrive. It attaches silk to its prey and sets it free. Later, it tracks the silk to the prey and its friends. It attaches silk to its prey and sets it free. Later, it tracks the silk to the prey and its friends. The transformation of its legs into wings made it better at flying, but more clumsy at walking. The transformation of its legs into wings made it better at flying, but more clumsy at walking. It discharges positive and negative electricity from its antenna tips to shock its foes. It discharges positive and negative electricity from its antenna tips to shock its foes. LANTURN's light can shine up from great depths. It is nicknamed “The Deep-Sea Star." LANTURN's light can shine up from great depths. It is nicknamed "The Deep-Sea Star." The electric sacs in its cheeks are small. If even a little electricity leaks, it becomes shocked. The electric sacs in its cheeks are small. If even a little electricity leaks, it becomes shocked. It is often seen when shooting stars fill the night skies. It's said to arrive riding on a shooting star. It is often seen when shooting stars fill the night skies. It's said to arrive riding on a shooting star. It has a soft and bouncy body. Once it starts bouncing, it becomes impossible to stop. It has a soft and bouncy body. Once it starts bouncing, it becomes impossible to stop. It transforms the kindness and joy of others into happiness, which it stores in its shell. It transforms the kindness and joy of others into happiness, which it stores in its shell. To share its happiness, it flies around the world seeking kind- hearted people. To share its happiness, it flies around the world seeking kind- hearted people. It picks food from cactus plants, deftly avoiding buds and spines. It seems to skip about to move. It picks food from cactus plants, deftly avoiding buds and spines. It seems to skip about to move. This odd Pokémon can see both the past and the future. It eyes the sun's movement all day. This odd Pokémon can see both the past and the future. It eyes the sun's movement all day. Its fluffy coat swells to double when static electricity builds up. Touching it can be shocking. Its fluffy coat swells to double when static electricity builds up. Touching it can be shocking. If its coat becomes fully charged with electricity, its tail lights up. It fires hair that zaps on impact. If its coat becomes fully charged with electricity, its tail lights up. It fires hair that zaps on impact. The tip of its tail shines brightly. In the olden days, people sent signals using the tail's light. The tip of its tail shines brightly. In the olden days, people sent signals using the tail's light. When the heavy rainfall season ends, it is drawn out by warm sunlight to dance in the open. When the heavy rainfall season ends, it is drawn out by warm sunlight to dance in the open. The oil-filled end of its tail floats on water. It keeps MARILL from drowning even in a strong current. The oil-filled end of its tail floats on water. It keeps MARILL from drowning even in a strong current. It can spend all day in water, since it can inhale and store a large volume of air. It can spend all day in water, since it can inhale and store a large volume of air. To avoid being attacked, it does nothing but mimic a tree. It hates water and flees from rain. To avoid being attacked, it does nothing but mimic a tree. It hates water and flees from rain. It gathers groups of others as their leader. Its cries make POLIWAG obey. It gathers groups of others as their leader. Its cries make POLIWAG obey. It drifts on winds. It is said that when HOPPIP gather in fields and mountains, spring is on the way. It drifts on winds. It is said that when HOPPIP gather in fields and mountains, spring is on the way. It blooms when the weather warms. It floats in the sky to soak up as much sunlight as possible. It blooms when the weather warms. It floats in the sky to soak up as much sunlight as possible. Blown by seasonal winds, it circles the globe, scattering cotton spores as it goes. Blown by seasonal winds, it circles the globe, scattering cotton spores as it goes. It lives high among the treetops. It can use its tail as freely and cleverly as its hands. It lives high among the treetops. It can use its tail as freely and cleverly as its hands. It suddenly falls out of the sky in the morning. A year after a cold summer, their population explodes. It suddenly falls out of the sky in the morning. A year after a cold summer, their population explodes. It gets energy from warm sunlight and is known for its habit of moving in pursuit of it. It gets energy from warm sunlight and is known for its habit of moving in pursuit of it. It can hover in one spot by flapping its wings at high speed. It flits about to guard its territory. It can hover in one spot by flapping its wings at high speed. It flits about to guard its territory. When walking on land, it covers its body with a poisonous film that keeps its skin from dehydrating. When walking on land, it covers its body with a poisonous film that keeps its skin from dehydrating. It has an easygoing nature. It doesn't care if it bumps its head on boats and boulders while swimming. It has an easygoing nature. It doesn't care if it bumps its head on boats and boulders while swimming. Its fur is so sensitive, it can sense minute shifts in the air and predict the weather. Its fur is so sensitive, it can sense minute shifts in the air and predict the weather. When exposed to the moon's aura, the rings on its body glow faintly and it gains a mysterious power. When exposed to the moon's aura, the rings on its body glow faintly and it gains a mysterious power. If spotted, it will lure an unwary person into chasing it, then lose the pursuer on mountain trails. If spotted, it will lure an unwary person into chasing it, then lose the pursuer on mountain trails. Being bitten by SHELLDER gave it intelligence comparable to that of award-winning scientists. Being bitten by SHELLDER gave it intelligence comparable to that of award-winning scientists. A Pokémon that startles people in the middle of the night. It gathers fear as its energy. A Pokémon that startles people in the middle of the night. It gathers fear as its energy. When alone, nothing happens. However, if there are two or more, an odd power is said to emerge. When alone, nothing happens. However, if there are two or more, an odd power is said to emerge. It desperately tries to keep its black tail hidden. It is said to be proof the tail hides a secret. It desperately tries to keep its black tail hidden. It is said to be proof the tail hides a secret. The head on its tail contains a small brain. It can instinctively fight even while facing backward. The head on its tail contains a small brain. It can instinctively fight even while facing backward. It looks just like a pinecone. Its shell protects it from bird Pokémon that peck it by mistake. It looks just like a pinecone. Its shell protects it from bird Pokémon that peck it by mistake. It is encased in a steel shell. Its peering eyes are all that can be seen of its mysterious innards. It is encased in a steel shell. Its peering eyes are all that can be seen of its mysterious innards. It digs into the ground with its tail and makes a mazelike nest. It can fly just a little. It digs into the ground with its tail and makes a mazelike nest. It can fly just a little. It glides as if sliding. It startles foes by clamping on to their faces, then jabs with its poison stinger. It glides as if sliding. It startles foes by clamping on to their faces, then jabs with its poison stinger. It is thought its body transformed as a result of iron accumulating internally from swallowing soil. It is thought its body transformed as a result of iron accumulating internally from swallowing soil. Small Pokémon flee from its scary face. It is, however, considered by women to be cute. Small Pokémon flee from its scary face. It is, however, considered by women to be cute. It is timid in spite of its looks. If it becomes enraged, however, it will strike with its huge fangs. It is timid in spite of its looks. If it becomes enraged, however, it will strike with its huge fangs. It shoots the poison spines on its body in all directions. Its round form makes it a poor swimmer. It shoots the poison spines on its body in all directions. Its round form makes it a poor swimmer. It raises its pincers with eyelike markings for intimidation. It also swings them down dangerously. It raises its pincers with eyelike markings for intimidation. It also swings them down dangerously. It stores berries in its shell. The berries eventually ferment to become delicious juices. It stores berries in its shell. The berries eventually ferment to become delicious juices. It loves sweet honey. To keep all the honey to itself, it hurls rivals away with its prized horn. It loves sweet honey. To keep all the honey to itself, it hurls rivals away with its prized horn. A smart and sneaky Pokémon. A pair may work together to steal eggs by having one lure the parents away. A smart and sneaky Pokémon. A pair may work together to steal eggs by having one lure the parents away. It lets honey soak into its paws so it can lick them all the time. Every set of paws tastes unique. It lets honey soak into its paws so it can lick them all the time. Every set of paws tastes unique. In its territory, it leaves scratches on trees that bear delicious berries or fruits. In its territory, it leaves scratches on trees that bear delicious berries or fruits. Its body is made of magma. If it doesn't keep moving, its body will cool and harden. Its body is made of magma. If it doesn't keep moving, its body will cool and harden. Its body temperature is roughly 18,000 degrees F. Flames spout from gaps in its hardened shell. Its body temperature is roughly 18, 000 degrees F. Flames spout from gaps in its hardened shell. It has a very sensitive nose. It can locate mushrooms, berries, and even hot springs buried under ice. It has a very sensitive nose. It can locate mushrooms, berries, and even hot springs buried under ice. Covered by a shaggy coat, it is strong against the cold. Its tusks of ice thicken when it snows. Covered by a shaggy coat, it is strong against the cold. Its tusks of ice thicken when it snows. Many live in the clean seas of the south. They apparently can't live in polluted waters. Many live in the clean seas of the south. They apparently can't live in polluted waters. It forcefully squirts water. The water jet never misses prey even if the REMORAID is deep in the sea. It forcefully squirts water. The water jet never misses prey even if the REMORAID is deep in the sea. It loves to lurk inside holes in rocks. It sometimes sprays ink on prey by sticking out only its mouth. It loves to lurk inside holes in rocks. It sometimes sprays ink on prey by sticking out only its mouth. It carries food rolled up in its tail. It has the habit of sharing food with people lost in mountains. It carries food rolled up in its tail. It has the habit of sharing food with people lost in mountains. While elegantly swimming in the sea, it ignores REMORAID that cling to its fins seeking food scraps. While elegantly swimming in the sea, it ignores REMORAID that cling to its fins seeking food scraps. Despite being clad entirely in iron-hard armor, it flies at speeds over 180 mph. Despite being clad entirely in iron-hard armor, it flies at speeds over 180 mph. It is smart enough to hunt in packs. It uses a variety of cries for communicating with others. It is smart enough to hunt in packs. It uses a variety of cries for communicating with others. The flames it breathes when angry contain toxins. If they cause a burn, it will hurt forever. The flames it breathes when angry contain toxins. If they cause a burn, it will hurt forever. It lives in caves on the seafloor and creates giant whirlpools every time it moves. It lives in caves on the seafloor and creates giant whirlpools every time it moves. It is strong despite its compact size. It can easily pick up and carry an adult human on its back. It is strong despite its compact size. It can easily pick up and carry an adult human on its back. It attacks by curling up, then rolling into its foe. It can blow apart a house in one hit. It attacks by curling up, then rolling into its foe. It can blow apart a house in one hit. It was upgraded to enable the exploration of other planets. However, it failed to measure up. It was upgraded to enable the exploration of other planets. However, it failed to measure up. Staring at its antlers creates an odd sensation as if one were being drawn into their centers. Staring at its antlers creates an odd sensation as if one were being drawn into their centers. It marks its territory by using its tail like a paintbrush. There are more than 5,000 different marks. It marks its territory by using its tail like a paintbrush. There are more than 5,000 different marks. It is famous for its eagerness to fight and always nurses injuries from challenging larger foes. It is famous for its eagerness to fight and always nurses injuries from challenging larger foes. It fights while spinning like a top. The centrifugal force boosts its destructive power by ten. It fights while spinning like a top. The centrifugal force boosts its destructive power by ten. It tests everything by touching with its lips, which remember what it likes and dislikes. It tests everything by touching with its lips, which remember what it likes and dislikes. A weak electric current flows between its horns. Sticking a hand there shocks the unwary. A weak electric current flows between its horns. Sticking a hand there shocks the unwary. Its magma-like blood circulates throughout its body. Its body's heat can top 1,100 degrees F. Its magma-like blood circulates throughout its body. Its body's heat can top 1,100 degrees F. It is said that kids who drink MILTANK's milk grow up to become hearty, healthy adults. It is said that kids who drink MILTANK's milk grow up to become hearty, healthy adults. The eggs it lays are filled with happiness. Eating even one bite will bring a smile to anyone. The eggs it lays are filled with happiness. Eating even one bite will bring a smile to anyone. It is said to have fallen with lightning. It can fire thunderbolts from the rain clouds on its back. It is said to have fallen with lightning. It can fire thunderbolts from the rain clouds on its back. It is said that when it roars, a volcano erupts somewhere around the globe. It is said that when it roars, a volcano erupts somewhere around the globe. It races around the world to purify fouled water. It dashes away with the north wind. It races around the world to purify fouled water. It dashes away with the north wind. A Pokémon that eats soil. Once it has eaten a large mountain, it goes to sleep so it can grow. A Pokémon that eats soil. Once it has eaten a large mountain, it goes to sleep so it can grow. Its body is as hard as bedrock. By venting pressurized gas, it can launch itself like a rocket. Its body is as hard as bedrock. By venting pressurized gas, it can launch itself like a rocket. If it rampages, it knocks down mountains and buries rivers. Maps must be redrawn afterward. If it rampages, it knocks down mountains and buries rivers. Maps must be redrawn afterward. It sleeps in a deep-sea trench. If it flaps its wings, it is said to cause a 40-day storm. It sleeps in a deep-sea trench. If it flaps its wings, it is said to cause a 40-day storm. Its feathers are in seven colors. It is said that anyone seeing it is promised eternal happiness. Its feathers are in seven colors. It is said that anyone seeing it is promised eternal happiness. It has the power to travel across time, but it is said to appear only in peaceful times. It has the power to travel across time, but it is said to appear only in peaceful times. The soles of its feet are covered by countless tiny spikes, enabling it to walk on walls and ceilings. The soles of its feet are covered by countless tiny spikes, enabling it to walk on walls and ceilings. It lives in dense jungles. While closing in on its prey, it leaps from branch to branch. It lives in dense jungles. While closing in on its prey, it leaps from branch to branch. The leaves that grow on its arms can slice down thick trees. It is without peer in jungle combat. The leaves that grow on its arms can slice down thick trees. It is without peer in jungle combat. A fire burns inside, so it feels very warm to hug. It launches fireballs of 1,800 degrees F. A fire burns inside, so it feels very warm to hug. It launches fireballs of 1,800 degrees F. Its kicking mastery lets it loose 10 kicks per second. It emits sharp cries to intimidate foes. Its kicking mastery lets it loose 10 kicks per second. It emits sharp cries to intimidate foes. Flames spout from its wrists, enveloping its knuckles. Its punches scorch its foes. Flames spout from its wrists, enveloping its knuckles. Its punches scorch its foes. To alert it, the fin on its head senses the flow of water. It has the strength to heft boulders. To alert it, the fin on its head senses the flow of water. It has the strength to heft boulders. Its sturdy legs give it sure footing, even in mud. It burrows into dirt to sleep. Its sturdy legs give it sure footing, even in mud. It burrows into dirt to sleep. It can swim while towing a large ship. It bashes down foes with a swing of its thick arms. It can swim while towing a large ship. It bashes down foes with a swing of its thick arms. A Pokémon with a persistent nature, it chases its chosen prey until the prey becomes exhausted. A Pokémon with a persistent nature, it chases its chosen prey until the prey becomes exhausted. It chases down prey in a pack. It will never disobey the commands of a skilled Trainer. It chases down prey in a pack. It will never disobey the commands of a skilled Trainer. It walks in zigzag fashion. It is good at finding items in the grass and even in the ground. It walks in zigzag fashion. It is good at finding items in the grass and even in the ground. It charges prey at speeds over 60 mph. However, because it can only run straight, it often fails. It charges prey at speeds over 60 mph. However, because it can only run straight, it often fails. Often targeted by bird Pokémon, it desperately resists by releasing poison from its tail spikes. Often targeted by bird Pokémon, it desperately resists by releasing poison from its tail spikes. It wraps silk around the branches of a tree. It drinks rainwater on its silk while awaiting evolution. It wraps silk around the branches of a tree. It drinks rainwater on its silk while awaiting evolution. Despite its looks, it is aggressive. It jabs with its long, thin mouth if disturbed while collecting pollen. Despite its looks, it is aggressive. It jabs with its long, thin mouth if disturbed while collecting pollen. It never forgets any attack it endured while in the cocoon. After evolution, it seeks payback. It never forgets any attack it endured while in the cocoon. After evolution, it seeks payback. Toxic powder is scattered with each flap. At night, it is known to strip leaves off trees lining boulevards. Toxic powder is scattered with each flap. At night, it is known to strip leaves off trees lining boulevards. It looks like an aquatic plant and serves as a ferry to Pokémon that can't swim. It looks like an aquatic plant and serves as a ferry to Pokémon that can't swim. It has a mischievous spirit. If it spots an angler, it will tug on the fishing line to interfere. It has a mischievous spirit. If it spots an angler, it will tug on the fishing line to interfere. If it hears festive music, all its muscles fill with energy. It can't help breaking out into a dance. If it hears festive music, all its muscles fill with energy. It can't help breaking out into a dance. When it dangles from a tree branch, it looks just like an acorn. It enjoys scaring other Pokémon. When it dangles from a tree branch, it looks just like an acorn. It enjoys scaring other Pokémon. The sound of its grass flute makes its listeners uneasy. It lives deep in forests. The sound of its grass flute makes its listeners uneasy. It lives deep in forests. By flapping its leafy fan, it can whip up gusts of 100 ft/second that can level houses. By flapping its leafy fan, it can whip up gusts of 100 ft / second that can level houses. It has a gutsy spirit that makes it bravely take on tough foes. It flies in search of warm climates. It has a gutsy spirit that makes it bravely take on tough foes. It flies in search of warm climates. It circles the sky in search of prey. When it spots one, it dives steeply to catch the prey. It circles the sky in search of prey. When it spots one, it dives steeply to catch the prey. It soars high in the sky, riding on updrafts like a glider. It carries food tucked in its bill. It soars high in the sky, riding on updrafts like a glider. It carries food tucked in its bill. It is a messenger of the skies, carrying small Pokémon and eggs to safety in its bill. It is a messenger of the skies, carrying small Pokémon and eggs to safety in its bill. If its horns capture the warm feelings of people or Pokémon, its body warms up slightly. If its horns capture the warm feelings of people or Pokémon, its body warms up slightly. If its Trainer becomes happy, it overflows with energy, dancing joyously while spinning about. If its Trainer becomes happy, it overflows with energy, dancing joyously while spinning about. To protect its Trainer, it will expend all its psychic power to create a small black hole. To protect its Trainer, it will expend all its psychic power to create a small black hole. It appears as if it is skating on water. It draws prey with a sweet scent from the tip of its head. It appears as if it is skating on water. It draws prey with a sweet scent from the tip of its head. Its antennae have eye patterns on them. Its four wings enable it to hover and fly in any direction. Its antennae have eye patterns on them. Its four wings enable it to hover and fly in any direction. It spouts poison spores from the top of its head. These spores cause pain all over if inhaled. It spouts poison spores from the top of its head. These spores cause pain all over if inhaled. Its short arms stretch when it throws punches. Its technique is equal to that of pro boxers. Its short arms stretch when it throws punches. Its technique is equal to that of pro boxers. It spends nearly all its time in a day sprawled out. Just seeing it makes one drowsy. It spends nearly all its time in a day sprawled out. Just seeing it makes one drowsy. Its heart beats at a tenfold tempo, so it cannot sit still for even a moment. Its heart beats at a tenfold tempo, so it cannot sit still for even a moment. The world's laziest Pokémon. When it is lounging, it is actually saving energy for striking back. The world's laziest Pokémon. When it is lounging, it is actually saving energy for striking back. It grows underground, sensing its surroundings using antennae instead of its virtually blind eyes. It grows underground, sensing its surroundings using antennae instead of its virtually blind eyes. Because it moves so quickly, it sometimes becomes unseeable. It congregates around tree sap. Because it moves so quickly, it sometimes becomes unseeable. It congregates around tree sap. A discarded bug shell that came to life. Peering into the crack on its back is said to steal one's spirit. A discarded bug shell that came to life. Peering into the crack on its back is said to steal one's spirit. Usually, its cries are like quiet murmurs. If frightened, it shrieks at the same volume as a jet plane. Usually, its cries are like quiet murmurs. If frightened, it shrieks at the same volume as a jet plane. The shock waves from its cries can tip over trucks. It stamps its feet to power up. Its howls can be heard over six miles away. It emits all sorts of noises from the ports on its body. It toughens its body by slamming into thick trees. Many snapped trees can be found near its nest. It loves to match power with big-bodied Pokémon. It can knock a truck flying with its arm thrusts. Its tail bounces like a rubber ball. It flings that tail around to fight opponents bigger than itself. When endangered, it may protect itself by raising its magnetism and drawing iron objects to its body. It can't stop itself from chasing moving things, and it runs in a circle, chasing its own tail. It is highly popular among female Trainers for its sublime fur. It does not keep a nest. It hides in the darkness of caves. Its diet of gems has transformed its eyes into gemstones. Attached to its head is a huge set of jaws formed by horns. It can chew through iron beams. It usually lives deep in mountains. However, hunger may drive it to eat railroad tracks and cars. For food, it digs up iron ore. It smashes its steely body against others to fight over territory. While seeking iron for food, it digs tunnels by breaking through bedrock with its steel horns. It always trains deep in mountains. It levitates when it heightens its spiritual power through meditation. It gains the ability to see the aura of its opponents by honing its mind through starvation. Using electricity stored in its fur, it stimulates its muscles to heighten its reaction speed. It discharges electricity from its mane. It creates a thundercloud overhead to drop lightning bolts. It cheers on friends with pom-poms made of sparks. It drains power from telephone poles. It cheers on friends. If its friends are losing, its body lets off more and more sparks. It communicates with others by lighting up its rear at night. It loves ILLUMISE's sweet aroma. With its sweet aroma, it guides VOLBEAT to draw signs with light in the night sky. The more healthy the ROSELIA, the more pleasant its flowers' aroma. Its scent deeply relaxes people. Almost all its body is its stomach. Its harsh digestive juices quickly dissolve anything it swallows. It swallows anything whole. It sweats toxic fluids from its follicles to douse foes. They swarm any foe that invades their territory. Their sharp fangs can tear out boat hulls. Its fangs rip through sheet iron. It swims at 75 mph and is known as “The Bully of the Sea." On sunny days, it lands on beaches to bounce like a ball and play. It spouts water from its nose. The biggest of all Pokémon. It can dive to a depth of almost 10,000 feet on only one breath. Its humped back stores intensely hot magma. In rain, the magma cools, slowing its movement. It has volcanoes on its back. If magma builds up in its body, it shudders, then erupts violently. It burns coal inside its shell for energy. It blows out black soot if it is endangered. It bounces constantly, using its tail like a spring. The shock of bouncing keeps its heart beating. It uses black pearls to amplify its psycho-power. It does an odd dance to gain control over foes. No two SPINDA have the same pattern of spots. Its tottering step fouls the aim of foes. It makes a conical pit in desert sand and lies in wait at the bottom for prey to come tumbling down. It violently shudders its wings, generating ultrasonic waves to induce headaches in people. It whips up sandstorms with powerful flaps of its wings. It is known as “The Desert Spirit." By storing water in its body, this desert dweller can survive for 30 days without water. It becomes active at night, seeking prey that is exhausted from the day's desert heat. It can't relax if it or its surroundings are not clean. It wipes off dirt with its wings. If it bonds with a person, it will gently envelop the friend with its soft wings, then hum. It has feuded with SEVIPER for many generations. Its sharp claws are its biggest weapons. For many generations, it has feuded with ZANGOOSE. It whets its bladed tail on rocks for battle. Because it turns active on nights of the full moon, it is said to have some link to the lunar phases. A new Pokémon species, rumored to be from the sun. It gives off light while spinning. Its slimy body is hard to grasp. In one region, it is said to have been born from hardened mud. It is extremely protective of its territory. If any foe approaches, it attacks using vicious tremors. Its hardy vitality enables it to adapt to any environment. Its pincers will never release prey. It is a ruffian that uses its pincers to pick up and toss out other Pokémon from its pond. It moves by spinning on its foot. It is a rare Pokémon that was discovered in ancient ruins. An ancient clay figurine that came to life as a Pokémon from exposure to a mysterious ray of light. It lived on the seafloor 100 million years ago and was reanimated scientifically. It lives in the shallows of warm seas. When the tide goes out, it digs up prey from beaches. A Pokémon ancestor that was reanimated from a fossil. It lived in the sea and hunted with claws. It went ashore after evolving. Its entire body is clad in a sturdy armor. It is a shabby and ugly Pokémon. However, it is very hardy and can survive on little water. Its lovely scales are described as rainbow colored. They change color depending on the viewing angle. Its appearance changes with the weather. Recently, its molecules were found to be just like water. It can freely change its body's color. The zigzag pattern on its belly doesn't change, however. It loves vengeful emotions and hangs in rows under the eaves of houses where vengeful people live. A doll that became a Pokémon over its grudge from being junked. It seeks the child that disowned it. It loves the crying of children. It startles bad kids by passing through walls and making them cry. It seeks drifting will-o'-the-wisps and sucks them into its empty body. What happens inside is a mystery. Delicious fruits grew out from around its neck because it always ate the same kind of fruit. Its cries echo inside its hollow body to emerge as beautiful notes for startling and repelling foes. Rumored to sense disasters with its horn, it became a target. It fled deep into the mountains. It grows strong by pushing up against others en masse. It loves eating sweet fruit. It is said that several SNORUNT gather under giant leaves and live together in harmony. It prevents prey from escaping by instantaneously freezing moisture in the air. It rolls across ice floes to reach shore because its body is poorly shaped for swimming. It habitually spins things on its nose. By doing so, it learns textures and odors. It shatters ice with its big tusks. Its thick blubber repels not only the cold, but also enemy attacks. It makes a single pearl during its lifetime. The pearl is said to amplify psychic power. It lives deep in the sea. With a tail shaped like a small fish, it attracts unsuspecting prey. It lives at the bottom of the sea. In the springtime, its pink body turns more vivid for some reason. A rare Pokémon discovered during a deep-sea exploration. It has not changed in over 100 million years. It lives in warm seas. It is said that a couple finding this Pokémon will be blessed with eternal love. Dreaming of one day flying, it practices by leaping off cliffs every day. Within its rugged shell, its cells have begun changing. The shell peels off the instant it evolves. As a result of its long-held dream of flying, its cellular structure changed, and wings grew out. It converses with others by using magnetic pulses. In a swarm, they move in perfect unison. It is formed by two BELDUM joining together. Its steel body won't be scratched if it collides with a jet. METANG combined to form it. With four brains, it has the intelligence of a supercomputer. Its entire body is made of rock. If any part chips off in battle, it attaches rocks to repair itself. Its body is made of ice from the ice age. It controls frigid air of -328 degrees Fahrenheit. Tempered by pressure underground over tens of thousands of years, its body cannot be scratched. Its body is covered with a down that can refract light in such a way that it becomes invisible. A highly intelligent Pokémon. By folding back its wings in flight, it can overtake jet planes. It is said to have widened the seas by causing downpours. It had been asleep in a marine trench. It had been asleep in underground magma ever since it fiercely fought KYOGRE long ago. It lives in the ozone layer far above the clouds and cannot be seen from the ground. It is said to have the ability to grant any wish for just one week every thousand years. An alien virus that fell to earth on a meteor underwent a DNA mutation to become this Pokémon. The shell on its back is made of soil. On a very healthy TURTWIG, the shell should feel moist. It knows where pure water wells up. It carries fellow Pokémon there on its back. Some Pokémon are born on a TORTERRA's back and spend their entire life there. It is very agile. Before going to sleep, it extinguishes the flame on its tail to prevent fires. It skillfully controls the intensity of the fire on its tail to keep its foes at an ideal distance. It uses unique fighting moves with fire on its hands and feet. It will take on any opponent. A poor walker, it often falls down. However, its strong pride makes it puff up its chest without a care. Because every PRINPLUP considers itself to be the most important, they can never form a group. If anyone were to hurt its pride, it would slash them with wings that can cleave through an ice floe. Because they are weak individually, they form groups. However, they bicker if the group grows too big. Recognizing their own weakness, they always live in a group. When alone, a STARAVIA cries noisily. It never stops attacking even if it is injured. It fusses over the shape of its comb. A comparison revealed that BIDOOF's front teeth grow at the same rate as RATTATA's. A river dammed by BIBAREL will never overflow its banks, which is appreciated by people nearby. Its legs are short. Whenever it stumbles, its stiff antennae clack with a xylophone-like sound. There is a village that hosts a contest based on the amazingly variable cries of this Pokémon. The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. It glows when in trouble. Strong electricity courses through the tips of its sharp claws. A light scratch causes fainting in foes. It can see clearly through walls to track down its prey and seek its lost young. Sensitive to changing temperature, the bud is said to bloom when it feels the sun's warm touch. Each of its hands contains different toxins, but both hands can jab with near-fatal power. A lifelong jungle dweller from 100 million years ago, it would snap obstructing trees with head butts. If two were to smash their heads together, their foot-thick skulls would keep them from fainting. It is outstandingly armored. As a result, it can eat grass and berries without having to fight. When they lined up side by side, no foe could break through. They shielded their young in that way. Even if it is born where there are no cocooning materials, it somehow always ends up with a cloak. When evolving, its body takes in surrounding materials. As a result, there are many body variations. While it loves floral honey, it won't gather any itself. Instead, it plots to steal some from COMBEE. The trio is together from birth. It constantly gathers honey from flowers to please VESPIQUEN. It releases various pheromones to make the grubs in its body do its bidding while fighting foes. A pair may be seen rubbing their cheek pouches together in an effort to share stored electricity. It spins its two tails like a screw to propel itself through water. The tails also slice clinging seaweed. It is a common sight around fishing ports. It is known to rescue people and carry off prey. The small ball is not only filled with nutrients, it is also tasty. STARLY try to peck it off. If it senses strong sunlight, it opens its folded petals to absorb the sun's rays with its whole body. Beware of pushing strongly on its squishy body, as it makes a mysterious purple fluid ooze out. Long ago, its entire back was shielded with a sturdy shell. There are traces of it left in its cells. Split into two, the tails are so adept at handling and doing things, AMBIPOM rarely uses its hands. Because of the way it floats aimlessly, an old folktale calls it a “Signpost for Wandering Spirits." At dusk, swarms of them are carried aloft on winds. When noticed, they suddenly vanish. Its ears are always rolled up. They can be forcefully extended to shatter even a large boulder. The ears appear to be delicate. If they are touched roughly, it kicks with its graceful legs. Its cry sounds like an incantation. It is said the cry may rarely be imbued with happiness-giving power. If one utters a deep cry, many MURKROW gather quickly. For this, it is called “Summoner of Night." It hides its spiteful tendency of hooking its claws into the nose of its Trainer if it isn't fed. It binds its body with its tails to make itself look bigger. If it locks eyes, it will glare ceaselessly. There is an orb inside its mouth. When it hops, the orb bounces all over and makes a ringing sound. It sprays a foul fluid from its rear. Its stench spreads over a mile radius, driving Pokémon away. It attacks by spraying a horribly smelly fluid from the tip of its tail. Attacks from above confound it. There are researchers who believe this Pokémon reflected like a mirror in the distant past. It brought rains by opening portals to another world. It was revered as a bringer of plentiful harvests. It prefers an arid atmosphere. It leaks water that looks like tears when adjusting its moisture level. It mimics the expressions and motions of those it sees to understand the feelings of others. It likes to carry around a small rock. It may wander around others' feet and cause them to stumble. Its tongue is just like a human's. As a result, it can cleverly mimic human speech. Its constant mischief and misdeeds resulted in it being bound to an Odd Keystone by a mysterious spell. It attacks using its huge mouth. While its attacks are powerful, it hurts itself out of clumsiness, too. It loves sparkly things. It seeks treasures in caves and hoards the loot in its nest. It is said that when one runs at high speed, its wings create blades of wind that can fell nearby trees. In its desperation to gulp down food, it forgets about the food it has hidden under its fur. It has the peculiar power of being able to see emotions such as joy and rage in the form of waves. A well-trained one can sense auras to identify and take in the feelings of creatures over half a mile away. It shuts its nostrils tight then travels through sand as if walking. They form colonies of around ten. It is surprisingly quick to anger. It holds its mouth agape as a display of its strength. As soon as the tail claws close, its needle tips secrete poison. It can survive a year without food. Possessing a sturdy build, it takes pride in its strength, taking down foes without using toxins. It rarely fights fairly, but that is strictly to ensure survival. It is popular as a mascot. It has a poison sac at its throat. When it croaks, the stored poison is churned for greater potency. It binds itself to trees in marshes. It attracts prey with its sweet- smelling drool and gulps them down. The line running down its side can store sunlight. It shines vividly at night. It crawls along the seafloor using its long front fins like legs. It competes for food with LANTURN. People organize tours to see this Pokémon frolic and skim the tops of waves with REMORAID. Seemingly curious about people, they gather around footsteps they find on snowy mountains. They appear when the snow flowers bloom. When the petals fall, they retreat to places unknown again. Evolution made it even more devious. It communicates by clawing signs in boulders. A group tried to use scientific means to make MAGNEZONE evolve, but their efforts ended in failure. The long tongue is always soggy with slobber. The saliva contains a solvent that causes numbness. It can launch a rock held in its hand like a missile by tightening then expanding muscles instantly. Its arms are made of plants that bind themselves to things. They grow back right away if cut. Heedless of enemy attacks, it closes in, shoves its tails onto the foe, then looses high voltage. When launching 3,600 degrees F fireballs, its body takes on a whitish hue from the intense heat. It shares many blessings with people who respect one another's rights and avoid needless strife. Its jaw power is incredible. It is adept at biting apart foes while flying by at high speed. It basically does not fight. With cells similar to those of plants, it can perform photosynthesis. By controlling its body heat, it can freeze the atmosphere around it to make a diamond-dust flurry. If it succeeds in catching even a faint breeze properly, it can circle the globe without flapping once. A frozen one was dug up from soil dating back 10,000 years. It woke up to much amazement. Its programming was modified to enable work in alien dimensions. It did not work as planned. When trying to protect someone, it extends its elbows as if they were swords and fights savagely. It freely controls three small units called Mini-Noses using magnetic force. It is said to take lost spirits into its pliant body and guide them home. It freezes prey by blowing its -58 degrees F breath. It is said to then secretly display its prey. Its electric-like body can enter some kinds of machines and take control in order to make mischief. When UXIE flew, people gained the ability to solve problems. It was the birth of knowledge. When MESPRIT flew, people learned the joy and sadness of living. It was the birth of emotions. When AZELF flew, people gained the determination to do things. It was the birth of willpower. A legendary Pokémon of Sinnoh. It is said that time flows when DIALGA's heart beats. A legendary Pokémon of Sinnoh. It is said that space becomes more stable with PALKIA's every breath. Its body is made of rugged steel. However, it is partially melted in spots because of its own heat. It is said to have made Pokémon that look like itself from a special ice mountain, rocks, and magma. It was banished for its violence. It silently gazed upon the old world from the Distortion World. On nights around the quarter moon, the aurora from its tail extends and undulates beautifully. It drifts in warm seas. It always returns to where it was born, no matter how far it may have drifted. It is born with a wondrous power that lets it bond with any kind of Pokémon. To protect itself, it afflicts those around it with nightmares. However, it means no harm. The flowers all over its body burst into bloom if it is lovingly hugged and senses gratitude. It is said to have emerged from an egg in a place where there was nothing, then shaped the world. Used Notepad++ to remove an annoying string "\xfffe" from the file.(CTRL+F> Replace Tab in Notepad++ ftw) 0231.txt Reveal hidden contents なし No アフガニスタン Afghanistan アルバニア Albania アルジェリア Algeria アメリカりょうサモア American Samoa アンドラ Andorra アンゴラ Angola アンギラ Anguilla アンティグア・バーブーダ Antigua and Barbuda アルゼンチン Argentina アルメニア Armenia アルバ Aruba オーストラリア Australia オーストリア Austria アゼルバイジャン Azerbaijan バハマ Bs バーレーン Bahrain バングラデシュ Bangladesh バルバドス Barbados ベラルーシ Belarus ベルギー Belgium ベリーズ Belize ベナン Benin バミューダ Bermuda ブータン Bhutan ボリビア Bolivia ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ Bosnia and Herzegovina ボツワナ Botswana ブラジル Brazil イギリスりょうバージンしょとう British Virgin Islands ブルネイ Brunei ブルガリア Bulgaria ブルキナファソ Burkina Faso ブルンジ Burundi カンボジア Cambodia カメルーン Cameroon カナダ Canada カーボベルデ Cabo Verde ケイマンしょとう Cayman Shotou ちゅうおうアフリカ Chi Chuo Africa チャド Chad チャネルしょとう Channel Shotou チリ Chile ちゅうごく Chugoku クリスマスとう Kurisumasutou コロンビア Columbia コモロ Comoros コンゴきょうわこく Republic of Congo クックしょとう Cook Shotou コスタリカ Costa Rica コートジボワール Cote d'Ivoire クロアチア Croatia キューバ Cuba キプロス Cyprus チェコ Czech Republic きたちょうせん Butterfly has not コンゴみんしゅきょうわこく Democratic Congo ひがしティモール East Timor デンマーク Denmark ジブチ Djibouti ドミニカ Dominica ドミニカきょうわこく Dominican Republic エクアドル Ecuador エジプト Egypt エルサルバドル Sv せきどうギニア What cough Guinea エリトリア Eritrea エストニア Estonia エチオピア Ethiopia フォークランド(マルビナス)しょとう Falkland (Malvinas) Shotou フェローしょとう Fellow Shotou フィジーしょとう Fiji Shotou フィンランド Finland フランス France フランスりょうギアナ French Guiana フランスりょうポリネシア French Polynesia ガボン Gabon ガンビア Gambia グルジア Georgia ドイツ Germany ガーナ Ghana ジブラルタル Gibraltar ギリシャ Greece グリーンランド Greenland グレナダ Grenada グアドループとう Guadoruputou グアム Guam グアテマラ Guatemala ギニア Guinea ギニアビサウ Guinea Bissau ガイアナ Guyana ハイチ Haiti ホンジュラス Honduras ハンガリー Hungary アイスランド Iceland インド India インドネシア Indonesia イラン Iran イラク Iraq アイルランド Ireland マンとう Mantou イスラエル Israel イタリア Italy ジャマイカ Jamaica スバールバル・ヤンマンエンとう Svalbard Yanmanentou にほん Nihongo ヨルダン Jordan カシミール Kashmir カザフスタン Kazakhstan ケニア Kenya キリバス Kiribati クウェート Kuwait キルギス Kirghiz ラオス Laos ラトビア Latvia レバノン Lebanon レソト Lesotho リベリア Liberia リビア Libya リヒテンシュタイン Liechtenstein リトアニア Lithuania ルクセンブルク Luxembourg マケドニアきゅうユーゴスラビア Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia baseball マダガスカル Madagascar マラウイ Malawi マレーシア Malaysia モルディブ Maldives マリ Mari マルタ Malta マーシャルしょとう Marshall Shotou マルチニーク Mq モーリタニア Mauritania モーリシャス Mauritius マヨット Mayotte メキシコ Mexico ミクロネシア Micronesia モナコ Monaco モンゴル Mongolia モンテネグロ Montenegro モロッコ Morocco モザンビーク Mozambique ミャンマー Myanmar ナミビア Namibia ナウル Nauru ネパール Nepal オランダ Netherlands オランダりょうアンティル Ryo Netherlands Antilles ニューカレドニア New Caledonia ニュージーランド New Zealand ニカラグア Nicaragua ニジェール Niger ナイジェリア Nigeria ニウエ Niue ノーフォークとう Thank Norfolk きたマリアナしょとう Mariana has Shotou ノルウェー Norway オマーン Oman パキスタン Pakistan パラオ Palau パレスチナじちく Paresuchinaji cattle パナマ Panama パプアニューギニア Papua New Guinea パラグアイ Paraguay ペルー Peru フィリピン Philippines ピトケアン Pitcairn ポーランド Poland ポルトガル Portugal プエルトリコ Puerto Rico カタール Qatar かんこく Speak speak モルドバ Md レユニオン Reunion ルーマニア Romania ロシア Russia ルワンダ Rwanda セントヘレナとう Thank St セントクリストファー・ネービス Saint Christopher and Nevis セントルシア Saint Lucia セントビンセント・グレナディーン Saint Vincent and the Grenadines サンピエール・ミクロン Saint Pierre and Miquelon サモア Samoa サンマリノ San Marino サントメ・プリンシペ St サウジアラビア Saudi Arabia セネガル Senegal セルビア Serbia セーシェル Seychelles シエラレオネ Sierra Leone シンガポール Singapore スロバキア Slovakia スロベニア Slovenia ソロモンしょとう Solomon Shotou ソマリア Somalia みなみアフリカ Minami Africa スペイン Spain スリランカ Sri Lanka スーダン Sudan スリナム Suriname スワジランド Swaziland スウェーデン Sweden スイス Switzerland シリア Syria たいわん Want dog タジキスタン Tajikistan タイ Thailand トーゴ Togo トケラウ Tokelau トンガ Tonga トリニダード・トバゴ Trinidad and Tobago チュニジア Tunisia トルコ Turkey トルクメニスタン Turkmenistan タークス・カイコスしょとう Turks and Caicos Shotou ツバル Tuvalu ウガンダ Uganda ウクライナ Ukraine アラブしゅちょうこく Arab Nations Shuchou イギリス United Kingdom タンザニア Tanzania アメリカ United States アメリカりょうバージンしょとう American Virgin Islands ウルグアイ Uruguay ウズベキスタン Uzbekistan バヌアツ Vanuatu バチカン Vatican ベネズエラ Venezuela ベトナム Vietnam ワリス・フテュナしょとう Wallis and Futuna Shotou にしサハラ Sahara to イエメン Yemen ザンビア Zambia ジンバブエ Zimbabwe
Danniello Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 I've downloaded the files from the repository, and I'm now working in a Portuguese translation. If anyone wants to help, just send me a PM. Some questions, what about the length of the text? English is more verbose than japonese, and Portuguese even more. I'm trying to do the translation using short words as possible, but I'm afraid some text will break in the game.
xvirus Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 I've started adding some of njt's translations to my branch, along with fixing some of the errors he made. I feel kinda stupid though... I was over half way through translating 0006 before I noticed that njt already posted them in the thread :bidoof:
Thiemo Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 So, how is it going with the translation? Already made some progress?? Cant wait! (Not really necessary, the translation, but would be awesome if I just could see the moves, types, Pokemon names (and maybe items?) in English!!) Keep up the great work Dont hurry! We dont want it screwed up, are we?
Rykin Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 For the location names located in file 89.. you can do a search for the Kanji/Hari and find the translated names on Bulbapedia. For example, searching for "ヒウンシティ" brings ups Hiun City. I'd do this myself, but I've not got the time right now. :> Have fun.
DarkRogueR Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 hey guys i can help you if you want and i can be a beta tester too if you want me to join you add me on msn darkgeorge2009@hotmail.com i can help you
Thiemo Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 I guess this translation (patch) will work on all Anti-AP-patched flashcarts?? If not, I offer myself to try it for CycloDS Evolution!!
johnnydaman Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 Hello, here are the full pokémon Black & White Pokédex entries. These are the national dex numbers Pokémon Black Entries: Reveal hidden contents Victini (494): A Pokemon that brings about victory. It’s said that a Trainer partnered with Victini can win any battle. Tsutarja (495): It has high intelligence and a cool demeanor. When it’s bathed in sunlight, its movements are sharpened. Janoby (496): It runs across the ground as if it were gliding. It confuses its enemies with quick movements, then takes them down with Vine Whip. Jaroda (497): It stops enemies in their tracks with only a glance. It amplifies solar energy inside its body. Pokabu (498): It nimbly avoids enemy attacks, and shoots fireballs from its nose. It roasts berries with its flames and eats them. Chaobuu (499): When the flame inside its body flares up, the speed and sharpness of its movements increases. In a pinch, it blows out smoke. Enbuoh (500): It ignites its fists with the flames on its chin and unleashes Fire Punches. A Pokemon that cares deeply for its comrades. Mijumaru (501): It fights with the shell on its stomach, using it to block attacks and immediately slash back. Futachimaru (502): It smoothly wields 2 shells as swords, and trains strictly to learn techniques. Daikenki (503): It downs opponents with one swing of the sword that’s stored in its armor. It silences enemies with one glance. Minezumi (504): It stores food in its cheek pouches and continuously stands watch for days at a time. It uses its tail to communicate with its friends. Meerhog (505): It fires the berry seeds that are stored in its cheek pouches to attack. When it detects an enemy, its tail goes erect. Yorterrie (506): A smart Pokemon that bravely faces even strong opponents, but avoids unfavorable battles. Harderia (507): The cape-like black fur that covers its body is very tough. It reduces the damage it receives. Muurando (508): It rescues people who are lost in mountains made impassable by blizzard. Its long fur wards off the cold. Choroneko (509): It steals people’s belongings for fun. Even the people it stole from quickly forgive its adorable antics. Leopardas (510): An elusive Pokemon. Its beautiful style and fur charm many Trainers. Yanappu (511): A Pokemon that lives in deep forests. When someone eats the leaf that grows from its head, their fatigue vanishes like it was never there. Yanakey (512): It fights violently by swinging its spiked tail around. The leaf on its head is extremely bitter. Baoppu (513): When angered, the temperature of the tassel on its head rises to over 300 degrees. It roasts berries in the tassel and eats them. Baokey (514): Sweet foods are its favorite. It converts them to energy, which stokes the fire inside its body. Hiyappu (515): The water it stores in the tassel on its head is packed with nutrients. If it’s sprinkled on a plant, the plant grows big. Hiyakey (516): It stores water in the tassel on its head. If the water supply runs low, it sucks up water with its tail to replenish it. Munna (517): If your dream is eaten by a Munna, you forget the content of the dream. It always floats in the air. Musharna (518): Many dreams of humans and Pokemon are packed inside the smoke that comes out of its forehead. Mamepato (519): It’s in its nature to listen to its Trainer’s orders, but there are times when it can’t understand difficult instructions. Hatohboh (520): Even if they’re separated by a great distance, it can always find its way back to its Trainer. Kenhorou (521): The male shakes the adornments on its head to intimidate opponents. The female’s flying ability exceeds the male’s. Shimama (522): Its mane lights up when it discharges electricity. It communicates with its friends with the flashing of its mane. Zebraika (523): It’s as fast and powerful as lightning. When Zebraiga runs at top speed, thunder rumbles. Dangoro (524): It has a hexagon-shaped ear. Its body has been compressed by the earth to a harder consistency than iron. Gantoru (525): When it’s at full power, the orange crystals glow. It searches for groundwater in caves. Gigaiasu (526): It compresses energy in the core inside its body, and the attack it releases has the power to blow away a mountain. Koromori (527): It lives in dark forests and caves. It emits ultrasonic waves from its nostrils to map out its surroundings. Kokoromori (528): It fires all different frequencies of sound waves from its nostrils. It even emits a sound wave that shatters rocks. Moguryuu (529): The speed at which it burrows through the underground is over 50km/h. It’s a match for an automobile running on the surface. Doryuuzu (530): Its drills, which evolved to steel, have the power to pierce through an iron plate. It excels at constructing tunnels. Tabunne (531): When it touches an opponent with the antennae on its ears, it discerns the opponent’s physical condition and mood from the sound of its heart. Dokkorar (532): It fights by swinging a wooden plank around. When it can carry heavy planks without any discomfort, it’s close to evolving. Dotetsukotsu (533): Even if it’s attacked by a group of pro wrestlers, its toned, muscular body won’t give an inch. Rohpushin (534): It’s thought that the art of making concrete was learned from Rohbushin 2000 years ago. Otamaro (535): It produces a high-pitched alarm by vibrating its cheeks, and informs its companions of danger. Gamagaru (536): When it vibrates the lump on its head, not only does the water turn choppy, the ground shakes as if there was an earthquake. Gamageroge (537): It shoots a liquid that causes nerve paralysis from the lump on its head. It torments its opponent with vibrations. Nageki (538): Its power increases when it wears a belt. Wild Nageki knit vines together to make their own belts. Dageki (539): You can hear the sound the sound of fists striking trees and boulders coming from the mountains where Dageki train. Kurumiru (540): When it hatches from its egg, it’s dressed in clothes made by Hahakomori. It hides its head in its hood when it goes to sleep. Kurumayu (541): Plants grow well in the forests where Kurumayu lives. This is because Kurumayu changes the fallen leaves into a nutritious substance. Hahakomori (542): When it finds a small Pokemon, it has the tendency to sew leaf clothing using its sticky string and arm blades. Fushide (543): It bites down and injects deadly poison. Even the large bird Pokemon that are its deadly enemy are rendered immobile by paralysis. Hoiiga (544): It’s protected by its hard shell. It spins like a tire and viciously tackles its enemies. Pendora (545): It chases down enemies with fast movements and attacks with the horns on its head. It shows no mercy until it delivers the finishing blow. Monmen (546): When it’s attacked, cotton flies from its body. The enemy mistakes the cotton for Momen, and it escapes in the interim. Erufuun (547): : It slips through the narrowest crack, just like the wind. It leaves white pilling behind. Churine (548): The leaf from its head, when chewed, is extremely bitter, but it has the effect of energizing a tired body. Doredia (549): Even veteran trainers have difficulty getting the beautiful flower to bloom. A Pokemon that’s popular with celebrities. Basurao (550): The relationship between red and blue Basurao is so bad that they immediately fight each other. An extremely reckless Pokemon. Meguroco (551): It lives in the desert sand. The sun-warmed sand prevents its body temperature from lowering. Warubiru (552): It forms a group of several individuals. The membrane that covers its eyeballs protects its eyes from sandstorms. Warubiaru (553): It won’t let any prey it happens upon escape. Its jaw has the power to bite chunks out of a car’s body. Darumakka (554): When the flame inside its body is blazing, it runs around unable to calm itself. When the flame dwindles, it falls asleep. Hihidaruma (555): A flame burns at 1400 degrees inside its body, producing so much power that it can demolish a dump truck with its punch. Marakachi (556): It uses uptempo dancing and sound to drive away its natural enemies, the bird Pokemon who aim for its flower’s seeds. Ishizumai (557): Since it secretes a fluid that dissolves rocks from its mouth, it can easily make holes in even the hardest rocks. Iwaparesu (558): Iwaparesu that are competing over territory battle violently. The one that has its shell broken loses. Zuruggu (559): It pulls its skin up to its neck in a defensive stance. The rubber-like elasticity reduces damage. Zuruzukin (560): They gang up on opponents that enter their territory and beat them to within an inch of their lives. They shoot an acidic bodily fluid from their mouths. Shinporah (561): It appears that it always flies the same route because it retains memories of protecting an ancient city. Deathmas (562): The mask Deathmas carries is its face from when it was human. Occasionally, it stares at it, sobbing. Deathkan (563): According to rumors, it swallows nearby humans and turns them into mummies. It likes to eat gold nuggets. Purotoga (564): It was revived from an ancient fossil. It can dive to depths of up to 1000 meters. Abagohra (565): It lives in oceans and on land. It possesses the power to punch holes in the hulls of tankers with its slaps. Achen (566): It’s said to be the ancestor of bird Pokemon. It appears that it couldn’t fly, and lived its life jumping from branch to branch. Archaeos (567): It gets a running start on the ground, then leaps into the air. It has the intelligence to cooperate with allies to bring down prey. Yabukuron (568): It prefers unsanitary places. It spews gas as if it was belching; if you inhale it you’ll be laid up in bed for a week. Dasutodasu (569): It squeezes the opponent with its left hand, and finishes it off by spewing smelly, poisonous gas from its mouth. Zorua (570): It takes on the form of its opponent, surprising it. It seems that there are many occasions where it disguises itself as a quiet child. Zoroark (571): A Pokemon that bewitches opponents to protect the security of its pack. Its bond with its comrades is strong. Chillarmy (572): They brush their tails against each other’s bodies as greeting. It keeps its tail groomed so it’s always clean. Chillachino (573): Since its white fur is coated with a special resin, enemy attacks slide right off it. Gothemme (574): It amplifies its psychic power with its ribbon-like antennae. It’s always staring fixedly at something. Gothimelle (575): It manipulates people and Pokemon with hypnosis. The victims are spirited away by Gothmiru while they’re still asleep, according to prevailing legend. Gothilselle (576): The space around Gothzeru twists to resemble the starry sky from tens of thousands of light years away, as an effect of its immense Psychic powers. Uniran (577): It releases psychic power to repel attacking enemies. It communicates with its allies via telepathy. Doubran (578): Since it has a brain that split into 2 sections, there are times when it abruptly performs an unexpected action. Ranculus (579): When Rankurusu shake hands with each other, their brains connect over a network and their psychic powers are amplified. Koaruhii (580): A bird Pokemon that excels at diving. It swims around underwater to eat peat moss, its favorite food. Swanna (581): Groups of Swanna begin to dance with the breaking of dawn. The Swanna dancing in the middle of the group is the flock’s leader. Vanipucchi (582): It blows out breath of -50 degrees. It creates snow crystals, and causes it to snow nearby. Vaniricchi (583): A Pokemon that lives on snowy mountains. It migrated south during the ancient ice age. Vaivanilla (584): It gulps down huge quantities of water and makes snow clouds inside its body. It torments its enemies with fierce blizzards. Shikijika (585): Its fur changes to match the color and scent of the grass in the fields and hills. It hides in the brush when it detects hostility. Mebukijika (586): It changes its habitat according to the seasons. People use Mebukijika’s horns to determine when the seasons are changing. Emonga (587): It stores the electricity generated by the electric sacks in its cheeks within a membrane, and releases the electricity as it glides. Kaburumo (588): A mysterious Pokemon that evolves when it’s hit by electrical stimulus while in the company of Chobomaki. Shubarugo (589): It flies around at high speeds and stabs enemies with its sharp spear. It bravely faces even unfavorable matchups. Tamagetake (590): It attracts victims with its Pokeball-like markings, then blows toxic spore. Why it resembles a Pokeball is a mystery. Morobareru (591): It dances to attract prey, wiggling the Pokeball-like mushrooms on both of its arms. Pururiru (592): It sinks to the bottom of the sea with its enemies’ bodies still bound in its thin, veil-like arms. Burunkeru (593): If a lost ship sinks in Buringeru’s habitat, the crew members' life force gets completely absorbed. Mamanboh (594): The special mucus membrane that covers Mamanbou’s body has the effect of healing wounds. Batula (595): Bachuru that live in cities have learned how to absorb electricity from the outlets in private houses. Dentula (596): When it’s attacked by an enemy, it spits out a lot of electricity-laced thread, and makes an electric barrier. Tesshiido (597): When it senses danger, it counterattacks by firing all of its spikes at once. It rolls away in the interim. Nuttre (598): It fights by brandishing its spiked tentacles. When it slams its steel spikes down, the destructive force shatters boulders. Gearl (599): The 2 bodies can only combine with each other. If they try to engage with other bodies, the gears won’t mesh and they’ll separate. Gigearl (600): It conveys how it feels to its friends by altering the direction of its rotation. If it’s sufficiently angered, the rotations speed up. Gigigearl (601): The red core functions as an energy tank. It fires the charged up energy from its spikes around its circumference. Shibishirasu (602): A single Shibishirasu’s electrical power is tiny, but when a group comes together, that power becomes as mighty at thunder. Shibibiiru (603): The circular markings are power generating organs. After wrapping around its opponent, it pushes the markings against them and releases electricity. Shibirudon (604): It crawls out of the water with the power of its arms, and attacks prey on the shore. In a flash, it drags them into the ocean. Rigray (605): It controls incredible psychic power. It constricts its opponent’s brains with psychic power, giving them headaches. Oobemu (606): It manipulates its opponents’ memories. It apparently flickers its tri-colored fingers to communicate with its friends. Hitomoshi (607): Hitomoshi’s light burns brighter when it’s sucked up a human or Pokemon’s life energy. Lamplar (608): It’s feared as an ominous Pokemon. It drifts unsteadily through town, searching for the souls of the deceased. Chandelar (609): It blazes when it absorbs a soul. It swings the flames on its arms to put opponents into a hypnotic trance. Kibago (610): It crushes berries with its fangs and eats them. Its fangs are replaced with new ones over and over, so they’re always strong and sharp. Onondo (611): Since its broken fangs aren’t replaced with new ones, it diligently polishes its fangs with river rocks after battling. Ononokusu (612): It has a kind nature, but it shows no mercy to anyone who invades its territory. It confidently challenges them with fangs that can cut steel. Kumashun (613): When it’s in poor health, its mucus becomes watery, and the power of its Ice attacks diminishes as a result. Tsunbear (614): It freezes its breath at will. It’s skilled at swimming, and swims around the northern sea catching prey. Freezio (615): When its body temperature increases, it turns to steam and vanishes. When its body temperature lowers, it reverts to its original ice. Chobomaki (616): When it’s attacked by an enemy, it closes the cover of its shell as a defense. It fires a sticky venom through the openings in the cover. Agirudar (617): If its body dries out, it weakens. A thin membrane is wrapped around its body multiple times to protect against dehydration. Maggyo (618): Since its skin is tough, even if it’s stepped on by a sumo wrestler, it doesn’t care. When it releases electricity, its face becomes a smile. Kojofuu (619): It unleashes a flood of consecutive attacks to overwhelm the enemy. It slashes the enemy with its sharp claws. Kojondo (620): It handles the hair on its arms like a whip. The attacks from both arms are so fast that the eye can’t track them. Crimgan (621): When the sunlight hits its wings, it warms its body. If its body temperature falls, it becomes unable to move. Gobit (622): Energy burning inside its body enables it to move, but what kind of energy this is is unclear. Gorog (623): It flies through the sky at mach speed. If the seal on its chest is removed, its energy becomes uncontrollable. Komatana (624): A Pokemon whose entire body is a blade. If the blade gets chipped in battle, it sharpens the blade with river rocks. Kirikizan (625): It leads a group of Komatana. They fight chaotically for the role of boss. Losers are expelled from the group. Buffalon (626): Even when it deals a violent headbutt, its bushy body hair absorbs the damage. Washibon (627): It crushes berries with its leg strength. It has the disposition to bravely stand against even the strongest adversary. Wargle (628): It fights for its friends’ sake without any regard to danger. It can grab a car and fly all the way up to the heavens with it. Vulchai (629): Since its wings are small, it can’t fly. When it’s close to evolving, it throws off its skeleton adornments. Vuljina (630): It gathers bones to make its nest. It clutches weak prey in its talons and easily carries it all the way to its nest of bones. Kuitaran (631): It sucks up air through the hole in its tail to fuel the flame inside its body. It’s Iront’s natural enemy. Iront (632): Its body is covered in steel armor. It counters Kuitaran’s attacks as a mob. Monose (633): Its behavior is to bite everything. As far as food, it eats anything. It’s dangerous to approach carelessly. Jihead (634): Once it eats all the prey in its territory, it moves on to a different area. The 2 heads don’t get along. Sazando (635): A brutal Pokemon that flies continuously through the sky on its 6 wings, marking everything that moves as an enemy and attacking. Meraruda (636): People have come to believe that this Pokemon was born from the sun. When it evolves, its entire body is wrapped in flames. Urgamoth (637): It’s said that when the surface was blackened by volcanic ash, Urugamoth’s flame became a substitute for the sun. Cobalon (638): A legendary Pokemon that fights humans in order to protect Pokemon. It has a serene nature. Terrakion (639): It battles humans in order to protect Pokemon that lost their habitats due to human wars. Viridion (640): A Pokemon that challenges humans to battle in order to protect its comrades. Its legend has been passed down for generations. Torneros (641): Its lower half is wrapped in a cloud like body of energy. It flies through the sky at 300 km/h. Voltros (642): The lands Voltoros passes through are left with countless scars and scorch marks from the fallen thunder. Reshiram (643): A Pokemon that appears in myths. It spouts flames from its tail, scorching everything. Zekrom (644): Its tail produces electricity. It conceals its body in a thunder cloud and flies through the skies of the Isshu Region. Landros (645): Since the lands that Randorosu visits bear large harvests of crops, it’s called the god of agriculture. Kyurem (646): It produces powerful freezing energy inside its body, but its body is frozen by the chill that seeps out. Kerudio (647): It spouts water from its hooves, and moves across the water’s surface as if it was gliding. It fights with its special foot techniques. Meloetta (648): It sings with a unique vocalization, and freely manipulates the emotions of creatures who hear its melody. Genosect (649): 300,000,000 years ago it was feared as the ultimate hunter. Team Plasma modified it. Pokémon White Entries: Reveal hidden contents Victini 494: It produces infinite energy inside its body. When it touches an ally, it shares the energy. Tsutarja 495: It bathes its tail in sunlight and undergoes photosynthesis. If it runs out of energy, its tail droops. Janoby 496: It slips through the shadows of overgrown plants to avoid attacks. It skillfully whips the enemy to counterattack. Jaroda 497: It raises its head high to intimidate opponents. In only becomes serious when fighting a strong enemy. Pokabu 498: It snorts flames from its nostrils. When it has a cold, this becomes black smoke instead of flames. Chaobuu 499: A flame burns in its stomach, fueled by the food it eats. When it’s angry, its fire power increases. Enbuoh 500: It has a beard of flames. It possesses both power and speed and has learned grappling techniques. Mijumaru 501: The shell on its stomach is made from the same material as claws. It detaches it from its stomach and uses it as a small sword. Futachimaru 502: The attacks it performs with the shells attached to its body differ from one Futachimaru to antoher. It never fails to maintain its shells. Daikenki 503: A portion of the armor on its forelegs becomes a large sword. It only needs to roar to pacify its enemies. Minezumi 504: They’re very wary and take shifts to keep a continuous watch over the area around their nest. If a guard isn’t present, they get nervous. Meerhog 505: The pattern on its body shines and intimidates its enemies. It has eyes that can see its surroundings even in the dark. Yorterrie 506: The long hair that covers its face is an excellent radar. It adeptly senses what’s happening in its surroundings. Harderia 507: It’s obedient to its Trainer’s orders. It’s been an assistant to Trainers who raise Pokemon since long ago. Muurando 508: Its specialty is rescuing people who are in accidents at sea or in the mountains. A very smart Pokemon. Choroneko 509: It enchants people with cute behavior, then uses the opportunity to steal their belongings. When angered, it unsheathes its claws and strikes back. Leopardas 510: It sneaks up without any indication. Before the opponent notices, it stealthily takes them down from behind. Yanappu 511: It shares the leaves on its head with exhausted Pokemon. They have the effect of curing fatigue. Yanakey 512: It attacks by slamming the opponent with its spiked tail. A Pokemon with a violent temperament. Baoppu 513: It lives in volcanic caves. The inside of its head tassel burns at a temperature of 300 degrees. Baokey 514: A flame burns inside its body, and it scorches enemies by scattering sparks from its head and tail. Hiyappu 515: It’s weak in dry environments. It moistens the tassel on its heads with water stored in its tail. Hiyakey 516: It fires high-pressure water from its tail with the force to destroy a concrete wall. Munna 517: It eats the dreams of humans and Pokemon. When it eats a fun dream, it spits out pink smoke. Musharna 518: It makes the dreams it ate materialize. The smoke that leaks out of its forehead changes the form of the things materialized from dreams. Mamepato 519: A Pokemon that lives in towns. Since they’re social, they gather in large groups in parks and plazas. Hatohboh 520: It’s said that the forests where Hatohboh lives are peaceful regions free of strife. Kenhorou 521: The male has adornments on its head. It never grows attached to any human other than its trainer. Shimama 522: It appears when thunderclouds cover the sky. It catches thunder and stores the electricity in its mane. Zebraika 523: It has a violent nature. When angered, it shoots electricity from its mane in all directions, so be careful. Dangoro 524: It was discovered inside a fissure following a great earthquake 100 years ago. It has an energy core inside its body. Gantoru 525: Energy that seeps out of its body clumps up and turns into orange crystals. Gigaiasu 526: The orange crystals that grow from its body absorb sunlight. The energy is amplified inside its body and expelled through the mouth. Koromori 527: It adheres to cavern walls with suction from its nostrils and sleeps there. A heart imprint is left in the places where it adhered. Kokoromori 528: Anyone who bathes in the ultrasonic waves it emits during courtship is put into a very happy mood. Moguryuu 529: It puts its claws together, spins its body at high speed, and drills through the earth at dizzying speeds. Doryuuzu 530: It makes its labyrinth-like den 100 meters below the surface. The dens were exposed by subway tunnels. Tabunne 531: It has extraordinary hearing. It catches information about its surroundings from faint noises, just like a radar. Dokkorar 532: It always carries a plank of wood. This Pokemon appears at construction sites to help with building. Dotetsukotsu 533: It tones its body by shouldering steel beams. It shows its toned muscles off to its friends. Rohpushin 534: It freely wields the concrete beams that it uses as walking sticks, without tapping all of its strength. Otamaro 535: It vibrates its cheeks and emits sound waves that are inaudible to humans. It communicates with the sound waves’ rhythm. Gamagaru 536: It lives in the water and on land. It catches prey by entangling it in its long, sticky tongue. Gamageroge 537: It makes the lumps on its fists vibrate to double the power of its punches. It can pulverize a boulder in one strike. Nageki 538: It can throw opponents that are larger than itself. It always makes packs with 5 members. Dageki 539: The destructive power of its punch grows when it puts on its belt and lets out a battle cry. It gets angry if you interrupt its training. Kurumiru 540: It cuts up leaves and sews them together with sticky thread from its mouth. A Pokemon that makes its own clothes. Kurumayu 541: It wraps its body in a leaf to ward off the cold. It moves through the forest eating nearby fallen leaves. Hahakomori 542: It warms its eggs with the heat of fermenting fallen leaves. It makes blankets for Kurumiru out of leaves. Fushide 543: It feels out its surroundings with the antennae on its head and tail. It has an extremely brutal nature. Hoiiga 544: It usually doesn’t move, but if it’s attacked, it rolls around at high speeds and rams the enemy to fight back. Pendora 545: It thrusts the claws on its head into its opponents’ bodies and poisons them. It has a very aggressive nature. Monmen 546: It goes wherever the wind takes it. Since its body grows heavy in the rain, it waits out the storm under the roots of trees. Erufuun 547: It appears riding a whirlwind. It’s a Pokemon that enters houses through cracks and causes mischief. Churine 548: Since it prefers soil with an abundance of moisture and nutrients, fields where Churine lives produce excellent crops. Doredia 549: The aroma of the flowers on its head has a relaxing effect. If you neglect to trim them, they wither. Basurao 550: Red and blue Basurao don’t get along, but somehow a different colored individual got mixed into the school. Meguroco 551: It moves by burrowing through the sand with only its eyes and nose above the surface. A black membrane protects its eyes. Warubiru 552: Since the special membrane around its eyeballs perceives body heat, it can see its surroundings even in the dark. Warubiaru 553: It has eyes that can magnify things that are far away, just like a pair of binoculars. Darumakka 554: Since Darumakka’s droppings are hot, ancient people put them in their pockets to warm their bodies. Hihidaruma 555: When it’s weakened in battle, it becomes motionless like a rock. It’s honed its mind and battles with force of will. Marakachi 556: It lives in arid lands. When it moves its body rhythmically, it plays a sound similar to maracas. Ishizumai 557: It makes a hole in any rock that’s handy and nests there. If the rock is destroyed, it won’t rest until it finds a replacement. Iwaparesu 558: It has the stamina to walk across arid land for many days with a heavy rock on its back. Zuruggu 559: It immediately launches a Headbutt attack at any enemy who locks eyes with it. It has a very hard skull. Zuruzukin 560: The one with the biggest crest is chosen as the group’s leader. Its kicking attacks demolish concrete blocks. Shinporah 561: The guardian deity of an ancient city. It attacked invaders with psychic powers. Deathmas 562: It was born from the soul of a human buried in an ancient tomb. It still has its memories from long ago. Deathkan 563: It pretends to be an elegant casket, then punishes grave robbers. Its body has a solid gold coating. Purotoga 564: It swam the oceans roughly 100,000,000 years ago. It also came up on land to capture prey. Abagohra 565: The power of its jaws is incomparable. It chomps down on steel beams and rocks and devours them along with its prey. Achen 566: A Pokemon that was revived from a fossil. It is thought to be the ancestor of all bird Pokemon. Archaeos 567: It excels at both running and flying. It catches prey running at speeds that could outpace a car. Yabukuron 568: When a garbage bag was exposed to industrial waste, a chemical change occurred and it became a Pokemon. Dasutodasu 569: It inhales garbage and makes it part of its body. It sprays venom from the fingertips of its right hand. Zorua 570: It disguises itself as humans and other Pokemon. By hiding its body, it protects itself from danger. Zoroark 571: It has the power to bewitch many people at once. It protects its habitat by displaying illusory scenery. Chillarmy 572: A Pokemon obsessed with cleanliness. It uses its tail as a broom to sweep the dust from its habitat. Chillachino 573: Its white fur feels luxurious. It never attracts dust or static. Gothemme 574: It patiently observes Pokemon and Trainers. It appears to be looking at something that only Gotheem can see. Gothimelle 575: Starlight is the source of its power. At night, it levitates rocks with psychic power and maps the position of the stars. Gothilselle 576: It has the ability to predict future events based on the movement of the stars. It can also see its Trainer’s lifespan. Uniran 577: Its body is enveloped in a special liquid, which enables it to live in any environment. Doubran 578: Its brain is split into two sections. It displays its full power when both brains are thinking the same thing. Ranculus 579: It fights by manipulating arms that have a grip that can crush a boulder. A Pokemon with a high IQ. Koaruhii 580: When it’s attacked by an enemy, it emits mist from its plumage. It uses the mist as a diversion and escapes. Swanna 581: The attacks it performs with its beak are strong. It draws its long neck back and unleashes a volley of strikes. Vanipucchi 582: Icicles that were bathed in the energy of the morning sun became a Pokemon. It covers itself in snow when it sleeps. Vaniricchi 583: It uses numerous small shard of ice to hide its body from enemy eyes. Vaivanilla 584: When both heads are simultaneously angered, it blasts out a blizzard. It buries everything around it in heavy snow. Shikijika 585: When the seasons turn, its scent and fur change. This Pokemon is used as a barometer of the seasons. Mebukijika 586: The flowering plant that grows from its horns changes with the seasons. The one with the most splendid horns leads the herd. Emonga 587: It lives on treetops in forests. It discharges electricity from its cloak-like membrane as it glides. Kaburumo 588: When it senses danger it shoots acidic liquid from its mouth to repel the enemy. It pursues Chobomaki. Shubarugo 589: A Pokemon that evolved by wearing Chobomaki’s shell. Steel armor protects its entire body. Tamagetake 590: A Pokemon that resembles a Pokeball for some reason. It spews poisonous spores to repel enemies that try to catch it. Morobareru 591: It uses its Pokeball mushrooms as a lure for prey, but few Pokemon are deceived. Pururiru 592: It paralyzes its prey with poison, then drags it to its den in the ocean’s depths, 8000 meters below the surface. Burunkeru 593: It expels water that it absorbs into its body with great force to propel itself. Life energy is its favorite food. Mamanboh 594: It drifts about in the ocean. If it spots a wounded Pokemon, it gathers it in its arms and carries it to shore. Batula 595: It clings to larger Pokemon, absorbs their static electricity, and stores it in its electric sacs. Dentula 596: It builds traps from threads charged with electricity. It slowly devours the electrically stunned prey. Tesshiido 597: It thrusts its spikes into cave walls and affixes itself. It absorbs minerals from the rocks. Nuttre 598: It attaches itself to cave ceilings. When prey passes beneath, it assaults them with a barrage of iron spikes. Gearl 599: The rotation of the two engaged bodies is what produces its life energy. Gigearl 600: It launches an attack by spinning the small gear at high speeds, then shooting it. There’s a risk that the small gear won’t be retrievable. Gigigearl 601: It rapidly spins the red gear at its core to quickly charge energy. Shibishirasu 602: A Pokemon that lives in a group. It has organs that produce electricity, which it discharges in a pinch. Shibibiiru 603: A Pokemon with a vigorous appetite. Once it spots its prey, it chases it down, stuns it with electricity, and eats it. Shibirudon 604: It sucks on its prey with its sucker-mouth, and shocks it with the electricity that flows from its teeth. Rigray 605: It suddenly happened, 50 years ago, across the desert. No one has seen this Pokemon since then. Oobemu 606: It manipulates its opponents’ brains and overwrites their memories with different ones. Hitomoshi 607: While appearing to shed light and serve as a guidepost, it sucks out creatures’ lifeforce. Lamplar 608: It appears before those on their deathbeds, severs the soul from the body, and immediately sucks it up. Chandelar 609: If something is wrapped in Chandela’s flame, its soul is sucked out and immolated. Only the cast off body remains. Kibago 610: It marks its territory by scarring trees with its fangs. Even if the fangs break, they immediately grow back. Onondo 611: It has fangs that can smash boulders. The fights of Onondo over territory are extremely violent. Ononokusu 612: It has sturdy, blade-like fangs that can even cut through an iron frame. It is covered with hard armor. Kumashun 613: Mucus is always hanging from its nose. It sucks the mucus back up and launches an attack. The mucus is the source of the attack. Tsunbear 614: It freezes its breath to make fangs and claws of ice. It lives in the cold lands of the north. Freezio 615: It was born inside a snow cloud. It catches prey with the chains coming out of its ice crystals. Chobomaki 616: It evolves when it and Kaburumo are bathed in Electric Energy. The reason for this is unknown. Agirudar 617: If it removes its heavy shell, it becomes nimble. It fights with the agility of a ninja. Maggyo 618: It burries itself in mud on the beach and lies in wait for prey. When it feels prey, it discharges electricity and paralyzes it. Kojofuu 619: It uses pretty, continuous attacks. If its body and soul are unified, the techniques’ speed and sharpness increases. Kojondo 620: It fights by slamming the enemy with the long hair on its arms. It shakes its arms like whips. Crimgan 621: It catches the prey running around its narrow den with its sharp claws. The skin on its face is as hard as stone. Gobit 622: It’s thought that this Pokemon was born of the science of a mythical ancient civilization. Gorog 623: It’s said that Goruugu was ordered by the ancient people who used it to protect humans and Pokemon alike. Komatana 624: It fights at Kirikizan’s command. It clings to its prey and ebbs away at it with its blades. Kirikizan 625: It hunts prey as a swarm, accompanied by large numbers of Komatana. Kirikizan lands the finishing blow. Buffalon 626: It charges indiscriminately and lands headbutts. It has the destructive power to derail a train. Washibon 627: It indiscriminately challenges even strong opponents to battle. It battles repeatedly to become strong. Wargle 628: A fearless warrior of the sky. It’s said that the more wounds it has on its body, the more respect it gets from its comrades. Vulchai 629: If it finds a handy skeleton, it has the habit of using it to protect its bottom. It chases after weak Pokemon. Vuljina 630: It surveys the ground from the sky, then swoops down on weak prey. It has the habit of wearing bones. Kuitaran 631: It melts Iront’s steel body with its fiery tongue, which burns at high temperatures, and eats what’s inside. Iront 632: It burrows into mountains to make its nests. The complex tunnels are an Iront made labrynth. Monose 633: Since it can’t see, it finds its way by tackling and biting its surroundings. It’s always covered in fresh bruises. Jihead 634: Since the 2 heads fight so viciously over food, it always eats more than it has to. Sazando 635: The heads on its arms lack brains. It destroys and devours everything with its 3 heads. Meraruda 636: It lives at the bottom of a volcano. It spews flames from its 5 horns to repel anyone who comes to attack it. Urgamoth 637: In battle it scatters smoldering scales from its 6 wings, turning the area around it into a sea of flames. Cobalon 638: It has a body and heart of steel. All it has to do is look, and even brutal Pokemon defer to it. Terrakion 639: It has the charging power to penetrate thick castle walls in a single shot. A Pokemon that’s mentioned in legends. Viridion 640: The horn on its head is a sharp sword. It tosses its enemy with whirlwind like movements, then cuts it apart. Torneros 641: The energy that flows from Torunerosu’s tail awakens huge storms. It has the power to blow away a house. Voltros 642: It launches electric attacks from the spike on its tail. It flies around in the skies of the Isshu Region dropping thunderbolts. Reshiram 643: When Reshiram’s tail burns, the atmosphere is affected by the thermal energy and the Earth’s weather changes. Zekrom 644: A Pokemon that appears in myths. Inside of its tail is an enormous generator that produces electricity. Landros 645: The energy that flows from its tail nourishes the soil, causing the crops to grow larger. Kyurem 646: It has the power to create sub-zero weather conditions, but it freezes its own body as well. Kerudio 647: It races around the globe, running on the surface of oceans and rivers. It appears by beautiful waterfronts. Meloetta 648: The melodies Meloetta plays provided the inspiration for many famous works of music. Genosect 649: An ancient Bug Pokemon that was altered by Team Plasma. The canons on its back were made more powerful. Come and see http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=255847&st=0&p=3141374entry3141374 for more help!
ReignOfComputer Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 Here's my contribution... Well at least I think I'm helping. 0060 Reveal hidden contents Select Stop Insert Word Would you like to stop \xfffe giving this Pokemon Mail Yes No 0061 Reveal hidden contents Choose an explanation from the category Display everything Choose the category Choose which one to look at \xf000Ȁ\x0001\x0000/\xf000Ȁ\x0001\x0001 あああああああああああああああああ あああああああああああああああああ ああああああああああああああああああああ\xfffeああああああああああああああああああああ\xfffeああああああああああああああああああああ\xfffeああああああああああああああああああああ\xfffeああああああああああああああああああああ\xfffeああああああああああああああああああああ\xfffeああああああああああああああああああああ\xfffeああああああああああああああああああああ\xfffeああああああああああああああああああああ 0064 Reveal hidden contents Now Loading……\xfffe Please wait a moment The correct cartridge is not inserted\xfffe Please turn off the DS and insert the proper cartridge\xfffe before you use the transfer machine\xfffe Please restart the DS Currently saving the game\xfffe Do not turn off the DS The game has been saved Shutting off the transfer machine\xfffe Turn off the DS\xfffe (and?) finish Failed to read save data\xfffe Now finishing the transfer machine Failed to connect to another DS\xf000븁\x0000 Failing at writing the data\xf000븀\x0000 (Never seen this)\xf000븁\x0000 Finishing the transfer machine!\xfffe Searching for Pokémon\xfffe Please keep the DS in its current state and wait a moment Failed to read\xfffe the save data\xfffe The save file may be corrupted\xfffe or not written The correct cartridge is not inserted.\xfffe Please turn off the DS\xfffe and insert the proper cartridge\xfffe before restarting the transfer machine Yes No Debug ROM\xfffeDP Y\xfffePT X\xfffeGS A 0181 Reveal hidden contents PUSH START BUTTON PUSH START BUTTON By the way, any chance a tutorial/guide on how to edit the in-game text would be made in the future? It'd be great use for some of us who may want to go into ROM Modding 0064.txtFetching info... 0060.txtFetching info... 0061.txtFetching info... 0181.txtFetching info...
mucus Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 Wow! Just coming in again and i see TONS of progress! everyone who is contributing is awesomeL looks like there's enough here for a minor patch at least, so when are we gonna see it? you all rock!
yarand Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 hi if you guys need a beta tester i can be the one that tests the game it would be a great honor if you uys let me test it im a huge fan of pokemon
SCV Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 WindSlayer said: By the way, any chance a tutorial/guide on how to edit the in-game text would be made in the future? It'd be great use for some of us who may want to go into ROM Modding Right now, we have not researched enough to allow the type of ROM Editing we can do for the rest of the games. Once its ready we will put up information about it.
Zarxrax Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 Regarding the game script, is it in any kind of order at all? Because the files all seem to be completely random. I would like to be able to organize it to at least somewhat follow the order of the game.
johnnydaman Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 Rykin122 said: I just translated the Item descriptions Have you uploaded them anywhere or is there any way to see them? maybe some pictures..?
plasmashadow Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 i wil be a beta tester if yaz want ive never been one before
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